84-130 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council (, CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. v � /�� BLUE - MAVOR � ouncil Resolution Presented By � t/Referred To �� ����C-C Committee: Date 1 ^���� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Line Leader - District Kitchen in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.M, Special Employment, by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the title of Line Leader - District Kitchen; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class spec- ification for Line Leader - District Kitchen. Approved: � l��� ( . ' Chairman, Civ 1 Service Commission COUNCILMEN �r� � / Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �.,...-�; ^� . G ,!� Fletcher � �°'' �� In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel �_ A gai n s t BY Tedesco , Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB 2 � �98�t Form pproved b Cit ney c Certified Yass by ouncil Secr ry BY ! By _ App v by Mavor. Dat FEB 3 — �� Approved yor for Sub i ion to Council B s ���Z.0 � ���. Y - Y PUBLISHED FE B 11 19$4 @ F �Y-�3� Title of class: LINE LEADER - DISTRICT KITCHEN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of lluties: Under direction, assists with set-up, break= down, cleaning and sanitation of food production equipment; works on food production line; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a unit � supervisor. - - _ __ :_ Supervision Exercised: None. T�'PICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by a1Z positions in this class. Assists with food production equipment set-up and operation. Monitors the food production line to insure production of quality products, proper operation of equipment and compliance with proper food handling anc� sanitation procedures. tilakes minor equipment adjustments as needed. Assists with breakdown, cleaning and sanitation of equipment. Assists in instructing other department personnel in proper operation of equipnent. Reports equipment malfunctions to supervisor or equipment repair staff. Performs food preparation and processing duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of large automated and semi-automated food preparation and processing equipment. Working knowledge of basic sanitation practices in food handling. The ability to follow oral and written instructions. The abilitq to lift and move objects and equipment of moderate weight and to withstand frequent bending, stooping, standing and walking. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six months' experience as a Food Service Aide, Cook I or Baker I, or their equivalents. LINE LEADER - DISTRICT KITCHEN Persoz�;z�.el Of£'i.ce D�PARTi�1ENT � e�'S�i3d �� Bernard P. Wrighk� ' , , � - � �.CONTACT 298-4221 PHONE � � � reer� ee . � _ Deee�ber 20, 1983 DATE . �: . (Routing and Explanation St�eet) � ��� Assign Nunber for Routinq Order (Clip Ali Locations for Mayoral Signature): � - 1 . Department Director City Attorney r : n ayor , '�-�� q3-�`�' _ �.� Finance and Manag ces Di re o �,,;;.. J � ;�83 .:_ City C1erk . _ " Budget Di rector � f:�. .. L - -,_ . , ;_ � ;. �_ What Will be Achieved by Tak�ing Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationaie�: This resolution establishes the title and class specificatioa fmr Line Leader - Distr3ct : Ri.tchen ia Section 3.M (Special Employmeat - Ungraded) ia the Civi1 Service RulES. . • � . . , . Thta is a S�1 District position which involves +�ertain lead worker dutiee on the'fpod � productioa lines. � � - . Financia7, Budgetary and Personnel I�acts Antic�pated: . Non,e ' . � - funding Source and Fund Actfivity Nun�ber Charged�or Credited: � Attachments (List and Number all Attachments}: . . - 1. Reaolution . . 2. CoPy for City Clerk : DEPARTMENT REViEW � � CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW ' Yes No Counci 1 R�so'!ution Requi red? R�esot ution Regui red? es� No Yes � No Insurance R�quired? . Insurance Sufficfent? Yes No �'�y Yes No Insurance Attach�d? ` . , . Revision of Octo6er, 1982 - . . (cpP Rpvprce� Sidp for `Instructions} . � � v., � ,x �_�.c ►J�11.�.\'1' _t_:" :1 U l� >��`�•• . "�' �'��' /..�.�lJ :� % ,. �; ,-:- . �-•- ; ' �,;-,-�c: o^ T�rr•, r,r�,l' COli_\"CIL �=�t -" _: 1_. i , : - ;;; ° . D a t e ; �anuary 26, 1983 .�'� _:_ :�..� "� �r)�{ ./(}� Y�y r1F..ay� �ac� r. ���:rl•;i�'i7"F��_Y�f�+t,(^zyT"�Y'q�i�cS" � ir_Y�+�� �Y.a�iF.s���...�`..- . L.� f�.� .. r .a��...�-k t=i�-.i+.j-v]rYiRiy '� � - . '�'�'w-.�Mr.��.._.,Y+K � 0 = � a��►� Pau I Cit� Cour� �it •.� . r� U N1 = C o tY�t�i�'fi�2 o h ,���������E�n��.� � ��:�.w..�'�:.��:�-v_.�-rt�t y----�--.- - C H A! R James Scheibel 1.. Approval of minutes fxom m�etinos held January 1S anci 19, I98�. . � ,�' �A-+�rj�.t�-� - - „�..-..... ; 2. Ordin�nce amending Chapter S6 of the Saint Paul Ad�ninistrative Code; - proti�iding fox the designataon by the P•iayor oi a person i�rho �vould be authorized . to sign contracts on the rlayor's behalf. a t�. F:�'�"" . . . +i.�i."M..,wk-wf L.J..��' - 3. T:esolution approving budoet amendments and a three mont�i contract exter_;ion for the five neighborhood energy conservation groups operating under the HUD Inno- t�ati��e Grant Progrzrn. (PED). ,�}�£� - . . ..��:.�.w_::;:: _ . . 4. Resolution approvino additions to the Corr�nunity Develojment Block Budget and transferring $1SI,506 .from the Financing Plan for CD Year T Budget (close-out of remaining hDP assets and liabilities) to the Spending P].an for CD �'ear IX Budget. (PED) :��ptJE�: 5. Resolution establishino the title and class specification -for AcIminis�ratitle Assistant--Police Depax�ri:ent in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel)DtK�f� -- s'✓33T�TVTE Rs3e�u�� 6. fieso�ution approving 1984-1955 Collective Bargainino Aoreement bet���een �he City� � �nci the Classifieci Confidential Em�loyees Association. (Personnel � ^ .�� y ' ) �R�r� J�e�f 7. F;esolution approving P•ienoranda of A�ree;�ents beti,een the City and the 5,�r�ainir.g � U1its �s listed. (Pcrsonnel): 7?Pr����f 8• R�solution approving 1954-1955 Collectii•e Bargaining �greeinent bet�teen t and AFSC�� District Council 14, Local 18�}2 _ re resentin�. the Technical Bare ainin� Unit Employees. (Personnel) ��}�',a`j"'"��"" �J P S � . _ �____ _.. 9• f',e;olution establishing the title and class specification foi- Line Lead�r - - I�istrict };itchen in the civil Service Rules. (Personnel � t,U ) PR'.� .' Cm h'�T T SEVE�3TH:ZG'pR S.�I\T PAUL, 1i1\:�E$OTA 55102 -----^�...,� . --- - � • - ------ -- ----�-------,—..