84-998 WMITE_ - CITY CLEkK , Y • '� ' . PiNK - FINANCE ��-� � � �I TY b F SA I NT PA U L � Council � /y� DLUERY -.MI.V.pqTMENT � . F11Q NO. �� • � - .� .� . ; .. -. � . �.... . . •. . . � . . . . .. . ��� Counc�l Resolution . � r . Presented BY . � . . . . � Referred To Committee: • Date Out of Comm tee By � '-� Date RE/t5. f n the event of e vacancy i n^e 1 ect�ve +o��#�t t t f s � 1 ncvebent upon the Sa t�t Pau1 C f ty C�our�c i:l .tD carry:' v�ut th� pi-ov i s f a1s af Sert i on 2.OS of the C f ty� tx+arte� i n an order 1 Y e�d � ' exped{tious aAanneri and . - wt�IEREAS. t t i s tAe i r►ts�t af '� CotxtC t 1 to co�+dtfct "�n _ eiection. to fii ! the vac�cY bY �n ope� P�oceaa which affoMa enax i�re+ c i t i aer► . part t c 1 pat i on by i r�d f v i r�i� end org�+i=at t o�s and g i ves due ccros f derat f an to e very �eN ous c�d i ciete. NOw., _ TMEREft�FtE. BE I T . ,:„,;� x R�SQL 1fEU, that the C i ty Cour�c i 1 adopts tt►e fo t i otiri�- procedures as a a�eLhod of f 1 1 � i r+g the v�ca�ncy t n e 1 ect i ve off f ce: l . 1� public �otice �ili be m�de t�rat a vacan�y extsts. 2. �'he tx3t i ce w f t 1 i nv i te i nd i v i due{a ar�! groups to subm f t rya��nes of qua i i f i e0 pe�s4ns ta the Off i ce of the City Cie�k by Jviy 31 , 1984, with resumes of qus l i f i cat!ons and gupporti ng sta�ternents. 3. The Cour�c f 1 sha! �y schedu 1 e a spec i s 1 Counc i 1 t�eet- ing on Augu�t 1 , 1984, at which a11 canci#d�tes who�e r�►es heve b�en rece t ved by -�he C f ty C 1 erk �a i 1 i be h�arci by the Cour�c i 1 ,,, A�tew� hear i ngy the . c�n�i t da'tes, t� Counc f ) � s �hha�l i _e�om 1 t�a°'te - � persons frorn hose tt►at -have Y �red before the Cou�cil . � 4. At a subseqcsent re�gu i ar raeet f ng Aug+ast 2, those per�ons ��inated by the Councfl shall s�pear aga�n before ti�►e Co�c i 1 to answer r�uest tort� fra�► the Ca+�c i I ��ber�. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletch�r Nays . • � _ °re1N In Favor Masanz Nicosla scne�bs� A gai nst BY Tedesco Wilson "` Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� CertiEied Passed by Councii Secretary BY BS. Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . }I wNiTE - C�TV C�EFiK ' {1 PINN � - FINANCE � � t • COUACII { CANARV - DEPARTMENT � G I TY~ O F SA I NT, PAU L �� � ��� � � � I BLUE -MArOR ' � . � � .F�IC ' NO� � . � • . . � �.:... � � - . - . : - �ounci�� Resolut�on '� . ..Y .. . 1. � � � . . , . .. .. ♦ . � � � � Presented By - -- -- Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date � .� . , . . � ' . __. .._ . f . . s. At tne conc i us f on af tr►e i�sest i on pe�ioci, tr�e Cour►c t� �hei 1 e 1 ttrt tt►e �ou�c 1 1 peraar� to f i i i the v�scency. . - And, Be tt . FINALLY RESOLYE�. tt�t the Councii ahall t�y subaaque�t �not t on or �eso i ut 1 or� estsb i 1 sh spec t f 1 c procedures bo be .fo11�o�ed . at each tAeet t n�. . : ... � � - COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of;_ � Yeas �, Nays . -.._-. ., . , °i"' �� . In Favor M.sanz Nkosia {/�� sen�ros� � A gai ns t BY T�desco Wtlson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 2 4 �g84 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified�}?assed by.Co cil S ret�ry BY By �/4,, f c�..�«' . Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY . , . . �_- �� �'��. �::: ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��aNtl�MIVO . . . +A�•`'*' O,•�I,,',i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a: `; �; ���� �e� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK .• - °4a,���m���a�s` 386 City Hall,$aint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 24, 1984 St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press 55 E. Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Attention: Jane Gentlemen: Enclosed is a notice announcing a vacancy on the City Council. Would you please print it in both the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on July 26, 27 and July 28, 1984. � Please bill City Clerk Contract No. 1482. ' Yours Xruly, ii�-�t-�'•�/�,/fi//- ��i���'<-� Albert B. Olson ��?