00-1088�R�GINAL [I Presented By Referred To Green sheet #� p iuS y RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 00 � `�� Committee: Date WHEREAS, after due consideration and study of the fmancial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, projected future expenses and approval of the 2001 Budget, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, the Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 2001. 2001 WATER RATES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Suminer� * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer* * City of Falcon Heights Winter* Summer* * All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year $1.40 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $130 per 100 cu. ft. Outside City Bxcept Maplewood and Falcon Heiehtsl `� $1.68 per 100 cu. ft. $1.80 per 100 cu. ft. $1.54 per 100 cu. ft. $1.65 per 100 cu. ft. $1.64 per 100 cu. ft. $1.76 per 100 cu. ft. $1.56 per 100 cu. ft. �a� � EO����O � ORIGINAL 2 , � }q 12 13 14 �b 17 �9 20 21 22 2� 25 26 ZS 29 30 31 32 3� 35 3� Ciry of Maplewood All Yeaz City of Falcon Heights All Year FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS ao- i��- $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. $1.52 per 100 cu. ft. '� Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/z-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER METER ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. ** Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter far those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/:-INCH AND LARGER NLETERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Rcqucsfcd ?�y Dec� of: ,4doptioa Cer[ified by Co�a1 Seaetary BY Aporoved 6y Mayor: Date �� sy: / s � Saint Paul Regional Water Services By. i/� � � � 0�/ �_ General Manager For� Aperove3 6y Gr� Attor±+ey gY ��� � (�� �o. aY• o0 Appro�Vfayor for Submission to Cou�cil s -� �� . ,Ei� ou. �.-, Adopted by Coundi Da[e�,�S 'a. a oa 1 v Oo- lof'� Water Bernie R. Bullert — 66274 w�ae cce Public Hearing is scheduled � for November 15, 2000. oncec TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ► GREEN SHEET 4�IIIa110a0� No1C2?34 Np1aIlDab �== 4 - - - '_ ..., � � r t/.. ...,� - - �_� - • � .I Ir�roRroR�r�xn,�/ ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council a�proval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners establishing the water rates for 2001. A public hearir.g is scheduled for November 15, 2000 �n the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION Board of Water Commissione Resolution No. 4742 Has auc pgsorJrmi ever woncea under a contract r« u,is aepenmenta VES NO Hes ihis DereoMfinn ever heen a cdY emWoyee? YES NO ooes mis a�� a� a slan no[ namal�ra��esetl br �r curreia ary emWoyeea vES no �s mm pe�soNPom a targeled vendort YES NO Adequate financing needed to maintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance ia order to provide quality service in a cost-effective manner. Also federal water quality regulations require making capital improvements that necessitate funding- through debt iscues. These debt issues require us to maintain certain minimum financing standards that nust be covered through the proper budgeting fior obligations: Above goals will be achieved and will provide a typical Cit�� � s" r, (using 8,400 CCr) with an increase in rates of 1.4 percent. � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None apparent. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED o�� � L_. G�'Q�� Would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers and cosrrteEVeNUe euoeereo 1aaa.e or�� SOURCE ACTMiY NUMBER � (�Csg� �$83�?i'C�1 �'r9t1�2!° NO OG�' BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESaLUTiON — GBVE�tAt FORM $1.40 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT WHEREAS, after due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, projected future expenses and approval of the 2001 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have deternuned that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustrnent; and WHEREAS, the Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay oprion plans available on a voluntazy basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 85A1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 2001. 2�01 WA1'EI3I;.A'TES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer** City of Maplewood Winter* Suminer* * City of Falcon Heights Winter* Summer* * All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year Water Commissioners Yeas Nays $130 per 100 cu. ft. 0 0 _�orr 4742 Outside City (Exce�t Maplewood and Falcon Hei�htsl $1.68 per 100 cu. ft. $1.80 per 100 cu. ft. $1.54 per 100 cu. ft. $1.65 per 100 cu. ft. $1.64 per 100 cu. ft. $1.76 per 100 cu. ft. $1.56 per 100 cu. ft. Adopied bp the Board of Water Commissioners In favor Oppos (�hPORTANT RE7URN TO BOA3ZD nn�r�uzes Ft� ORIGINAI SECY. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GEfVERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Cardinal COM M I5510 NER oo_�nrr No��Z4� p OCtObOT 1�� 200� City of Ulaplewood All Year City of Falcon Heights All Yeaz FOR ACCt3UNTS �IAVING 1-IIVCH AND SMALLER METERS $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. $1.52 per 100 cu. ft. * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. Ft3�Z AC+COUNTS HAVING 1'/-INC3� AND LARGER METERS AND R�3SEVILLE, LITTLE C'ANADA AND MASTER METER ACCOUNTS *Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during 3anuary through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum charges shali be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter In favor 4 Oppos� 0 IMPORtANT 1tE7;lRN TO BOARD MINUTES FlI.E October 10, � 2000 �� (u-✓ � SECY. ORIGINAL T £R Cp f � � y"x'/ � ` o�''�y4. y �z CJ O �'�OU BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �.w,m�' James Reiter, President . Stephen Flaselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Michael Arcand . Robert Cazdinal . Pat Harris July 11, 2000 Members - Board of Water Commissioners Dear Board lYTembers: Re: 2001 Budget OVERVIEW : This budget has an increase in total revenue projected at $238,000. First, there is no rate increase proposed in this budget, but the decrease in