BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � • '�
Co ncil Resolution
Presented By �G" � �
� - I
✓Referred To /�' / ������ � Committee: Date 1 �'�`�"
Out of Committee By Date
An admiaistrative Resolution revising the series
of techaical positions in the Human Rights Departmeat.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.L by
placiag a star (*) before the titles of Affirmative Action Technician in Grade
30 and Contract Compliance Specialist--Human Rights Departmeat in Grade 36, and
by adding at the bottom of the page the following statement:
"This title is abolished except as to preseat incumbents." ;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended ia Section
3.L by inserting the following titles in the grades iadicated:
Human Rights Techaician Grade 28
Field Represeatative I Grade 32
Field Representative II Grade 36
;aad be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.L by
striking from Grade 32 the title of Field Representative--Human Rights Department;
and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section
32 by strikiag out the class specificatioas for Affirmative Action Techaician, Contract
COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
GaO� [n Favor
scneibe� __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by ;14avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �C�/�
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Compliaace Specialist--Human Rights Departmeat and Field Representative--Human Rights
Department and by insertiag, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class speci-
fications for Human Rights Technician, Field Representative I and Field Representative II.
Cha rman, ivil Service Commis ioa
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays
�'��A�� [n Favor
Nicosia �
scnetbet _ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
FEB J — �gse, Form pproved b City At ey
Certified Ya s by Council S ta BY
A►pp by Mavor. � F�B 9 � ��8 ' A r d by Mayor for t�o Council
B ��
�UBUSH�D F EB 1� 198�
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• Title of class:
General Statem�nt of Duties: Performs routine technical work in assist�ng
with the operation and evaluation of the City's Affirmative Action
Programs; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: Nonee
, The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Identifies special human rights problems in the ce�mmunity and recommends
remedial action.
Serves as liaison with groups or organizations concerned with affirmative
action or human rights progress and programs.
Assists in developing handbooks, brochures and other materials relating �o
equal employment opportunity laws, regulations, guidelines and policies
of the City of Saint Paul.
� Assists in conducting sensitivity programs and other educational programs
in the area of hwnan rights for mana.gers and employees.
Maintains records and prepares reports; assists in the preparation of the
Affirmative Action Quarterly Report.
Collects, analyzes and interprets data gathered in the course of survey
Assists in communicating with City contractors and subcontr�.ctors regarding
non-discrimination and the City's commitment to such a program.
Collects, compiles and evaluates data on minority firms available to provide
goods and services to the City.
� Some knowledge of the methods and procedures of gathering and analyzing
work force data.
Some knowledge of the theory and proeedures of affirmative action and
personnel administratione
Working knowl�dge of federal, state and local human rights and equal
opportunity laws and regulations,
Working ability to deal effectively with persons from a variety of social
and economic backgroundso
Working knowledge of social and economic problems caused by discrimination
against protected class persons.
(continued on reverse side)
Effective July 28, 1979
, . , - �
, . ;. . i,
Ttao years of college; or two years of experience in Human Rights/Affirmative
Action work or in a Human Rights regulatory agency and at least fifteen
credit hours in courses relating to human and civil rights. Each addi-
tional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credit
- : - , . ,
�� �y�sy
• Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Conducts compliance reviews of contractors
an employers doing business with the City of St. Pau1; assists in
investigation of complaints of discrimination invalving non-compliance
of contractors; and performs related duties as required.
Su ervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit or
epartment head.
Supervision Exercised: None.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Coaducts campliance reviews of employers who contract with the City to
determine acceptability of affirmative action plans (MP) .
� Makes a detailed analysis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determination and evaluation of
alI factors which affect the employment progra.m.m.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of
potential witnesses and assists in preparing cases for enforcement of
affirmative action codes and regulations.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contr�ctor activity
which demonstrates the implementation of his MP for protected class
Negotiates with contractors regarding situations covered by guidelines and
Investigates specific non-compliance allegationso
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of
the investig�.tion and recommendation action,
Assists in formulating and negotiating equitable resolutions of compliance
Participates in the conduct of special social and industrial studies
pertinent to EBO matters.
Identifies potential and actual problem areas, develops realistic and
comprehensive approaches to bring about compliance by contractors and
works to establish rapport with management and labor groupse
Analyzes and develops information on contractor status as an Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Discusses compliance issues with contractor personnel and provides
technical information relative to specific program areas.
Conducts and assists in conducting closeout conferences with officials
� (continued on reverse side)
Effective July 8, 1978
. , • ; ,
and the contractor and participates in presenting the findings and
recommendations to be implemented for compliance.
Working knowledge of social and economic problems created by discrimination
against protected class persons.
Working ability to meet and deal effectively with persons from a variety
of social and economic backgrounds.
Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Working ability to make recommendations to correct problems of non-compliance.
Working knowledge of laws and regulations relating to equal employment
Working skill in getting employers to adopt and operate effective plans
£or insuring equal opportunity to protected class persons.
