84-983 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� �`+ � BLUE - MAVOR � ounc 'l Resolution -. r 1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the petition of Alan and Carol Anderson per Valuations and Assessrents File No. 5-1984 that part of the utility easemsnt hereinafter described be and the same is hereby vaca.ted and discontinu�ed as a utility easement: The West 3 feet of t1�e East 5 feet of the North 30 feet of Lot 16, Block 4, Afton Heights Addition, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: 1. That the vacation be subject to all the ternns and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981, of th�e St. Paul Legislative Code, as am�ended. 2. Based upon oopies of Certificates of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of: Northwestern Bell Telephone Cornpany, Department of Public Works, Water Utility, ancl Northern States Pacver C�npany and on file in the Division of Finance and Manag�it Services, the City waives the eas�nent or portion thereof to be vacated for itself and on behalf of these corporations. 3. 'I'hat the petitioner pay to the City the slun of $300.00 for Ac�ninistrative Costs. 4. That the petitioner, its successors or assigns, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vaca.tion, agrees to ind�ify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and �loyees frcen all suits, actions or claims of any character, including but not limited to, a claam brought because of any injuries, or d��unage s received or sustained by any person, nersons or property, on acoount of this vacation; or because of any act or canission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of any claims or liability arising from or based on any viola- tion of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the peti- tioner or any of its agents or �loyees. COUIVCILMEfV Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays o`eN1 � [n Favor Finance and Managelnent Services Masanz (� Nicos�a Director scnetbei � __ Against BY �adasee� Wilson JUL 19 1g8�4 Form Appr by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie ssed b ounc' Secr ry BY �C `^'� ` � Z- �4 gy �!��s�%�� �i� l�pproved by M or. e .,IUL 2 5 �proved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By p�JeuSt��D PU G 4198� _--_ ___ _ --- - -,.------:-_____. � . _ . , , I i / r. ✓c�r�at ru.xo.:�ri�:'�s��►—�. - �'�.�M�r.Ynp.�a��E . aud Caol Aaixro��er Vil�tleiYrf.piy-: �e�h/�ilfac�l�lNt.t�at.pA+K`1he �b wi1�t��De�lMaai tlie srnM is Ye�e�n��afid ae�l�ee� ' asaat�qrawmrok..;.,,. , Tbe��plPt�we Mt�r:*!�C f is!at�M. 1k�elb i�tMR'it tsF`;ff,"�adt 4.��pon lE+t�6h ,Ataitiw;3�mss� Count�:_ , ltltmaoh, . : � �aadw�a�the l�HowinS• 1:'!'hi[C t�e'v�o�9oa�'e abJKt�b dt i6e tams and.aondltlea�M t��'eoi!lied Ifuchl.l�l:df�S�R PautI�Id�t{srt�b6e, ar�oil�, a _ . !: 8�std-�'�'ad �t�s� t�t�pded RoaUss�UUd�y*Ea biWf °� N°�wae�°�1���V. �v.�oe�wo�..-w.a�uu�y. aai N�6�se�Mt��� �!r !e' Ehe^�y.'e!r liaaner-a�ad lla°°�a°�E 8ae+w49irv�Me°Exb�'INe a�e�a4vr:per�o�11r�1t tR be r�o�t�i!or !t��ed os k��4�w tapo�oo�, . ��IO�.E9�;0�� �"'ltit t�e tiEBa; 'Ns�eri ei � bY a�ei' at tlie �niu:add coe�tlgns of tiiis""�tiittoer;°asais�t,tr ��'f.�'tulYfi�rf ffi�tl�r u[8alnt Paul,ib a�kief ied���� a��F�ltlone e!�'p�y�,ql�, �fiuE Y9t�d qXj a aLtm� beeauie DI W i�ue�r or�xedaNr�t uT e�bti�ed'`t�-W ,N�, p�'A P��#.-VW MrsmC a�lYfa wptle�ot i�a�i c�a�y�ret or'a�o�;.�yp�a. mLeo�nct a?afd 8��o���sme ot ad7�ot 1hDINq''�f�j 40ep;iD!bYpd an�y violatlan o�a�y�r or r�u4tba rtude fn aaeordMlle Mdt6�e#ar al�rc 1qr : tl� �atitioo�r br nw.`bt itr �s�i=or' �RP1�7aN.' •. !�[�opt�d A�t�ie CaolU J6�1f�l�f.•. '- �wd Jul�l6,�{, -,.;, . . ; �r.e. -,: _ ::fAW�I�l41N1jt WMITE — GITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE COl1I1C1I /�j CANS�RV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO. �� / U✓_" ' a BLUE —MAVOR ' • � Ordinance N 0. ���� � � Presente By Referred To �� N�N L� Committee: Date ���� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to permit fees for electrical work. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That .Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 (5) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: (5) �LECTRICAL WORK_7 For electrical work �the permit fee charges shall be made at the following rates ; provided however the minimtun f ee f or any permit shal� be $20.b0: (a) �ERVICE_7 New service, change of service, �emporary service, addition, alteration, or repair on either primary or secQndary service sha.11 be computed as follows: (1) 250 volts or less : Up to and including T00 ampere service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.00 101 ampere to and i�cluding �,.� �200 ampere capacity,i. . . . . . . . . . .$20.00 For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �a••� .T 5�,� i� or� In Favor Masanz �h 18�� Against BY TedesCo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date \ � ^ C �/ • /� /� " S.c Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ( �a-v By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap by Mayor for Sub si n to Council By B " _ ,. . . . _ � �y— q��� . - . ,d�,�—, Page 3. of such a nature that the fees for a permit cannot be determined from the above schedule, the permit fee charge shall be based on one percent of the total valuation of the work. (e) /REMOTE-CONTROL CIRCUITS, SIGNAL �IRCUITS, AND LOW-ENERGY OR LOW- VOLTAGE POWER CIRCUITS.�' For remote-control circuits , signal circuits , and low-energy or low-voltage power circuits (in other than single-family and two-family dwel lings) the permit f ee cha.rge sha.11 be made at the rate of $20.00 per unit plus $3.00 for each ten openings or fraction thereof. (f) /'PRAFFIC SIGNALS.7 For traffic signals the permit f ee cFia.rge shal l be made at the rate of $20.00 for each con- � troller plus $2.00 for each standard. (g) /�TREET LIGHTING_7 For street �ighting the permit fee cha.rge shall be made at the rate of $20 AO for each service location plus $2.00 for each standard. (h) �LECTRIC SPACE HEATING.7 - 0 to 100 watts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .50 � 101 to 250 watts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 251 to 1000 watts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 1001 to 2000 watts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 2001 to 3000 watts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 3001 to 4000 watts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 4001 watts and up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 (i) /TRANSIENT PROJECTS_7 For permits on transient projects including but not limited to carniva�s and circuses , � the inspection fees shall be computed as follows : Power su ply units--according to items (a) and �b) of the Electric Work fee schedule. A like fee will be required on power supply units at each engagement . � � . -. -� � ����3� . . / 7/! / Page 4. during the season. Rides , devices , or concessions shall be inspected at their first appearance of the season and the inspection fee shall be $10.00 per unit. WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (�`ITy OF SAINT PALTL Council (1���// /�/J/� l CANWRV -DEPARTMENT File NO. u • - • �/./ " BLUE - MAVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �?0�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5. Section 2. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested epartment of: Yeas Nays Dre�� ����K � In Favor �� �"��T v�c� Masanz 4� Nicosia ��' B scneibei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Au� � � �sa� Form A�e City Attorn Certified s Council re gY C ' $ By A p v by Mayor: Dat ! A � �8� Ap ro d by Mayor for ub ssion to Council By B PugusHE� AU G � 51984 ' i � Ii "`}{ HOt1S l NG AND �li 1 LD i Nt$ EODE � .. , ��, ' '�0�1�1UNi:Y SERViCES ���R'!�"�P1? . ' ; �j�'0 ��`�`.- RICHARD L. AMEY � �, ' �t�1TACi' . 2 8-4212 I � : ���� 9 p��E r���, e� .IUNE 4, 1984 DRTE � � (Routing and �xp1en�t�#'cm �i#teet) Assign Nwnber for Routfn�prder �Clip All Locatians for M�yoral Signatwre �� Department Di rector 'Z Ci ty Attorney 3 Dir�ctor of Mana nt/Mayor �'� 9� ��" �� . RE . \ � CE1VEp finance and t��age�ent Services Directar � �- ' � City Cler�k,., � . � ►JUN 7 �4 ; r: MAYOR S , Budget Di rector . ' OFF�CE �� „ ;. . � � � � � -:�: _ � � , � . ,�; 'rlhat Will b� Ach�eve� b T�kin Action an the Attachs� t�tteri�tls? Rur Ra�tionale : ElectricAl inspectlon cost will be carri� by the permtfi�e � a greater extent . than at pres�ent. . ' Financial,� Bud�tar� an�onnel Impacts Anticipated: � Fees presently pay for 73� of inspectton cost. Proposed fees �rould pay for 87� or more of inspection cost. �' � NOTE: About 14� of activities are complaints from N.S.P. ,' Fire Dept: , Housing, citi�zens �and fill-in for tdNS and C.O. ' , Fundi n�Source and Fand Act��ri ty Nun�er Charged or Credi t�d: Credit Account P�umber 03310 ' ; ' ` Attachraents (List and Nt�r �11 Attachments� : , Financial Analy�is Sheet. � , Ordi.nance. , DEPARTMEN� R�VIEW ' � CITY ATTOF�t+I€Y REVIEW ' Yes � No C�uncil' �Resplution Requirtd? Resolution Re�uiredZ ' �Yes . No ,f ': Yes K Na Insur�rtce i�eq�rired? ' Tnsura�ce Sufficient2 �„ Yes No �'�� �es „� t�� ��surar►c►� I�t'�ach+�d? , I , , . . � ' , ; :� R�evi sion of October, ,19$� w" ` ``s , ��� � � ; � ��� � � ;+� � � � : (�e� Rev�rss�S�� fnr ;instructions} "� ► , � , � � . `3 � �"� f � - � St � ' ��� } � f � � � i�I C�y s ' '� �j'3 � � rifrr�r+.�.��r��� � � � i � 3 �-�i� ��i r�� ��i { . - , � � t p � �' � t �� `{ � � i � 1 �� a � y-� �a F� i' � i �... r� F ,��. w y{ . - ' � i � ., 4t f� " � { � I�; 1, t {. 4; � cht..}i # � ���i f �,� ��y� ,,� ° '�' +�s �~ I k t �� }{{ r = � ,: ����f. �. . F .. 1 ���.�� I f, 1 d i • . Y. 1 y ` { � � � k.,•w 4 � ,� I . ` a,, � �' ' ,�"�g� � ��f l � .:..�: �� ` �� �; � :�y� ' ' : � � ' � � � ! , : � '� !��'�. � ha` '�ve�al, �tpc��oe��� {i �`"r �. ���i �� � :� l(Yj��• '1 . . . .�i4 f ���!� , i �� ��,I � I ��" � ' :il � . �5 . ;.. � .. I . �p�}�, st ` { ,�'r 1� '�ti � r � �ra�tti� � �d�rr�ts �t►��,i� '��f� "�'° ' �� � � � i 1 ���'� � +�l� i �, 3, �t � � . � y .�r � 'a� « i��,' ;t t� � r a 4 ' , . . ' i • � j�'. ��f 1 b ��µ'� '� .'K� t`# ,� �p yi . ` . .2° .� .0 . , . .rY �S .+�' . , u , . . . , . . ' '/ Y 9 � . � ' �E,. ,( �� . ��, � ;r.lt:� 1 x� ._{ 4 -.zG.. r�e�, �b' x�a,ts , �o ?� � �r , � � , . , , � � �� � �re i�rr `�� «'�.� , +a� �ad'thr � � '� � � `.•� {•' ,� t .., �t�N�, . � I ��� ��� I1 9 ' '+�c �. + � � � . ,Z �` � �7 . � . I . . :� � �i ��! ���� ,fi� P� -�i i . �. , � ' . � i ��. �� �. M �fi � � ' ��E���� �� '�. ��p �I��`, '1��'!'r �'�tC'i�i� �� � ��� �� ' � , � ` ;�.�w�. �►�m�� �, �.� �eq� ,�� . � i �� � � � �� � � i , rs�� �� � � � � � ;� • �: , � . � s:�.��,,,� � . ' � � �� � � , �"s� �� ` � � � • � . I . , � ' � � .`�bg� ��N 5Y3EET � t�ns mus�' be s�t�►ie�� ��r � �'',�e�ar�:�ht . � airec�b�;, M:�e Ci�ty �,�torz�ey,. �the Di����cr d� ��► em�nt, ��S�e ' ' 5 � Dl.rec�ta�, o�` Firuanar� �nd Mat��c�ement Sa��ica�.� dthar pt►���,�►1,� ; reviev�ez;�/�tf.qnatv.=e�ti are ;listed. R : ,' . �ZEFYN��', ' . � � : . , _ . � �= Most of the GR��i �3�i�LT headinqs are 8esi�gr�ed. to as�ict i� � ; d�velc�pi.r�q a p .ac:�a` of the decision which tbe attachm�nts � . re�prea���t. Z'��a hea .nqs ase�e ed to rrt�d ue�ers af �Cc� of the ;more critical �el�n�ents of �his' brie�. . . � The �F�.n cial Bud e�ar and Per�o�l Y� ct� h�atl�.nc� p�rt�vidss m sp�ees to ex�r a n the cost enef � aspects o the dec3��b�. ' .Costs �n8 b+��eL�its rel�►te both to City budge� (Q�h�ral F�ria� tl�sdlor &peci.al Funday arid to broa�der finanefal i�ap�►a�� t�ost tt� u��#, �me�wn��s or vther q=oups afg�ct�+d Y�y �+� It�3�S.+��) . �e p�bu�sr�nel impa�t 3�s a desc�i�►timm o� �h,s�ge r�z s��� +��.,�1�.��3�a� �tl►�.v�lent ���,; i1��)� posit3rons. , _ • . � r. � . ; , ' ' ', , , ; = �� � , , $Lf,�,�!��,��i 1�'�'SR�rl�'' � � ' . � ` �; . , : : �� � �e `t#��r' t���� ^r �e�tian, ist a�.l at����.��.� �� �� �N �� ia� we �ts, r�o �e�t�er: �f tra�st�itt�l#a+a�ltd � �±��� � 1 �ll�i'���K����.,.��..� l����" v�� Mf4� V+fi W� ��i��I����� . o� 4 i ��� � ��� . ' � .�i '� 1 ��, Y ti �"'°� r� � �� '' � � '� � t ' t's '� � s' �!' ;.� ��.r ��$�a d' �, �' ,,;`;,�� �14�+It s �,1��1i�tic�rr �i�'r+�a,�„�, �City CouncSl r�►���S�st�'f i�tlt�i�e x�` � ; � F}�� �� i �i t � +� �� �'� - �,+I;�, ,�' ��� �i�,�xr✓� � ��{����'��w��.'�'t 1 . �,� �`�.� � � a �t• C�OA$L'i�G�ii��.'',�."lR�.�'��.�Cii4a1�Y11.p W�.th-'arW �V'dL�'1������'1�l�.�`: #` ,`;;° �,:� - '4 b: C�11���+�1►':bazqa#.t1i�g".�' , �; c. P�.�b�s� var sale �sf ���, or leaa� ��s' 1�►hd: '�' ' d. ���t��r t�f �bond�c �y'`Ci.t�.. '��� �� ' ' i � '� ,�� } ,. , > , ,,. . {. , � , e. Emi:nant do�iain. - . �:� � ,j � � f�. Assu�tption; of liability by City, or gr�nting - �` . . by City of; 3,ndeatnnifica�ion. : q. Aqr�elne►nts; with State or Federal Q�rrnr�ent . �,,: , , � ` ut�der. which they are prova.dinq f�nding. � � ; . � �� ,-1�y � • ' i � ' '` ' , � �tote a3s�os "If an �c$raeatent r�qui��,s`•�v3.d�nC� of�in�uranc�c�� . . � , .` � . i�su��ae�a,, a Certificate cf xn�ur�cn��: g��al��` l�r e�n� . �� , ;.� � . � }, � °� d `�t �►e ;at�ac�am�nts at time af routir�q: . . . ' . . �., .;. ' r�, .,__ ' .j r , " ' � r�NA~�E CITY OF �AINT PALTL Council ��jj �{/!�}� CANARY � DEPARTMENT �� 9LUE - MAVOR• � . � „ F11C �0.��� '" ` , � � � Ordin�nce Ordinance 1�0. �7�� Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 of the Saint .Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to permit fees for electrical work. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. � That .Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 (5) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: (5) �LECTRICAL WORK.7 For electrical .work �the permit fee charges shall be made at the following rates; provided however the minimum fee for - any permit shal� be $20.b0: (a) �ERVICE_7 New servicey change of service, , �emporary service, addition, alterat�on, or repair on either primary or secQndary : service shall be computed as follows: - .- � � : _ . (1) 250 volts or lesst Up to and including T00 . _ ampere service. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .$15.00 101 ampere to and including 200 ampere capacity. . . . . . . . . . . .$20.00 For each additional 100 ampere °�apacity or fraction COUNCILMFN Requested b Department of: Yeas � Nays Fletchsr o.�, � � In Favor Masanz ����� Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � . �. . . ,_ -- ���9��-� - - ���� Page 2. � � (2) Over 250 volts : Double the fee charged for 250 volts or less . (b) /�IRCUITS_? Installation of new circuits and/or feeder additions , alterations or repairs to existing circuits shall be computed as follows: (1� 250 volts or less: Up to and including 30 ampere • capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3.50 31 to and including 100 _ ampere capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.00 For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.00 (2) Over 250 volts : Double the _ fee cha.rged for 250 volts or less . (c) /'TRANSFORMERS AND GENERATION FOR LIGHT, HEAT, AND POWER.7 Transformers and generation for �ight, heat, and ower . , shall be computed separately at �20.00 per unit plus 50 cents per KVA or fraction thereof. The maximum permit fee for any transformer or generator sha.11 be $100.00. The above fee for transformers includes its secondary circuit to