84-27 NfHITE = CITV CLERK 1 .
r � Ce Ordinance N 0. /7/C��
Presented By �
� ���
�/Referred To ����1�"��-�- Committee: Date 1
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance pertaining to the division of
manpower programs; amending Chapter 7 and Chapter
10 of the St. Paul Administrative Code.
- Section 1. �
That Section 7.01, subdivisions 1 and 2 of the St. Paul
Administrative Code, as amended, be and the same are hereby
further amended to read as follows:
Subdivision 1. Department established. There is
hereby established an executive department of the
eity of Saint Paul to be known as the department of
community services. The head of such department
shall be the director, who, prior to sueh appointment,
shall possess such qualifications as the couneil may
by ordinance provide. The department of community
services shall be organized into the divisions of
libraries, parks and recreation, public health, and
housing and building code enforcement-�-a��-�a�.$e�re�
Subd. 2. Departmental functions. The department of
community services shall be responsible for the
adminis�ration and maintenance of all public librariea
and rea�ing rooms; the administration and maintenance
of parks, parkways and playgrounds, ineluding the care
and maintenance of trees and shrubbery on public lands;
the organization and programming of community recreation;
the ad.ministration of public health programs, and the
enforcement of city housing and building codes�-a�.�.
� a��.�� - � �+a�s.
COUNCILMEN Requested b Department of:
Yeas Nays �
,�s�sr—,�+Z�a,.� In Favor
Nicosia B
scneibe� Against Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date A r ve by Mayor for mi i n to Council
, Cl r= �'�-d?7
Page 2.
Section 2.
That Chapter 7 of the St. Pau1 Administrative Code, as
amende�l� be and the same is here�y further amended by
deleting therefrom in its entirety Section '7.06, entitled,
"Division of Manpower Programs. "
Section 3.
That Section 10.01, subdivisions 1 and 2 of the St. Paul
Administrative Code be and the same are a�nendnd to read ae
Subdivision 1 . Department established. There is
hereby established an executive department of the
city of Saint Paul to be known as the department
of planning and economic development. The head of
such department sha11 be the director, who, prior to
such appointment, shall possess such qualifications
as the council may by ordina�ice provide. The depart-
ment of planning and economic development shall be
organized into the divisions of business revitalization,
of housing, of develop�nent, of planning, a�.� of
community development�and of job creation and
Subd. 2. Departmental functions. The department
of planning and economic development shall s�e
responsible for all planni�zo activities carried on
in the city; for coordination of al1 the planning
activities carried on by other departments and agencies
of the city; for development, develo�ment district,
and renewal activities; �or economic development
and renewal for the city; for community and neighbor-
hood developmeni activities; for property rehabilita-
tion program activities; for job creation and trainin
ro rams• and for other ma ers related o the planning
an development of the city.
Section 4.
That Chapter 10 of the St. Paul Administrative Code, as
amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding
the following section:
10.07. Division of 'ob creation and trainin .
Wi- hin the departmen of plannin� and economic
development, there shall be a division of job
_. � C� F gy-:77
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Page 3.
creation and training. The division head shall be
�pointed by the mayor with the consent of the
council, and shall be in the unclassified service
of the city. Under the supervision of the director,
the division shall:
(1) Be responsible for the design and develo ment of
�rograms providing employability development
services, employment opportunities and job
training services consistent with communit
and employer needs .
(2) Be responsible for the administration, coordina-
tion, operation and monitorin� of all emplo ment
�rograms, training activities and emplo ment
generating activities, includin� contractin�
and subgranting for programs, activities and
services with private for-profit, ublic and
non-profit organizations .
(3) Be responsible for the preparation of program
�rant applications and program plans .
(4) Identif.y problems and develop programmatic
solutions relating to cyclically and structurall
unemployed youth and adult populations .
(5) Seek funding from federal, state, local and
private sources to carry out its res onsibilities .
(6) Foster job creation through assisting business
and assisting in economic development activities .
(7) Coordinate and provide staff services to the St .
Paul Council for Economic Self-Reliance (Private
Industry Council .
(8) Coordinate with and establis.h liaison with
community organizations, business organizations,
city departments and other public agencies with
regard to employment and training.
(9) Render appropriate reports to federal, state and
c enc es an o icla s .
P�NG. - FINANCE (jITy OF SAINT PAUL Council '/ /%
^ C�ANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �• r�`
0 rdindnce Ordinance N�. ����7'
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 4.
(10) Carry out and discharge such other duties and
powers as may be reasonabl.y necessary to
achieve the functions of the department of
planning and economic development, or as may
otherwise be authorized b law.
Section 5.
This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the St. Paul
Administrative Code and shall be incorporated therein and
given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time
of the next revision of said Administrative Code.
Section 6 .
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days
from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Request by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�xas DaF,eJ In Favor
Nicosia B
Scheibel A gai n s t y
FEB 7 — 198t� Form rove y tor
Adopted by Council: Date � c
Certified P ss b Council et BY /
' FEB 9 -
App by Mayor: 198�f App by Mayor for Su issi to Co�cil
By By
p�$u��p F E B 1� 1984
_ . � �F �,y- .�Z?
