84-984 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK w FINANCE " 1 �ANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COlII1C11 A'/ /f// BLUE - MAVOR File NO. v / _/V • • �nce Ordinance N 0. ��l�O� Presented By � � .. ✓ Referred To �� ���1� �-� Committee: Date �rl �� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 (13) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to permit fees for warm air, heating, ventilation, and gsneral sheet metal work. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 (13) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: (13) /AARM AIR, HEATING, VENTILATION, AND SHEET METAL.7 (a) Gravity systems : $27.00 for each installation. (b) Mecha.nical warm air heating systems : $34.00 for the f irst 200,000 btu per hour or fraction thereof, plus $4.00 for each additional 100,000 btu per hour or fraction thereof. (c) Ventilation systems , dust collection systems , pollution control systems , etG.. : One percent of total valuation of the work. Value of work must include the cost of installation, alteration, addition and r�epair, including all labor and ma.terials necessary for installation. The minimum fee shall be $34.00. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nic�la B scnelbe� Against Y Tedesco � Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY—:� �� ` b/���� T— By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr d by Mayor for Sub sion o C9uncil By WHITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK �- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �CANARV -DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. ���� Ordindnce Ordinance N0. 17���' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. (d) General sheet metal: A separate permit is required for general sheet metal work. For gutters , flashing, metal chimneys , chutes , or general sheet metal work, the fee shall be one percent of total valuation of the work. The minimum fee is $34.00. Section 2. This ordinance sha.11 be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays -��'R-yJSGSd � �'Q.-� .y,�,.,,rY �/L !/i G e.S Drew ��_—_ In Favor T Masanz � Schelbel Against BY � '�' Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG � �+ �90� Form Ap rov by City Att rney Certified Pa s d y uncil Se tar BY e� 6 Sy By App by Mayor: Date � Ap ro d by Mayor for Su is ion t� Council By By PUBUS�IEO AU G 2 5 1984 . . .,.. HOUS!NG AN� BU t LD1 NG :CODE � �tPS�'�� COMM�NtTY SERdICES � "��' � y _ �EPARTFtENT . / l,� , ; RFCMARD L. AM�Y, � rUNTACT . . ; ;� 298-4212 PHON£ .1�iNE 4, 1 g84 QAT� ����� , ' _ , (Rou�i Ag �n�d ��1 anati a�:5h�et� ; Assi Nwmt�sr fa� �u#in Qr�r C11 �All t,+t�cations f�r e�ra1 f a���re : �t� rtn�ent �ro���r� � � ! � � - �i�yr A��Qrne,X ,� Qi rector� vf M�rt�r�tnt/Ma,ycr ��� . `.� � RECEIVED � ;; �Fi nan�a an�i Mt�»# t Servi�s ai r�ctor lp(��`� 'i 3 i; � ��-�''- ,,JUN 7 �9�4 ' : � 'd`' ,.,,� City Clerk.-� � �: {;' ,�,,; �udget Di rac�r � ' ` ; ;, MAYOR'S OFF1eE � ' }:� f��� ,' , ���..�1 � � � � � � �� �I; , , � � What Wi 11 6e �chi�ved b Takt n Y Acti on on th� kttached Ml�#.�ria�l s? P�r �e Ra 1onale : ropos c anges n ven � ation ees: The assessq�ent of fees on the basis-of fan units on.iy is unrealistic as the enttre system is sub�ect to inspect.ion in�tading duct system, suspension �systems, gri-lt work, fire dampers, automatic smo�e actfvators, shut off�devices, air handl�ng ceilings, othe� plenum condittons, air filtration systems, paint . booth construction; f�r� wa11 corridor and occupanty separation wall p�netration; system effectiveness i:n smoke evacuation..systems and pressurized stairways, final system t�ests and sign offs. Finn�ci�] � tar and Pe annel I �cts� �t1ci ; ` The fees generated will eaable this Division ttr;ad�uately ,finance the' ' ` � inspectional lev��s dictated by �tate Code. i ; , �` : , ; � � � � � i� � u�� � . � : , � � ii � ' ' � , , ; . . (. 'Fundi So ar► F�d i vi. t��r Cha d or ��ted: , _ �', ; ; ;03310 - Cred i t ' ' , . ' '". � ;I ' � � , i � ' Atta hn�nts li�� �a� N �r a11 �t�tachments : ° 'i ii . , . . �. ...... . . ......�. . .... ._� . � � �; �, : ' � - �� 1� .' . . . � . . . I , � �� �. Ordinanc� � i , _ . _, _ � _ _ , � , .� v w c��Y Arraw�EY ��uz€w � -4 p�PARTMlEPtT RE I� (3 � , . , � Y�s No Councfl Resolutfpn Required? Resalution Required? ` Yes Na Y�s „_„� Nq Insurance Required? Insurance Suff�cient? Y�s PVo Yes �„ Na Insyr�an:�� Att�ched? ! ,T ` ..:s < <,� ; . ,, 3 R�vision af tktaber, 3982 ; ' � � , t�ee' Rev�*.rse S�de for 'tnstr�,ctians) . � � , .. CANARY -OEPAf7TMENT 'GITY QF SAINT PAUL COl1I1C11 � �' � �/` /] ,` 91LE - MAYOR - � � . . F1Ie N0. (,y�/ '7 � , OY�GGZ7ZGLIZCP. Ordinance N O. /��Sa . , Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 (13) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to permit fees for warm air, heating, ventilation, and general sheet metal work. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 (13) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: (13) /AARM AIR, HEATING, VENTILATION, AND SHEET METAL.7 - (a) Gravity systems : $27.00 for each installation. . " (b) Mecha.nical warm air heating systems : �. $34.00 for the first 200,000 btu per hour - or fraction thereof, plus $4.00 for each additiona.l 100,000 btu per hour or fraction thereof. (c) Ventilation systems , dust collection systems, pollution control systems , etG-. : One percent of total valuation of the work. Value of work must include ` the cost of installation, alteration, � addition and repair, including all - ' labor and materials necessary for installation. The minimum fee sha.11 be $34.00. . COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Flatcher o�e,,,, In Favor Masanz Nicosfa B scheibei Against y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �. PINK - FINANCE ^ ' `�� -� /, CANARV.- DEPARTMENT- ' ' "�ITY LF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. �y�/�/ BLUE - MAVOR �� • , . - - Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ��/J�� Presented By ' � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. (d) General sheet metal: A separate permit is required for general sheet metal work. For gu tters , flashing, metal chimneys , chutes , or general sheet metal work, the fee shall be one percent � of total valuation of the work. The minimum fee is $34.00. Section 2. This ordinance sha.11 be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated tlierein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. " Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor � Masanz Nicosfa B scne�bei Against y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . � ;'; �::_,�;,� cz�x- or s.�xrr�.� P.Air� Gr= �y- y�`/ ��-r {l/���''��;�+ ' ' . Or'1�IC�!; OIa' '.L`FI]'�: CI'PY COUNCI L � /�/S y � +� �f +lZ�.i�1'Y'�- 'J � . • �. i)��a�l►�1.ar.' �1=�.'`=:G�.": '~ D O f e July 26, 1984 ���\ - :, � � ' - �;;�: . .�..,� . b?a.;����� COMM (TT � E RE PORT . - - � TO = Sa�nt Pau l City Coua�ci! F R O I� = C o nn m ii`fi e e o n FINANCE, MANAGEI�NT � PERSONNEL . � � � CH A I R James Scheibel. � ' •• _ 1. ApprovaLof minutes from meetings held July '12, 16 and 19, 1984. ��• 2. An ordinance amending Section 33.04 Subdivision 8 of the Le islative Code pertaining to permit fees for electrical work. (Community Services) _ _ ,�Z?tl� , , . � 3. M ordinance amending Section 33.04, Subd. 8 (13) of the Legislative Code pertaining to permit fees for warm air, heating, ventilation and general sheet metal work. ' (Cor.ununity Services) . 1�..��.,�'�`J�l:�` � 4. An ordinance amending Section 33.04, Subd. 3 (7) of the Legislative Code estahlishing n����'='; -• --permit fees for plastering, stucco and spray-on fireproofing work. ((Conununity Services)ri�� S. Resolution amending the 1954 CIT budget and transferring 510,700 from ConZingent Reserve- � Specified to Community Services Dept.-Parks $ Recreation (emergency repair of brick- • work at t�:ears Park). (Community Services) t �K��'('} � . ��..,,.� . • . 6. Resolution approving the transfer from Specified Contingency Reserved to various � budgets to meet 1984 salary needs. (Executive Administration) ? ��,� _ .l___._..__ .., 7. Resolution approving 1984 t•faintenance Labor Agreement betsreen the Cit ��f��� �-j� International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 9, (Personnel) ������„�t1(;�Z1-�'� � ' 1 8. Resolution approving 1984-85 hlaintenance Labor Agreement between the City and the �(.t�"�' Qperative Plasters' and Coment blasons' International hssn., Local�•560. (Personnel) �`�� � f 9. Resolution approving 1984-85 Dtaintenance Labor Agreert:ent between the City and the Bricklayers, D13sons farblem„ ons;-GQment Blocklayers and'Tuckpointers, Local Union . No. 1 (PerSOnne1). ��� � : 10. Resolution approving 1984 bfaintenance Labor A�reemen[ between the Independent School ! ��„ District No. 625 and the United Assn. Pipefitters Local Union No. 455. (Personnel) 11. Resolution approving 1984 blaintenance Labor Ag .t�� en the City and the Sheet I�tetal Hforkers Local Mo. 10. (Personnel)� `ij� . � 12. Resolution approving 1984 Colloctive Bargainin eement bctween the ISD �625 and the Plumbers Local No. 34. (Pcrsonnel � 13. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules and inserting the Communications Technician Leaduorkers in Se t' .I Gr�ade 35S and inserting its specifications in Section 32. . (Personnel) � . 14. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules and inserting Communications Technicia Helper in Section 3.0, and inserting its specifications in Section 32. (Fersonnel �. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. DlI�NESOTA S5J0? � 1 � � •17 � � . � c � , '/ , , lst �-/���7 ' 2nd ���—�'��., 3rd �--���'� Adbpted �'/�/- ��� Yeas Nays DREW FLETCHER G��`�"��� �J��� . MASANZ ' NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR, PRESIDENT TEDESCO •