84-137 M�HI7E - CITV CLERK � ►
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. -/�+�
o.un il Resolution
Present By !�%'''
Referred To 1l'�I�I�L� Committee: Date r—) q `� �
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and
directed to execute a grant agreement with the County of Ramsey whereby
the City of Saint Paul will receive funding in the furtherance of developing
a process for the City's participation in aiding and assisting the refugee
population within Ramsey County including the City of Saint Paul. A copy
of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of
Finance and Ma.nagement Services. The City of Saint Paul will receive a min imum of
$200 ,C�OO�in this grant agreement.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays y
_��Q�� Commu ' t Serv'c _
In Favor
scnetbe� __ Against BY
�f� 2 _ � Form pprove rney
Adopted by Council: Date ��
Certified Ya_ d ouncil Secre ary BY
` �
t#p ve by Mavor: F B � — �9$�fi Appr d by Mayor for S i ion to Council
PUBLISHED �EB i � 1984
rnmmiinitV Services D�PART(•1E
—$is.h.�rd Thorve or Read��ONTACT �
etc er �
—298-4904 PHONE , � ,r.ee� • �r v
_ narPmher 14 1983 DATE
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Ass;gn Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
Department Director
City Attorney ^___^__._
3 Gi rector of Management/Mayo� �T`�"`'"'t�F�"'�
4 Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector ��+�� = `� �- .
Ci ty C1 erk ���,�k� ������
Budget Director
i�hat Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
Council Resolution sought as authorization to the Division of Manpower Programs to accept
funds from the County of Ramsey to provide employment and training services to county-wide
refugee population.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
A minimum of $200,000 will be added to the Division of Manpower Programs 1984 budget.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
Ramsey County/Refugee Targeted Assistance Funds. Fund 4�345
Attachments (List, and Number all Attachments): �
Council Resolution.
Yes No Council Resolution Re uired? 'o uired? f/ Yes No
q Resolut� n Req
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No��
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(�ee Reverse Side for Instructions)
�- ' � �y�� �
. ' Ag;�;l.ta r
Financc, P•�anaoetnent F, I'ersonne� Conc�ittee
Janu:�r�� 26, 1954
Pa�e 2
10, ltesolution chanoing the grade and class specification for t}►e title of
Corrputer Operations Super��isor in the Civil Seivice Rules. (Personnel)
11 . Resolution establishing the title and class specification for License .
Enforcement Auditor in the Civil Ser1►ice Fules. (Personnel) _ .
12, Resolution establishing the title and class speci.fication for ' � �
Personnel Director in the Civil Service �ules. (Pe rsonnel) ''
13 . Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Supervisor �
of Investigation--Human Rights D°partment in the Civil Ser�►ice Rules. (�ei*sci�ne3 �
14 . Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning appointees fro�n othe .�
Public Agency bierit Systens�pertainirig to transferring sick leave credits. r�A��fl�
15.. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules .concerning the promotion rule and
the transfer rights of the position of Associate Personnel Director bein
established in another sec�ion of these Rules. (Personnel)�,,,��;..����``-��,��
16 . � Resolution amending ttie• Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by establishing :
the compensation r ate for the new title of Deputy Fire Chief and abolishino
the special allotiaance. for Firs� District Chiefs. ' (Personnel)�.f�,��bU�
----- 17. Resolution amending the 1953 budget and transferring �21,467 from Contingent
Reser��e - Specified to Co�,►unity Services - Parks � Recreation. (Fun�ing for
additi�onal security personnel at Phalen Park. (Community Services)�`��5"��•�
18. Resolution approving an agreement with the County of Ramsey ttihereby the City ti��ill
furnish health supervision services. to individuals in their homes as re uP C.S.
. ��.�_�,: _.�__. ..
19. Resolution approvino an agreenent i�ith Ramsey County i•rhereb}� the City .tiri12 '
reinburse the County for part of the salary of t�ao nutxitionists assigned to the
County's Health Department. _ (Comr.�unity Services) �sfi`��3�� ��
20. Rcsolution approving an �greemeiit tiyith Ransey County ��hereby the City �.ill provide a
physician's services and other meclical testing services in furtherance of tubes-
culosis control and se;cually transmitted disease control. (Co:�munity Services)Fs+�'����
21. P.esolution approving an agre�ment ��ith Famsey County and. St. Paul Urban In3ian
tlealth Clinic tivhereby the City and County prauirle.._,funding to St. Paul Urbaa
Indian Nealth Center. (Ca�munity Services) �,F+,�Q!��;�
. 22. Resolution to execute a grant agreement �oith the County of Ramsey itihereby the
City of St. Paul 1,�i11 receive funding for the City's participation in aidin� an3
assisting the refugee population ti,�ithin Ramsey County. (Co�uni� SerVices}
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, � �-i:� Adams Building
GEORGE LATIMER /"��'����� � �—" 615 South Chatsworth
MAYOR c � � St.Paul,Minnesota 55102
, �'",/ �,���1 1 (612)298-4904
!' Cy�
To: Councilma.n James Schiebel
From: Richard Thorpe n(�.-� �� 1
Subject: Resolution to accept Refugee Targeted Assistance Funds.
Dated: January 31, 1984
Our Division has developed a summary of the Refugee Targeted Assistance
Program in response to the Finance Committee's request for further
information. The summary is attached to this memorandum, and should
provide you with a complete, but concise overview of the program.
We are pleased to have been selected to receive these funds. They
have been granted as a result of our participation in a competitive
bidding process in which approximately nineteen (19) proposals were
submitted to Ramsey County Community Human Services Department in
competition for $824,000. Of these nineteen proposals, only nine,
including ours, were selected, and we have received 30% of the total
We hope that the information included herein meets Committee and Council
needs. We are, of course, available for fnrther discussion and will
also have a representative at Thursday's Council meeting to answer
questions. In the meantime, feel free to contact myself or Harriet
Horwath of my staff at 292-1577.
cc: Harriet Horwath
�t� �'� i� 1
City of Saint Paul
Division of Job Creation and Training
Program Summary
This program is designed to provide employment and training services
to the Refugee population within Ramsey County. The participants are
expected to be primarily Indochinese. Both youth and adults will be
served within two separately operated components. Total funds available
is $246,969 from Ramsey County Refugee Targeted Assistance funds.
Five-hundred and Eighty (580) Senior High School students will be
served. Specific activities will include:
. Career Development Planning
. Pre-employment Seminars
. On-the-Job Training
. Job Development
. Job Placement
Goals for this portion of the program include the design of a
Career Development plan for each participant and a total of 110 job
placements broken down as follows:
. 65 full-time placements.
. 45 part-time placements.
Total funding to be made available for this portion of the program
is $123,969.
One-hundred and Twenty-five (125) adult refugees will be provided
services. The activities will primarily include but not be limited to:
. Job Development
����- ,�'y'- ���
. Job Placement
. Occupational Training
. On-the-Job Training
. Employment Counseling
. Intensive Services for Hard-to-Place Refugees
Goals for this portion include:
. 250 employers recruited.
. 60 placements, including 21 in On-the-Job Training.
. 25 participants placed in Occupational Training with at
least 22 completions.
A total of $123,000 is available to the City for the adult activities.