Planning & Econ. Dev. p �����
William Patton ,��TACT
292-1517, Ex. 212 PHpNE �� ��
12/21/83 pqrE r�j '
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assi� Number for Routing Order (C�ip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature):
1 Depawtme�t Di rector . .
Ci ty Attorney
2 Director of Management�Mayor
Finance and Management Services Director
3 City Clerk
Budget Director
i�hat Wi11 be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
This is an ordinance amending the St. Paul Administrative Code to transfer the Manpower
— Division of Community Services to the Department of Planning and Economic Development.
Title of Manpower is being changed to Job Creation and Training.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel In�pacts Anticipated:
Budget and Personnel will be transferred to PED.
a. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurt�er Charged or Credited:
Attachments (List and Nw�er all AttacFanents):
� �Ordinance
� Yes No C�-�Resa�v�ion Requi red? Resol ution Requi red? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
�SPP RPVP!"CP SidP for �Instructions)
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. �'� `\:a' ==•�,�,::,.`�i D ci t e ; January I9, 1984 _
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TO = � qtn? PQUt Cit� Co� � �[ I � �
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CH A i R James Scheibel -
1. Approval of minutes from meeting held January 12, 1983. -�P�OV�tf,� i¢-0 �
r � -
` 2. Resoluti.on approving a Joint Po�sers Agreement with the County of Ramsey trhereby
� � the City 1J111 operate and maintain the Harriet Island-Lilydale Regional Park
and provide police and fire pro�ection and co�?ensation to Li2ydale for prose-
cution within the park. (Community Services) PtPt'i�bJ2.l� �{-� I
3. Resolution amending the I983 Capital Improvement Budget and transferring $45,OOQ
from Unallocated Reserve to Sun Ray Library Renovation Comp letion. (Comm. Serv.)
, teP?�2pv�,p �-b ,►
. Re ol ion appro 'ng addition to the 84 budqa�t and a ropriatirrg� $2,218,900
" to the 'nanciing P and to' th Spendin Pla�' t Paxks Recr�atidn Speci`al
ices. mmunity ervi ces) P, OJr,D d�� � � `�p``-U�'\��'' �'3'� '
. � ��, J
5. Resolution amending 1984 budget and transferring $39,368 from Contingent Reserve.���
Specified to Public ZVorks Traffic Qperations and 2laintenance (laid over from �./5)Ott�
b. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriatina $20,912 ta
the Financing Plan and �45,816 to the Spending Plan for Traffic, Signals, Lighting
_. . DTaintenance Fund. (laid over from 1/S) A�p:�LOJfL� ` �-fl :
7. Ordinance amending Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code; providing for
the designation by the I�iayor of a person ilho would be authorized to sign contracts
on the btayor's behalf. (laid over from 1/5) �'►'a Ov�r �D t�-�-8''�{• � ,
8. Resolution approving severance pay payments and providing for those enployees
C resigning in 1983 as well as in the four preceding years their severance pay
nrtions. fPersonnell �p���� '�,��' � �
9. Administrative Resolution revising the_ series. of. technical positions in the
Human Rights Department. (Personnel) �P�J� 4�� l
10. Administrative Resolution changing the title of hianpower Director to Deputy
Director-Job Creation and Training in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation
Resoluti,pn. (Personnel) �v'�T'�`�'�t�' "�'�
.- ...�. _. _ ..,.:. .
11. Resolution approving the I984 biemorandum of Understandina pertaini�n.�,t�o��� 4,DI
employees holding the title of Assistant Fire Chie£. (Personnel) �'� �_ _.�. . ,
12. Resolution amending Section 28 of the Civil Service Rules concerning Appoint-
ment above the blinimum. (Personnel) ����''� � �
�v.s+:anR�.�..... - . . _ 1
13. Resolution approving the 1984 Collective Bargaining Agreement bet►�een the City
of St. Paul and the St. Paul Police Supervisory Group. (Personnel)����� ���
14. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 biemorandum of Understanding pertaining to the
Civic Center Stage Employees. (Personnel) �°FPP�c1'�d lt"O �
�..:.,.,��.r-.y �
15. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining Agreement betcvee�����
City o£ St. Paul and the Professional Employee Association_ (Personnel) :z�_,,_��O
� . r
16. Resolution approving the 1984-1985 Collective Bargainin� �l�reement bet�:een
the City of St. Paul and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Locals
36 and 967. (Personnel) /�P���3^� t� -0. �
17. An administrative ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules _pertaining to the
�1ot �,,,4 Position of Deputy Director-Job Creation and Training. J�%P�l3t��p""Y--a. }+
�R���d► 18. M ordit� � ' ' ,.LO:t�.e. division �af' �tat��'�►grams.
A�i � . _ ���y� �f—a, *