BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � • _�D
o cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Dafe
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT P.ESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
certiiies and ap�roves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of
A�peals and P.eview pertainin� to the following listed nroperty an.d as
shown by the Excerpted P�Iinutes of said Board of Appeals and Review,
dated Dece�ber l�), 19�3 , and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and
r�zade a part hereof by reference ;
12-13-�3 90-�3-H 302 Summit Avenue Anthony Faltesek/
(11 units) Archdiocese of St . Paul
BOAP.D L�CTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Le�islative Code, Section
�'T ,f pertaining to basic facilities , to allow use oi shared bath out-
side o� dwellin� unit .
Property Description : Dayton and Irvines Addition
Elock 69, 71 throu�h �2 , �4, 85 and part of
blocks 70, 03, and o7 .
12d�`;:--<'��� 92-33-H 828/330 Selby Ave . Kathryn A. Van De St�eg
BOA�i� �t:�'ION : Granted a variance of St. Paul Leoislative Co�?�, on condi-
tion" tr zT at a;a�ellant board up the gara�e and discontinue use or it within
ten da�� .
Pronerty ����cription : Ninin�er and Donnelly' s Adc�ition
Lot 3 , Slock °, 5ubject to easements .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�r ry�G—TCN-F(� [n Favor
� �R,E(.l�
��5� _ __ Against BY —
Tg�SCO Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
C- ` 2
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY �
Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - - BY
. , ��,/-,� �
12-13-83 95-83-H 673 N, Dale Street Jerry T, Hable
BOARD ACTION; Granted a variance of St . Paul Legislative Code, Section
�pertaining to basic facilitiest to allow continued use of
shared bathroom by two dwellin; units each with single occupancy,
Property Description; Dale Street Addition
North 47 ' of east 8 ' of Lot 29R and
except south 78 ' , Block 30 .
12-13-83 96-83�-H 366 Su�ait Ave, John Rupp
BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on St . Paul Legislative Code� per-
taining to asic facilities , to waive the requirement on installation
of handsinks as the bedrooms have sinks , on condition the door between
the walk through bedrooms is never locked and that occupancy of same
be limited to owner/occupant .
Property Description: Dayton & Irvines Addition
Part northwesterly of a line 187 ' southeasterly
from & parallel with northwesterly line of block
69 of the follotaing described tract; lot 24 &
part of lot 25 lying northeasterly of a line
running from point on northwesterly line of
79 , 76 feet from northwesterly corner of SD lot
to point on southeasterly line of and 24.08 '
from southeasterly corner of SD, Lot 25 , Block 69.
12-13-83 98-S3-H 1032 Conway Street Marion Carpenter
BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on ille�ally parked automobile until
t e en �7'anaury, 1984, on condition appellant obtain a current state
license or remove the car from the premises .
Property Description; Stinsons Subdivision of Block 79 of
Lyman Daytons Addition, Lot 7 � Block 79 .
2 ,
�LUE — MAVOR File NO. � — � O
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
12-13-�3 89-S3-F 235 Exeter Place Clarence & Mary Davis
(17 units)
BOARD ACTION; Granted a variance on Fire Code requirement �or a keybox
on con ition that the entry door is never locked and that a proper fire
alarrz syster�i be installed and self-closin� door devices be installed;
all to be completed by Decernber 30, 1904.
Property Description; Exeter Subdivision
Subject to easement and except west 10 S7/100'
lyinb south of north 91 91/100 ' part of lot �
3 east of west 35 22/100' thereof and all of
lots 1 and 2 .
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City
Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this
resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register
of Deeds .
3 .
