84-938 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK �- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council '/ a [i4NAR♦ =DEPARTMENT File NO. �` " �v BLUE '_-MAVOR . � • Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ����� Presented By Refe re To Committee: Date Out Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to alarm devices and licenses and permits therefor; amending Chapter 329 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Tha.t Sections 329.01, 329.02, and 329.03 Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: 329.01. �ICENSE REQUIRED_]� Subdivision 1. �EVICE OR ATTACHIKENT_7' No person sha.11 use or cause to be used any automatic electrical or mechanical device or attachment to any telephone that reproduces any taped or prerecorded message to report any fire, bx�g�a�� medical emer�ency, or other emergency and which utilizes the public primary telephone trunk lines (voice circuits) of the depa���e�.�-e�-ge��ee-e�-�19.e department of f ire and safety services without a license. Subd. 2. �NSTALLERS LICENSE_7 No person sha.11 install or engage in the business of installing any automa.tic electrical or mechanical device or attach- ment to any telephone, telephone line, radio or radio signal that uses any taped or pre-recorded message or other signal to report any fire, b�.�g�a� medical emer enc , or �a_n_y other emergency either irect y or in irectly� the �.ega���e��-e�-�e��ee-e� �l�e department of fire and safety services without a COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz �tie��� Against BY Tedesco W ilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � F3y Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By : . . � . � � ��_ ���' • ,���y Page 2 . license. 329 .02. /FEES.7 Subdivision 1. /�EVICE OR ATTACHMENT_7" The fee required for a device or attachment license is $-1-0�0- $112 . 7 S for the�rst device or attachment and �5- $5.60 for each additional device or station. Subd, 2 . �NSTALLER,7 The fee re uired for an apparatus installer's license is �i-Of)-. $112 . 7.� 329.03. /A�PLICATION, APPROVAL, ETC.7 Any person � desiring to use or cause to be use� any device or attachment which utilizes the public primary ,��J -- telephone trunk lines or any other telephone lines connected directly to e��l�e�-e€ the aforesaid �.epa��x�ex�s department shall ma.ke application to the inspector accompanied by complete plans and specifications detailing the installation, main- tenance and operation of such device or attachment and sich other information as shall be reasonably necessary to effectuate the purpose of this chapter or as required elsewhere in these chapters . The license shall be issued only if the device or attach- ment is compatible with the equipment of the depart- ment �a�*e��ed and is not likely to interfere with the normal use of that equipment. The applicant shall pay the entire cost of installation, maintenance and operation of the device and the cost of removal upon order of the inspector for cause. No such license shall be issued without the written approval of the director of the department of pe��ee-e�-�ke-d��ee�e� e€-�l�e-depa��x�ea�-e�' fire and safety services;-as �l�e-ease-�a�-�e. Section 2. � .� Chapter 329 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as , �• amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding a section to read as follows : 329 .05. /AL,ARM DEVICES FOR POLICE CALLS.7' Subdivision 1 . �EFINITIONS_�] For the purposes of this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth in this subdivision except where the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended. ��u 9�� ' /�/��/ Page 3. (1) /A`i,ARM PERMIT.7 "Alarm permit" means a permit issued by the license inspector to any owner or other person in control of a buiTding, structure, property, or any part thereof, located �in the city who has leased, purchased, or otherwise possesses an alarm system for use on any premises . (2) /-ALARM SYSTEM_7 "Alarm system" means any assembly of equipment or devices , either mechanically or electrically operated, which - signals , either audibly or in any other manner so as to be seen, heard, or otherwise detected outside the protected area serviced by the alarm system, that a robbery, burglary, act of vandal- ism, or other unauthorized entry ha.s occurred, and which is intended to summon police response. (3) /ANNUNCIATOR_�' "Annunciator" means the instru- mentality in or on the premises of an alarm system throu�h which visual, audible, e.nd/or electronic signals communicate to any person. ... . .�wYM�� q (4) �ALSE ALARM.7 "False alarm" means the activa- �ion of an alarm system through intentional misuse; mechanical failure or ma.lfunction; . improper installation, maintenance, or super- • vision; or the negligence of the owner or person in control of the premises on which the alarm system is placed and which is intended to ' summon a police response. The term does not � include alarms caused by utility line malfunc-. ' tions , force m�a eu�re, or other conditions which are clearly '�eyond the control of the . alarm user. (5) /A�TTOMATIC DIALING DEVICE.? "Automatic dialing �evice" means a device which utilizes the public ' primary telephone trunk lines or other dedicated . lines to select a predetermined or assigned telephone number and which transmits , by a . pre-recorded voice mes.sage or code signal , to the Saint Paul police department a message that an incident of the kind noted in the definition of "alarm system" has occurred. Subd. 2. /ALARM SYSTEM USER' S PERMIT_7 . o, �_��- 938� . ' �����% Page 4. (1) /PERMIT REQUIRED; TERM_7 Upon the effective �ate of this section, every alarm system user shall obtain, for each alarm system, approval from the license ins�ector for an alarm system user permit. A permit when issued shall be valid for one year and must be renewed by the alarm system user each year thereafter. (2) /FEES ; EXCEPTION.7 (a) �NNUAL FEE.7 The annual fee required is $10 for each permit. Additional fees . may be required under the provisions of Subdivision 3, clause (2) . (b) �DDITIONAL FEE FOR LATE APPLICATION.7 A $25 charge will be added to the fees provided herein for any alarm system user who fails to obtain an alarm system user permit within 60 days after the effective date of this section, or who is more than 60 days delinquent in ---� renewing an alarm system user permit. (c) /EXCEPTION.7 An alarm system user which is a political subdivision o�f the federal or state government, including. the city, shall be subject to the provisions of this section but shall be exempted from all fee requirements hereunder. , (3) �PPLICATION; REQUIREMENTS.7 Any person, corporation, or other enti�y applying �or an alarm system user permit shall supply to the license inspector, on a form to be provided, the following information: (a) The name, address , and telephone number of � .� the applicant; (b) The place where the alarm system will be installed and maintained; (c) The brand name of the alarm system; (d) The type of alarm system being installed; and : . . � . �,-�- �y 9.� � � ,,��� � Page 5. - (e) A list of the names and telephone numbers of those persons who have the ability to control the alarm system, to provide for 24-hours-a-day availability. (f) A declaration that the alarm system does not utilize an automatic dialing device programmed to request police assistance. (4) /TSSUANCE OF PERMIT; COPY TO POLICE DEPARTMENT_�'' T�Jpon approval by the license inspector of an initial or renewal applic ation and payment of the required fees , the license inspector shall issue a permit and send a copy of the permit � and application to the crime prevention unit of the police department. (5) �ENIAL OF PERMIT.7 In the event the license inspector determines that the application for grant, issuance, or renewal does not meet all the requirements of law, or if the inspector, af ter advice f rom the chief of po lice, f inds that the alarm system and its attachments are - incompatible with the communication e quipment �-�� of the police department or would be likely to interfere with the normal use of the department 's communication equipment, or would impose any cost to the department, then the inspector sha.11 recommend denial and follow the procedures set forth in section 310.05. (6) /FERMIT TO BE DISPLAYED_7 The permit shall be physically displayed upon the premises where � the alarm system. is used, shall be readily visible from the exterior thereof, and sha.11 be available for inspection by the license inspector. . Subd. 3 . �ALARM SYSTEM; NUISANCE_7 � •� . (l) /'�UBLIC NUISANCE,7 It shall be a public nuisance • ' �'or any person to maintain or have actual physical control over any alarm system that (a) emits by an audible annunciator of an alarm system a signal of more than 20 minutes ' continuous duration; or (b) emits , through the reactivcation of the audible annunciator over an alarm system, , ; �. , . � ��-�t�- 93� , . .. . , •- � • /�i�'�l . � ' Page 6. a signal which occurs more than twice in a one-hour period; or (c) signals a false alarm. (� /AbDITIONAL FEES; CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT_7 Any person found to be in violation of this subdivision shall be billed an additional fee of $10 by the license inspector for each occur- rence , which fee may, alternatively, be collected by adding such additional fee or fees to the annual fee to be collected at the tisne of � application for renewal of the alarm user permit. However, upon the signaling of the fourth false alarm from an alarm system permitted under this section, the license inspector shall commence revocation proceedings immediately pursuant to section 310.05. Section 3. 'Th.is ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislat�ive Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��_ p� r/ CANARN — DEPARTMENT �� 9L,UE �-MAVOR File NO. s . Ordin�nce Ordinance N�.��! d 7 Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 7. Section 5. The provisions of sections 329.01 through 329.05 shall expire on June 30, 1986 unless extended or acted upon by the city council. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� �1.yN� � Drew �— [n Favor Masanz Scheibel � Against BY Tedesco Wilson Ain� � O �,��� �98� Form proved by ty y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified s e ncil ec et B � F3y Approv Mayor: D e NOV 2 � �g� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �sus�EO D E C 1 198� ^ `✓ .n ' , �., CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� 9`3� " OFFZCE OF TSE CITY COIII�TCIL � i��f9i�� �. . •f�i\i�YYa�11. �':.'s�'= � D a t e : October 2�, 1984 �, ;� ���� COMM (TT � E �? E �' ORT TO = Sa�nt Pau ! Cifi�+ COUhCII FROM = COtYI[�ittt@C Ot1 LEGISLATION ACTING CHAIR: JAMES SCHEIBEL Age�da An ordinance pertaining to alarm devices for police calls; requiring Item 1 users of alarm systems to obtain permits therefore; amending Chapter 329 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code. (Councii File No. 84-938) Committee recomnends approval , with the amendment that this ordinance is an addition to the present Chapter 329 and will be incorporated therein beginning as Section 329.05 and further amendi�g it by ��"-� - - including sunset clause to provide that the ordinance will expire June 30, 1986. Agenda An ordinance amending Chapter 170 of the 5aint Paui Legislative Code Item 2 relating to regulations for parks and parkways; requiring the col- lection of dog excrement from park property and sanitary disposal thereof. (Council File No. 84-939) Ordinance Withdrawn. Agenda Resolution establishing an Ethical Practices Task Force for the City Item 3 of Saint Paul . Committee recommends approval . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MlNNESQTA 55102 ..�,.�� ������ � �y �� � 4 GiTT o. ��?�'� � �+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;R• '��� Cf)UNCt1,lUtAiV OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� ;;;����'�� �� 1oHnt o�w EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �,_• �e ��n�s�sb°~ 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR November 2, 1984 Councilman John Drew Chairman, Council Subcommittee on Legislation City Hall and Court House Re: Ordinance Regarding Alarm Devices Dear Councilman Drew: At the recent Legislation Committee meeting, various amend- ments to the Police Department's initial draft ordinance were suggested. It is my understanding that the committee wishes to retain Chapter 329 as it now exists except for slight amendments in sections 1 through 4 requested by the Fire Department. Additionally, it was decided that the Police Department's draft should be incorporated into existing Chapter 329 as section 329.05. Further, it was the decision of the committee that the entire ordinance, Chapter 329 in its entirety, should be "sunsetted" for June 30, 1986. Attached please find a draft ordinance which incorporates all of the decisions , amendments , and compromises as deter- mined by the Legislation Committee, and I trust that it meets with your approval. Copies are bei�rg furnished to the Fire and Police Chiefs for their review to make sure that it comports to everyone 's understanding. Of course, if any additional changes are needed, please do not hesitate to contact us , as it is an easy matter to amend the draf t. Yo truly � �� �� �� c�t� � AUL F. McCLOSKEY � Assistant City Attorney cc: Chief McCutcheon Chief Conroy Lt. Thomas Reading Enc. . . . . � `/. J� .. ' � �._ .�........... .._. .`.._. 1 s t ' 7�/��O r � 2 nd �;��J�T ; •3rd 1�� Adopted � � 1�" '<-`' L' f °`;�. ,.(:�r� Yeas Nays DREW ' �� ����� FLETCHER %� �,;J I 7 1'�["lJ Al`/L NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO � c � . . . : : � �3� /����,,��� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE t I CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL C011I1C11 (/� �� ' BLUE -MAYOR File NO. v Ord n nce Ordinance r10. Presented By �Referred To � ��� �—�'%� ° n�� Committee: Date —� Out of mittee By Date An ordinance pertaining to alarm devices for poli e calls; requiring users of alarm systems to obtai permits therefor; amending Chapter 329 of the Sa t Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 3 9 of th.e Saint Paul Legislative Code, entitled, "Telephone ire Alarm Devices ," as it now appears , be and the same is he by amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituti g, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: CHAPTER 329. AL DEVICES FOR POLICE CALLS 329.01. /bEFINITIONS_? ' Subdivision 1. /'TERMS.? For the purposes of this cha.pter, the foll'owing wor s and phrases shall ha.ve the meanings set forth in t is section except where the context clearly indicate that a different meaning is intended. Subd. 2. /ALARM PERMIT.7' "Ala permit" means a permit issued by the license insp tor to any owner or other person in control o� a bu ding, structure, property, or any part thereof, loca d in the city who has leased, purchased, or otherwi e possesses an alarm system for use on any premis . Subd. 3. /ALARM SYSTEM_7' "Alarm syste " means any COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Departmen of: Fletcher � Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia Against BY ` Scheibel Tedesco W ilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Ay Approved by Mayor: Date Rppr by Mayor for Submi ouncil � / gy By � � � � � � � � � �y�-�� Page 2. � assembly of equipment or devices , either mechanically ��or electrically operated, which signals , either dibly or in any other manner so as to be seen, he �d, or otherwise detected outside the protected area\serviced by the alarm system, that a robbery, burgla , act of vandalism, or other unauthorized entry h occurred, and which is intended to summon police re onse. Subd. 4. / UNCIATOR.7' "Annunciator" means the instrumentali in or on the premises of an alarm system throu�h ich visual, audible, and/or electronic signa communicate to any person. Subd. 5. /FALSE AL .'�' "False alarm" means the activation of an ala system through intentional misuse; mechanical fai ure or malfunction; improper installation, maintenan , or supervision; or the negligence of the owner o person in control of the premises on which the larm system is placed and which is intended to s on a police response. The term does not include ala s caused by utility line malfunctions , force ma 'eu e, or other conditions which are clearly beyond' t e co trol of the alarm user. Subd. 6. �UTOMATIC DIALING DEVIC 7 "Automatic dialin g device" means a device whic utilizes the public primary telephone trunk lines r other dedi- cated lines to select a predetermined �Qr assigned telephone number and which transmits , b� a pre-recorded voice message or code signal, tc� the Sai t Paul police department a message that an incident of��he kind noted in the definition of alarm system `�ias occurred. '�, �. �, 329.02. �LARM SYSTEM USER'S PERMIT_7 '�,, Subdivision l . /�ERMIT REQUIRED; TERM_]� Upon�;.,the effective date o� this chapter, every alarm sys'�em user shall obtain, for each alarm system, approv`al from the license inspector for an alarm system us`�;er permit. A permit when issued shall be valid for ',. one year and must be renewed by the alarm system user each year thereafter. . ` � . � : - , �i=�'�93� , Page 3. Subd. 2. /FEE`S,a EXCEPTI ON_7' (1) �NNUAL FEE_�, The annual fee required is $10 �or each permi�. Additiona.l f ees may be required under '`�he provisions of section 329.03, subdivis7�on 2. � (2) �DDITIONAL FEE FO LATE APPLICATION.7 A �'25 charge will be ded to the fees provided herein for any alarm ystem user who fails to obtain an alarm syste user permit within 60 days after the effecti date of this chapter, or who is more than 60 ys delinquent in renewing an alarm system ser permit. (3) /EXCEPTION_7 An alarm sys m user which is a political subdivision of the federal or state government, including the ci , shall be sub,7'ect to the provisions of this cha. er but shall be exempted from all fee requirem ts hereunder. �. Subd. 3. /APPLICATION; REQUIREMENTS_�� Any person, corporation, or other entity appiying �or an alarm system user permit shall supply to the �;icense inspector, on a form to be provided, the';,following information: (1) The name, address , and telephone numbe;r of the applicant; (2) The place where the alarm system will be`':installed and maintained; (3) The brand name of the alarm system; (4) The type of alarm system being installed; anc�; .`� (5) A list of the names and telephone numbers of '� those persons who have the ability to control '�. the alarm system, to provide for 24-hours-a-day l� availability. Subd. 4. �SSUANCE OF LICENSE; COPY TO POLICE DEPARTMEN'I':�' Upon approval by the license inspector of an initial or renewal application and payment of the required fees , the license inspector shall issue a permit and send a copy of the permit and application to the crime prevention unit of the police department. . . . . � . ��y- 9�� ~`"��h Page 4. ; ,��� Subd. S. �EN�L OF PERMIT_7 In the event the license inspecto determines that the application for grant, issuance, r renewal does not meet all the requirements of l , or if the inspector, after a3vice from the ch ef of police, f inds that the alarm system and it` attachments are incompatible with the communicati �n equipment of the police department or would b likely to interfere with the normal use of the depa:�tment 's communication equip- ment, or would impose y cost to the depa.rtment, then the inspector sha.