the f irst part of distribution. In addition to the above fees , all . transformers for signs and outline lighting sha.11 be computed at $20.00 for the first 500 VA or fraction thereof per unit, plus 50 cents for each additional 100 VA or fraction thereof. (d) /ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, OR EXTENSION OF ELECTRICAL WORK_�' For any alteration, repair, or extension of an existing electrical system where the work is � . �, � � . � • �F��9�3-� . _ . _ . � ��l�� Page 3. of such a nature that the fees for a permit cannot be determined from the above schedule, the permit fee charge sha.11 be based on one percent of the total valuation of the work. (e) /�EMOTE-CONTROL CIRCUITS, SIGNAL � �IRCUITS, AND LOW-ENERGY OR LOW- VOLTAGE POWER CIRCUITS.7 F�or remote-control circuits, signal circuits , and low-energy or low-voltage power circuits (in other than single-family and two-family dwellings) the permit fee cha.rge shall be made at the rate of $20.00 per unit plus $3.00 for each ten openings or fraction thereof. - (f) /'PRA�'FIC SIGNALS.7' For traffic signals the permit f ee cFia.rge shal l be made at the rate of $20.00 for each con- �_ troller plus $2.00 for each standard, (g) /�'TREET LIGHTING_�' For street �Iighting the permit fee charge sha.11 be made at the rate of $20 AO for each service location plus $2.00 for each standard. (h) �LECTRIC SPACE HEATING.�J - 0 to 100 watts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .50 ' 101 to 250 watts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 251 to 1000 watts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 1001 to 2000 watts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 2001 to 3000 watts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 3001 to 4000 watts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 4001 watts and up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 (i) /TRANSIENT PROJECTS_7 For permits on transient projects including but not limited to carniva�s and circuses , � the inspection fees shall be computed as follows : Power su ply units--according to items (a) and �b) of the Electric Work fee schedule. A like fee will be xequired on power supply units at each engagement . ' . . � � ' - � �F 0 `�%��'�" . ��i� Page 4. during the season. Rides , devices , or concessions shall be inspected at their first appearance of the season and the inspection fee shall be $10.00 per unit. .. PINK - F�NANCE `•, CO�lIICII CANARY - OEPARTMENT � GITY OF 5.�,.INT� PAUL File NO. ,��-��� BIUE - MAYOR � � '�� � . � 0�dindnce Ordinance N 0. /��J�� Presented By � Referred To ° Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5. Section 2. This ordinance sha,ll be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and sha.11 be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at � the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. • Section 3. This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. ..��, . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Departmenf of: Fletchdr �►eW In Favor Masanz Nicosia g Schelbel A ga1[1 S t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by htayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �-, � , , � � ,.- �r=- �y-��.����. • ` INCREASE IN ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES j��5� ANTICIPATE EFFECTS 1984-85 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION COST 1984 6 Inspectors and 1 Senior Inspector $ 260,300.00 Permit Fees for the first 4 months $ 66,128.00 Projected income for the rest of the year $ 140,000.00 Projected total income for the year $ 206,130.00 Projected increase in fee for 1984 $ 21 ,000.00 TOTAL $ 227,130.00 Our minimum Electrical Permit Fee is $12.00. This covers. anywhere from one to four or more inspections. Most of the small jobs take at least two inspections, one for rough-in and one for final . So to be more in line with the cost of an inspection, the minimum permit fee should be at least $20.00. With additional permit fees, across the board we should be more in line with the total cost of making the elec- trical inspections. Our permit fees were .82% of the valuation of the electrical work. This should be increased to more like 1% of the valuation of the job. 1g85 1q85 Proposed 6 Inspectors and 1 Senior Inspector $ 260,300.00 $ 260,300.00 Projected Income $ 190,000.00 $ 227,130.00 Shortage $ 70,300.00 $ 32,170.00 :;= ' ::.