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
�:�s� [n Favor
SCh�ibel _ � __ Against BY —
� Q
JAN — � �9U� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date � � ^ C �/� _ � �
Certified P�;s d b C uncil S et By %� '�r'°� 2�Z'
Approved b , vor. Dat _ �~N — g � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
1/By _ \Jl.�/�, �' By
. • ,� s, E X H I B I T "A" d`1"�D
qn_R�-H 302 Summit Avenue Anthony Faltesek/Archdiocese
(11 units) of St. Paul
APPEARANCE: Anthony Faltesek & Vince Wharton
SUBJECT: Request a variance where three units have the exclusive
use of bathroom not totally included within the unit, because of
�inancial hardship. -- -
� Mr. Faltesek addressed the board explaining the property was - '
donated to the archdiocese in December of 1982 and they are in - -
the process of developing it as an interdependent living situation
where there will be 11 units, 10 of which will be occupied in-
dividually and one usedcommunally by all 10 occupants. fie stated
they are seeking a variance on three units where the baths are
not contained wholly within the unit although each unit does have
an individual bath.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Tilton moved that a variance be granted to St.
Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 11, pertaining to basic facilities,
to allow use of shared bath outside dwelling unit. G1enn Gausman
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
THE VOTE: Ayes 0 � Nays 0 Abstentions 0
92-83-H 828/830 Selby Avenue Kathryn A. Van De Steeg
SUBJECT: Requests a variance of code pertaining to outside structures,
in particular to a garage which appellant feels is structurally sound.
APPEARANCE: Kathryn Van De Steeg
PROCEEDINGS: Ms. Van De Steeg said this is a double garage whicl7 is
used only for storage and does not accomodate an automobile. She
feels it is a sound building and because she has been doing other
work such as wiring, plumbing and insulation, it would be a financial
hardship at this time ta put on new doors.
Frank Staffenson, city Health Department, feels this is a ha2ardous
condition as the garage is open. He would like to see the garage
secured and suggested she can board it up and discontinue use of
it. This would be an acceptable alternative for the city.
BOARD ACTION: William Tilton moved the variance be granted on
condition that appellant board up the garage and discontinue use
within ten days. Lucille Collins seconded the motion.
THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
` EYYiibit` ��A�� . gage .2 OT°��
95-83-H 673 North Dale Street Jerry T. Hable
(3 units)
SUBJECT: Requests a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
34 . 11, pertaining to basic facilities, to allow for continued use of
shared bath by two dwelling units with single occupancy each.
APPEARANCE: Jerry T. Hable ,
PROCEEDINGS: Alice Bijjani informed the board she has no problem -
with granting this variance if they so wish. �-
BOARD ACTION: Flilliam Tilton moved a variance be granted to allow
continued use of shared bath. Lucille Collins seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
96-83-H 366 Summit Avenue John Rupp
, . . _ .
SUBJECT: Requests a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
35. 03, pertaining to escape windows, because of practical difficulty.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Rupp explained that the windows in question were
custom designed to protect against breakins and the basement apart-
ment is adjacent to two outside exits. He further stated that the
requirement for handsinks in the bathroom be waived as each bedroom
in these apartments does have a sink. He feels installation of an
outside stair would seriously damage the aesthetics of the building.
rir. Rupp explained that none of the materials used in the building
are flamable.
Alice Bijjani suggested to Mr. Rupp that he install grates over the
cvindows that can be opened by the occupant for escape, but still
provide the securi.ty measures needed. Greg Plante agreed that he
would like to see windows that can be opened for egress.
BOARD ACTION: Lucille Collins moved that the variance be denied and
windows be installed for escape. Glen Gausman seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
FURTHER PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Rupp explained that each of the bedrooms
- adjoining the bathrooms in question do have a handsink.
BOARD ACTION: Ron Glassman moved that the variance be granted to
waive the requirement for handsinks and that the door between the
walk through apartment is never locked and that occupancy be
limited to owner. William Tilton seconded the motion. Motion
THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
� Exhibit "A" page 3
� ! - $�{-.20
98-83-H 1032 Conway Street Marion Carpenter ,
SUBJECT: Requests a variance of code to allow parked car on
property until mechanic can do the work. Having to store or license
this automobile would cause financial hardship.