� City Clerk MHS:th Enc. ' � � � � �y�q� : I;r�:.,.; •�: � i;; ( . , . GZTY O!p ��� � . • � �r O o *3 � [i���� �IIiI .� � II�� t �I o . � � ~ j8b4 �. The St. Paul . � City Council ; . ; � . Announces � � That e vacancY on the C•FtY Councll fof � D ��,,�� District�3:wi11 be fitled ss fotiows: ; APPLICATIONS wiil be accepted et CItY f 3�. Cterk's otfice, Room�SdtY , y Paul, MN 55102 until 4:30 P.M. anu f L 3�� � �� . 1. 1983 • Candidates are enco�reged to supply E ��1���M �}P�C/N7"h�'� whatever background iniormetlon _ F�� TM deemed appropriate. , =. PUBLIC HEARING will be held at'�� • I ��C1 P M _ �}U Cs-�'SY ( �Q�f�{ anua 13, t in the Cou�cil Cham- . rs, 3rd Floor, City Hell,to hear all cart- - . didates. . . � VOT7NG to till the vacan�y wl�� tak • place at the City CouncN meeting e� 1 � ,� ��/ 10 A.M.on anuary 18. 19 � L 7 � � Victor Todesco� � President � oi the City Council _ 1 � ►�s(�t•4•0I'r�9) ��9q�' .�,��������o "�� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL . _A♦��t*' ����%�� . ;� �; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;` �'��� �� � ;,�� �� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK `'�o �..• r'� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 '�"imm�aa•ac` . 612-298-4231 CEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 24, 1984 St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press � 55 E. Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Attention: Jane Gentlemen: Enclosed is a notice announcing a vacancy on the City Council. Would you please print it in both the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on July 26, 27 and July 28, 1984. Please bill City Clerk Contract No. 1482. Yours �ruly, � � :� � �' ., �..t- i-�,��'.���/�� �( �����,�G�"�'�-- A�ber t B. Ols on �11_?�l City Clerk MHS:th Enc. . . ���- �lp j/ ; , , . �+�:,.. _': .,. .. ,, , -- - . , � ' GITY pJp , �.�� . � � '� • � �r - O o ''j � tt���� ��IJI .� � I I�� � � Q, . � . h 18b4 : . The St. Paul � � City Council � � . A�nounces � � . � That a vacancy on tlie C.ttY C°u�'W f°r :, D ��,�� District�3 wi11 be filled es foilows: : APPLICATIONS will be acxePted at Gty } 3b, Cierk's otfice, Room�Y-�•-� �{ Paul, MN 55102 until 4:30 P.M. anu �L�' 3�i � �� . 1, t983 . • Candidates are encoureged to suppfy ��M f}ppC/NTH[�l,' whateve� beckground iniormatlon . �� THE �N �� deemed appropriate. ' , PUBLIC KEARING will be he�d at�� � ��U P�"� — _ �}(1(+-�`S7 1 �4�� ars�3rd'Floor.City Hal�tohea nall carr - didates. . 1 VOTING to fill the vecancr w1�1 tak y• place et the Clty CouncN meeting et 1 � � .r ��/ 10 A.M.on�January 18, 19 � � � Vlctor Tadesco� � President � oi the City Council � , Rir.�t+ra•4.07 r W1 _/ /, �u �� ` l � b �- ��� h�� -��-- �� ��c � � or ��a� �6� � g`�"� --- _ _ ----- - -- __ � _ _ . . WHITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � _.�- Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, in the event of a vacancy in elective office it is incumbent upon the Saint Paul City Council to carry out the provisions of Section 2.05 of the City Charter in an orderly and expeditions ma.nner; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Council to appoint a person to fill the fourth ward vacancy who is not a candidate for election to that seat in the fall election; BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council ask the Rules Committee to hold a 9:00 A.M. meeting on Thursday, July 26, and interview candidates interested in an interim appointment to fill the vacancy in the fourth ward, and to report to the Council at its regular meeting that same morning those that are eligible to serve, and any recommendation the committee has ma.de. ��'�c� ��� .�i �4��1�� L,�'�� � ��ff �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �,,,,��'�`�"� v [n Favor � Masanz Nicoaia scneibe� � __ Against BY Tedesco � Wilson � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY gy, fApproved by Mavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY