84-102 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE (jITy OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT R/� /d 2 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ✓ �•, ' tr . cil Resolution Presented By � �Re erred To � Committee: Date �� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute agreements with the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota providing for an automated energy/property management systems program, subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, copies of which are to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services . RESOLVID, that a Fund will be established for constxuctipn and operation for this program out of existing appropriated funds. The fizst phase construction budget of $591,600 will be allocated $253,994 Ramsey County and $337,606 City of Saint Paul, which has been included in the 1982 and 1983 Capital Improvement Budget, for the City Hall/Courthouse, Adult Detention Center, City Hall Annex, Ma.in Library, and the Central Control and Monitoring System. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher "� a��J [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bei _ Against BY Tedesco YYiirwP Adopted by Council: Date �AN � � ��� Form roved Ci cey Certified Ya_ d nci Se ar BY ' g�, t� d by A+lavor: FEB 2 — � � App v y Mayor for S mi ion to�Eou 1 B B PUBt{SHED F L E3 i 1 1984 _ , �F ��-i��- . ' . .. •• � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ONTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: Mayor City Council M�mbers County Board Members County E�cecutive Director City and County Administrators Building Operators and Managers FROM: Gary Dodge �� Energy Consultant RE; CITY AND COUNTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: BOILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM PROPOSAL DATE: November 30, 1983 The enclosed project status report aescribes a crnmnon approach to city and county property management by utilizing a city-owned computer to monitor and control energy, fire safety, and security systems in dawntawn buildings. • Approve the project in general. Approve the Capital Budget for adding three buildings to the system: Main Library, City Hall Annex, and the City Aall/Courthouse. Existing Energy CIB funds will be used for city buildings, and county buildings will use district heating bond funds for energy and capital improvement funds for fire and security improvements. • Approve the Agreements between the city, county, and state (see Appendix 1) . � The paybacks on energy monitoring and control in the City Hall Annex and the City Hall/Courthouse were conservatively estimated at between 4 and 5 years. • Building managers and operators have been involved in exploration of these systems and are awaiting an affirmative decision to proceed. They are also enthused about fire and security detection and alarm capability. � The overall design is to connect the city's Main Library computer to the state' s Plant Management computer at a capital cost of $93 ,000 and an annual, overall operating cost of $54,300 . Each building would be added by the - 1 . �� �y-�o�— . � -2- city or county, with the City Hall Annex at a capital cost of $92,000 and the City Hall/Courthouse at $210,000. Annual operating costs are $6 ,650 for the Annex and $18 , 740 for the City Hall/Courthouse , with savings annually of $21 ,700 for the Annex and $33 ,900 for the City Hall/Courthouse. Paybacks are 3 .7 years (see pp. 10-12) for the Annex and 5 . 1 years for the City Hall/Courthouse. • Costs will be shared and allocated based on the number of points in each building connected to the system. • The city and county need to address central staff coordination and property management as the automation system is installed and expanded. GD/smj Enclosure � �� ���a� Finance and Mgmt Servi�pARTt,1ENT Gary Dodge _____,_,rONTACT 29a-4s�2 PHONE ���� �� 1-3-$4 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Siqnature): 1 Department Director --�'Ci ty Attorney �_ Di rector of Management/Mayor RECEIVEp � �.r _ Finance and Management Services Director JAN 0 3 1984 �_ Ci ty C1 erk OFFICE QF 'fHE DIRECTOR Budget Di rector DEPARTMENT OF FMANC� �D MANAGEA,�ENT SERy1CF„S i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): City and County will take Joint Powers action to develop a common system for facilities management; e.g. energy, fire safety, and security systems, in downtown public buildings. And, to enter into a three year agreement with the State to monitor alarms, to produce trend reports, and to provide technical assistance. The City's Main Library computer will be used to service all expected buildings to be added within the next two years. Phase I will be the Main Library, the CH Annex, the CH/CH and the Adult Detention Center. The system will have, an energy payback on costs of three to five years. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: The attached agreements have no immediate eost impacts. A separate Request for Proposals will be issued in late January after the City and the County approve these agreements. The City will only pay for it's costs in City buildings and for it's share of operating costs based on a pro-rata approtionment of 'points' installed in each building. Funding Source :and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Available 1982 and 1983 Energy CIB funds in account 6607 will be used for capital improvements. Operating budgets will finance the pro-rata share in each building after the system is installe� Attachments (List and N�a�er all Attachmentsl : See Dodge report dated 11-30-83 for system proposal. Attached: City-County Joint Powers Agreement, three year agreement with the State of Minnesota. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revisio,n of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions) . � �F �y�oa� .. �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFIC� OF THF. CITY COIINCIL !l�Ii 10� ���l�����9�f4 _-��` , D o t e ; January 20, 1984 COMM (TT � E RE PORT TO = Sqint Pau I Cifiy Councit � FROM = Committee Oh Energy, Utilities, and Environment CHaIR William L. Wilson Resolution approving an agreemen� with the Count.y of Ramsey and with the State of Minnesota providing for an automated energy/property management systems program. APPROVED ��. ; „ 1 ,, � �� ;, ,�` >, �, CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 •�.„ _