APPEARANCE: Marion Carpenter
PROCEEDINGS: Ms. Carpenter stated she purchased the car in question
to use the body on an identical model which she owns. The mechanic
who is to do the work is unable to until after January lst. some -
time and he does not have room to store the car. She feels the
car is not bothering anyone parked in her own yard. She is on -
social security and it would be a financial hardship for her to -
rent a garage or license the car.
Frank Staffenson explained that Chapter 163 of the St. Paul .
Legislative Code states that if a car is unlicensed it is con-
sidered an abandoned car and must be properly stored or currently
licensed. He stated they had a complaint from a neighbor in
November and in talking to Ms. Carpenter he granted her an extension
to November 30th. At that time she felt the car would be removed.
Ron Glassman suggested giving her a 30 day extension at which time
she could go to the State of MN. Motor Vehicle Division and attempt
to license the car.
BOARD ACTION: T��illiam Tilton moved a variance be granted until
the end of January, 1984 , on condition that appellant obtain the
current license plates or have the car moved from the premises.
Lucille Collins seconded the motion. NIotion carried.
THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
89-83-F 235 Exeter Place Clarence & Mary Davis
(17 units)
SUBJECT: Requests a variance of fire code requirement for self-
closing doors on each apartm�nt and solid core 20 minute f ire-
rated doors, because of financial hardship.
APPEARANCE: Clarence Davis
- �Exhib.i�t_ ��A�� . Page 4 p'��1)
• D
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Davis stated he feels that not all buildings that
are three stories and more than fifteen units should necessarily
fall under the same rules. He said the building consists of brick
walls, with inside walls of cinder block and plaster; the floors
are concrete with tile, door frames are metal and all kitchen cup-
boards are metal. There is no wood in the interior of the building.
Each floor has two e�:its with the maximum distance for each apart- -
ment to the door being 23 ' . He feels he has just upgraded the
building for the Certificate of Occupancy and is looking at some
energy saving methods. Mr. Davis said he is concerned about fire _
safety but feels the building is safe. He said the door to the _ ,
building is never locked so does not feel they need a keybox. _ _
Greg Plante explained that the fire code is specific about requiring
a fire alarm system in buildings with more than 15 units. This code
is in effect and they feels it will enhance fire safety in the City
of St. Paul. He would recommencl requiring the fire alarm system in
this case and also the door closures.
Glen Gausman commended Mr. Davis on the condition of the building,
stating it is better than most. He explained to Nr. Davis that
what he said about the makeup of the building is true, it is the
furnishings of the occupants that burn and cause the fire damage
and smoke.
BOARD ACTION: Ron Glassman moves that the variance on the fire
alarm system be denied and that it be installed b�� December 30, 1984;
that a -variance be granted on the keybox requirement on condition .
that the door is never locked, and that the door closures be in-
stalled. 6Villiam Tilton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstentions 0
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County of Ramsey ) ss.
I� .�. . � � .. . .. Albert. B:.Olson.. � .. � �� � �. �� ,City Clerk of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have
�- compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . 84,-20_
� January 5,. .� � . � . . . . 1984
� as adopted by the City Conncil. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .
� ,
o .. . . . .January 9�.. . . .. . .. . .. 1984. . . .
and appro�red by the Mayor. . . . .
with the original thereof on file in my office.
• I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
17th day of January ,A.D. 19.84
Minnesota this . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .. . .�'c�.---����. . . . . . . . . . .
• . • . • • City Clerk.