College graduation and two years' experience with a regulatory agency in
human and civil rights compliance or human and civil rights investi-
gative work,
C�F ��--���/
Title of class:
General Ststement of Duties: Under supervision, performs trainee work in
�. nnr�t���nti:+�r -f.�t�Le �e�tor�r;oc�o ar�rl i.�voc.t�.+.,t�...,... ..0 L........� ..2�.L�.. ....�..7..����
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under aupervision, to invesCigate complaints filed with the Department or
initiated by the Department; and ta perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To investigate complaints received by phone, in person, second-hand
sourc�, etc.
To investi.gate complaints by interviewing all parties involved in order
to compile the pertinent information on all sides of the conflict.
To prepare a documented report of all investigation findings.
To acC as a witness aC public hearings.
To pregare in each case study a summary of the important facts, the
individusl recommendat�ons, and appropriate determinations.
To conduct compliance reviews ia the areas over which the Department
of Human Rights has �urisdiction.
To speak to public and private groups interested in the area of civil
rights and human relations at the request af the Director.
�o act as liaison and representative for the Department of Human Ri�hts
with organizatione and groups active in related areas of concentration.
To assist local organizations and groups in developing positive programs
to educate, inform, and involve theae people and the general public in
the human rights movement.
To answer �equests for information and mater�al which may come to the
office by phone, mail, etc.
To assist in preparing public information pamphlets.
To make reporCs.
Minimum qualifications:
Two years of college and one year's iavestigative experience with a
regulatory agency in the field of human and civil rights; or three
years' invesCigatfve experience with a regulatory agency in the field
of human and civil rights.
Effective December 9, 1978
Some knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws, inter-
pretations and court decisions.
Some knowledge of the principles, techniques and procedures of investigation.
Warking ability to communicate on com�lex matters hoth. arally and :�n writing.
Working ability to analyze and organize information.
The ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public, parties
and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers representing both
respondents and ck�arging parties, as well as with Ather. depar�m�ntal
Two years' experience in a Human Rights regulatory agency at a 2eve1
equi,valent to Clerk III or higher and at least �ai.fteen credits in
courses relating to human and civil rights; or two years of college<
Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for
five credit hours.
. �� ��/v!L/
� Title of class:
General Ststement of Duties: Under supervision, performs trainee work in
conducting intake interviews and investigations of human rights complaints,
conducting contract compliance reviews and investigations and assisting
with affirmative action programs; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative
supervision of a unit head or the close technical supervision of a
Field Representative.
Supervision Exercised: None.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
�ssists in interviewing, advising and properly referring all persons calling
or co�iag into the Department with a possible complaint and prepares
detailed intake interview and charge forms for persons who appear to
have a basis for filing a charge.
Assists in investigating complaints by interviewing all parties involved
and collecting all necessary, relevant documentation in order to co�pile
pertinent information on both sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and an
analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Assists in conducting compliance reviews of employees who contract with
the city to determine acceptability of Affirmative Action Plans.
Assists in making a detailed analysis of the contractor's total employ�ent
composition, procedures and practices including a determination and
evaluation of all factors which affect the employment progr�.m.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements af potential
witnesses and assists in preparing cases for enforcement of affirmative
action codes and regulations.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity
which demonstrates the implementation of contractor's Affirmative Action
Plans for protected class persons.
Analyzes and develops information on contractor status as an Equal Opportunity
Assists in preparing public information materials relating to human rights
laws, regulations and guidelines.
Answers requests for information and material from the pt�blic; may serve
as liaison with groups or organizations concerned with affirmative action
or human rights progress and programs.
Maintains records and prepares reports.
(eontinued on reverse side)
Some knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws, in-ter-
pretations and court decisions.
Some knowledge of the principles, techniques and procedures of investigation.
Working ability to com�unicate on comp�.ex matt�rs both orally and in �rriting.
Working ability to analyze and organize informatian.
The ability to deal tac�fully and effectively with the general public, parties
and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers representing both
respondents and chargiag parties, as well as with other depar.�mental
Two years' experience in a Human Rights regulatory agency at a level
equivalent to Clerk III or higher and at least fifteen credits in
courses relating to human and civil rights; or two years of college.
Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for
f ive credit hours.
, �r ����J��
Title of class:
General Ststement of Duties: Under supervision, performs trainee work in
conducting intake interviews and investigations of human rights complaints,
conducting contract compliance reviews and investigations and ass�.sting
with affirmative action programs; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative
supervision of a unit head or the close technical supervisian of a
Field Representative.
Supervision Exercised: None.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Assists ia interviewing, advising and properly referring all persons calling
or co�iag into the Department with a possible complaint and prepares
detailed intake interview and charge forms for persons who appear to
have a basis for filing a charge.
?,ssists in investigating complaints by interviewing all parties involved
aad collecting all necessary, relevant documentation in order to compile
pertinent information on both sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a su�araary of the important facts and an
analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Assists in conducting compliance reviews of employees who contract with
the city to determine acceptability of Affirmative Action Plans.
Assists in making a detailed analysis of the contractor's total employment
composition, procedures and practices including a determination and
evaluation of all factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of potential
witnesses and assists in preparing cases for enforcement of affirmative
action codes and regulations.
Visitis community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity
which demonstrates the implementata.on of contractor's Affirmative Action
P1a�s for protected class persons.
Analyzes and develops information on contractor status as an Equal Opportunity
Assists in preparing public information materials relating to human rights
laws, regulations and guidelines.