revenue from the sale of water is projected to be $156,000 from the contract changes with suburban communities and other adjustments in water sales patterns. Secondly, the various miscellaneous revenues are projected to increase $394,000. No fee increases are projected in this budget. The use of retained earnings projected for 2000 was $70,000. This is a balanced budget and projects no use of retained earnings. This budget reflects an increase in operation funded spending of $158,000. This includes a decrease in operating ea�penses of $134,000, an increase in revenue funded capital improvements of $250,000 and an increase in debt service of $42,000. REVENUE SALE OF WATER: There is no change in the projected volume of water to be sold in 2001, nor is there a proposed change in water rates. However, the projected changes in consumption patterns and suburban contract changes will result in $156,000 less revenue from the sale of water in 2001. RA.TES: Rates will remain constant. 100 cubic feet Percent 2000 2001 Increase winter rate $ 1.38 $ 1.38 0% summer rate 1.48 1.4$ 0% 2° step 1.28 1.28 0% SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4`� St E, Saint Paul MN 55101-1007 ♦ TTY: 651-266-6299 Saiat Paul Regional Water Services provides qualiry water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•I.audecdale•Little Canada•Maplewood•Mendota•Mendota Heights•Roseville•Saint Paul• Wesc St. Paul � ,(R. __-'-'----`-'-'---- On—�c�-� Members - Board of Water Commissioners -2- July 11, 2000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: This budget does show an increase in miscellaneous revenue of �344,�00. No fee increases are proposed. EXCESS OPERATING CASH: The actual excess operating cash at the end of 1999 was $40,000. The projected revenue cash at the end of 2000 currently is -$612,000 and with this budget the projected excess cash at the end of 2001 will be $381,000. A detail of the cash changes is outlined in the attached appendix. At this point, there is na planned use of the projected excess cash balance. Land sales are projected to be $53,000 and $983,000 for the years 2000 and 2001 respectively. EXPENSES: OPERATIONS: The net change in the operarion portion of the budget is a decrease of $134,000. The projected increase in salaries and fringes is $223,000 in spite of a decrease of 10.6 F"TE's. The decrease in FTE's is equivalent to about $673,000. The Central Services Contract also meant a decrease in the budget of $150,000. There were minor changes in the supplies and service budgets. A unique iYem here is $130,000 for starting a new cycle of painting hydrants. PERSONNEL: This budget has a decrease of 10.6 F'I'E's. This includes a decrease of 3 employees in meter operations, primarily from the planned implementation of radio-read metering of commercial meters. Also, it has one less chemist in the laboratory. There are 6 less employees at the plant due to plant automatian. There is one less in accounting and one less in engineering. However, we have added one in the IS t3nit and an additional laborer for half a year in the Supply Unit CAPITAL: REVE�TIJE FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: This budget shows an increase of $250,000 in revenue funded capital improvements. This includes smail increases in most categories and some $200,000 for information system improvements. Also, a slide gate on Lambert Creek as recommended in our Risk Management Study by SEH is included. °�' 1 � ���' Members - Board of Water Commissioners -3- July 11, 20�0 NIISCELL?,L�TEOUS: The professional service contracts in the budget inciude an additional �50,000 to complete the IS Needs Assessment, an eCommerce Study and Implementation ($35,000), a ir"atural Organic Matter Characterization Study ($20,000) and a Minneapolis Interconnect Study ($50,000). Although this budget shows no rate increase, I would suggest the Board consider a 2 cent increase to support an increase entirely in the main replacement budget. This would move the main replacement budget from $1.6 million to $2.0 million. Sincerely, : •7: /�,l.t.� K • ji►�"'.�-`'"� Bernie R Bnllert Generai Manager Attachment . .. �► EXCESS OPERATING CASH: The analysis of excess operating cash for the years 1999 through 2001 is as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/1998 +$ 46,000 Operating Revenue below BudgeY -$ 617,000 Operating Expenses below Budget +$1,327,000 Investment Interest Revenue below Budget -$ 91,000 Change in Fair Value of Investments -$1,110,000 Non-OperatSng Revenue below Budget -$ 48,000 Non-Operating Expenses above Budget -$ 393,000 Change in Bond Reserve +$ 717,000 Net Change in Accts. Rec. plus Accts. Pay., etc -$ 221,000 Change in Minimum Operating Cash Required -$ 603,000 Change in Liability Risk Reserve -$ 500,000 Reimbursement for 1998 Contractor Payment by S1iF Money +$1,141,000 Reimbursement for 1999 Contractor Payment by SRF Money -$ 567,000 Other Changes +$ 39,000 Purchase of Land - $ 53,000 Sale of Land +$ 973.000 Net Change Ending Balance 12/31/1999 - $ 6,000 +$ 40,000 o �_�o�'�' The 2000 espected excess operating cash changes are as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/1999 Use of Excess Cash for Rate Control Change in Bond Reserve Change in lYlinimum Cash Required Reimbursement for 1999 Contractor Payment by SRF Money �FIomeowner Lead Replacement Program Net Change Prajec#ed Land 3ales in 2000 Ending Balamce 12/31/2D00 - $ 70,000 - $ 940,000 - $ 112,OOfl +$ 567,000 - $ 150.000 The 2001 projected excess operating cash changes are as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/2000 Change in Bond Reserve +$ 464,000 Change in Minimum Cash Required -$ 54,000 Homeowner Lead Replacement Program -$ 400.000 Net Change ProjecYed Land Sales in 2001 Ending Balance 12/31/2000 +$ 40,000 - $ 705,000 T� 53.D00 - $ 612,000 - $ 612,000 +$ 10,000 +� 983A00 +� 381,000 o �o�� l��, �` � .�, , i° ''� o, BOARD OF WATER CON1iVIISSIONERS 0 0 -1 a�d' James Reiter, Presidera . Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Michael Arcand . Robert Cardinal . Pat Harris September 7, 2000 Memhers - Board of Water Commissioners Dear Boazd Members:" The Board has considered the 2001 budget at both the July and Au�st reetings. There have been no additional questions since last month. However, the Budget Office has notif ed us of some minor changes related to central services charges and fringes which essentially cancel each other out in the bud�et. These changes affect many pages of the budget so piease bring your budget book to the Board meeting and we will insert the correct pages for you. Based on supportive responses at the last Board meeting, we have also changed the budget to reflect the two cent rate increase which wi11 provide $4Q7,000 in additional revenue dedicated to the main replacement capital program. The action needed at this meeting, unless there are fiu*,her questions or changes, is a motion to recoznmend the 2001 budget to the CiTy Council. Sincerely, �-�"'�<'/(• �.�:c,4%c-w' Bemie R. Bullert General Mar.ager BRB/jml SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4`� St E, Saint Paul MN 55 10 1-1 007 ♦ TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regiorza[ Water Services provides qua[iry wazer services to the fo([awing cities: Arden Hills•FalconHeights•Lauderdale�Little Canada�Maptewood•Mendo�a•Mendota Aeighcs•Roseville•Saint Paul-Wesc St. Paut � II N N n ' N O O O 9 K z��a � �b�d' X' V� /��\ a� i IH� LI � � m m � � <' � � � � 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 est 2001 est � � . � '� � � � m� � _. � O o � � � c� � v� � � �D � � tD � _. n �D � � � �• � � � � I I I I I I I � I � I , % I � I a v N m n 0 � N 0 0 0 0 T m � 3 91 `< r z � n�itnn� �� �� � _ 7� .C1 V1N 3 O �� C. D� � Z�3'� a� �u�i � � � � �Qpp� �� v� v�e �^' � r o a� -'y�=o � '°oc�a�����a � ���o—mo��� ,� f�D ?Ct�A �� � y Of � y �p C� N y� 7 Sv�i � y+ _.. .. �X��x�C�iziD=O�oDZ�XXDDZDDxmD ��-! Actual Dollars � c� v � 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 � � O O � 00 O O � � O O . O � � N O O � � .p O O � � � O O c�D � � . — � _. O � � � � — O � � O � � co � � cD Q. � � � cD � . . C'� O � � � � — �- � � � . . . . . � � � �D � C/� �D � �.. C� �D � cs.� _ic��6' � :Z �Q����� . -' � .� ; �_." 0 : � =' � '�` '� '�' '� " X t�i f� �l" -#� C33 t� O � �- £3 C3 _� C� O C7 =;' � � -� ' � � : a ; ; � ��� � � � `_� '� ��'� . � �;,�� � � � � � -` ,� 1 ��2 ` � � . ..._ a o �8�� � � � ��� � � =1 �84 � �j' � � � � �. �, � m � °��,� � � ��8� �� ��� : � �� � � �- �...r ,:,.,, :� �tD �. — � � ��`�, , ':� � �� � � �����. N � � �.7 1 � �_ �•. � . � ��� , �.�19�3� � � 19�4. � � 19�►5 ° � 3 1996 �, 19�� o '1998 1999 � ,. � �� � s� � � , . � . �. . � �;, , �� .. , Main Replacement �inalysis Replacement cost of entire system: �559,825,225 Lnvescment nea3ed for: 100 year cycle: 125 ye2r cycie: i�0 year cycle: �5.60 million/year $-?.?8 millionlyear �3.73 million/year oa-���� Paving pro�aza benefit: 8" main can be replac�d for �50/foot rather than �85lfoot in non-paving azeas, a savin� of 41%. Another way to look at this is for each �1.00 spent now, �1.70 worth of funire main replacements aze done. Or, for our present spendin� af �I3 million for main replacamenis, we are doin� an equivalent of $2.21 million in funue main replacements. Replacement Scenar-ios: Scenario #1: Present case with�i��ess"� Pavin� program ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main repiacements afier 20 years. Years Investment 1-10 $13 M/year 10-20 $13 Mlyear 20 � $2.4 M/year E�c uivalent Investment $2.21 NUyear $13 M/yeaz $2.41b1/year This levei of investment wili maintain a cycle of 233 years. Entire svs#em renlaced in: 234�ear� Scenario �#2: Present case rvith��E�,_taec,ease� Paving program ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main replacements after 20 yeus. Years Investment Eauivalent Investment 1-10 $1.7 M/year $2.89 M/year 10-20 $1.7 M/year $1.7 Nf/year 20 � $2.8 M/year $2.8 N/year This levai of investrnen# will maintain a cycle of 200 years. Entsre svstem reQlaced in: A�Q4: Scenario #3: Presant case wi#h ��g,eLeas�e Paving pro�am ends in 10 years; money now spem on lead replaczments gozs to main :eplacaments after 20 years. Years Investment 1-10 �2.1 NUyear 10-20 $2.1 NS/year 20 � $3.2 �1/year E�c nivaleni Investment $�.5? M/year �2.1 M/year $3 3 M/year Ernire svstem revlacetl in: n���e_?i� TYus levei of investment will maintain a cycle of 175 years. oo- lo�b� Scenario =�: Present case with Fl�iucreas� Paving pro�am ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main replacaments after 20 years. Years Invest�ne:rt Eauivalent Inv�eat 1-10 $2.5 �t/year $�25 11/year 10-ZO $2.5 tif/year 52.� �+f/y�ar ZO -�- $3.6 �ri(year �3.6 M/year This level of investaent will nzaintain a cycle of 156 years. Eatire svstem re�lacad in: ����� Scenario #5: Present case with 8¢.incteas� Paving progran ends in 10 years; mor.ey now spent on lead replacamen}s �oes to main replacem�#s a$er 20 years. Yzars Investment EGuivalem Inves�en# 1-IO $2.9 M/year $4.93 M/year IO-20 $2.9 M/year $2.9M/year 20 } $4.0 M/year $4.0 ��S1yeaz This levei of investment will maintain a cycle of I40 years. Scenario � 1 2 3 4 5 Unlined cast iron eone in: U 5 years 115 years 99 years 88 years 78 years Entire s s�em replaced in: -14Q.year� � ��:_, 5 b— f a�� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 85 dealing with establishing the schedule of water rates, the Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing for the proposed water rate charges for tt�e yeaz 2001 on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 530 p.m. in Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House. Dated October 17, 2000 Shari Moore Depury City Clerk (November 2, 2000) ��:..;mg''s ,��,a�,.,.''�,`�; �a"t��' ��m �,..3 ;;, � z��� �R�GINAL [I Presented By Referred To Green sheet #� p iuS y RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 00 � `�� Committee: Date WHEREAS, after due consideration and study of the fmancial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, projected future expenses and approval of the 2001 Budget, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, the Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 2001. 2001 WATER RATES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Suminer� * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer* * City of Falcon Heights Winter* Summer* * All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year $1.40 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $130 per 100 cu. ft. Outside City Bxcept Maplewood and Falcon Heiehtsl `� $1.68 per 100 cu. ft. $1.80 per 100 cu. ft. $1.54 per 100 cu. ft. $1.65 per 100 cu. ft. $1.64 per 100 cu. ft. $1.76 per 100 cu. ft. $1.56 per 100 cu. ft. �a� � EO����O � ORIGINAL 2 , � }q 12 13 14 �b 17 �9 20 21 22 2� 25 26 ZS 29 30 31 32 3� 35 3� Ciry of Maplewood All Yeaz City of Falcon Heights All Year FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS ao- i��- $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. $1.52 per 100 cu. ft. '� Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/z-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER METER ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. ** Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter far those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/:-INCH AND LARGER NLETERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Rcqucsfcd ?�y Dec� of: ,4doptioa Cer[ified by Co�a1 Seaetary BY Aporoved 6y Mayor: Date �� sy: / s � Saint Paul Regional Water Services By. i/� � � � 0�/ �_ General Manager For� Aperove3 6y Gr� Attor±+ey gY ��� � (�� �o. aY• o0 Appro�Vfayor for Submission to Cou�cil s -� �� . ,Ei� ou. �.-, Adopted by Coundi Da[e�,�S 'a. a oa 1 v Oo- lof'� Water Bernie R. Bullert — 66274 w�ae cce Public Hearing is scheduled � for November 15, 2000. oncec TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ► GREEN SHEET 4�IIIa110a0� No1C2?34 Np1aIlDab �== 4 - - - '_ ..., � � r t/.. ...,� - - �_� - • � .I Ir�roRroR�r�xn,�/ ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council a�proval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners establishing the water rates for 2001. A public hearir.g is scheduled for November 15, 2000 �n the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION Board of Water Commissione Resolution No. 4742 Has auc pgsorJrmi ever woncea under a contract r« u,is aepenmenta VES NO Hes ihis DereoMfinn ever heen a cdY emWoyee? YES NO ooes mis a�� a� a slan no[ namal�ra��esetl br �r curreia ary emWoyeea vES no �s mm pe�soNPom a targeled vendort YES NO Adequate financing needed to maintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance ia order to provide quality service in a cost-effective manner. Also federal water quality regulations require making capital improvements that necessitate funding- through debt iscues. These debt issues require us to maintain certain minimum financing standards that nust be covered through the proper budgeting fior obligations: Above goals will be achieved and will provide a typical Cit�� � s" r, (using 8,400 CCr) with an increase in rates of 1.4 percent. � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None apparent. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED o�� � L_. G�'Q�� Would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers and cosrrteEVeNUe euoeereo 1aaa.e or�� SOURCE ACTMiY NUMBER � (�Csg� �$83�?i'C�1 �'r9t1�2!° NO OG�' BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESaLUTiON — GBVE�tAt FORM $1.40 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT WHEREAS, after due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, projected future expenses and approval of the 2001 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have deternuned that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustrnent; and WHEREAS, the Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay oprion plans available on a voluntazy basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 85A1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 2001. 2�01 WA1'EI3I;.A'TES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer** City of Maplewood Winter* Suminer* * City of Falcon Heights Winter* Summer* * All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year Water Commissioners Yeas Nays $130 per 100 cu. ft. 0 0 _�orr 4742 Outside City (Exce�t Maplewood and Falcon Hei�htsl $1.68 per 100 cu. ft. $1.80 per 100 cu. ft. $1.54 per 100 cu. ft. $1.65 per 100 cu. ft. $1.64 per 100 cu. ft. $1.76 per 100 cu. ft. $1.56 per 100 cu. ft. Adopied bp the Board of Water Commissioners In favor Oppos (�hPORTANT RE7URN TO BOA3ZD nn�r�uzes Ft� ORIGINAI SECY. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GEfVERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Cardinal COM M I5510 NER oo_�nrr No��Z4� p OCtObOT 1�� 200� City of Ulaplewood All Year City of Falcon Heights All Yeaz FOR ACCt3UNTS �IAVING 1-IIVCH AND SMALLER METERS $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. $1.52 per 100 cu. ft. * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. Ft3�Z AC+COUNTS HAVING 1'/-INC3� AND LARGER METERS AND R�3SEVILLE, LITTLE C'ANADA AND MASTER METER ACCOUNTS *Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during 3anuary through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum charges shali be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter In favor 4 Oppos� 0 IMPORtANT 1tE7;lRN TO BOARD MINUTES FlI.E October 10, � 2000 �� (u-✓ � SECY. ORIGINAL T £R Cp f � � y"x'/ � ` o�''�y4. y �z CJ O �'�OU BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �.w,m�' James Reiter, President . Stephen Flaselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Michael Arcand . Robert Cazdinal . Pat Harris July 11, 2000 Members - Board of Water Commissioners Dear Board lYTembers: Re: 2001 Budget OVERVIEW : This budget has an increase in total revenue projected at $238,000. First, there is no rate increase proposed in this budget, but the decrease in revenue from the sale of water is projected to be $156,000 from the contract changes with suburban communities and other adjustments in water sales patterns. Secondly, the various miscellaneous revenues are projected to increase $394,000. No fee increases are projected in this budget. The use of retained earnings projected for 2000 was $70,000. This is a balanced budget and projects no use of retained earnings. This budget reflects an increase in operation funded spending of $158,000. This includes a decrease in operating ea�penses of $134,000, an increase in revenue funded capital improvements of $250,000 and an increase in debt service of $42,000. REVENUE SALE OF WATER: There is no change in the projected volume of water to be sold in 2001, nor is there a proposed change in water rates. However, the projected changes in consumption patterns and suburban contract changes will result in $156,000 less revenue from the sale of water in 2001. RA.TES: Rates will remain constant. 