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w��iTE ,- C+ 1 Y (;LENK
' PINK � _ F�N.N�E (� I TY O F SA I NT I�A U L Council n
�CeN�iy. _ pEPANTME^,.�T . � /��J//y/ � //5'
PIUE - M4rOR File NO. r' / �� v
� o cil Resolution
Presented Sy
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
'� BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
� certiiies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of
;� A�peals and Review pertaining to the following listed nroperty and as
� shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board o� Appeals and Review,
�j dated Dece�ber 12, 19�3, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and
�j �ade a part hereof by reference :
12-13-�3 90-�3-H 302 Summit Avenue Anthony Faltesek/
(11 units) Archdiocese of St. Paul
BOAP.D ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Lebislative Code� Section
. , pertaining to basic facilities , to allow use oi shared bath out-
side oi dwellin� unit .
Property Description: Dayton and Irvines Addition
Block 69, 71 through 32 , �4, �5 and part of
blocks 70, �3 , and 87 .
12-i`;--r:' 92-33-H E28/330 Selby Ave. Kathryn A. Van De Steeg
BOARi� r;��ION : Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Cod�, on condi-
tiorilt�iat a��ellant board up the gara�e and discontinue use o:� it within
ten da�J .
Pro�ertq ,��scription : Ninin;er and Donnelly' s Addition
Lot 3 , Block 9, subject to easements .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�'�r ��' �C��fR In Favor
� ���u�
f�S� Against BY —
TQ�SCO Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by� Council: Date
Certitied Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY �• � C , � 2 �
By� .
Approved by �lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Bi — _---- — By — -- --
• • �•, , .. . i . /��l 4l L
p 12-13-83 95-83-H 673 N, Dale Street Jerry T, Hable
L,2 BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St, Paul Legislative Coder Section
, , pertaining to basic facilities � to allow continued use of
shared bathroom by two dwelling units each with single occupancy,
Property Description; Dale Street Addition
North 47 ' of east 8 ' of Lot 29, and
except south 78' , Block 30,
12-13-83 96�83-H 366 Summit Ave, John Rupp
BCAIZD ACTION: Granted a variance on St. Paul Legislative Code, per-
taining to asic facilities , to waive the requirement on installation
of handsinks as the bedrooms have sinks , on condition the door between
the walk through bedrooms is never locked and that occupancy of same
be limited to owner/occupant .
Property Description; Dayton & Irvines Addition
Part northwesterly of a line 187 ' southeasterly
from & parallel with northwesterly line of block
69 of the following described tract; lot 24 &
part of lot 25 lying northeasterly of a line
running from point on northwesterly line of
79 , 76 feet from northwesterly corner of SD lot
to point on southeasterly line of and 24,08 '
from southeasterly corner of SD, Lot 25, Block 69.
12-13-83 98--i33-H �1032 Conway Street Marion Carpenter
BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on illegally parked automobile until
t e en 'o�-Tanaury� 1984, on condition appellant obtain a current state
license or remove the car from the premises ,
Property Description; Stinsons Subdivision of Block 79 of
Lyma.n Daytons Addition, Lot 7 � Block 79 ,
PINk\ - FINANCE z (� I TY O F SA I NT I�A j.T L y �
�.�CAN�T.^. - OE��ARTME'rT �� w / O
.BLUE - MArOR File NO. �7 ��
� Counci� ��Reso�ution
Presented By '
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
12-13-83 89-83-F 235 Exeter Place Clarence & Mary Davis
(17 units)
� BOARD ACTION; Granted a variance on Fire Code requirement for a keybox
� on con ition that the entry door is never locked and that a proper fire
� alarr.z systern be installed and self-closin� door devices be installed;
Q all to be completed by December 30� 1984.
'� Property Description: Exeter Subdivision
Subject to �easement and except west 10 87/100'
lying south of north 91 91/100' part of lot 3
3 east of west 35 22/100' thereof and all of
lots 1 and 2.
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution� the City
Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this
resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office o� the Register
of Deeds .
Yeas �� Nays � Requested by Department of:
�R�� In Favor
Sch�ibel � Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date JAN - 5 198�4 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified P• -s d b C unc.il S et BY v ��C _ - —` �2��"
gy, �� _ A
Approved b . vor: Dat �~� - � j Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
v By ��L By
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