Answers requests for information and material from the public; may serve
as liaison with groups or organizations concerned with affirmative action
or human rights progress and programs.
biaintains records and prepares reports.
(continued on reverse side)
Some knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws, inter-
pretations and court decisions.
Some knowledge of the principles, techniques and procedures of investigation._
Working ability to communicate on complex matters both orally and in writing.
Tn'orking ability to analyze and organize information.
The ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public, parties
and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers representing both
xespondents and charging parties, as well as with other departmental
Two years' experience in a Human Rights regulatory ag�ncy at a level
equivalent to Clerk III or higher and at least fifteen credits in
courses relating to human and civil rights; or two years of college.
Each additional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for
five credit hours.
- �� �y��y
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, performs work in the intake
and investigation of human rights complaints, in contract compliance re-
views and investigations and in human rights research; and performs related
duties as required. _ _. : -- _._.: _ .._
_ _ _ _.
Supervision Received: Works under the general technical supervision of a
higher level Field Representative or the general technical and administra-
tive supervision of .a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: Ma.y serve as a lead worker over Human Rights Technicians.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Interviews, advises, and properly refers all persons calling or coming
into the department with a possible complaint.
Prepares detailed intake interview and charge forms for persons who appear
to have a basis for filing a charge under the Human Rights Ordinance,
Chapter 185. .
Investigates routine complaints by interviewing all parties involved and
colZecting all necessary, relevant documentation in order to compile
pertinent information on both sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Conducts routine compliance reviews of employers who contract with the City
to determine acceptability of affirmative action plans (AAP) and investi-
gates specific non-compliance allegations.
Makes a detailed analysis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determination and evaluation of all
factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of potential
witnesses and assists in preparing clases for enforcement of affirmative
action codes and regulations.
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of the
investigation and recommendation action.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity
which demonstrates the implementation of the contractor's AAP for pro-
tected class persons.
Analyzes and develops information on contractor status as an Equal Oppor-
tunity Employer.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Acts as a witness at public hearings and court trials.
Assists the City Attorney's office in obtaining additional information when
necessary to prosecute cases.
Discusses human rights issues with contractors, employers, landlords and other
concerned parties and provides technical information relative to specific
program areas.
(continued on reverse side)
Assists in preparing public information pamphlets and in making reports:
Speaks to the public and private groups interested in the area of human
rights and human relations at the request of the director and answers
requests for information and materials.
_. . _. _
�ti'orking knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws, inter-
pretations and court decisions.
Working knowledge of the principles, technic�ues and procedures of investi-
gating cases.
Working ability to communicate on complex matters both orally and in writing.
�Torking ability to analyze and organize information.
The ability to be completely impartial in relation to investigations.
• The ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public,
parties and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers represent-
ing both respondents and charging parties, as well as with other depart-
nental personnel.
College graduation and one year's investigative experience with a regulatory
agency in the field of human rights; or two years' experience as a Human
Rtghts Technician or equivalent and 45 credits in courses relating to
huma.n and civil rights; or two years of law school.
� �` �'�!-��,`f
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, performs work in the intake
and investigation of human rights complaints, in contract compliance re-
views and investigations and in human rights research; and performs related
„_ duties as iequired. _
Supervision Received: Works under the general technical supervision of a
higher level Field Representative or the general technical and administra-
tive supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: May serve as a lead worker over Human Rights Technicians.
The listed exa�ples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Interviews, a�vises, and properly refers all persons calling or coming
into the department with a possible complaint.
Pre�ares detailed intake interview and charge forms for persons who appear
to nave a basis for filing a charge under the Human Rights Ordinance,
C�apter I85. _ �
Investigates routine complaints by interviewing all parties involved and
collecting all necessary, relevant documentation in order to compile
pertinent information on both sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Conducts routine compliance reviews of employers wh:� contract with the City
to determine acceptability of affirmative action plans (AAP) and investi-
gates specific non-compliance allegations.
Makes a detailed analysis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determination and evaluation of all
factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of potential
witnesses and assists in preparing clases for enforcement of affirmative
action codes and regulations.
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of the
investigation and recommendatian action.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity
which demonstrates the implementation of the contractor's AAP for pro-
tected class persons.
Analyzes and develops information on contractor status as an Equal Oppor-
tunity Employer.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Acts as a witness at public hearings and court trials.
Assists the City Attorney's office in obtaining additional information when
necessary to prosecute cases.
Discusses human rights issues with contractors, employers, landlords and other
concerned parties and provides technical information relative to specific
program areas.
(continued on reverse side)
Assists in preparing public information pamphlets and in making reports.
Speaks to the public and private groups interested in the area of human
rights and human relations at the request of the director and answers
requests for information and materials.
_ ___. _ __
Working knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws, inter-
� pretations and court decisions.
S�'orking knowledge of the principles, techniques and procedures of investi-
gating cases.
Working ability to cammunicate on complex matters both orall� and in writing.
Working ability to analyze and organize information.
T'ae zbilitp to be conpletely impartial in relation to investigations.
• The ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public,
parties and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers represent-
ing both respondents and charging parties, as well as with other depart-
�ental personnel.
