84-928 WHITE -�,CiTY CLERK R!NK - FI,NANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANAp.Y - C;PARTMENT ��� �� BLUE '� - MAVOR File NO. E � � Counc 'l esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil 5ervice Rules concerning filling vacancies (Section 8) and providing for an exemption from such amendments from certain classes pending Federal Court litigation, and further amending Section 14 pertaining to promotions. RESOLVID, That the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 8. , Filling Vacancies, by striking out paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 from Subsection 8.A, and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "�e-�e�se��e�-9���e e-s�a��-r�e���p-�l�e-a��e�r��}�-e�€�ee�-e�-�e �k�ee-e�����es-en-tke-e����e-��et-�eee���n�-�ke-i���isest-see�es, ��em-val��el�-�i�e-eg�e�r�t�n�-e���ee�-ska��-x+al�e-�e-agpe�ntx�ent.---�e 6€�tee-si�a��-a�se-netr�p-tke-ti�ee-e��e}�b�es:--�ie-appe�ri����-e��}ee� map-agpein�-a�p-ene-e�-�e-��ee-e����b�ee. �Fke-agpe�nt�r��-e�€�e er-x�ap-�e�ee�-�ke-e��e��b�e9-�€-�e`ae�-��a�-�i��ee er�e}�ne�-entreats-are-�tste�.---He�te�e�,--�€-�ebae�-t�a�-tl��ee-a�e ee�tt�tee�-��ex3-a-p�emet�en-��s t=-tke-apge�s�}m�-e���ee�-x��e�-a�}�e�r�� er�e-e€-tke-e��e}�b�es.---�€-t�ae-e�-xte�e-�aeene�es-a�e-te-be-€���ee�; tker�-t�e-naKte9-e�-t�ae-xte�e-t�en-tl�e-�ee�t���ee�-n�e�-e€-ge�se�s-�e-be agpetatee�-sl�a��-be-g��er�-te-the-Qppet���n�-e€��ee�. �de-�es���at�e�-91�a��-be-�ee�t���ee�-��-ae��ar�ee-e�-as-a-ee�e��t�er�-e€ appe�r�{�r►e��. 8.B 1. Vacant positions shall be filled from an original entrance list in the following manner: 8.B l.a. First Vacancy filled from an eligible list The Personnel office shall certify to the appointing officer the three COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By tapproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . - ' ' �� ��-/`'�� -2- eli ibles on the list receiving the highest scores. In titles in depart- ments where minorit representation is below levels establis ed in t e city's Affirmative Action Program (12�) , the Personne O ice s a certify as many names of additional minority eligibles as are necessary to ensure the total of three, provided that the names of additional minority eligibles shall be drawn from either the to 33 pecent or the top scoring twenty names, whicheper number is reater, from the existing eligible list Similarly, in titles where female representation is below levels established in the city's Affirmative Action Program (32$) , the Personnel Office shall also certify as many names of additional female eligibles as are necessary to ensure that three females are certified to the appointing officer, provided that the names of the additional female eligibles are drawn from either the top 33 percent or the top scoring twenty names, whichever is greater, from the existing eli ible list. Similarly, in titles where handicapped re resentation is below levels established in the city's Affirmative Action Program (8�) the Personnel Office shall also certify as many names of additional handicapped eligibles as are necessary to ensure that three handicapped persons are certified to the a pointing officer, provided that the names of the additional handica ped eligibles are drawn from either the top 33 percent or the top scoring twenty names, whichever is greater, from the existing eligible list. For the urposes of these Rules, handicapped shall be defined as: Medically determined phvsical or mental disability which interferes with an individual getting or keeping a job Such definition does not include any individual who is an alcoholic or dru abuser whose current use of alcohol or dructs prevents such individual from performinct the duties of the job in question and whose employment by reason of such current alcohol or drug abuse would constitute a direct threat to property or the safety of others $.B l.b Vacancies Occurring After First Vacancy Filled From An Eligible List The Personnel Office shall continue to certify eligibles in the same manner as on a first vacancy' unless an additional minority is appointed. If an additional minority is appointed, only the three eligibles on the list receiving the highest scores, will be certified until 8 vacancies have been filled, except as stated in the next two paragraphs. After 8 vacancies have been filled, one more additional minority will be certified so that a total of three additional minorities will be certified for the ninth vacancy. Beginning with the ninth vacancy and every 8 vacancies thereafter, this pattern of certification will be followed. The Personnel Office shall also continue to