�;,� �z�Y or+ S.A.rrr�� P.A.vx. � �,r= �y y�3�� � �� ,'�'.' . 2:.=i a.s �. '•� `. Or'I�YC�!: OF 7'�IF: CI'FY COUNCiL � �/s/ ��i�►'Y'� �' F� t �;�.:,.,..�x.,� •;� �+ � �_.',<<.�� 'y . � ' . L '- ; O f C . July 26, 1984 ,��.�� '�,>` . . _ �J:y... .� b�.�.'��.�I COMMITT � E R � PoRr . . TO = 5a�n� Pau ! City Coua� ci! � F R O I� = C O IYl Cfl Ir�Q Q O h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL � - C H A I R James Scheibel. � � - 1. ApprovaLof minutes from meetings held July �12, 16 and 19, 1984. +Q�.�- 2. An ordinance amending Section 33.04 Subdivision 8 of the Le islative_Code pertaining to permit fees for electrical iJork. (Community Services) tfL.(� , , ���.....-a_ - . � 3. An ordinance amending Section 33.04, Subd. 8 (13) of the Legislative Code pertaining to permit fees for warm air, heating, ventilation and general sheet metal work. ' (Cocununity Services) �(L'(h,� . . �Z.__�.r...� � 4. An ordinance amending Section 33.04, Subd. 3 (7) of the Legislative Code establishing �""��j,/=� -• --permit fees for plastering, stucco and spray-on fireproofing work. ((Comu�unity Services) 5. Resolution amending the 1954 CIT budget and transferring $10,700 from ConZingent Reserve- Specified to Community Services Dept.-Parks f, Rscreation (emergency repair of brick- - work at r:ears Park). (Community Services) � �K�CrL`� � ' . �--�---- - ' . 6. Resolution approving the transfer from Specified Contingency Reserved to various � budgets to meet 1984 salary needs. (Executive Administration) 3 � 4�}�j��� ������i►"•-_� . .. _ 7. Resolution approving 1984 6faintenance Labor Agreement between the Cit�������,he�- International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 9. (Personnel) _ �V.�� � ' I 8. Resolution approving 1984-85 btaintenance Labor Agreement between the City and the "����i�i���- � Qperative Plasters' and Coment Dfasons' International hssn., Local-560. (Personnel) �r-�`L�"�f i 9. Resolution approving 1984-85 btaintenance Labor Agreereent between the City and the Bricklayers, Aiasons fazblem�s.oass `�ment Blocklayers and'Tuckpointers, Local Union . No. 1 (Personnel). � � : 10. Resolution approving 1984 Alaintenance Labor A�reement between the Independent School � District No. 625 and the United Assn. Pipefitters Local Union No. 455. (Personnel) ��,� � 11. Resolution approving 1984 Dtaintenance Labor Ag t�R e�n the City and the Sheet l�fetal {Vorkers Local No. 10. (Personnel) � ���,! � 12. Resolution approving 1984 Collective Bargainin eement bctween the ISD �625 ' ' and the Plumbers Local No. 34. (Pcrsonnel��� 13. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules and inserting the Communications Technician ' Leadworkers in SeCti 3.I Grade 35S and inserting its specifications in Section 32. . (Personnel) 14. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules and inserting Communications Technicia Helper in Section 3.D, and inserting its specifications in Section 32. (Fersonnel CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL� DS1hNESOTA S5J03 . "� .�„ ---.. �...._..�,..., >�.�...._ �� ..�..._. , G , i � lst �-/�-D � 2nd �-�=� 3rd _�-'1'�� Adb.pted ���/5/- �y Yeas Nays DREW FLETCHER (�� ��-�U � . MASANZ �,�� '� NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR, PRESIDENT TEDESCO � �