College graduation and one year's 3nvestigative experience with a regulatorp
agency in the f ield of human rights; or two years' experience as a Human
Rights Technician or equivalent and 45 credits in courses relating to
human and civil rights; or two years of law school.
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, performs work in the intake
and investigation of human rights complaints, in contract compliance re-
views and investigations and in human rights research; and performs related
duties as required.
� Supervision Received: Works under the general technical supervision of a
higher level Field Representative or the general technical and administra-
tive supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: May serve as a lead worker over Human Rights Technicians.
The listed exazcples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Interviews, advises, and properly refers all persons calling or coming
into the department with a possible complaint.
Pre�ares detailed intake interview and charge forms for persons who appear
to have a basis for filing a charge under the Human Rights Ordinance,
Chapter 185. _
Investigates routine complaints by interv3ewing all parties involved and
collecting all necessary, relevant documentation in order to compile
pertinent information on both sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Conducts routine compliance reviews of employers who contract with the City
to determine acceptability of afrirmative action plans (AAP) and investi-
gates specific non-compliance allegations.
Makes a detailed analysis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determination and evaluation of all
factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of potential
witnesses and assists in preparing clases for enforcement of affirmative
action codes and regulations.
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of the
investigation and recommendation action.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity
which demonstrates the implementation of the contractor's AAP for pro-
tected class persons.
Analyzes and develops information on contractor status as an Equal Oppor-
tunity Employer.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Acts as a witness at public hearings and court trials.
Assists the City Attorney's office in obtaining additional information when
necessary to prosecute cases.
Discusses human rights issues with contractors, employers, landlords and other
concerned parties and provides technical information relative to specif ic
program areas.
(continued on reverse side)
Assists in preparing public information pamphlets and in making reports.
Speaks to the public and private groups interested in the area, of human
rights and human relations at the request of the director and answers
requests for information and materials.
_ _-__ _.
Working knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws, inter-
� pretations and court decisions.
working knowledge of the principles, techniques and grocedures of investi-
gating cases.
Work:�ng ability to co�unicate on complex matters both orally and in writing.
Ror'rcing ability to analyze and organize informatian.
'�he 2bilitS to be co�pletely impartial in relation to investigationsa
• T'he abilitp ta deal tactfully and effectively with the general public,
parties and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers represent-
ing both respondents and charging parties, as well as with other depart-
mental personnel.
College graduatic�n and one year's investigative experience with a regulatory
agency in the field of human rights; or two years' experience as a Human
Rights Technician or equivalent and 45 credits in courses relating to
human and civil rights; or two years of law school.
C'� ��/5�/
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult work and serves as a lead
worker in the intake and investigation of human rights complaints, in
contract compliance reviews and investigations and in human rights
research; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the general technical- and administrative
supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: May be assigned to supervise as a lead worker or to
assist in the training of lower level human rights workers.
The lisied exanples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Interviews, advises, and properly refers all persons calling ar coming to
the department with a possible complaint.
Prepares detailed interviews and charge forms for persons who appear to
have a basis for filing a charge under Chapter 185.
Investigates the most difficult complaints by interviewing all parties
involved and collecting all necessary relevant documentation in order
to compile the pertinent information on all sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Conducts difficult compliance reviews of employers who contract with the
City to determine acceptability of affirmative action plans (AAP) and
inves�igates specific non-compliance allegations.
Makes a detailed analpsis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determination and eval:uation of
all factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of
potential witnesses and assists in preparing cases for enforcement of
affirmative action codes and regulations.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity -
which demonstrates the implementation of the contractor's AAP for pro-
tected class persons.
Negotiates with contractors regarding situations covered by guidelines and
precedents and provides technical information relative to specific pro-
gram areas.
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of the
investigation and recommendation action.
Assists in formulating and negotiating equitable resolutions of compliance
and conducts closeout conferences with officials and the contractor and
participates in presenting the findings and recommendations to be
implemented for compliance.
Acts as a witness at public hearings and court trials.
Assists the City Attorney's office in obtaining additional information when
necessary to prosecute cases.
(continued on reverse side)
Prepares public information materials and makes reports. �
Speaks to public and private groups interested in the area of civil rights
and human relations at the request of the Director and answers requests
for information and material.
Acts as liaison and representative for the Department of Human Rights with
organizations and groups active in related areas of concentration.
�ssists local organiza�ions and groups in developing posit�.ve programs to
educate, inform and involv� the organization and the general public in
the human rights movement.
�ssists in conducting studies on discri.mination in employment, education,
housing, public accommodations, public services an�d related areas.
Conducts legal research on relevant court cases and keeps investigative
staff informed of decisions.
�ssists Sunervisor of Investigations in conducting seminars for Field
Representatives and in training new employees.
Assists in advising Field Representatives and Human Rights Technicians as
to proper procedure, investigative methods, thoroughness of investigation
and related procedures or problems. �
Considerable knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights la�as,
� interpretations and court decisions.
Considerable knowledge of the principles, techniques, and procedures of
investigating cases.
Considerable ability to communicate on complex situations both orally and
in writing.
Considerable ability to analyze and organize information.
The ability to be completely impartial in relation to investigations.
Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general
publi.c, parties and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers
representing both respondents and eharging parties, as well as with
other departmental personnel.
Z�ao years' experience as a Field Representative I or equivalent.
� t= ��r5�/
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult work and serves as a Iead
worker in the intake and investigation of human rights complaints, in
contract compliance reviews and investigations and in human right�
, research; and performs related duties as required.
- Supervision Received: �dorks under the- general technira2 and administrative
supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: May be assigned to supervise as a lead worker or to
assist in the training of lower level human rights workers.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
th.�s class.
Interviews, advises, and properly refers all persons calling or coming to
the department with a possible complaint.
Prepares detailed interviews and charge forms for persons who appear to
have a basis for filing a charge under Chapter 185.
Investigates the most difficult complaints by interviewing all parties
iavolved and collecting all necessary relevant documentation in order
to compile the pertinent information on all sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Conducts difficult compliance reviews of employers 4]�10 contract with the
City to det�ermine acceptability of affirmative action plans (AAP) and
investigates specific non-compliance allegations.
Makes a detailed analysis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determination and evaluation of
all factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of
potential witnesses and assists in preparing ca5es for enforce�ent of
affirmative action codes and regulations.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity �
which demonstrates the implementation of the contractor's AAP for pro-
tected class persons.
Negotiates with contractors regarding situations covered by guidelines and
precedents and provides technical information relative to specific pro-
gram areas.
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of the
investigation and recommendation action.
Assists in formulating and negotiating equitable resolutions of compliance
and conducts closeout conferences with officials and the contractor and
participates in presenting the findings and recommendations to be
implemented for compliance.
Acts as a witness at public hearings and court trials.
Assists the City Attorney's office in obtaining additional information when
aecessary to prosecute cases.
(continued on reverse side)
Prepares public information materials and makes reports. �
Speaks to public and private groups interested in the area of civil rights
and human relations at the request of the Directar and answers requests
for information and material.
Acts as Iiaison and representati�e for the Department of Ruman Rights with
organizations and groups active in related areas of concentration.
�ssists local organizations and groups in developing positive programs to
educate, inform and involve the organization and the general public in
the human rights movement.
�ssists in conducting studies on discrimination in employment, education,
housing, public accommodations, public services and related areas.
Coaducts Ieoal research on relevant court cases and keeps investigative
staff informed of decisions.
�ssists Supervisor of Investigations in conducting seminars for Field
Representatives and in tra�ning new employees.
Assists in advising Field Representatives and Human Rights Technicians as
to proper procedure, investigative methods, thor.oughness of investigation
and related procedures or problems.
Considerable knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws,
interpretations and court decisions.
Considerable knowledge of the principles, techniques, and procedures of
investigating cases.
Considerable ability to communicate on complex situations both orally and
in writing.
Considerable ability to analyze and organize information.
The ability to be completely impartial in relation to investigations.
Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general
public, parties and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers
- reQresenting both respondents and charging parties, as well as with
ather departmental personnel.
�ao years' experience as a Field Representative I or equivalent.
�� ����y .
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult work and serves as a lead
worker in the intake and investigation of human rights complaints, in
contract compliance reviews and investigations and in human rights
research; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Warks under the general technical anzY administrative_
supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: May be assigned to supervise as a lead worker or Lo
assist in the training of lower level human rights workers.
The listed exa.mples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Interviews, advises, and properly refers all persons calling or coming to
the department with a possible complaint.
Prepares detailed interviews and charge forms for persons who appear to
have a basis for filing a charge under Chapter 185.
Investigates the most difficult complaints by interviewing all parties
involved and collecting all necessary relevant documentation in order
to compile the pertinent information on all sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Conducts difficult compliance reviews of employers who contract with the
City to determine acceptability of affirmative action plans (AAP) and
investigates specific non-compliance allegations.
Makes a detailed analysis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determination and evaluation of
all factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of
potential witnesses and assists in preparing cases for enforcement of
affirmative action codes and regulations.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity �
which demonstrates the implementation of the contractor's AAP for pro-
tected class persons.
Negotiates with contractors regarding situations covered by guidelines and
precedents and provides technical informaCion relative to specific pro-
gram areas.
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of the
investigation and recommendation action.
Assists in formulating and negotiating equi.table resolutions of compliance
and conducts closeout conferences with officials and the contractor and
parti�ipates in presenting the findings and recommendations to be
implemented for compliance.
Acts as a witness at public hearings and court trials.
Assists the City Attorney's office in obtaining additional information when
aecessary to prosecute cases.
(continued on reverse side)
Prepares public information materials and makes reports.
Speaks to public and private groups interested in the area of civil rights
and human relatfons at the request of the Director and answers requests
for information and material.
Acts as liaison and representative for the Department of Human Rights with
organizations and groups active in related areas of concentration.
�ssists local organizations and groups in developing positive programs to
educate, inform and involve the organization and the general public in
� the human right� movement.
�sists in conducting studies on discrimination in employment, education,
housing, public accommodations, public services and related areas.
Coaducts lega2 researeh on relevant court cases and keeps investigative
staff i.nformed of decisions.
