84-132 WHITE — CITV CLERK - PINK ` — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANat�V — DEPARTMENT x/�J/ BI.UE — MAVOR File NO. V �/�� � � Council Resolution Presented By � ,� Referred To � � n�l�'l� C-� Commi ttee: Date �—l 7��� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolutioa ameadiag the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by establishiag the compensation rate for the new title of Deputy Fire Chief and abolishing the special allowance for First District Chiefs. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II thereof, by inserting immediately after Subsection N, the followiag: "0 The compensatioa for the class of Deputy Fire Chief in Section V, UNCLASSIFIID POSITIONS, Subsection D, of this Salary Plan aad Rates of Compensation Reso- lutioa shall be as follows: A B C D E F 10 yr. 15 yr. 1307.28 1373.53 1442.21 1500.42 1577.17 1641.11 1726.31 1768.96 ; aad be it FURTHER RESOLVID, that the Salary Plaa and Rates of Compensation be ameaded in Section III thereof, by deleting all of the present language contained in Subsection A and substituting the followiag: "A OMITTED B�s��#e�-�#�e-6�#e�s-aes#gne�-�e-���}-#a-���e B#e���e�-�eT-�T-Bae�-�e-�e#�-E�e-ee�-e€-$46r9A-��-�ee��} #n-e��#��ea-�e-��e-ea�ena�-e��eKe�-e�a�e�-��e-e��e�-g�e- �*#e#eas-e�-��#s-�ese�e���eaT ; aad be it -1- COUNC[LMEN Requested by Depar ent oE:� Yeas Nays Fletcher � c'N"s AQE� In Favor , Masanz Nicosia Scheibel V _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE G I Ty O F SA I NT PA LT L Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �� /�+� BLUE - MAYOR ♦ � Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended ia Section V by establishing a new heading, followiag the last listiag under Professional-Administrative Group called Fire Administrative Group, with two aew listings uader this heading as follows: "Fire Administrative Group GRADE 46 Deputy Fire Chief GRADE 48 Assistant Fire Chief -2- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fietcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Drew ,r,,�,, �_ In Favor � Masanz i Nlcosia �,�� ,, / � scnetbe� � Against BY � ��`� � Tedesco ° W ilson Adopted by Council: Date F�B 2 — 198� Form pproved by rn r Certified Pa- b Council S ret BY By App d y �Vlavor: Dat � FEB 3 -- ��� p►pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By .��-, � ; � �Z� PUBtISHEp FE B 11 lgg4 , • WN17E - CITV Cl^cRK . CINK - FINANCE G I 1°Y O� SA I NT �ALT L Council �j� CANqRV - OEVARTMENT � �]Ie NO. �� /`� � BLUE - MAVOR � CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By pate An administrative Resolution aanemdiag .the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by establishing the compensation rate for the new title of Deputy Fire Chief and abolishing the speca:al. aZlowance for First District Chiefs. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Ra.tes of CompensaCion Resolution he.amended in Section II thereof, by inserting immediately after Subsection N, the following: "0 The compeasatioa for the class of Deputy Fire Chief in Section V, UNCLASSIFIEA POSITIONS., Subsect�on D, of this Salary Plan and Rates of Comgensation Reso- lution stxall be as follows: A B C D E F 10 yr. 15 yr. 1307.28 1373.53 1442.21 1500.42 1577.17 1641.11 1726.31 1768.96 ; �and be it. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation ,be amended in Section III thereof, by deleting all of the present language contained in Subsecti.o� A and substituting the following; "A OMITTID ��s��#e�-���e-6�#e�s-ass�gne�-�e-�t���-#t�-�r#�e B#s���e�-�ieT-�;-�e}-�e-ga��-�ke�s�-e€-$46T88-b#-Wee��� #a-s�����e�-�e-��e-ea�e�a�-e��e�e�-�s�e�-�}�e-e��ee�-��e- �#s#eas-e€-���s-�ese���#e�� . ; and be i� -1- COUNCILU[EN Requested by Department of: �== Yeas Fletcher Nays '�` aa��� Itt Favor Masanz Nicosla scne�bet Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By �pproved by :Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Courtcil • . wHITE — C�7v CLERK � PINK — FINANCE GITY (?F ...'�'9AIIVT �AUL . Council C4NARY — DEPARTMEfVT e �{ . . E3LUE — �+1AYOR . �ILC 1\�. . „ � COUn�ZI ��S�li�t�0� P res en ted By _ _____ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By �ate � FINALLY RESOLVED, that tl�e Salary PXan and Rates of Camgensation R�soluCios� be amended in Section V by esta�lishing a new h�ading, following �he. Iast Iisti.ng under . . �rofessional.-Administrative Group called �ire .Admin3.str�.tive Gxau�, with �wo n�ea 1�.sting� under this kiea.ding as follows: "Fire Adminis�rative Group GRADE 46 Deputy Fire Chief GRADE 48 Assistant Fire Chief Fi d�� COUNClL41EN Requested by Department of: Yeas pletcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Drew �,,� _ [n Favor ldlaaanz -� Nicosia Scheibai Against BY Tedescn Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y�,ssed by Council Secretary BY sy Apt roved by 1�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council / .P�e.r�:��el Office DEPART�IEN'f L!