84-925 WHITE - G�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT ����� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 1 Cou c ' ol ti Presented By �� V Referred To � [ /'� �'"' �-�- ommittee: Date � �'� � Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with the State of Minnesota, WHEREBY, the City will provide for the provision of pre-pregnancy family planning services subject to the terms and conditions of said Agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays orew Commu�lity Services Masanz In Favor Nicosia scneibe� � __ Against BY ' Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 17 i96�4 Form App ve y Ci Att ne r Certified Ya s d y ncil BY By 1 t�pproved by iVlavor. Date �_--����� JUL 19 19 � Ap e by Mayor for Sub i n to Council BY —� �x�L-� BY PUBLIStiE� J U L 2 8 1984 Co�nuni� Servi ces� DEPA�Tt1EN� � �y� Gary J. Pechmann CONTAC� � . 292-7711 PHONE M ay 7, 1984 DATE ���� �� ' (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routinq Order (Clip All Locatians for Mayoral Signature�: .� oepar�ment oi rectar �, ,�� RECE'IVED Ci ty Attorney ��" ��� •Q�` � �`��,,� � MAY 1 1 1984 3 Director of Management/Mayor . �� �q�J �fL� 4 Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector q`�� ��� O C�TY AjTQRN� 5 Ci ty Cl erk �'p,�;�,/c Sr Budget Director F What Will be Achieved by 'iakin,� Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Resolution to allow City signatures on Agreement between the City of St. Paul � . and the Minnesota Depar�tment of Health. Under this Agreement the City of St. � Paul will ,perform activities described in the Family Planning Components to be - Provided section of the approved 1984-85 St. Pau1 Division of Public Health - Faunily Planning Special Project grant application. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Antici�ated: . _ The total amount of the award is $2b,754. The grant period as from January 1, 1984 through December 3T, 1985. No personnel impacts are anticipated. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: 33233 • , Attachments (List and Number all Attachments�: . � Copy of Contract Resolution . , : w DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ' � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes �No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 . (See Reverse Sids for 'Instructions} _ �1=��- ��s ; Communitv ServicP�s DEPARTt,tENT Gary `J. Pechmann ,.-CONTACT 292-7711 PNONE � �� , Au st 3 1984 DATE �v� . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Orc�er �CTip All Locations for Mayoral Siqnature): i Department Di rector � City Attorney R�C�'j,y�; 3 Oi rector of Martagement/Mayor �� � � '�� � 4 Finance and Management Services Director �A��' 8 i���r � City Clerk MAY�r?��S p,cFl�,'��- 8udget ai rector �lhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): City signatures on Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Department of Health. Under this Agreement the City of St. Paul will perform activities described in the Family Planning Components to be listed.in the 1984-85 approved Family Planning special pro�ects grant application. j ERHIBITS MUST BE INITIALED BY 2 OFFICERS OF TI� CITY� L� Financialz Bud9etary and Fersonnel Inq�acts Anticip�ted: The total amount of the award is $20,754. The grant period is from January 1, 1984 through December 31, 1985. No personnel impacts are anticipated. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nun�er Charged or Credit�d: 33233 Attachments (List and IYumber ai1 Attachments�: 1. Contract Original and 4 copies 2. Resolution 3. Eshibit DEPARTM�iT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�I Yes No Council Resoiution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance �Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (SeP RPVPY`4P Side for �instructions) HOW TO U$E THE GREEN SHEET ; The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: ` ` � 1. To aessist in,routing documents and in securinq requir�siqnatures 2. To b=ief the revie�rers of documents on the i.�pacts of apProva " 3. To halp ensure that necessary suopoztinq'materials � auce� prepared and, if required, attached.� ROOTING - .�.._._ �ost G�E�T SSEET aetiens mu�t be rev;m*�e�? Sy a De�ar}:�:�t �irecto=. `.�� City 3t�or.rey, t.�e Dir�ctor o� idanaqeme:�t, �he . Director of Fi.nance and Manaqem�ent Servicea. Other possible F.*- rev�ew�ss/s�;qnatures are listed. BRIEFING • ._._.