�ssists Supen�isor of Investigations in conducting seminars for Field
Representatives and in training new employees.
Assists in advising Field Representatives and Human Rights Technicians as
to proper procedure, investigative methods, thoroughness of investigation
and related procedures or problems.
Considerable knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws,
interpretations and court decisions.
Considerable knowledge of the principles, techniques, and procedures of
investigating cases.
Considerable ability to communicate on complex situations both orally and
in writing.
Considerable ability to analyze and organize information.
The ability to be completely impartial in relation to invesCigations.
Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general
public, parties and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers
representing both respondents and charging parties, as well as with
other departmental personnel.
Two years° experience as a Field Representative I or equivalent.
hHITE — C�TV CLERK � � ���
��vK — �IhsNCE (�ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council
9'..UE :'AIOR . Flle NO• Z�
� 1
CITY CLERK Council Resolution
Presented B��
Referred To Committee: Date `
Out of Committee By Date
An admiai.strative Resolution revising the series
of technical positions in the Human Rights Departmeat.
RESOLVID, that the Civil Service Rules be ameaded in Section 3.L by
placing a star (*) before the titles of Affirmative Action Technician in Grade
30 and Contract Compliance Specialist--Human Rights Department in Grade 36, and
by add3ag at the bottom of the page the following statement:
"This title is abolished except as to present incumbents." ;
and be it
FUR3'HER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section
3.L tiy inserting the following titles in the grades indicated:
Human Rights Technician Grade 28
Field Representative I Grade 32
Field Representative II Grade 36
;and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.L bq
strikiag from Grade 32 the title of Field Representative--Human Rights Department;
and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section
32 by striking out the class specifications for Affirmative Actioa Technician, Contract
COUICIL4IEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Gafles In Favor
Scheibel A gai n s t BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted h}• Councit: Date
Certified �'assed by Council Secretary By
Apprvved b}• titavor: Date _ Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council
•�N17E — C�TV CLERK ,
°:VK — FINANCE GITY OF SAII`1T F�AIYL ', Council ' �
__UE - MA.'OA • .File NO.
, .
Council IZesolution
Presented By�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Compliance Specialist--Human Rights Department and Field Representative--Human Rights
Department and_by iaserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class speci-
fications for Human Rights Technician, Field Representative I and Field Representative II.
Chairman„ Civil Service Commission
COUNCIL�iEN Requested by Department of:
'i�eas Fletcher Nays
In Favor
Nicosia �
Scheibel _ Against BY
Tedesco .
Form Approved by City Attorney
adopted by Cauncil: Date
';ertified Yassed by Council Secretary BY
;,nproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�l' BY
. � . . . . �'� �y�.5�/
Title of class:
General Ststement of Duties: Under supervision, performs trainee work in
conducting intake interviews and investigations of human rights complaints,
conducting contract compliance reviews and investigations and assisting
with affirmative action programs; and performs related duties as required.
_ Sapervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative
supervision of a unit head or the close technical supervision of a
Field Representative.
Snpervision Exercised: None.
The listed exa,:.ples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Assists in interviewing, advising and properly referring all persons calling
or corsing into the Department with a possible complaint and prepares
. detai3ed intake interview and charge forms for persons who appear to
have a basis for filing a charge.
Assists in investigating complaints by interviewing all parties involved
and collecting all necessary, relevant documentation in order to compile
pertinent information on both sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and an
analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Assists in conducting compliance reviews of employees who contract with
the city to determine acceptability of Affirmative Action Plans.
Assists in making a detailed analysis of the contractor's total employment
composition, procedures and practices including a determination and
evaluation of all factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of potential
witnesses and assists in preparing cases for enforcement of affirma.tive
action codes and regulations.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity
which demonstrates the implementation of contractor's Affirmative Action
Plans for protected class persons.
Analyzes and develops information on contractor status as an Equal Opportunity
Assists in preparing public informa:tion materials relating to human rights
Iaws, regulations and guidelines.
Answers requests for information and material from the public; may serve
as liaison with groups or organizations concerned with affirmative action
or human rights progress and programs.
Maintains records and prepares reports.
(continued on reverse side)
Some knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws, inter-
pretations and court decisions.
_ _
Some knowledge of the principles, techniques and procedures of investigation.
Working ability to comr.iunicate on complex matters both orall� and in writing.
�orking ability to analyze and organize information.
The ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public, parties
� and institutions charged with discriminating, Iawyers representing both
respondents and charging parties, as well as with other departmental
T'�o years' e�perience in a Human Rights regulatory agency at a level
equivalent to Clerk III or higher and at least fifteen credits in
courses relating to human and civil rights; or two years of college.
Each ad�itional year of qualifying experience may be substituted for
five credit hours.
, . . , . . � E i� �y i��1
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Under supervision, performs work in the intake
and investigation of human rights complaints, in contract compliance re-
views and investigations and in human rights research; and perforins related
duties -as required. __ ___ . . .
Supervision Received: Works under the general technical supervision of a
higher level Field Representative or the general technical and administra-
tive supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: May serve as a lead worker over Humaa Rights Technicians.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Interviews, advises, and properly refers aIl persons calling or coming
into the department with a possible complaint.
