84-85 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT x(� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V ��� � C unc 'l Resolution Presented By � �� �Referred To �� l��A� �-L= Committee: Date �� ��-�"� Out of Committee By Date Aa administrative Resolution changing the title of Manpower Director to Deputy Director- Job Creation and Training in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVID, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section V, EMENNIPT POSITIONS, under the headiag "Professioaal-Administrative Group", by striking from Grade 23 the title of Manpower Director, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the title of Deputy Director-Job Creation and Training. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher ceu� In Favor Masanz � �lio�, Scnelbel � _ �►gainst BY Tedesco ' Wilson JAN 2 6 198� Form A roved b Ci o y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yas e ouncil Sec y BY �Y sy� t�ppr v by iVlavor. D � JAN 2 � � �F Ap o d by Mayor for b ission to Council By BY U8l.(3NED FEB 4 19�4 . �'ersonnel Office�pEPAR7(tENT . �/_��f�� - Bernard �'. Wri�h�t '�ONTACT � � 298-4221 ; PHONE \� �ree� �e � _ �ece�ber 20, 1983 DATE , . (Routing and xplanation Sheet) - , ;r' Assi Numher fvr Routin Order C1i A'!1 Locations for M � or 1 Si nature : � - . Departmeat Director Ci ty Attorney : r 3 Di rector of Mana�ment/Ma�yor � . Fi nance and Management Servi:ces Di rector . t�"��"?� �� . , �� -_'� �; � ►983 . . City CTerk : � Budget Di rector f����:�;.9... �. . �� . What WiII be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (PurposeiRationale): This Resolutioa changes the title of Maapower birector to Deputy Director-Job Creationi an<3 Traiaing aad places tlie .mia{m++� qualifications ia the.:Civi1 Service Rules. The pciaitioa�... remaias exe�pt but is aow under the time ].imit spectfied for the Deputy Directors ia�Planaing : and Ecoac�i.c Development . _ � � � - F�inancial, Budgeta and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: _ . , None. �, � . " ;� . � _ . .. . - i Funding Source artd Fund A�tfivity Number_Char4ed•or Credited: - - � Attachments (List and Nwnber all Attachments}: . . � 1. Resolution � . . . . . � 2, Copy for Citq Clerk. - - � � . . �.� - - . �.�.::. . . DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTORNEY REVI�t Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes� No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � t�o��:: Yes No Insurance Attached? _ . . . R�vision of October, 1982 . l�� Revpr��Side f�r Tnstructions} r , ..-'TE _ �T.v CLEQK . - �•K - =•••a�-� Council __�.�R� _ �A;j�""E"T CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��-�� � Council l�esolution CITY CLERK ?-esented Bv Referred To Committee: Date ` Out of Committee By Date __ An administrative Resolution changi�ng the ` ' title of Manpower Director to Deputy Director- Job Creation and Training in the Salarq Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutioa be amended :.a Section V, EMII�.'T POSITIONS, under the heading "Professional-Administrative Group", 3�r striking from Grade 23 the title of Manpower Director, and by substituting in lieu tnereof, the title of Deputy Director-Job Creat3on and Training. COL'ti C[L1tE!V `,'eas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher PF.R�QTjjQ .T. OF�'T F Gatles In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bai Against By - -- Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney :�dopted b�• Council: Date �ertified P�ssed by Council Secretary BY B; -�ppro�•ed by 1Ia�•or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , L!F �y-�J Saint �aul Su ervisors p , , Oran� at�on P•0. BOX 291, SAINT PAUL, MN. 55102 g � January 11, 198�+ Victor Tedesco, Council President and Members of the City Council Re: Proposed New Exempt Title Deputy Director - Job Creation and Training On behalf of the Saint �.u1 Supervisors Orga.nization, I wish to express opposition to the proposed creation of a new e�empt position entitled "Deputy Director - Job Creation and Training:' I realize that this new title is intended to replace in k�nd the existing exempt title of Manpc�wer Director in the Department of Community Services. Hvwever, our organization has been consistent7�y opposed to the