00-1112Return copy to: Real Estate Division pal) 140 City Hall QR1G1l�A < Presentea sy � Referred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council FYIe # d0 '�' �,�Z Green Sheet # 104765 � Committee: Date i WHEREAS, assessments were ratified by Council File No. 00-903, approved September 27, 2000, for z properties receiving unprovements under the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Sueet Paving and Lighting 3 Project, and; a s WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City of Saint Paul that residenual comer lots not be assessed for paving b and lighling improvements if they were already assessed for paving and lighting improvements on an � adjacent street within the past twenty yaars, and; s v WHEREAS, it has been discovered that the following residential corner properties assessed for �o improvements with the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Street Paving and Lighting Project were assessed � i within the last twenty years for previous paving and lighting improvements to adjacent sueets abutting their ia properties: 13 1a 25-29-23-22-0056 is 25-29-23-23-0074 �e 25-29-23-24-0010 �7 25-29-23-24-0049 ia 25-29-23-24-0059 �9 25-29-23-240072 zo 25-29-23-24-0074 u 25-29-23-24-0092 zz 25-29-23-24-0131 Zs 25-29-23-24-0142 u 25-29-23-41-0219 u 25-29-23-42-0201 �e 25-29-23-42-0222 � 25-29-23-43-0089 a 1096 Kent Street 563 Hatch Street 1061 Cumberland Street 1055 Cumberland Street 1a20 Arundal Sueet 1019 Armidel Street 461 L.awson Avenue West 499 Lawson Avenue West 466 Lawson Avenue West 498 L.awson Avenue West 844 Galtier Street 843 Galtier Street 325 Atwater Street 318 Atwater Sueet $2,190.00 $1,5Q0.00 $1,110.00 $1,080.00 $2,130.00 $1,110.00 $2 $1,110.00 $ 120A� $ 750.00 $1,020.00 $1,140.00 $1,170.OQ $3,600.00 9 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above properties are removed from the assessment rolls for } the WESTERNlLAWSON Area Paving and Lighting Project, and; oo_�\�i- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to order checks to reimburse any assessments which may already have been paid by the owners of these properties towazds the assessments ratified for the WESTEItN/LAWSON Paving and Lighting Project. ���GlNAL : 1'��w��A�� � � �� � -� � � �. : !� _!_,' , _ ,.�< � . li s�i �� ir � ' , � � Requested by Department of: Technolow & Management Services By: �� ���� Director Form Approved by City Attomey B �..� 1✓11wi� /i-lu- o � roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� Adopted by Council: Date --��, aa �eYC,z, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � oo _����- .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ��. November 8, 2000 reen S eet l�iumber: 104765 ontactPersonandPLoneNumLer 2 EPARTMF.NfD CT 4 CiTYCOi1NCII. ..v� Louise A Langberg 266-8&61 �"' 1 `� E{.� C i7DC.hTDIRECI'OR FFICEOFFINANQAi,SVCS �c� on co�a� ag�aa uy: No later tl�an 3 YOR (OR ASSLST ESfATE DIVISYON ecember 6t1�, 2A00! OTAL # OF SIGNATLTRE PAGES 1�ci,8 ni,r, LocnrtoNS Fox sicxa�� c7zorr�uESx�n: Approve the attached council Resolulaon to remove fourteen properiaes &om the assessment roll for the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Pavu►g and Lighting Project (�ile No.18904) and to reimburse any payments already made towards these assessments. COMMEI�IDAITONS APPROVE (A) OB REJECT (H) ERSONAL SERVICE CON'SRe1CTS MUST ANSWER TIiE FOLLOWiNG: . Has the petso�✓fit�n ever worked under a contract Por this deparhnentT YES NO YLANHINGCOMMISSION A STAFF . Has [his persodSrm ever beeu a CiTy employee? YES NO CIV IL SEItV ICE COMMISSION . Does Utis perso�firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any PES NO current �1Ty employee? CB COMMITTEE E lain all YES answexs on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OSJECTIVE? �:+�r�Q���*; � OUNCIL WARD(S) 5 DISTRTCT PLANNING COUNCIL fi NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTUNITY (4Phq �Pbat, When, Where, Why?): Fourteen residential comer properkies were assessed for paving and fighting improvements for a second time within twen ears. To assess them twice would o a ainst the cunent olic . VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' Property owners wouid not be assessed for the second 6me, and could have any payments made towards this second assessment reimbursed to them. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The amount assessed to these properties would have to be found from another fiuiding source. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVI;D: These reszdential properties would be twice assessed for paving and lighting improvements, goin a ainst the current CSity olicy. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �2.O�T�SO.00 COST/REVEN[7�BUDCETLD<CIRCLEONE) YES NO nvcsouxcE: Cig acTivirYNV,u�Ex: CPL-000-2T554-0784-29254 ANC7AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) " ` � � � �� � 4 _i� �,�_. ��� � � 'i �� � v �w�u ��:l1"1' RTTC3R6V��' Return copy to: Real Estate Division pal) 140 City Hall QR1G1l�A < Presentea sy � Referred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council FYIe # d0 '�' �,�Z Green Sheet # 104765 � Committee: Date i WHEREAS, assessments were ratified by Council File No. 00-903, approved September 27, 2000, for z properties receiving unprovements under the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Sueet Paving and Lighting 3 Project, and; a s WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City of Saint Paul that residenual comer lots not be assessed for paving b and lighling improvements if they were already assessed for paving and lighting improvements on an � adjacent street within the past twenty yaars, and; s v WHEREAS, it has been discovered that the following residential corner properties assessed for �o improvements with the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Street Paving and Lighting Project were assessed � i within the last twenty years for previous paving and lighting improvements to adjacent sueets abutting their ia properties: 13 1a 25-29-23-22-0056 is 25-29-23-23-0074 �e 25-29-23-24-0010 �7 25-29-23-24-0049 ia 25-29-23-24-0059 �9 25-29-23-240072 zo 25-29-23-24-0074 u 25-29-23-24-0092 zz 25-29-23-24-0131 Zs 25-29-23-24-0142 u 25-29-23-41-0219 u 25-29-23-42-0201 �e 25-29-23-42-0222 � 25-29-23-43-0089 a 1096 Kent Street 563 Hatch Street 1061 Cumberland Street 1055 Cumberland Street 1a20 Arundal Sueet 1019 Armidel Street 461 L.awson Avenue West 499 Lawson Avenue West 466 Lawson Avenue West 498 L.awson Avenue West 844 Galtier Street 843 Galtier Street 325 Atwater Street 318 Atwater Sueet $2,190.00 $1,5Q0.00 $1,110.00 $1,080.00 $2,130.00 $1,110.00 $2 $1,110.00 $ 120A� $ 750.00 $1,020.00 $1,140.00 $1,170.OQ $3,600.00 9 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above properties are removed from the assessment rolls for } the WESTERNlLAWSON Area Paving and Lighting Project, and; oo_�\�i- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to order checks to reimburse any assessments which may already have been paid by the owners of these properties towazds the assessments ratified for the WESTEItN/LAWSON Paving and Lighting Project. ���GlNAL : 1'��w��A�� � � �� � -� � � �. : !� _!_,' , _ ,.�< � . li s�i �� ir � ' , � � Requested by Department of: Technolow & Management Services By: �� ���� Director Form Approved by City Attomey B �..� 1✓11wi� /i-lu- o � roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� Adopted by Council: Date --��, aa �eYC,z, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � oo _����- .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ��. November 8, 2000 reen S eet l�iumber: 104765 ontactPersonandPLoneNumLer 2 EPARTMF.NfD CT 4 CiTYCOi1NCII. ..v� Louise A Langberg 266-8&61 �"' 1 `� E{.� C i7DC.hTDIRECI'OR FFICEOFFINANQAi,SVCS �c� on co�a� ag�aa uy: No later tl�an 3 YOR (OR ASSLST ESfATE DIVISYON ecember 6t1�, 2A00! OTAL # OF SIGNATLTRE PAGES 1�ci,8 ni,r, LocnrtoNS Fox sicxa�� c7zorr�uESx�n: Approve the attached council Resolulaon to remove fourteen properiaes &om the assessment roll for the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Pavu►g and Lighting Project (�ile No.18904) and to reimburse any payments already made towards these assessments. COMMEI�IDAITONS APPROVE (A) OB REJECT (H) ERSONAL SERVICE CON'SRe1CTS MUST ANSWER TIiE FOLLOWiNG: . Has the petso�✓fit�n ever worked under a contract Por this deparhnentT YES NO YLANHINGCOMMISSION A STAFF . Has [his persodSrm ever beeu a CiTy employee? YES NO CIV IL SEItV ICE COMMISSION . Does Utis perso�firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any PES NO current �1Ty employee? CB COMMITTEE E lain all YES answexs on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OSJECTIVE? �:+�r�Q���*; � OUNCIL WARD(S) 5 DISTRTCT PLANNING COUNCIL fi NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTUNITY (4Phq �Pbat, When, Where, Why?): Fourteen residential comer properkies were assessed for paving and fighting improvements for a second time within twen ears. To assess them twice would o a ainst the cunent olic . VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' Property owners wouid not be assessed for the second 6me, and could have any payments made towards this second assessment reimbursed to them. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The amount assessed to these properties would have to be found from another fiuiding source. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVI;D: These reszdential properties would be twice assessed for paving and lighting improvements, goin a ainst the current CSity olicy. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �2.O�T�SO.00 COST/REVEN[7�BUDCETLD<CIRCLEONE) YES NO nvcsouxcE: Cig acTivirYNV,u�Ex: CPL-000-2T554-0784-29254 ANC7AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) " ` � � � �� � 4 _i� �,�_. ��� � � 'i �� � v �w�u ��:l1"1' RTTC3R6V��' Return copy to: Real Estate Division pal) 140 City Hall QR1G1l�A < Presentea sy � Referred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council FYIe # d0 '�' �,�Z Green Sheet # 104765 � Committee: Date i WHEREAS, assessments were ratified by Council File No. 00-903, approved September 27, 2000, for z properties receiving unprovements under the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Sueet Paving and Lighting 3 Project, and; a s WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City of Saint Paul that residenual comer lots not be assessed for paving b and lighling improvements if they were already assessed for paving and lighting improvements on an � adjacent street within the past twenty yaars, and; s v WHEREAS, it has been discovered that the following residential corner properties assessed for �o improvements with the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Street Paving and Lighting Project were assessed � i within the last twenty years for previous paving and lighting improvements to adjacent sueets abutting their ia properties: 13 1a 25-29-23-22-0056 is 25-29-23-23-0074 �e 25-29-23-24-0010 �7 25-29-23-24-0049 ia 25-29-23-24-0059 �9 25-29-23-240072 zo 25-29-23-24-0074 u 25-29-23-24-0092 zz 25-29-23-24-0131 Zs 25-29-23-24-0142 u 25-29-23-41-0219 u 25-29-23-42-0201 �e 25-29-23-42-0222 � 25-29-23-43-0089 a 1096 Kent Street 563 Hatch Street 1061 Cumberland Street 1055 Cumberland Street 1a20 Arundal Sueet 1019 Armidel Street 461 L.awson Avenue West 499 Lawson Avenue West 466 Lawson Avenue West 498 L.awson Avenue West 844 Galtier Street 843 Galtier Street 325 Atwater Street 318 Atwater Sueet $2,190.00 $1,5Q0.00 $1,110.00 $1,080.00 $2,130.00 $1,110.00 $2 $1,110.00 $ 120A� $ 750.00 $1,020.00 $1,140.00 $1,170.OQ $3,600.00 9 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above properties are removed from the assessment rolls for } the WESTERNlLAWSON Area Paving and Lighting Project, and; oo_�\�i- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to order checks to reimburse any assessments which may already have been paid by the owners of these properties towazds the assessments ratified for the WESTEItN/LAWSON Paving and Lighting Project. ���GlNAL : 1'��w��A�� � � �� � -� � � �. : !� _!_,' , _ ,.�< � . li s�i �� ir � ' , � � Requested by Department of: Technolow & Management Services By: �� ���� Director Form Approved by City Attomey B �..� 1✓11wi� /i-lu- o � roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� Adopted by Council: Date --��, aa �eYC,z, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � oo _����- .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ��. November 8, 2000 reen S eet l�iumber: 104765 ontactPersonandPLoneNumLer 2 EPARTMF.NfD CT 4 CiTYCOi1NCII. ..v� Louise A Langberg 266-8&61 �"' 1 `� E{.� C i7DC.hTDIRECI'OR FFICEOFFINANQAi,SVCS �c� on co�a� ag�aa uy: No later tl�an 3 YOR (OR ASSLST ESfATE DIVISYON ecember 6t1�, 2A00! OTAL # OF SIGNATLTRE PAGES 1�ci,8 ni,r, LocnrtoNS Fox sicxa�� c7zorr�uESx�n: Approve the attached council Resolulaon to remove fourteen properiaes &om the assessment roll for the WESTERN/LAWSON Area Pavu►g and Lighting Project (�ile No.18904) and to reimburse any payments already made towards these assessments. COMMEI�IDAITONS APPROVE (A) OB REJECT (H) ERSONAL SERVICE CON'SRe1CTS MUST ANSWER TIiE FOLLOWiNG: . Has the petso�✓fit�n ever worked under a contract Por this deparhnentT YES NO YLANHINGCOMMISSION A STAFF . Has [his persodSrm ever beeu a CiTy employee? YES NO CIV IL SEItV ICE COMMISSION . Does Utis perso�firm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any PES NO current �1Ty employee? CB COMMITTEE E lain all YES answexs on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OSJECTIVE? �:+�r�Q���*; � OUNCIL WARD(S) 5 DISTRTCT PLANNING COUNCIL fi NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTUNITY (4Phq �Pbat, When, Where, Why?): Fourteen residential comer properkies were assessed for paving and fighting improvements for a second time within twen ears. To assess them twice would o a ainst the cunent olic . VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' Property owners wouid not be assessed for the second 6me, and could have any payments made towards this second assessment reimbursed to them. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The amount assessed to these properties would have to be found from another fiuiding source. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVI;D: These reszdential properties would be twice assessed for paving and lighting improvements, goin a ainst the current CSity olicy. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �2.O�T�SO.00 COST/REVEN[7�BUDCETLD<CIRCLEONE) YES NO nvcsouxcE: Cig acTivirYNV,u�Ex: CPL-000-2T554-0784-29254 ANC7AL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) " ` � � � �� � 4 _i� �,�_. ��� � � 'i �� � v �w�u ��:l1"1' RTTC3R6V��'