certify eligibles in the same manner as a first vacancy unless an additional female is appointed. If an additional female is appointed, only the three eligibles on the list receiving the highest scores will be certified, except as stated in the paragraph above, or the paragraph below, until 3 vacancies have been filled. After 3 vacancies have been filled, one more additional female will be certified so that a total of 3 additional females will be certified for the fourth vacancy. Beginning with the fourth vacancy and every 3 vacancies thereafter, this pattern of certification will be followed. � . . . ��- ��- ��,� -3- The Personnel Office shall also continue to certify eligibles in the same manner as a first vacancy unless an additional handicapped person is appointed. If an additional handicapped person is appointed, only the three eligibles on the list receiving the highest scores will be certified, except as stated in the paragraphs above, until 8 vacancies have been filled After 8 vacancies have been filled, one more additional handicapped person will be certified so that a total of 3 additional handica ped persons will be certified for the ninth vacancy. Beginning with the ninth vacancy and every 8 vacancies thereafter, this pattern of certification will be followed 8.B 2 Vacant postions shall be filled from a promotion list in the following manner- The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing officer the three eligibles on the eligible list receiving the highest scores, from among which the appointing officer may appoint any one of the three eligibles The Personnel Office shall notify the three eligibles of their certification 8.0 The appointing officer may reject the eligi.bles if fewer than three entrants are listed. However, if fewer than three are certified from a promotion list, the appointing officer must appoint one of the eligibles BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above rovisions shall apply to all positions in" the classified service of the City of Saint Paul. However, as of the effective date of this resolution, the method of apnointment to the positions of fire fighter and police officer is under the �urisdiction of federal court. Therefore, the appointments to such a position shall be governed pursuant to the orders of the federal court until such time as the �urisdiction is no longer maintained. When such jurisdiction ceases, the provisions of 8.B and 8.0 shall control hiring for the positions of fire fighter and police officer. WHITE � CITV CLERK GINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council /� CAK4Rt�- Ci'EPARTMENT n{/' BLU£ � - MAVOR File NO• �+ � � f 1 � Cou c 'l esolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date p���-4- a� � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID, that the foregoing amendments shall expire and be of no force and effect two years from the passage and approval of this resolution and upon that event the wordage originally contained in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Section 8 just prior to this amendment shall be restored to full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID, that during the period from adoption through May 1, 1986, the Council shall review the effect of this Resolution to determine if the resolution should be reenacted with or without amendments. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVID, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 14, Promotion Requirements, by striking out, in their entirety, 5ubsections 1, 2, and 3 in the first paragraph of said Section 14 and substituting, in lieu thereof, the following: ���.---Anp-apget�#.�nent-�rex�-e-e�esat��ee�-.pes�t#er�-te-an�►-et�ee�-e�ass���ed pes�t�er�-e�eee�t-te-a-pes�t�en-�n-�ke-�e��ee-a��-i���e-6�et�ps. �----�inp-egpe�nt�rtea�-€rex�-e-e�as s�€�ee�-pes�t�er�-��r-t�e-�e��ee-f�e�g-�e-a�� e�ke�-e�as9�€se�-ges�t�en-�n-tl�e-i�e��ee-6�e�g. 3----1�p-apge�n�nea�-��exq-a-e�ass���ee�-pes�t�en-�n-tke-Pg�e-6�et��-te-ar�p et�e�-e�ass���ee�-�esgt�en-�r�-the-P��e-6�e��. Any appointment from a classified position to any other classified position in the same occupational series." Approved: Chairman, Civi Service Commission COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �letcher Nays Personnel Off ice 1Dre1nr � [n Favor Masan�' Nicosia� �Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesca—._ �Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JU�. � � �s�F Form�ved City Attorney Certified Pa s d ouncil S et BY � By, Approv Mavor: Dat � JUL 2 4 �gg� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ,PUBUSiiED J U L 2 8 1984