� Moat c�f the GREEN SFi�ET headinqs a=e desiqn�d to a:sist in developing a precis o� the decision which the attaeh�ents represent. The ea nqs are o fered to r�mind usera o€ some _ of the more critic��, e�.eme�ts of this br3�ef. _ . - _ . , Th� Financial Bud et and Personnel I act� h�adinq proaides ' a :p�ce to e�cpla a the cost ne#it aspects o the decision. Costs and �renefit�s rel,at� both to City budqet CCen�ral F'und and/or �pecial Fuads) and tn broad�ar finaneial impacts {+cc��t to uaer�, � hcmeo�ner s or ath�er qroups aff�cted Y�y the acticn) . The ger son��l �.mp�ct is a clescriptian of chanqe or shift of Fuli-Tim� �quivalent tFT�) positions. S"JPPaRTING MATERIALS In th+e Attaetsm�nts aection, list all attachments. If the GREEN SSEET i3���one, no letter of transmittal need be includ�d tunleas siqninq such a letter is one of th� requested actions) . Not�: 1�ctiona whicb req�u'�.re_ City Cc�uncil resolutions include: a. �ntr.actual reiationsh�.p with anothe�r qov�rnm�ent unit. � b. Collectiv+e bargaininq. _ - � c. Purchase or aale of Iand, or l�ase of land. � d. Issriance of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain. f. Assum�tion of liability by City, or qranting by City of indemnification. q. Agre�menta with State or Federal Government under which they are providinq fundinq. Note also: IE an aqreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, s Cestificate of Insurance should be one _ . _ _ +�:� � - ;. . , STATE OF MiN(�`tSOTR .. ,_ : : _� i✓ � _, ' •: J � CONTRAG�TU,AL (non-state employee) SERVICES ���y�� ..�.No. Account I.D. Qrganization �Y, R �iji 'Qn No. Vendor Number Type Terms Cost Code 5 . CD.iC. CD.Z C.CD.3 aao 389254 I2600 0o y 0 0 V Cost Code 4 lo'��.� Suffix Object SEND 7YPE OF TRANSACTION: '�7` A40 � A41 G�7�-Ci `� �� C��� � Entered by_`_ � `Y Oate Number ❑ A44 ❑ A45 ❑ A46 Entered by Date Number ' I�iOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: You are required by Minnesata Statutes, 1981 Suppiement, Section 270.66 to provide your sociai security number or Minnesota tax identification number if you do business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. This contract will not be approved unless these numbers are provided.:These numbers will be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. THIS CONTRACT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, between the State of Minnesota, acting through its M;nnesota Department of Health (hereinafter STATE) and St Paul Division of Public Health ^ address 555 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 MSoc.Sec.or DJ1N Tax I.D. No. � - ��� � �"Z- �ederal Employer I.D. No. (if applicable) (herein3fter CONTRACTOR),witnesseth that: � WHEREAS,the STATE,pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 145.925 is empowered to provide crrants of state funds to eliqible acrencies for the provision of pre—preqnancy family planninq services �,and IA�k�S, ,. ,and WHEREAS,COlVTRACTOR represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein, NOW,THEREFORE,it is agreed: 1. CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES (Attach additional page if necessary). CONTRACTOR, who is not a state employee, shall: Perform activities as described in the "Family Planning Components to be Provided" section of the approved 1984-85 St. Paul Division of Public Health Family Planning Special Project grant application (attached hereto and made a part hereof as � Exhibit A) . ._ _ _.. . - �� � . . •� ' - � � • . *r` -'� �; - - . . . . , . . - '- •- - , . � ... ' . _�� . � � - - .- ... � ..:z - , i � '_. ., . . ..... . -.- . ..".. ' .:,. • - - . ..... . _ . II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. A. Consideration for all services performed and goods or materials supplied by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this contract sf�all be paid by the STATE as follows: 1. Compensation Twentv thousand seven hundred fiftv—four dollars ($20,754.00) per year. 2. Reimbursement for trave and subsistence expenses ctuaily and necessarily in rred by CONTRACTOR rformance of this contract in an am nt not to exceed dollars (� ); provided, th CONTRACTOR shall be r mbursed for travel and sub stence expenses in t!�e same mann and in no greater amount han provided in the curre "Commissioner's Plan" pr mulgated by the Commissioner of mployee Relations. CONTR CTOR shall not be reimbur d for travel and subsistence expenses incurred outside the Sta of Min�;esota unless it has _ceived prior written approv I for such out of state trav from the STATE. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensat�on and reimbursements to CONTRACTOR shall not exceed � Twenty thousand seven hundred fifty—four — — — �_=aollars (S20,754.00 per year �_ B. Terms of Payment 1. Payments shall be made by the STATE promptly after CONTRACTOR'S presentation of invoices for services pertormed ancl acceptance of such services by the STATE'S authorized ayent pursuant to Clause VI. Invoices shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the STATE and according to the following schedule: lteimbursement for actual expenditures will be processed upon receipt of a quarterly expenditure report. A one—time advance, equivalent to one fourth oi Li�e annual grant award wi1L be processed if requested by the Contractor. ` 2. !Wnen applicable) Payments are to be made irom federal funds obtained by the STATE through Title of the -- - Act of _ (Public law and amendments thereto). If at any time such funds become unavailabfe, this contract shall !�e terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the STATE to C�;�ITRACTOR. In th�e evt,nr of such '.ern,�,:at;on, CONTRACTOR sha!I },� �n�it!=d io payment, cie[erminad o��� a pro rata basis, ior services saLisfactorily performed. - . -.. - , .. . . . ... � .. . .. : � ��: ,G} � - ���_:;a�'=tJfi�5 ��-�''-,��EN�'::��;if 'sQi"vi$es �irc�d��pt �}�T�t��`[i��. �t�:���c�t ��°�� -- . .����r,on �t tiie:�'A�'E,as:date�mine��ri �e: ole t1.�c�"ction'ofi tts auth�iired �ge�� dflf�!R ti��G�� Y'. . ;.:i-�bt►►''�_�c�F,:.���"; ' - - - - - . - . . � - ... . , _ . �. _. _ _, _. - an� Iocal iaws, ordinances, rules and regulations. CONTRACTOR shall not receive payment tor .,�:�, round by the STATE to he unsatis`actory,or performed in violation of federal,state or local la�v,ordinance,ru(e or reU��'.:����n. IV. TERh1 OF CONTRACT. This contract shall be effective on Januarv�__ _ , 19�4, or upon such date as it is executed as to encumbrance by the Comm;ssioner of Finance, �v�i;;hever occurs tater, arid shail remain in effect�until _ De_cember 31 _ , 19 85 , or until all ob!iyations set {orth in this contract have been satisfactorily fulfilied, whichever occurs first. . � � , ' __ "T'nN: This contract may be cancelled by the STATE or CONTRACTOR at any time, with or without cause, upon *hir,y (30) days' �,.."�^ not+ce to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation CONTRACTOi� shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pr� r•,;� basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. VI. STATE'S AUTHORiZED AGENT. i?;� ' " - ' authorized agent for the purposes of administraiion of this contract is Ronald G. Campbell f M.D_�, Ni_`P�H�_ _ _ _ Such anent shall have finai autt�ority for acceptance of CO(�TR�CTOR'� services and if such services are accepted as satisfactory, shaL' so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Clause I1, parayr;,ph B. VI1. ASSIGN�ENT. CONTRACTOR shali neither assign nor transfer any rign,� �r obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of the STATE. VIIl. AMENDIIi�NTS. Any amendments to this contract shall be in writing, and shali be exeYuted by the same parties who executed the arigir.a! contract, or their successors in office. ' IX. LIABILITY. CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and save and iiold the STATE, its agents and employees n�r��,;,:;; from any and all claims or causes of action arising from the performance of this contract by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR'S 4gent� or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies CONTRACTOR may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfili its obligations pursuant to this contract. -• • X. STATE AUDITS. The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices ot the CONTRACTOR relevant to this contract shali be subject to examination by the contracting department and the legislative auditor. XI. OINNERSNIP OF DOCUMENTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other documents prepared by CONTRACTOR in the performance of its obligations under this contract shall be the exclusive property of the STATE and ail sucl� materials shall be remitted to the STAT� by CONTRACTOR upon compietion, termination or canceilation of this contract.CO�NTRACTOR shall not use, willingiy allow o.r cause to have such materials used for any purpose other than performance of CONTRACTOR'S obli- gations under this contract without the prior written consent of the STATE. - XII. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. (When applicable) CONTRACTOR certifies that it has received a ceriificate of compliance from the Commiss;oner of Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supplement, Section 363.073. i" XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supplement, Section 176.182, the STATE affirms that CONTRACTOR has provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supplement, Section t76.181, Subdivision 2. • XIV. ANTITRUST. CONTRACTOR hereby assigns to ihe State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goads and/or services provided in connection with this contract resutting from ant+trust violatioos which arise under the_antitrust�laws of the United States and the antitrust laws of the State of Minnesota. . _ XV. OTHER PROVISIONS. (Attach additional page if necessary): . , In the event of dispute in interpretation of Contractor's Duties, reference 'shall be -�;made to th�.pxo�e�t's=:appraved=,grant.apglieation. f or_CY-8� and 85 .to-resolve any -_ ��' d�.s.pute. - .� - - _ _ -- - - :;.: � (Continued on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part h�reof.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: NOTE: Remove carbons before obtaining signatures. As to form and execution by the 10 CONTRACTOR: Q3 ATTORNEY GENERAL• . (If a corporation,two corporate officers must execute.) Bv ev a� N c � � o. � . - p Title Date 'L � Mayor � � � Date � , N ,� � 4Q COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION: r� c � � q{ BY � By(authorized signature) > N � N t N " . � Title 0 Date Director of Finance & Mgt. Serv. � oet� m%� � STATF :°�.�'�F��:CY OR DE°ARTMERIT � CQPA�,�ISSIO!V�R OF FINAti�C=: ---- —_- __ _ ------, —---------- —, __�_ _ ---- � ...:�.u��ze:J s��cnatuie)� �_: - - -� - - - �• -,.-.�.. -_ . By (E.ncumt�.can,ce.-Cenie*�auxhonzEt7.s�qnature} -�� _ gy ( �" , � , Title Date Date _ ,; •':,. .;. L--------------- White -- Finance Department B/ue — Agency Accounting llnit � Canary .. C�?nUach,r � Safmon — Admrr,istr�tson �eG�a�4rr'�er�? Pink ;; _� c,, . . . . �� ,� i -:. �F'B�'�i�' i,Ul�ti .. ,."v'P.,,; .._ F•.�ar1Cy�4�1Cii�n CO�Y. .. . . . _ _ . .: _ . . - - -. .. . „. __ ._ . :. . ; . ._ _: -j�Z.. - -_ N Oi ,�•�- --� -+�f� � O SL . 1V � 'S . fD -� � • fD O+ �• (D < 3 � c4 fD tn .!� ��G � O � . a m , cv c'� c � t!� O '� � � -+�C fD SL A� c+ G+ j. • • ��G -' O . .� fD � ' • fD f tJ� S " -i�O N a i-+ 3 �' f . � � � ' � � �. x „p, H � W � H H � � �e�+ r� w c�--�� c w o -+�sv -� rv�c+ c v+ � �-c+zs � cn � � —+�n e+� �� o+ a --� 3 - J tD O � • fJ c.� � � -'•O < (D • '� � -r rt ^S � C -+• cr 'S fL �•tD 7'O tD fD c-* � O fD r� Z Q � r a. -�•a< -+� a c=� �o u� a a �c+ a o+ �n cn -s cu v+ o0 0� �. c+ � � � � cn rr -�.--��.a v Z c�+� j c� su � v � ra o+ < <n cn-s -+ -a �' � N W CD L'' f� t-f' (n�G � tn O J J•C") � �l�(A V O -+� '� -� c-F Cl c+ fD � -�'• (D "S "'i O N �� n C..�i � n � = j'�•Q/ "'�� �Q7 � � J ��O � Ol � 0 �_ � �{/1 �..t� (/� � � J.�-C � �I C7 Z � Q�G � �� G7 ('f !D 0 �'ta 'C �/� 7 3 LL CT f� �\"S C1' .�17 �� • '� �D n (D [J fD N � � ('1' 1-r (7'II f� � • � CJ fJ fD (Q (D CL -+•• •••t N Ll+ (� 'S :Q �• -�• f%j d V1 (D r-�O f'f L]. 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The Project shall be managed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes S�ction 145.925. : ,, The Project shall be managed in accordance with the Family Planning Rule (7 ricAR § i.457). The Project shall adhere to the Assurances and Agreements which follow: 1. The agency will comply with State and Federal requirements for equal - opportunity employment. ` 2. The agency will comply with State and Federal, requirements relating to confidentiality of patient infozmation. 3. The Minnesota Department of Health wiil be provided with one signed copy � of all contracts executed as part of the project. 4. The agency assures that services shall not be denied based on ability to pay. S. The agency agrees that it will report accompZishments of the project to the Commissioner of Health. Such reports will be submitted no later than April 1 for the twelve-month period ending December 31 . The reports will identify outputs and impacts (if known) by Family Planning Services , omponent,. ,_The_ total :population served .per _compqnent is �o_be _identified ` . . . ,- . _ . ._ and -brokeii...down by a:g�;.'':- - _ .