creation or extension of exempt titles (below the level of Department Head) because we believe exempt positions can compromise the basic purposes of a Civil Service Merit System. We have been meeting with the Ma.yor's staff and the Personnel Office sta.ff as well as monitoring the Personnel Issues Task Force meetin�s in an attempt to bring orderly (minor) modifications to the existing Civil Service System. Thank u for the opportunity to comment. ���� Edward J. Warn President St. Pa.ul Supe isors Organization cc; Mayor George La.titner Thomas Gleason �� �'„'� •�'i:\ �I`�Y' OF �.ELIi�'� �.elUL �� ��d'.S � �•' ♦ - . l 1 � /1 x • r--- ;���'�� � Ol �ICI: O� 1FfF CIZ"�' COU�CIL �:=( �4;::- . :�.;.r, �y , .;.t-.: : _ �-.-_ ' =d°',_" ;�-j D a t e . January 29, 1984 . ��� ':� . . �� �`;���;�--_ C�OMM (T7' � E RE PORT " TO = � QJn? Pau ! Ci�� Coun�il - - FR0I1� = Comt�iT�-e� on FINAIvCE C E-i A t R James Scheibe 1 . - l. Approval of minutes from meeting held January 12, 1983. -'��OV�t,Q� #-0,% � r. . . � 2. Resoluti.on approving a Joint Po«ers Agreement with the County of Ramsey tvhereby � the City �oill operate and maintain the Harriet Island-Lilydale Regional Park and provide police and fire pro�ection and cor►�pensation to Lilydale for prose- cution within the park. (Community Services) PtPt'r20dt,.f� ' �-0 T 3. Resolution amending the 1983 Capital Improvement Budget and transferring �45,000 from Unallocated Reserve to Sun Ray Library Renovation�A��let�no _ (Comm. Serv.) , . Re ol ion app o 'ng additio to the 84 bud�a t and a. ropriatix�g,� $2,218,900 " to the 'nanc'• g P and t th Spend n Plat�' f Pa.xTcs Recreatidn Speci`al t' ices. mmunity erv' es) �, " O���8'y � -.sp`.�c.�Ai.�-�T�. � -3..` . . - � 5. Resolution amending 1984 budget and transferring $39,368 from Contingent Reserve _ Specified to Public �Vorks Traffic Qperations and I�taintenance (laid over from �./S)OV� 6. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $20,912 to the Financing Plan and �45,816 to the Spending Plan for Traffic, Signals, Lighting _ . Aiaintenance Fund. (laid over from 1/S) �P•�Dtt�D''�'�-�O' °- : . 7. Ordinance amending Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code; providing for the designation by the biayor of a person �vho tanuld be authorized to sign contracts on the biayor's behalf. (laid over from 1/5) �-�'1�-, OVF„� � -TCr� [��-8'�{. � 8. Resolution approving severance pay payments and providing for those enployees C resignit�g in 1983 as well as in_ the four p�eceding }•ears their severance pay ontions. (Personnell "�p��`� �:Q' _.. � 9. Administrative Resolution revising the,.series_�,of technical positions in the Human Rights Department. (Personnel) �P���. �"a ,� 10. Adm�it�' � ` -:` . t���t�t37x�-�f-Ma�tprowe� D�rector tcr�-�Y ���+���'�r&�3t�n °`15ra.i.ning i�r the'Saiary PIa�-�anc� Rates of Cort�ens�i'�iorn Rosc�l�. (Personnel), ::�����,�;:�::�:�,.��� 11. Resolution approving the 1984 riemorandum of Understanding pertainin to - employees holding the title of Assistant Fire Chief. (Personnel) '����'� � "�l ...�.:a aar i..r 5.w,.�..�.�3�...:r�w:: 12. Resolution amending Section 28 of the Civil Service Rules concerning Appoint- ment above the Alinimum. (Personnel) ��"��"'� �T it;.:�r_:xsr s�.+��.z--.Y _ f 13. Resolution approving the 1984 Collectiti�e Bargaining Agreement bet�.e�n,,,,t,,he City of St. Paul and the St. Paul Police Supervisory Group. (Personnel)�:*';��__Tr�_, _��� 14. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 htemorandum of Understanding pertaining to the Civic Center Stage Employees. (Personnel) ���',�,1�"d.;;� � 15, Resolution approving the 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining �lgreement between the City o£ St. Paul and the Professional Employee Association. (Personnel) ��,'�6�� �_ - - �" a 16. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 Collective Bargainin� Agreement bet�:een the City of St. Paul and the International Union of Operating Erigine�rs, Locals 36 and 967. (Personnel) �� ,�'�,��t�-C: � 17. An administrative ordinance amending the Civil Service._Rules pertaining to the � �� �� position of Deputy Director-Job Creation and Training. ��'�7t���"°�=�';� p�1� 18. An ordinance pertaining to the division of manpower programs. P ,.�� . �iD�D'`� �o. �