BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V �i�
oun il Resolution
Presented By
Y Referred To �� ���C`= Committee: Date ! ^��$`�
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute
an agreement with Ramsey County whereby the City wi II provide a physician's services and
other medical testing services in furtherance of tuberculosis control, and sexually transmitted
disease control; said agreement providing for direct reimbursement to the City from the County,
a copy of said agreement to be kept on fi le and of record in the Depastment of Finance and
Management Services.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Fletcher CO 1 S@ V S '
�° �� In Favor
scheibe� __ Against BY
FEB 2 - �gg� For ppro�ed by C' rn
Adopted by Council: Date c�
Certified P• _ -ed b Council S et
B� �
�1pp by 1�lavor: e — ��B � – �� Ap o d by Mayor for on to Council
g _ By d
PUBUSHEO FF±� 11 1984
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Pinance, T•�anab��nent F, I'erso�nel-,Concnittee -
January 26, 1954
Pa�e 2
10. }tesolution c}ianging the grade and class specification for tl�e title of
Cor�puter Operations Super��isor in the Civil Seivicc Rules. (Personnel)�,�„�,�.�
11 . Resolution establishing the title and class specification for License
Lnforcement Auditor in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel)�,_.�„ _
12, Resolution establishing ths title and class specification for ' �
Personnel Director in the Civil Service Rules. (Pe rsonnel) � , �
13 . Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Supervisor �"�
of Investigation--Htaman Rights Department in the Civil Ser��ice Rules. (��oR�ne�il�
14 . Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning appointees fro�n othe
Public Agency bierit Systens�pertaining to transferring sick Ieave credits. e
15.. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules .concerning the promotion rule and
the transfer rights of the position of Associate Personnel Director bein
established in another_ section of these Rules. (Personnel)��.��'�'��:A_-.� ;' ���f
vra '_ -
16 . � Resolution amending t}ie• Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by establishing :
the compensation rate for the new title of D�puty Fire Chief and abolishino
the special allowance. fox Firsi. District Chiefs. ' (Personnel) ,_� P.���v�
�---- 17. Resolution amending the 1953 budget and transferring �21,467 from Contingent
Reser��e - Specified to Co.-�,�unity Services - Parks � Recreation. (Funding for
additional security personnel at Phalen Park. (Communit}� Services)"�'�����•,�
r _,_ .� .,_ ,
18. Resolutio� approving an agreement with the County of Ramse�- ��hereby the City �►i11
furnish health supervision services. to individuals in their homes as re u� C.S.
. r .'..S.a�. . . ,.._ . .
19. Resolution approving an agreenent ��ith Ramsey County �•rhereby the City aaill '
reinburse the County for part of the salary of t►vo�;nutritionists assigned to �he
County's Health Department. _ (Com.munity Services) �c�`��07�' �
20. R�solution approving an 2greemetit titiith Rar,isey County ��hereby the City i.ill proti•ide a
�hysician's services and otner meclical testing services in furtherance of tuher-
culosis control and sen:ally transmitted disease control. (Ca�munity Ser�•ices)���'��
21. P.esolution approving an agre�ment ti.ith Famsey County and St. Paul Urban In3ian
flealth Clinic whereby the City and County prov.i.�le....funding to St. Paul llrba;�
Indian Health Center. (Corr.iunity Services) �.;��,�£� �
. 22. Resolution to execute a grant agreement ti�ith the County of Ramse}• �chereby the
City of St. Paul i�till receive funding for the City's participation in aidin� an3
assisting the refu�ee population t�:ithin Ramsey County. (Corr�iunit -�services)
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