__. ._ . .. . . . _ . -- - <19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 or older 6. The agency will comply with al.l standards relating to fiscal account- a�ility that apply to the Minnesota Department of Health, specifically: a. Budget revisions with justification will be submitted to the Commissioner of Health for prior approval whenever (].) changes are made in the objecti�es to be met in the Family Planning Special Project, or (2) the cumulative amount of funds transferred exceeds or is expected • � to exceed 10% of the approved total budget or $2,500.00, which- • ever is greater. b. An expenditure report will be completed and filed with the Co�nissioner of Health no later than 45 days following the end of each calendar year quarter. c. Project funds are used as payrnent for services only after third-party • payments, such as Title XIX, SSr1, and Tit1e XX, SSA, or private insurance are utilized. , � '. ��9�� Exhibit B continued • � d. Project financial management systems will provide for (1) accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the financial status of the project. (2) records which identify adequately the source and application o£ funds for Family Planning Special Project activities. T'hese records are to contain information pertaining to project awazds and authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, liabili- ties (encumbrances), outlays, and income. < (3) effective contral over the accountability for all funds, praperty and other assets. Project applicants adequately safeguard such assets and assure that they are used solely for authorized purposes. , K. (4} comparison of actual obligations with budget amounts for each activity. (5) accounting records which are supported by source documentation. . (6) audits which will be made by or at the direction of the Minnesota Department of Health. � At least one copy of all family planning materials developed wit,h these funds - ., -: sha11 be submitted to the MiliFiesota Depar�ment of Health.�' � �' "' � '" : ° The curriculum vitae of any person hired to implement this proposal shall be submitted to the rfinnesota Department of Health. Prior approval by the Minnesota Department of Health is required before any of these funds are spent fcr out-of-state travel. Funding for the nineteenth through twenty-fourth months of the contract period is dependent upon legislative approval of funding for state fiscal years 1986-87 at a level at least equivalent to that approved for state f iscal years 1984-85. . � �,;ti,�:-4, .. .. � �� " .ti��' ��:;i� --�i-�T�Y' Ok` SA,IN�I` P.EiI7L �_ ���` �� }�v\ • " #;�� � - � ��L�} - orrxcF o�, ���rr czTY- cov�,-ci�. �:: t`�-::::�;.,; i��� 1 ��l�i�li�.5' f !•4 . S :` a:.f�'?f.'?ti�;. ! � . f, = ` ft� D a t e . July S, 1984 '�\ � .;;��,.� . . �a�`�+-":: �'r� . � . . � ' �''� _ - '•�,..- COMM (T�" � E REPORT � . � TO = Sa�nt Pau t �ifiy Council � F E�0 M ' C O�C��r�'Q@ O�'1 FINANCE, MANAGEA�NT � PERSONNEL � - . � C N A 1 R COUNCI I,MAN SCHEIBEL � � _ . - • ' ���� " 1. Approval of min�tes from meeting held June 28, 1984: �/°� '. 2. I:��sc.iution amending �he 1984 CIB budget and transferring �49,00 from ; S;ielling Avenue Signal - Selby to Hetivitt �to Ruth Sfi. � Burns Av: (P. �Vorks) � - \ ���:� � � ��_; - . E � 3. Resolution approving an agreement with the State�of blinnesota �rhereby the ; City will provide pre-pregnancy family planning services at the Model � i Cities Health Center. (Community Services) .�� i � - . - ; 4. Resolution approvzng an agreement �oith the State of Asnnesota whereby the � � City will provide pre-pregnancy family p_lanning services. (Community Service f ' . �) . /ri'. � . . . . ; , �5. Resolution approving an agreement with the State of Tannesota whereby the � Cityis Division of Public Health will administer a refugee health program 3 within Ramsey County. (Community Services) ��• �� . . . � 6. � Ordinance amending Section 32.01, Subsection (1) of the Administrative Code �• as regards the salaiies of the biayor'and members of the City Council. . . � ��i,����� � . . � � - . + . 1 � � � � i � . 1 . . 1 ! ' . j C1TY HALL • SEVENTH FLOOR SA1NT PAUL. rili�tNESOTA 55 . •�„ .a . . .. _ . . .... .. ._ . _. . . .. .. - --•- - -•---_--__.