��Yf.�,�2 (� Bernard P. Wright raryTA�CT_ - 298-4221 _ PHONE Q�(� . _ DATE 1 ��� �r �►r Jaauarv 3� 1984 _ 1 . (Routing and Expla�atiart Sheet) � Assign Number for Routing Orcler (Ciip A1] Locations for Ma�yoral Signature): . - i . Department Director Ci ty Attorney ,, ,��_ . tlP�alYar - _.__ � � :. .�) Finance and Mana ��es Direct - � ✓� � � - . � - • ,Cr . . City Clerk .. � _�,:. � -- ;-�a3 _ • Budget Director f�;.:.. ��:J;� �%�-�����: . � . : . _ . ,. , . What W�t1 be Aci�ieved by Takin,� Action on the Attached Materia1s? �PurposefRationale�: � Thia resalut3.cm abolishes frca� the Salary Plaa & Rates of Compeaaatioa Beaolution, Sectioa � - : III, (Special Allawances), Subsaction A. It eatablishes ia Section 'V, (Qnclassifi�d_ Positic�n�), - Subsection D a aew haadiag �olla�ving the listiag uader. Professio�sl A�ml.aistrative GrovEp aa�tled�;�� Fire A�*�{*+{�trative Group. �a'aew listings �i.11 'be aade uader this hea�ing� ae follo�s: _ .Grade 46 Grade 48 - � �. � Deputy Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chi�f - . .� Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Ant�ipated: . Thi.� resolutiaa alsa :e�tabliahes a salary for tKe positioa ia Sectioa II (Cc�p�asstion for IIngradad Clss�ss_), 'Subsection 0. The salary �oi.11 be as follaws: � _ - A � B. ' C D . � E F �:0 yr._ 15 yr. 1307.2$ 1373.53 1442.21 � 1500.42 1577 17 1641 11 �726.31 1768.96 Funding Source and Fund Activity Numb�r Cfiarged�or �redite � � Attachments �List and Nun�er ali Attachments}: . 1. Besolut�on . 2. Copy for Citp Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTORPlEX REVIEW ' Yes oun i Resojution Re uired? uired? " Yes Na � No C c 1 q Res�lut�on Req � _, Yes No Insurance Reguired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � No �,¢ � . Yes No Insurance Attached? � , . R�visiorr of October, t982 . : � ��Pe Rever:cp- Sic1�! f�r '[nstructions) - � �. Ag��„.,<< � Cl T �•_,-�'2 Fin<zrice, P•ianaae�nent f, 1'erso�nel Conenittee Jaritilr�� 26, 1954 Pa�e 2 10. 12esolution chanbing the grade and class specification for tl►e title of Corg�uter Operations Super�risor in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) „� 11 . Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Licens��� Lnforcement Auditor i.n the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel)� ' _ 12. Resolution establishing the title and class specification for � Personnel Director in the Civil Service Rules. (Pe rsonnel) , ` I� 13 . Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Stipervisor ��op� of Investigation--Human Fights D°partment in the Civil Service Rules. (�e�so��e� 14 . Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning appointees from other��C� Public Agency bierit Systens�pertainirig to transferring sick Ieave credits. �� r e 15.. Resolution amending the Ci�ril Service Rules.concerning the promotion rule and the transfer rights of the position of Associate Personnel Director bein established in another section of these Rules. Personnel _.;`_.��,��_ .� .: '=�-�� � �� - - .,:.�__�a�� 16 . � Resolution amending t}ie- Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by establishing � the compensation r ate for t2ie new title of D�puty Fire Chief and abolishing the special allotiaance. for Firs� District Chiefs. ' (Personnel)�t�,fl��v� -�-- 17. Resolution amending the I9S3 budget and transferring �21,4b7 from Contingent Resert�e - Specified to Co���unity Services - Parks F� Recreation. (Funding for additi�onal security personnel at Phalen Park. (Communit?r Services)�1S'�`.�f.�.�' �: �....,.::y..._.. .,_ ..,_ 18. Resolution approving an agreemezt with the County of Ramse}• ltihsreby the City �+ill furnish health supervision services. to individuals in their homes as re u d C.S., ������,r .�..w� 19. Resolution approvin� an agreenent iaith Ramsey County i•rhereby the C1Ly •{Jlll � , reimburse the Coun�y for p2rt of the salary of t«o.,nutxitionists assigned to �he County's Health Dzpartment. _ (Co;?u:►unity Services} ��'��lt.� � 20. R�solution approving an agreemerit i;ith Ransey County �tihereb}� the City ti.ill provide a Fhysician's services and other meclical testing services in furtherance of tuh��-� culosis control and sexually transmitted disease control. (Co�.munity Services)�'�L� 21. P.esolutiun approving an agre�ment �tiith Ramse}• County and St. Paul Urbart In3ian tlealth Clinic 1,�hereby the City and County prouirle,..funding to St. Paul Urbaz Indian Health Center. (Cormunity Services) �pf��£� � , 22. Resolution to execute a grant agreement ti�ith the County of Ramsey �tihereby the City of St. Paul titi�ill receive funding for the City's participation in aidin� an3 assisting the refugee population �.ithin Ramsey County. (Co�unit�: Services} • - �����''7Ei�.�' . , � , -