84-60 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE �I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L COUIICII CAMI�RV - DEPARTMENT L,�/ � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � / O Co nc 'l R olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pursuant to the Stipulation of Settlement in the class action suit of James Fowler, Jr. , et al. versus the City of Saint Paul wherein it states in part that "the City of Saint Paul agrees to establish and utilize an Affirmative Action Advisory Committee whose purpose shall be to promote affirmative action in the recruitment of minority applicants and the tutoring of all applicants for the job of fire fighter, as well as to monitor the im�lementation of the Personnel Office ' s recruitment and tutoring program" BE IT R.ESOLVED, that the following named persons representing the following agencies and communities are hereby appointed to the Affirmative Action Advisory Comr.iittee. CIVIL SFRVICE COMr..^:ISSIC�N ASIAN COMMUNITY RFPRESENTATIVE Dr. George Berry Dr. Gla ys Stone OFFICE OF THE 1"lAYOR HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Ora Lee Patterson Jean Druker � Roy Garza (alternate) SAINT PAUL FIR�' DEPARTMENT Ed Heinen CITY CnUNCIL Councilman Bill H7ilson BLACK COMBZUNITY REPP.ESENTATIVE Councilman Bob Fletcher Allen Gi es FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 21 INDIAN COP�IMUNITY P:EPRESEYJTATIVE Gary Trudeau Henry GreenCrow HISPANIC REPRESENTATIVE (-�C3-�-f�df�}- Marilyn McClure page 1 of 2 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor _ __ Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY By, Approved by Mayoc Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council '/ � BIUERV - MAVORTMENT Flle NO. �• �O Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The Advisory Committee sha11 select its own chair and shall adopt its own governing rules and s.zall meet as often as necessary to accomplish its purpose, but shall meet at least once a month for the six months prior to the City's administration of any test or other selection device for the purpose of selecting fire fighters. Interim chair until such time as the committee elects will be Ora Lee Patterson, Office of the Mayor. page 2 of 2 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Fletcher In Favor Ma.s anz Nicosia _ � __ Against BY — — Scheibel Tedesco r"7`^-=�°°�' JAN 1 7 1984 For Approv d by C't Attomey Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Y� •s d y ouncil et BY By , � . Appro 17avor. Date .l�N 19 198� Appr ed by Mayor for Sub si to Council \ By BY' PUBtISHEO JAN 2 8 1984 � �� ��-� � � ��T* �: " CITY OF SAINT PAUL 0 4 � '; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR p iiii 1'lii[f ; s � ^c 347 CITY HALL ���� SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR , T0: Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the Gity Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer / l.s' DATE: January 10, 1984 � RE: Appointments to the newly estab1ished . Affirmative Action Advisory Committee Attached is a Council Resolution naming merr�ers for . . the newly established Affirmative Action Advisory Comnittee. I am asking for your consideration and approval . Thank you. GL/lm attachment - �4� �F �'�-�� ���T� �. GITY OF SAINT PAUL es '� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR + uzui��uu � n�� tai n � �� �v 347 CITV HALL +s�• SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR T0: Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the C' Council FROM Mayor George Latimer � 3 DATE: January 13, 1984 ` RE: Appointment to the newly stabli hed Affirmative Action dvi y Committee On January lOth I forwarded to you a council resolutian naming members for the newly established Affirmative Action Advisory Comm�ittee. On that resolution the Hispanic Representative was "to be named." r_.- C-; _= �.. . � The resolution is on the council agenda for Jar�uary 1�, Mari 1yn McCI ure's name wi 11 appear as the Hi 5:p_a�ni��� � representative. r: �,� w v • <.� -_„ ��---, : . Thank you. '�� �; �:�� ��� ---- GL/lm cc: A1 Olson, City Clerk `�'�°