Prepares detailed intake interview and charge forms for persons who appear
to have a basis for filing a charge under the Human Rights Ordinance,
Chapter 185. .
Investigates routine complaints by interviewing all parties involved and
collecting all necessary, relevant documentation in order to compile
pertinent information on both sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Conducts routine compliance reviews of employers who contract with the City
to determine acceptability of affirmative action plans (AAP) and investi-
gates speci£ic non-compliance allegations.
Makes a detailed analysis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determination and evaluation of all
factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of potential
witnesses and assists in preparing clases for enforcement of affirmative
action codes and regulations.
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of the
investigation and recommendation action.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity
which demonstrates the implementation of the contractor's AAP for pro-
tected class persons.
Analyzes and develops information on contractor status as an Equal Oppor-
tunity Employer.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Acts as a witness at public hearings and court trials.
Assists the City Attorney`s office in obtaining additional information when
necessary to prosecute cases�.
Discusses human rights issues with contractors, employers, landlords and other
concerned parties and provides technical information relative to specific
program areas.
(continued on reverse side)
Assists in preparing public information pamphlets and in making reports:
Speaks to the public and private groups interested in the area of human
rights and human relations at the request of the director and answers
requests for information and materials.
- .,.. ,. . ,_ -- .
�.�orking knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws, inter-
pretations and court decisions.
w'orking knowledge of the p�inciples, techniques and procedures of investi-
gating cases.
Working ability to communicate on complex matters both orally and in writing.
Working ability to anaZyze and organize information.
The ability to be completely impartial in relation to investigations.
• �he ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public,
parties and institutions charged with discri.minating, lawyers represent-
ino both respandents and charging parties, as well as with other depart-
mental personnel.
College graduation. and one year's investigative experience with a regulatory
agency in the field of human rights; or two years' experience as a Human
Rights Technician or equivalent and 45 credits in courses relating to
human and civil rights; or two years of law school.
. � � �y�5�
. . . . . . �
Title of class:.
General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult work and serves as a lead �
worker in the intake and investigation of human rights complaints, in
contract compliance reviews and investigations and in human rights
research; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative
supervision of a unit head.
Supervision Exercised: May be assigned to supervise as a lead worker or to
assist in the training of lower level human rights workers.
The listed e.�c�ples may not include all duties performed by a11 positions in
this class.
Interviews, advises, and properly refers all persons calling or coming to
the department with a possible complaint.
Prepares detailed interviews and charge forms for persons who appear to
have a basis for filing a charge under Chapter 185.
Investigates the most difficult complaints by interviewing all parties
involved and collecting all necessary relevant documentation in order
to compile the pertinent information on all sides of the conflict.
Prepares for each case investigation a summary of the important facts and
an analysis relating the facts to each other in a logical manner.
Conducts difficult compliance reviews of employers who contract with the
City to determine acceptability of affirmative action plans (AAP) and
investigates specific non-compliance allegations.
Makes a detailed analysis of the contractors' total employment composition,
procedures and practices, including a determinatioa and evaluation of
all factors which affect the employment program.
Develops statistical analysis, interviews and takes the statements of
potential witnesses and assists in preparing cases for enforcement of
affi�mative action codes and regulations.
Visits community agencies to determine the degree of contractor activity
which demonstrates the implementation of the contractor's AAP for pro-
tected class persons.
Negotiates with contractors regarding situations covered by guidelines and
precedents and provides technical information relative to specific pro-
gram areas.
Prepares written evaluation reports including detailed documentation of the
investigation and recommendation action.
Assists in formulating and negotiating equitable resolutions of compliance
and conducts closeout conferences with officials and the contractor and
participates in presenting the findings and recommendations to be
implemented for compliance.
Acts as a witness at public hearings and court trials.
Assists the City Attorney's office in obtaining additional information when
necessary to prosecute cases.
(continued on reverse side)
n , . • � � r
Prepares public information materials and makes reports.
S�eaks to public and private groups interested in the area of civil rights
and human relations at the request of the Director and answers requests
f or inf orma.tion and material.
[�sts as ].iaison and representative for the Department of Human Rights with
organizations and groups active i.n relatecl areas of concentration<
�ssists Iocal organizations and �;roups in developing positive programs to
educate, inform and involve the organization and the general public in
� the hunan rights movement.
�ssists in conducting studies on discrimination in employment, education,
housing, public accommodations, public services and related areas.
Conducts legal research on relevant court cases and keeps investigative
staff informed of decisions.
Assists Superzrisor of Investigations in conducting seminars for Field
?2enresentatives and in txaining new employees.
Assists in advising Field Representatives and Human Rights Technicians as
to �roper procedure, 3.nvestigative methods, thoroughness of investigation
ansl re2ated procedures or problems.
Considerable knowledge of municipal, state and federal civil rights laws,
interpretations and court decisions.
Cansiderable knowledge of the principles, techniques, and procedures of
investigating cases. .
Considerable ability to communicate on complex situations both orally and
in writing.
Considerable ability to analyze and organize information.
The ability to be completely impartial in relation to investigations.
Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with Che general
public, parties and institutions charged with discriminating, lawyers
representing both res�ondents and charging parties, as well as with
other departmental personnel.
