84-28 . � � - � . � � � � � � � � �� �y�-�� � ���o� Page 2. 2. Deputy Director-Community Development. College graduation in a related field and five years' experience in a responsible position which would provide knowledge in grant-in-aid-coordination or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. 3. Deputy Director-Development. College graduation and five years' experience ia a responsible position which would provide knowledge in development procedure and operations or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. 4. Deputy Director-Housing. College graduation and five years' exper- ience in a responsible position which would provide knowledge in project development and/or housing procedures and operations or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. 5. Deputy Director-Planning. College graduation in a related field and five years experience in a responsible position which would provide knowledge in city planning or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. 6. Deputy Director-Job Creation and Training. College graduation and five years' experience in a responsible position which would provide knowledge in �ob creation and training programs, proced- ures and operations or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. WHITE - CITY CLERK � PIN,K � - FINANCE / � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COLIICll �I�/ �J � BLUE -MAYOR File NO. u • _�" • Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. /71�.5 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. 34.0 The provisions of this Section 34 of these Rules which places these above- mentioned 3 6 positions in the Unclassified Service shall expire on the first Tuesday of June, 1984, unless otherwise determined by the City Couacil with concurrence of the Civil Service Commission. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Approved: - ���F_;`_ Chairman, Civi Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � In Favor PERSONN FICE .�� �2E4� Masanz � Nicosia g scneibei Against Y Tedesco Wilson FEB 7 — �98�4 Form rove Cit t ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P s b Council S tar BY By Appr d by Mayor: � FEB 9 - 84 App d by Mayor for b i�sion to Council BY BY PU�tISNEO FEB 18 1984 wHITE - CITV GIERK ' CO1111C11 F:NK � FINANCE �ITY OF SAINT PAITL ���� ::ANARY - DEPARTMENT � 9LUE - MAYOR File NO. CITY CLERK ��GG�Zn�nCP, Ordinance N O. / 7�4-� �resented By Referred To Committee: Date Out uf Committee By Date An administrative ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules, Section 34, and pertaining to the position of Deputy Director-Job Creation and Training. � THE COUi�C� OF 'THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Saction.s 34.A, 34.B and 34.C, of the Civil Service Rules be and the same are hereby ��ed te read as follows: Section 34. UNCLASSIFIID POSITIONS 34.A The following positions are hereby placed in the Unclassified Service of the Citq of Saint Paul: Deputy Director-Business Revitalization Deputy Director-Commun3ty Development Deputy Director-Development Deputy D:Lrector-Housing Deputy Director-Planniag Deputy Director-Job CrPation and Training 34.B Minimum qualifications for such Unclassified positions shall be: 1. Deputy Director-Business Revitalization. College graduation and five years' experience ia a responsible position which would pro- vide knowledge in Neighborhood Businesa Revitalization and economic developmeat or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory posiCion. _1_ COUNCIL�1F,N =�as Nays Requested by Department of: �ietcher �a��� In Favor Masanz • Nicosia Against BY Schelbei Tsdeaco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney .'.dopted by Council: Date �erii:ied Passed by Council Secreta:y BY ay �pproved by M�yor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ta.. Rv . . �F ���� � �>�o� Page 2. � 2. Deputy Director-Community Development. College graduation in a related field and five years' experience in a responsible position which would provide knowledge in grant-in-aid-coordination or related areas, at least t�ao years_of which must have been in a supervisory position. 3. Deputq Director-Development. College graduation and five years` . experience in a responsible position which would provide knowledge in development procedure and operations or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. 4. Deputy Director-Housing. College graduation and five years' exper- ience in a responsible position which would provide knowledge in project development and/or housing procedures and operations or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. 5. Deputy Director-Planning. College graduation in a related field and five years experience in a responsible position which would provide knowledge in city planning or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. 6. Deputy Director-Job Creation and Training. College graduation and five years' experience in a responsible position whica would provide knowledge in '�ob creation and training �rograms, proced- ures and operations or related areas, at least 3-wo years of which must have been in a supervisory position. �rHI7E - CITY CLERK �INI( - FINANCE � A T �'Ojl(i(�`ll /yy :4NARY - DEPARTMENT 'GITY O� SL"�IN1 PAUL n �� 3LUE - MAVOR File NO. v � • ���i���,l��•G Ordinance P�O. �7��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. 34.0 The provisions of this Section 34 of these Rules which places these above- �en.tioned 3 6 positions in the Unclassified Service sha11 expire on the first Tuesdap of June, 1984, unless otherwise determined by the City Council wita coacurreace of the Civil Service Commission. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, �pproval a�d publication. Approved: Chairman, Civil Service Co�nission COU:'VCILUfF,N Requested by Department of: ':eas Nays �'�etchar PERSONNEL OFFICE aBu� , in Favor . Masa�z , Nicosia g Scheibal Against Y Tedesca Wilson Form rove ' Cit t `�ney �dopted by Council: Date e- Certified Passed by Councii Secretary BY By :�pprov.ed by :�tayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . By � ^�'j ." Pe r s e��el�t�ce► r" CIEPAR�t•iENT �'-F ��.02�. � � Bernard P. �Nright r�NTACT � � /7f'B� � 298-4221 PHONE r�e� �� _ �ecember 20. L983 DATE _ . (Routing and Expianation Sheet) • Assign Nur�ber for Rout�nq Order (Clip All Locations for M�roral Signature�; � � �Y.'�fDepartment Df rector , �C�i ty Attorney r _��.,,__,� ,_�. 3 Di rector of Management/Mayor � ��'��°`:� '��"� F�nance and Management Servi ces Di rec�or C'.-'�� � "_ i983 . Ci ty CT erk � . F� � � -. -�:- . ' _ llsa a�trm.,:��; � ..�r. - 8udget Di rector .- . What Wi i 1 be Achi eved by Taki ng Acti on on the Attacfred Materi al s? (Purpose/itational e�:_ This 4r�d�ce,�c�es the t�itle of Maapower Director to Deputy Director-Job_Creation and 3'raiaing aad places the m{�i+�+++* qualificatians in the Ci�rtl Service Rules. The�poeiti.�>a •, � remaiste eaempt but is aow under. the time limit specified fnr the Deputy. Dir�ctcrs ia Planuing . aad Econc�mic Developn�nt . Financfal, 6udgetary and Personnei I�acts Anticipated: . : None. . � . Funding Sourc� and Fund Actfivity Number Charged�or Credited: Attachments {E�ist and Number ali Attachments�: . .� � . 1. l�d�:aance . . � � . . � 2� Copy for CixY Clerk. . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEIri � Yes No. Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes� iVo Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � No Yes No Insurance Attached? . , . RQVZSion of October, 198'L . (�� Rpvprse Sidp f�r 'Instructions) � _.�,•-, p , -"'��' �► ����� a t j �z�X �F 1J.�.��:r�� �.E�.�L �F d �-o�� <:_-. a� �.y ' �° ��� � � ~ � �7��✓ �.:,�,r----�}�. 1���� � o�.,r-icr or �r�rr c���:�� coU�czr � - �'=•��:�'"�;': ` +-: � >� ;: _,�-�::..� � , . ��.�., -:_ .. i�'- 1�,��; D a t e . January I9, 1984 `.���_ /;/ ' �.-�-� �. �`� � . .,L.j"�':;."_:-' COMMIT`�" � E R E PO RT " �'0 = �qln� Pttu I Ci�'� Co� ��il - - �POI� ' CO� f�'�1I�1��� OR FINANCE C kf A i R James Scheibel . • 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held January 12, 1983. -ptPPrc'OV�tj,) �-p " � 2. Resolut�on approving a Joirct Po«ers Agreement �vith the County of Ramsey tvhereby � the City will operate and maintain the Harriet Island-Lilydale Regiona2 Park and provide poli.ce and fire protection and compensation to LilydaZe for pxose- cution within the park. (Community Services) ptPPr2tAltp �-0 3. Resolution amending the 1983 Capital Improvement Budget and transferrircg �45,Q00 from Unallocated Reserve to Sun Ray Library Renovation���om�let�nO (Comm. Serv.) e�r�� . Re ol ion app o 'ng additio to the 84 buda t and ropriati,x� $2,21$,900 - to the 'nanc'�►g P and t th Spend n Pla f Pa�T:s Recr���ic'�x� Spec�il ices. mmunity erv' es) P £p Op ��l � A°�'�7�5" `�3' � _ � 5. Resolution amending 1984 budget and transfexring $39,368 from Contingent Reserve . Specified to Public 1Vorks Traffic Qperations and A7aintenance (laid over from l./5)411�Q b. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $20,912 tn the Financing Plan and $45,816 to the Spending Plan for Traffic, Signals, Lighting -- . biaintenance Fund. (laid over from 1/S) PtPpRD��� �{'-fl � 7. Ordinance amending Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code; providing for the designation by the biayor of a person urho would be authorized to sign contracts on the htayor's behalf. (laid over from 1/5) �� OV� 'T� t-�b-8''�• 8. Resolution approving severance pay payments and groviding for those employees C resignino in 1983 as well as in the four preceding years their severance pay ontions. (Personnell �P�m�� y'-�• 9. Administrative Resolution revising the series of technical positions in the Human Rights Department. (Personnel) �P�JS�,p c{"'0 10. Administrative Resolution changing the title of hianpoiJer Director to Deputy Director-Job Creation and Training in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoluti,�on. (Personnel) �tPPR+OV4,i� `� -O 11. Resolution approving the 1984 rlemorandum of Understanding pertaining to - employees holding the title of Assistant Fire Chief. (Personnel) �R�J� y •D 12. Resolution amending Section 28 of the Civil Service Rules concerning Appoint- ment above the Alinimum. (Personnel) APPRD�I4.D � 'fl 13. Resolution approving the 1984 Collective Bargaining Agreement betl.een the City of St. Paul and the St. Paul Police Supervisory Group. (Personnel)�P��'� �l"D 14. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 htemorandum of Understanding pertaining to the Civic Centex Stage Employees. (Personnel) �PP�Jr.p 1�--Q 15. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the Professional Employee Association. {personnel) �P�Y� �_ - 16. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining �lgreement bet�:een the City of St. Paul and the International Union of Operating Erigine�rs, Locals 36 and 967. (Pexsonnel) f�PP�3�EA tf -O. . _ __..._.�_ ., ; 17. An �,�in�..s�trative ordin�n�e �nding th,e Civi�, Service R�les pertaining to the � ��- pt�y posit�t�n af De�uty Dir�e�t3t��Job .Creation gad 'TSr�i�ing. j'�'PRU=J� ��� ipR��p�►18• An ordinance pertaining to the division of manpower programs. � P,'' �d�� �S-'D. � .. , � .' , �� � � � � � � / � � -�� 2nd � �� �c -� �' } ' � 3rd_ J —] � —�� Adopted � � -8 G� } - � � � Yeas Nays � � FLETCHER (" �" �7 ��� - `6�� .17QFi(,t� /%/C� � � � MASANZ � t NICOSIA � i SCHEIBEL i . WILSON r MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO