84-988 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� ���
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming BY
Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No. �837���
and Assessment Therefor
In the matter of scqniriag •a 80 foot vl,Be pez�sa�at stratt �s�ent �or tlw op�e�g
vi�ata� aad e�cuading af 1Lss�t+� J1w�uelEa�er�r lh�ric Driw on, ovsr oad
aarosa �loaks 23, 25, ?rack f, '�rsak C. r.!►e 20.t�t1 t�ot Mid� v�aarea
•lls� ta fl�ak ZS, �n�d t�r 2Q.011 fooc vitl� v�sste� ells�r lyiag b�tn��n
S3�s1t !1 +u� lrack s. �il Y� �t. �Itt�wq► ll��it sM dN vac��N W�M
'� ��ww� s�l rN+�tt� ANS� Owst.
TM c�nl��line of aaid i0,O0 foot wid� st�ip ot land !a d�aoriad u tollowas
Co��encing at a b�ass plu� at tM Gst 1/4 ooroer ot Section 28, ?orm�hip 2g�
Range 2j; thence South 89 degrees 16 ■inutes�. 3� 'seaonda NesE (asauoed
Dea�ing), 2626.71 feet alon6 the south 11ne ot th� NortheasG t/q of aaid
Section 28 to a caat iron �onunenE at the�center of said Section 28; thenc•
� North 0 degreea 25 •inutes q� aeconds Mest, 579.09 feet aloog the North-South
1/4 line, aaid polnt 1s �5.00 feet oorhterly, �easur�d aE righE angles� fro�
the CenEerline of the Burlington No�ht�rn Rallroad as orlginally located and�
conatwCted, aaid point !s also th� aouChw@sE oorner of Kasota AddilSoni .
, • thence NorGh 83 de6reea q� ■inutes 17 aeconds West� 2q6q.g6 fast along a llne
75.00 feet oorEhe�ly of and parall�l to aaid rall�oad ceeterline; thence •
North 6 deg�ee! 15 ■tnutea 16 seconds Eaat, q50.48 feet to the point of •
beginning ot Lhe c�nterfine to be descclbed, ths no�thwesterlr �nd
aoutheastecly 11nea of aald 80.00 foot wide st�ip of land are Eo b� prolonged
or ahortened to Dsgln on the last deacribed llne end !ta northe�ly axtenalon�
� thence South 7� deg�eea 25 •lnutes O1 seconds 11est, 98.28 leet; tAence
southweaterly .on taogentlal eurw, concaved to the no�Oh, having a radius of
954.93 test, a cenEral angle of 20 degrees 00 ■lnutea 00 aeconda, and an aro �
length or 333•33 teeE; thencs weatecly tangent to aald curve for a dl�tance
of 155.78 feet �ore or leas to the inte�sectioo Nith the east line of Clbb�
Street produced and the�e said centerline ter�lnates. 1Tfe northerly and
aouthe�ly 11nea ot said 80.00 foot wide sErip of land are to prolonged or
shorteaed to ter�inate on the east llne of Gibbs SEreet produced.
Also, a permanent easement in 'the land necessary for slopes, cuts
and fills including right of. removal of lateral support from subject
land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavation tE�ereof or
construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Kasota Avenue
from approximately 600 feet east of Giggs to approximately 400
feet west of Gibbs.
Also, a temporary construction easement as shown on the "Grading �
Plan-Kasota at Gibbs", sheet 4 of 32 sheets, Port Authority .
Commission No. 8078-03 for the �purpose of placing fill. Said
easement to expire on July 1, 1986 or completion of ttie proj�ct,
whichever comes first. '
Also, changing the grade of Kasata Avenue/Energy Park Drfve between
Gibbs Avenue and 300 feet west of Gibbs.
1 „,...,....
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. �� ���
Report of Director of Finance BY ' _ -.�
on Condemnation of Lands ���7�.,�
File No.
In the matter of �M�t��ll� 41� 8O f04C it�d+R p�'�1il��. �6t�tt Nst�R�1C f01C �h! O�
w�.�dsois; +r�rd �uctsadia� �f �s+r►t�r ,�w�we/t;rr�,�r l�s�rk R�iw oe�. owe• ��d
xaroxs �1�aM�s x�, ��� ?x+�ak �, '���ak C. d�e �t1.0a �yo� +riA� w�+axt�d
�sll+� �t il�aic �S� a�d cMwr ��.�i #at� �ridt �r���a1 s�lfy 1lie� bretMtln
� t� rwl !� •: rll ie �t, �t�ty► lreit a�N I�M �a►q�i R+�Mis
�M�IN�� �i wNRN �rlta�`d Covri.
SM c�ntirlin� ot aaid 80.00 fooE wid� atrip o! land ia d�soriE�d u tollaras �
Co��encin6 at a brass plug at the Eaat 1/q corner of SecEion 28, Township 29�
Range 23; Chence SouEh 89 degrees 16 sinuCea. 37 'seconds West (asau�ed
bearing)�. 2626.71 feet along th� aouth line of ths Northeast t/q of said
SeCtion 28 to a cast iron �onu�ent at th��cenEer ot said Section 28; thanw
� North 0 degrees 25 ■inut�s q7 seconas Haat, 579.09 l�et along the North-South
1/q lin�, said poinC !s 75.00 feet rtorhterly. �eaaur�d at right angl�a, tro�
!M ceelerlin� of th� Burlin�ton No�htern Railroad a• origlnslly locsE�d and '
• eonatrucEed, sid polnt la also th� aouthwest eorn�r of Kaaota Addition;
. thenee North 83 degrees q7 ■lnuE�a 17 aeconds Mest, 246q.96 feet along a line
, 75.0� feet norEherly of and parall�l Eo aaid railrwd cent�rllne; thance � .