Two years° experience as a Field Representative I or equivalent.
�C- Personn�: Cfff.ice EPART�•tENT. , �%l` ��/'�SY
� ' Be r. z �'. .�:1gh��NTA�:1` "
�- ,
298-422I ' PHONE
� r���, �e .
_ De.cember 2t�.� 1983 DATE
. (Routing and Explanation Sheet) •
� � Assi n Numb�er for Routin Order Cli All Locations for M oral Si nature :
.. �
. Oepartment Director
City Attorney ,'
� �--��r,;,� -�
/M�yo ���� 4" :
Fi nance and Managemen rvi ces D tor , C�_:' � " �- �oa3
� Ci ty Cterk � . .. ��.: _ _
c��y. _ y �,-,-,���
B udget Di rector
What Will be Achfeved by Takin Act3on on the At�ached Materials? (Purpose/Ratfonale):_
Revision of Sumaa Rights Classification. � �
� . . ,
Financial , Budgetary and Personne� Impacts Anticipated_:
Funding Source and Fund Actfivity Number CharQed�or Credited:
Attachments (List.and Numher all Attachments}: . �
1. Resolutioa . � �
2. Copp fcr Citq Clerk
Yes No Council Resolution Requir�d? Resolution Reguired? Yes� Na
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No�j�--
Yes No Insurance Attached?
. R�vision of Octab�r, 1982
. I��! RPVPNCP S'�t�P for :Irtstructf ons� �
� . ,
. � �� ��r5y
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. ��..�, �:':o�' ::���-i D a t e . January 19, 1984
�� " �/
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T0 � Sqjn? PaUI Cifi� Co� n �il - .
F(� � (� = C O�1�1 I l��� O h F I NAN C E
r�tln � o T--- - � , _ •, ..
� E= k�f-f�-sf
December 20, 1983
This resolution will revise the series of technical positions in the Human Rights
Department. It establishes the title and class specification for Human Rights
Technician in Grade 28 of Section 3.L (Technical Group) of the Civil Service Rules,
the title and class specification for Field Representative I in Grade 32 of Section
3.L (Technical Group) of the Civil Service Rules, the title and class specifications
for Field Representative II in Grade 36 of Section 3.L (Technical Group) of the Civil
Service Rules. The titles and class specifications for Affirmative Action Technician,
Grade 30 and Contract Compliance Specialist--Human Rights Department, Grade 36, are to
be starred (* abolished except as to present incumbents) . The title and class speci-
fication for Field Representative--Human Rights Department is to be abolished and
incumbents transferred to the new title.
These changes wi11 not affect the rates paid to present employees. Future entry level i
employees will be hired in Grade 28 instead of Grade 30, a saving of $1189 annually at
the five year rate. One or more Field Representative I's may now be assigned to more
responsible complaint investigation work and promoted from Grade 32 to Grade 36, an
increase of $2747 annually at the 5 year rate.
_�- ' . ����\ Vz�.X'Y OI' ►J t�.Y���-� -�-�.El U S�+ �
,,<'• '�`- r /- �'�'�..J y
,��:i� (;� �'` : � ..oz���icr or �l'Ftr C;ITY coL�clr_
�.� ��':-:-:��`�l!.� �
; � •:•� ' ;,i� 1 D d t e . February 2, 1984
�� t��y _�� •. •� !. J '
�-``:'``_ . . ,:� .
` :�Y��.'�/� �
r��~Z�' ' VO { 71i7� �� � � 1..� �ZE PO R �'
-�- 0 : . � acn�� Pau [ Ci�y CoW��it � •_ .
�P (� (� ' (���j�[�"�'�A O h F INANCE, MAr1AGEMENT � PERSONNEL
C� Q(R James Scheibel -
1. �pproval of minutes from meeting held January 26, 1984. �t'���0
• 2. Consideration of appointnents to the Planning Commission. t,p�A o l�?JC,
3. Presentation of recommendations for budget policies. ►�� ��Dl�3 ��.CtS3r�
4. Presentation by Jin Bellus and Dick Thorpe on the trlr►sfer of the Job
Creation and Training Division to the Planning and Economic Del�elopnent
Department. �,PnD OV� �- ����CS. - -
` S. L'�date by Bob Piram of Parks and' Recreati.on Department on River.fest progress.}3O�,T1�a
6. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rat.es af Com�ensation by establis}�ino �^ �.
a grade for the ne�+r title of Administrative Assistant--Police Dpt. (Persvnnel� ,
- 7. Resolution changing the grade and class specification for�the title of EDP .
Systems and Programming Supervisor and abolishing the title and class speci-
fication for Data Base Coordinator. (Personnel) A����.�
g. �esolution revising the series of technical positions in the Human Rights
D��artment. (Personriel) P��$��+lf� " W/L�- t3�, v�va� s�P�o� a�►.� a 7-�
9, P,esolution amending the Civil Service Fules concerning appointm�nt above the
r.animu.r.i. (Personnel) p�Pi��,� '
l�. 1�tSW.�ITlO�S� 'TRAlJSF�tR�U6 FKJNS F��t P�7N�[ O�s��'"'� ��p6Q' 'fC�
�QDu�u��, � q�,��,