�} recommend denial and follow the procedures sei�,�forth in section 310.05. � Subd. 6. /'�ERMIT TO BE DI�PLAYED_�]' The permit shall be �,Fiysically display d upon the premises where the alarm system is us d, shall be readily visible from the exterior the eof, and shall be available for inspection by th� license inspector. �� 329.03. /ALARM SYSTEM; NUISANCE_7�� Subdivision 1. /Pt7BLIC NUISANCE.7' ., It shall be a public nuisance �or any person to m 'ntain or have actual physical control over any ala system that (1) emits by an audible annunciator o' an alarm system a signal of more than 20 mi utes ' continuous duration; or �k �'� (2) emits , through the reactivation of tl� audible annunciator over an alarm sys em, a signal which occurs more than twice�n a one-hour period; or ''^� (3) signals a false alarm. Subd. 2. /ADDITIONAL FEES; CAUSE FOR REVOCATION' OF PERMIT_�' Any person found to be in violation of ' this section shall be billed an additional fee of ': $10 by the license inspector for each occurrence, which fee may, alternatively, be collected by adding��s such additional f ee or f ees to the annual f ee to be collected at the time of application for renewal of the. alarm user permit. However, upon the signaling WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1IIC11 PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BIUE -MAVOR � Fll@ NO. ,� �� • O� indnce Ordinance N0. Presented By .� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5. of the fourth false ala from an alarm system permitted under this chap er, the license inspector sha.11 commence revocation roceedings immediately pursuant to section 310.05. Section 2. This ordinance sha.11 be deemed a art of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorpora ed therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section n ber at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Co . Section 3. This ordinance sha.11 take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publ'cation. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher pfeW In Favor Masanz Nicosta Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy . Approved by Mayor: Date App by Mayor for Sub io to ouhcil gy gy s �� :, . , � . • � : - �� ' ' �1�7� :� 4/23�84 �� c�`�'�'� � �31 � P1ayor: �� I chatted with Tom Walsh on this one. First, just some basic facts. The last study that was done on false alarms was in 1980-81 . Aci example of the kinds of numbers we are talking about are 571 f.alse alarms from 10-7-80 through 11-3-80. That is 95-97 percent false a]arms. We "waste" 17 minutes of squad patrol time each time we answer a false alarm. Under this new Ordinance -- amending Chapter 329 of the Legislative Code -- the city, through the License Inspector, would charge $10.00 for the permit to have an alarm system. On the application would be information like the names and addresses and telephone numbers of key holders for the alarms. That would cut down on wasted time and provide the police department with information they currently do ra� have. Also, saue persons trip the a�arwt te see he� fast the police depart� responds. Haptfuliy, that ts�ue. could al�o be addres5 by the — __ _ _____ _ , __ __ __, ---- ..�.___----- = �nttt requtr�t. there i.s � reyocat�tr�n Qrocedure ����can bp commenced 'by the License Inspector for faise alarms. Lee , . a . ` � r � � � O � � � � � � 3 � � � o' � v � W ' � � .�' = o W ° 3 = _ �► � � � °° � � � � � � � o � � � � _ � � � � � W " � � � � W � � .'c 3 O J � � � W ' � � �, _ = W o 3 � � _ � � � � � � �° � � � o � � � , � n e ' � . ° �. . �_ �`��� DEPARTMENT OF POLICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE C--- . T0: Council President Victor Tec � and Members of the City Cc FROM: Mayor George Latimer � r � � � SUBJ: False Alarms � -� DATE: April 17, 1984 � � � � The number of false alarms in the Cit� The percentage of false alarms remain, but the number of structures employin€ this problem is the fact that a numbex and report alarms to the St. Paul Po13 panies have little information about t � alarm, etc. As a result, ma.ny hours o � used. j To address this problem, the attached � pose of tfie ordinance is not to discou�. � to encourage their proper use and to m: � able to us. ��',�� '� � GL/TW/laf attachment PM 73-65