No�th 6 deg�eee 15 ■inutea 16 seconda EaaE, 450.48 feet to th� polnt of •
beglneing of the c�nEe�line Co be dese�lbed, the northwesterly and
aoutheasterly 11nea of aaid 80.00 foot wide atrip of land ara to be prolonged
or shortened to begte on the la�t d6serlbed llne and SEs northerly exCenaton�
� thence SouCh 71 deg�eea 25 ■inutea 01 aeconds West, g8.26 feet; Ehanc� �
southwasterly .on tangential Curve, coneaved to the no�th, havie6 a �adius of
954.43 feal� a central angl� of ZO degrees 00 ■lnutes 00 seeonds, and an �ra
length oc 333•33 feet; thence westerly tangent Eo aald curve for a distance
of 155.78 feat �ore or less Eo the lnCersection wlCh the eaat line of Clbb�
Street produced and there said centeeline ter�lnates. 'fhe no�therly and
southerly lines of said 80.00 foot wide strip of lsnd are to prolonged or
ahorteoed to ter�inate on the east llne of Cibbs Street produced.
Also, a permanent easement in 'the land necessary for slopes, cuts
and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject
land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavation ttiereof or
construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Kasota Avenue
from approximately 600 feet east of Giggs to approximately 400
feet west of Gibbs.
Also, a temporary construction easement as shown on the "Grading
Plan-Kasota at Gibbs", sheet 4 of 32 sheets , Port Authority
Commission No. 8078-03 for the purpose of placing fill. Said
easement to expire on July 1 ,: 1986 or completion of the project,
whichever comes first. � �
� Also, changiag the grade of Kasota Avenue/Energy Park Drive between
Gibbs Avenue and 300 feet west of Gibbs.
City of St.Paul^ COUNCIL FILE NO. �� �d d
Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By
Proceedings ������
File No.
In the matter of �q��-�,� �� � �� *;�,� ��� ���p� �p�p� �* � q�
. �riAssio.� +�! �cts+�wii� a�t` MG�a+at� ��r�+p�lRar�r�,�r !�►xk �►r�wt eu. +�er a�d
Nft�IfN� ��1k� ��� $�r '�"!�� �� ''��'k �n• i�t ��.� �111i! !e� �t+ti
•�� �l ��IC� ��* �� /,�II� '�Q.� ��t 'it�� MNit� i��,f�' �y� �QM�11
'' �1� �t � l+r�a�� �► �31 ir� 1�t. Mt��rr/ lln�t AM �iie Ys�i�N ��
��wr ar� r��c�w! MMr+/ t'MMSs.
Th� c�nterlin� of aaid a0.00 foot wtd� at�lp of land !a d�ncriDed as folloua:
Co���ncin� •t a brass plu� at th� Eaat 1/1 co�ne� of S�ction 28, Township 29,
Range 23; thence South 89 degrees 16 slnute�' 3� 'seconds West (aasuned
Dearing), 2626.71 feet along the south line of the Northeast 1/4 of said
Section 28 to a cast Iron nonument at the�cente� of nald Sectlon 28; thenc�
� North 0 degrees 25 ■inutea 47 �econda West, 579.09 feet along the North-South
1/Y line, said point is 75.00 feeC norhterly, •easured at rlght anglea, froo
the centerllne of Ghe Burlington Norhtern Railroad a� orlglnally located snd
constructed, �etd polnL is al�o the southwent co��er of Ksaota Addition;
. thence North 83 degree� 47 ■lnutes 17 second� Neat, 246q.96 feet along a llne
75.00 feet northerly of and parallel to said rallroad centerline; thence
Horth 6 degreea 15 wlnutea 16 seconda faat, 450.48 teet Co the polnt of •
Deginning of the centerllna Co ba described, the northwesterly and
southeasterly linea of said 80.00 foot wide strip of land ara to be prolonged
or �hortened to begln on Che la�t dencrlbed llne and ita northerly extenaton.
thence South 77 degreea 25 alnute� O1 �econds Vest, 98.28 feet; Chence .
eouthwesterly on tangenClal curve, concaved to the north, having a radius of I
95p•93 feet, a central sngle of 20 degrees 00 ■lnutes 00 �econd�, and an aro
length or 333•33 feet; thence we�terly tangent Co aald curve for a dlsEsncs
ot 155.78 teat �ore or le�s to the lnte�section xith the east line of Clbba
Street produced and there sald centerline teninates. The northecly and
southerly 1lnes of said 80.00 foot wide sCrip of land a�a to prolonged or
shortened to tersinate on the east llne ot Cibbs Straet produced.
Also, a permanent easement in 'the land necessary Eor slopes , cuts
and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject
land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavation tliereof or
construction of slopes in the grading and paving of Kasota Avenue
from approximately 600 feet east of Giggs to approximately 400
feet west of Gibbs .
Also, a temporary construction easement as shown on the "Grading
Plan-Kasota at Gibbs", sheet 4 of 32 sheets , Port Authority
Commission No. 8078-03 for the purpose of placing fill. Said
easemen[ to expire on July 1 , 1986 or comple[ion of the project,
whichever comes first.
Also, changing the grade of Kasota Avenue/Energy Park Drive between
Gibbs Avenue and 300 feet west of Gibbs.
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