100 cubic feet Percent 2000 2001 Increase winter rate $ 1.38 $ 1.38 0% summer rate 1.48 1.4$ 0% 2° step 1.28 1.28 0% SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4`� St E, Saint Paul MN 55101-1007 ♦ TTY: 651-266-6299 Saiat Paul Regional Water Services provides qualiry water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•I.audecdale•Little Canada•Maplewood•Mendota•Mendota Heights•Roseville•Saint Paul• Wesc St. Paul � ,(R. __-'-'----`-'-'---- On—�c�-� Members - Board of Water Commissioners -2- July 11, 2000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: This budget does show an increase in miscellaneous revenue of �344,�00. No fee increases are proposed. EXCESS OPERATING CASH: The actual excess operating cash at the end of 1999 was $40,000. The projected revenue cash at the end of 2000 currently is -$612,000 and with this budget the projected excess cash at the end of 2001 will be $381,000. A detail of the cash changes is outlined in the attached appendix. At this point, there is na planned use of the projected excess cash balance. Land sales are projected to be $53,000 and $983,000 for the years 2000 and 2001 respectively. EXPENSES: OPERATIONS: The net change in the operarion portion of the budget is a decrease of $134,000. The projected increase in salaries and fringes is $223,000 in spite of a decrease of 10.6 F"TE's. The decrease in FTE's is equivalent to about $673,000. The Central Services Contract also meant a decrease in the budget of $150,000. There were minor changes in the supplies and service budgets. A unique iYem here is $130,000 for starting a new cycle of painting hydrants. PERSONNEL: This budget has a decrease of 10.6 F'I'E's. This includes a decrease of 3 employees in meter operations, primarily from the planned implementation of radio-read metering of commercial meters. Also, it has one less chemist in the laboratory. There are 6 less employees at the plant due to plant automatian. There is one less in accounting and one less in engineering. However, we have added one in the IS t3nit and an additional laborer for half a year in the Supply Unit CAPITAL: REVE�TIJE FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: This budget shows an increase of $250,000 in revenue funded capital improvements. This includes smail increases in most categories and some $200,000 for information system improvements. Also, a slide gate on Lambert Creek as recommended in our Risk Management Study by SEH is included. °�' 1 � ���' Members - Board of Water Commissioners -3- July 11, 20�0 NIISCELL?,L�TEOUS: The professional service contracts in the budget inciude an additional �50,000 to complete the IS Needs Assessment, an eCommerce Study and Implementation ($35,000), a ir"atural Organic Matter Characterization Study ($20,000) and a Minneapolis Interconnect Study ($50,000). Although this budget shows no rate increase, I would suggest the Board consider a 2 cent increase to support an increase entirely in the main replacement budget. This would move the main replacement budget from $1.6 million to $2.0 million. Sincerely, : •7: /�,l.t.� K • ji►�"'.�-`'"� Bernie R Bnllert Generai Manager Attachment . .. �► EXCESS OPERATING CASH: The analysis of excess operating cash for the years 1999 through 2001 is as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/1998 +$ 46,000 Operating Revenue below BudgeY -$ 617,000 Operating Expenses below Budget +$1,327,000 Investment Interest Revenue below Budget -$ 91,000 Change in Fair Value of Investments -$1,110,000 Non-OperatSng Revenue below Budget -$ 48,000 Non-Operating Expenses above Budget -$ 393,000 Change in Bond Reserve +$ 717,000 Net Change in Accts. Rec. plus Accts. Pay., etc -$ 221,000 Change in Minimum Operating Cash Required -$ 603,000 Change in Liability Risk Reserve -$ 500,000 Reimbursement for 1998 Contractor Payment by S1iF Money +$1,141,000 Reimbursement for 1999 Contractor Payment by SRF Money -$ 567,000 Other Changes +$ 39,000 Purchase of Land - $ 53,000 Sale of Land +$ 973.000 Net Change Ending Balance 12/31/1999 - $ 6,000 +$ 40,000 o �_�o�'�' The 2000 espected excess operating cash changes are as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/1999 Use of Excess Cash for Rate Control Change in Bond Reserve Change in lYlinimum Cash Required Reimbursement for 1999 Contractor Payment by SRF Money �FIomeowner Lead Replacement Program Net Change Prajec#ed Land 3ales in 2000 Ending Balamce 12/31/2D00 - $ 70,000 - $ 940,000 - $ 112,OOfl +$ 567,000 - $ 150.000 The 2001 projected excess operating cash changes are as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/2000 Change in Bond Reserve +$ 464,000 Change in Minimum Cash Required -$ 54,000 Homeowner Lead Replacement Program -$ 400.000 Net Change ProjecYed Land Sales in 2001 Ending Balance 12/31/2000 +$ 40,000 - $ 705,000 T� 53.D00 - $ 612,000 - $ 612,000 +$ 10,000 +� 983A00 +� 381,000 o �o�� l��, �` � .�, , i° ''� o, BOARD OF WATER CON1iVIISSIONERS 0 0 -1 a�d' James Reiter, Presidera . Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Michael Arcand . Robert Cardinal . Pat Harris September 7, 2000 Memhers - Board of Water Commissioners Dear Boazd Members:" The Board has considered the 2001 budget at both the July and Au�st reetings. There have been no additional questions since last month. However, the Budget Office has notif ed us of some minor changes related to central services charges and fringes which essentially cancel each other out in the bud�et. These changes affect many pages of the budget so piease bring your budget book to the Board meeting and we will insert the correct pages for you. Based on supportive responses at the last Board meeting, we have also changed the budget to reflect the two cent rate increase which wi11 provide $4Q7,000 in additional revenue dedicated to the main replacement capital program. The action needed at this meeting, unless there are fiu*,her questions or changes, is a motion to recoznmend the 2001 budget to the CiTy Council. Sincerely, �-�"'�<'/(• �.�:c,4%c-w' Bemie R. Bullert General Mar.ager BRB/jml SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4`� St E, Saint Paul MN 55 10 1-1 007 ♦ TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regiorza[ Water Services provides qua[iry wazer services to the fo([awing cities: Arden Hills•FalconHeights•Lauderdale�Little Canada�Maptewood•Mendo�a•Mendota Aeighcs•Roseville•Saint Paul-Wesc St. Paut � II N N n ' N O O O 9 K z��a � �b�d' X' V� /��\ a� i IH� LI � � m m � � <' � � � � 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 est 2001 est � � . � '� � � � m� � _. � O o � � � c� � v� � � �D � � tD � _. n �D � � � �• � � � � I I I I I I I � I � I , % I � I a v N m n 0 � N 0 0 0 0 T m � 3 91 `< r z � n�itnn� �� �� � _ 7� .C1 V1N 3 O �� C. D� � Z�3'� a� �u�i � � � � �Qpp� �� v� v�e �^' � r o a� -'y�=o � '°oc�a�����a � ���o—mo��� ,� f�D ?Ct�A �� � y Of � y �p C� N y� 7 Sv�i � y+ _.. .. �X��x�C�iziD=O�oDZ�XXDDZDDxmD ��-! Actual Dollars � c� v � 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 � � O O � 00 O O � � O O . O � � N O O � � .p O O � � � O O c�D � � . — � _. O � � � � — O � � O � � co � � cD Q. � � � cD � . . C'� O � � � � — �- � � � . . . . . � � � �D � C/� �D � �.. C� �D � cs.� _ic��6' � :Z �Q����� . -' � .� ; �_." 0 : � =' � '�` '� '�' '� " X t�i f� �l" -#� C33 t� O � �- £3 C3 _� C� O C7 =;' � � -� ' � � : a ; ; � ��� � � � `_� '� ��'� . � �;,�� � � � � � -` ,� 1 ��2 ` � � . ..._ a o �8�� � � � ��� � � =1 �84 � �j' � � � � �. �, � m � °��,� � � ��8� �� ��� : � �� � � �- �...r ,:,.,, :� �tD �. — � � ��`�, , ':� � �� � � �����. N � � �.7 1 � �_ �•. � . � ��� , �.�19�3� � � 19�4. � � 19�►5 ° � 3 1996 �, 19�� o '1998 1999 � ,. � �� � s� � � , . � . �. . � �;, , �� .. , Main Replacement �inalysis Replacement cost of entire system: �559,825,225 Lnvescment nea3ed for: 100 year cycle: 125 ye2r cycie: i�0 year cycle: �5.60 million/year $-?.?8 millionlyear �3.73 million/year oa-���� Paving pro�aza benefit: 8" main can be replac�d for �50/foot rather than �85lfoot in non-paving azeas, a savin� of 41%. Another way to look at this is for each �1.00 spent now, �1.70 worth of funire main replacements aze done. Or, for our present spendin� af �I3 million for main replacamenis, we are doin� an equivalent of $2.21 million in funue main replacements. Replacement Scenar-ios: Scenario #1: Present case with�i��ess"� Pavin� program ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main repiacements afier 20 years. Years Investment 1-10 $13 M/year 10-20 $13 Mlyear 20 � $2.4 M/year E�c uivalent Investment $2.21 NUyear $13 M/yeaz $2.41b1/year This levei of investment wili maintain a cycle of 233 years. Entire svs#em renlaced in: 234�ear� Scenario �#2: Present case rvith��E�,_taec,ease� Paving program ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main replacements after 20 yeus. Years Investment Eauivalent Investment 1-10 $1.7 M/year $2.89 M/year 10-20 $1.7 M/year $1.7 Nf/year 20 � $2.8 M/year $2.8 N/year This levai of investrnen# will maintain a cycle of 200 years. Entsre svstem reQlaced in: A�Q4: Scenario #3: Presant case wi#h ��g,eLeas�e Paving pro�am ends in 10 years; money now spem on lead replaczments gozs to main :eplacaments after 20 years. Years Investment 1-10 �2.1 NUyear 10-20 $2.1 NS/year 20 � $3.2 �1/year E�c nivaleni Investment $�.5? M/year �2.1 M/year $3 3 M/year Ernire svstem revlacetl in: n���e_?i� TYus levei of investment will maintain a cycle of 175 years. oo- lo�b� Scenario =�: Present case with Fl�iucreas� Paving pro�am ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main replacaments after 20 years. Years Invest�ne:rt Eauivalent Inv�eat 1-10 $2.5 �t/year $�25 11/year 10-ZO $2.5 tif/year 52.� �+f/y�ar ZO -�- $3.6 �ri(year �3.6 M/year This level of investaent will nzaintain a cycle of 156 years. Eatire svstem re�lacad in: ����� Scenario #5: Present case with 8¢.incteas� Paving progran ends in 10 years; mor.ey now spent on lead replacamen}s �oes to main replacem�#s a$er 20 years. Yzars Investment EGuivalem Inves�en# 1-IO $2.9 M/year $4.93 M/year IO-20 $2.9 M/year $2.9M/year 20 } $4.0 M/year $4.0 ��S1yeaz This levei of investment will maintain a cycle of I40 years. Scenario � 1 2 3 4 5 Unlined cast iron eone in: U 5 years 115 years 99 years 88 years 78 years Entire s s�em replaced in: -14Q.year� � ��:_, 5 b— f a�� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 85 dealing with establishing the schedule of water rates, the Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing for the proposed water rate charges for tt�e yeaz 2001 on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 530 p.m. in Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House. Dated October 17, 2000 Shari Moore Depury City Clerk (November 2, 2000) ��:..;mg''s ,��,a�,.,.''�,`�; �a"t��' ��m �,..3 ;;, � z��� �R�GINAL [I Presented By Referred To Green sheet #� p iuS y RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 00 � `�� Committee: Date WHEREAS, after due consideration and study of the fmancial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, projected future expenses and approval of the 2001 Budget, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; and WHEREAS, the Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay option plans available on a voluntary basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 2001. 2001 WATER RATES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Suminer� * City of Maplewood Winter* Summer* * City of Falcon Heights Winter* Summer* * All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year $1.40 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. $130 per 100 cu. ft. Outside City Bxcept Maplewood and Falcon Heiehtsl `� $1.68 per 100 cu. ft. $1.80 per 100 cu. ft. $1.54 per 100 cu. ft. $1.65 per 100 cu. ft. $1.64 per 100 cu. ft. $1.76 per 100 cu. ft. $1.56 per 100 cu. ft. �a� � EO����O � ORIGINAL 2 , � }q 12 13 14 �b 17 �9 20 21 22 2� 25 26 ZS 29 30 31 32 3� 35 3� Ciry of Maplewood All Yeaz City of Falcon Heights All Year FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS ao- i��- $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. $1.52 per 100 cu. ft. '� Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/z-INCH AND LARGER METERS AND ROSEVILLE, LITTLE CANADA AND MASTER METER ACCOUNTS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. ** Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter far those on quarterly billing. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/:-INCH AND LARGER NLETERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Rcqucsfcd ?�y Dec� of: ,4doptioa Cer[ified by Co�a1 Seaetary BY Aporoved 6y Mayor: Date �� sy: / s � Saint Paul Regional Water Services By. i/� � � � 0�/ �_ General Manager For� Aperove3 6y Gr� Attor±+ey gY ��� � (�� �o. aY• o0 Appro�Vfayor for Submission to Cou�cil s -� �� . ,Ei� ou. �.-, Adopted by Coundi Da[e�,�S 'a. a oa 1 v Oo- lof'� Water Bernie R. Bullert — 66274 w�ae cce Public Hearing is scheduled � for November 15, 2000. oncec TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ► GREEN SHEET 4�IIIa110a0� No1C2?34 Np1aIlDab �== 4 - - - '_ ..., � � r t/.. ...,� - - �_� - • � .I Ir�roRroR�r�xn,�/ ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council a�proval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners establishing the water rates for 2001. A public hearir.g is scheduled for November 15, 2000 �n the City Council Chambers. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION Board of Water Commissione Resolution No. 4742 Has auc pgsorJrmi ever woncea under a contract r« u,is aepenmenta VES NO Hes ihis DereoMfinn ever heen a cdY emWoyee? YES NO ooes mis a�� a� a slan no[ namal�ra��esetl br �r curreia ary emWoyeea vES no �s mm pe�soNPom a targeled vendort YES NO Adequate financing needed to maintain reasonable levels of capital improvements and system maintenance ia order to provide quality service in a cost-effective manner. Also federal water quality regulations require making capital improvements that necessitate funding- through debt iscues. These debt issues require us to maintain certain minimum financing standards that nust be covered through the proper budgeting fior obligations: Above goals will be achieved and will provide a typical Cit�� � s" r, (using 8,400 CCr) with an increase in rates of 1.4 percent. � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None apparent. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED o�� � L_. G�'Q�� Would be less likely to maintain reasonable standards for service to customers and cosrrteEVeNUe euoeereo 1aaa.e or�� SOURCE ACTMiY NUMBER � (�Csg� �$83�?i'C�1 �'r9t1�2!° NO OG�' BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESaLUTiON — GBVE�tAt FORM $1.40 per 100 cu. ft. $1.50 per 100 cu. ft. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT WHEREAS, after due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, projected future expenses and approval of the 2001 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have deternuned that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustrnent; and WHEREAS, the Board and City Council recommend that the residential water billing cycle continue on a quarterly cycle, and that Board staff continue the level monthly or quarterly payment and direct pay oprion plans available on a voluntazy basis for consumers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 85A1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 2001. 2�01 WA1'EI3I;.A'TES Inside Citv For first 100,000 cu. ft. per month Winter* Summer** City of Maplewood Winter* Suminer* * City of Falcon Heights Winter* Summer* * All over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Year Water Commissioners Yeas Nays $130 per 100 cu. ft. 0 0 _�orr 4742 Outside City (Exce�t Maplewood and Falcon Hei�htsl $1.68 per 100 cu. ft. $1.80 per 100 cu. ft. $1.54 per 100 cu. ft. $1.65 per 100 cu. ft. $1.64 per 100 cu. ft. $1.76 per 100 cu. ft. $1.56 per 100 cu. ft. Adopied bp the Board of Water Commissioners In favor Oppos (�hPORTANT RE7URN TO BOA3ZD nn�r�uzes Ft� ORIGINAI SECY. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GEfVERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Cardinal COM M I5510 NER oo_�nrr No��Z4� p OCtObOT 1�� 200� City of Ulaplewood All Year City of Falcon Heights All Yeaz FOR ACCt3UNTS �IAVING 1-IIVCH AND SMALLER METERS $1.43 per 100 cu. ft. $1.52 per 100 cu. ft. * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. Ft3�Z AC+COUNTS HAVING 1'/-INC3� AND LARGER METERS AND R�3SEVILLE, LITTLE C'ANADA AND MASTER METER ACCOUNTS *Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during 3anuary through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. MINIMUM CHARGES: FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per quarter for those on quarterly billing. Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 100 cubic feet per month for those on monthly billing. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1'/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum charges shali be based upon consumption of 300 cubic feet per month. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter In favor 4 Oppos� 0 IMPORtANT 1tE7;lRN TO BOARD MINUTES FlI.E October 10, � 2000 �� (u-✓ � SECY. ORIGINAL T £R Cp f � � y"x'/ � ` o�''�y4. y �z CJ O �'�OU BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �.w,m�' James Reiter, President . Stephen Flaselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Michael Arcand . Robert Cazdinal . Pat Harris July 11, 2000 Members - Board of Water Commissioners Dear Board lYTembers: Re: 2001 Budget OVERVIEW : This budget has an increase in total revenue projected at $238,000. First, there is no rate increase proposed in this budget, but the decrease in revenue from the sale of water is projected to be $156,000 from the contract changes with suburban communities and other adjustments in water sales patterns. Secondly, the various miscellaneous revenues are projected to increase $394,000. No fee increases are projected in this budget. The use of retained earnings projected for 2000 was $70,000. This is a balanced budget and projects no use of retained earnings. This budget reflects an increase in operation funded spending of $158,000. This includes a decrease in operating ea�penses of $134,000, an increase in revenue funded capital improvements of $250,000 and an increase in debt service of $42,000. REVENUE SALE OF WATER: There is no change in the projected volume of water to be sold in 2001, nor is there a proposed change in water rates. However, the projected changes in consumption patterns and suburban contract changes will result in $156,000 less revenue from the sale of water in 2001. RA.TES: Rates will remain constant. 100 cubic feet Percent 2000 2001 Increase winter rate $ 1.38 $ 1.38 0% summer rate 1.48 1.4$ 0% 2° step 1.28 1.28 0% SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4`� St E, Saint Paul MN 55101-1007 ♦ TTY: 651-266-6299 Saiat Paul Regional Water Services provides qualiry water services to the following cities: Arden Hills•Falcon Heights•I.audecdale•Little Canada•Maplewood•Mendota•Mendota Heights•Roseville•Saint Paul• Wesc St. Paul � ,(R. __-'-'----`-'-'---- On—�c�-� Members - Board of Water Commissioners -2- July 11, 2000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: This budget does show an increase in miscellaneous revenue of �344,�00. No fee increases are proposed. EXCESS OPERATING CASH: The actual excess operating cash at the end of 1999 was $40,000. The projected revenue cash at the end of 2000 currently is -$612,000 and with this budget the projected excess cash at the end of 2001 will be $381,000. A detail of the cash changes is outlined in the attached appendix. At this point, there is na planned use of the projected excess cash balance. Land sales are projected to be $53,000 and $983,000 for the years 2000 and 2001 respectively. EXPENSES: OPERATIONS: The net change in the operarion portion of the budget is a decrease of $134,000. The projected increase in salaries and fringes is $223,000 in spite of a decrease of 10.6 F"TE's. The decrease in FTE's is equivalent to about $673,000. The Central Services Contract also meant a decrease in the budget of $150,000. There were minor changes in the supplies and service budgets. A unique iYem here is $130,000 for starting a new cycle of painting hydrants. PERSONNEL: This budget has a decrease of 10.6 F'I'E's. This includes a decrease of 3 employees in meter operations, primarily from the planned implementation of radio-read metering of commercial meters. Also, it has one less chemist in the laboratory. There are 6 less employees at the plant due to plant automatian. There is one less in accounting and one less in engineering. However, we have added one in the IS t3nit and an additional laborer for half a year in the Supply Unit CAPITAL: REVE�TIJE FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: This budget shows an increase of $250,000 in revenue funded capital improvements. This includes smail increases in most categories and some $200,000 for information system improvements. Also, a slide gate on Lambert Creek as recommended in our Risk Management Study by SEH is included. °�' 1 � ���' Members - Board of Water Commissioners -3- July 11, 20�0 NIISCELL?,L�TEOUS: The professional service contracts in the budget inciude an additional �50,000 to complete the IS Needs Assessment, an eCommerce Study and Implementation ($35,000), a ir"atural Organic Matter Characterization Study ($20,000) and a Minneapolis Interconnect Study ($50,000). Although this budget shows no rate increase, I would suggest the Board consider a 2 cent increase to support an increase entirely in the main replacement budget. This would move the main replacement budget from $1.6 million to $2.0 million. Sincerely, : •7: /�,l.t.� K • ji►�"'.�-`'"� Bernie R Bnllert Generai Manager Attachment . .. �► EXCESS OPERATING CASH: The analysis of excess operating cash for the years 1999 through 2001 is as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/1998 +$ 46,000 Operating Revenue below BudgeY -$ 617,000 Operating Expenses below Budget +$1,327,000 Investment Interest Revenue below Budget -$ 91,000 Change in Fair Value of Investments -$1,110,000 Non-OperatSng Revenue below Budget -$ 48,000 Non-Operating Expenses above Budget -$ 393,000 Change in Bond Reserve +$ 717,000 Net Change in Accts. Rec. plus Accts. Pay., etc -$ 221,000 Change in Minimum Operating Cash Required -$ 603,000 Change in Liability Risk Reserve -$ 500,000 Reimbursement for 1998 Contractor Payment by S1iF Money +$1,141,000 Reimbursement for 1999 Contractor Payment by SRF Money -$ 567,000 Other Changes +$ 39,000 Purchase of Land - $ 53,000 Sale of Land +$ 973.000 Net Change Ending Balance 12/31/1999 - $ 6,000 +$ 40,000 o �_�o�'�' The 2000 espected excess operating cash changes are as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/1999 Use of Excess Cash for Rate Control Change in Bond Reserve Change in lYlinimum Cash Required Reimbursement for 1999 Contractor Payment by SRF Money �FIomeowner Lead Replacement Program Net Change Prajec#ed Land 3ales in 2000 Ending Balamce 12/31/2D00 - $ 70,000 - $ 940,000 - $ 112,OOfl +$ 567,000 - $ 150.000 The 2001 projected excess operating cash changes are as follows: Beginning Balance 12/31/2000 Change in Bond Reserve +$ 464,000 Change in Minimum Cash Required -$ 54,000 Homeowner Lead Replacement Program -$ 400.000 Net Change ProjecYed Land Sales in 2001 Ending Balance 12/31/2000 +$ 40,000 - $ 705,000 T� 53.D00 - $ 612,000 - $ 612,000 +$ 10,000 +� 983A00 +� 381,000 o �o�� l��, �` � .�, , i° ''� o, BOARD OF WATER CON1iVIISSIONERS 0 0 -1 a�d' James Reiter, Presidera . Stephen Haselmann, Vice President Commissioners: Michael Arcand . Robert Cardinal . Pat Harris September 7, 2000 Memhers - Board of Water Commissioners Dear Boazd Members:" The Board has considered the 2001 budget at both the July and Au�st reetings. There have been no additional questions since last month. However, the Budget Office has notif ed us of some minor changes related to central services charges and fringes which essentially cancel each other out in the bud�et. These changes affect many pages of the budget so piease bring your budget book to the Board meeting and we will insert the correct pages for you. Based on supportive responses at the last Board meeting, we have also changed the budget to reflect the two cent rate increase which wi11 provide $4Q7,000 in additional revenue dedicated to the main replacement capital program. The action needed at this meeting, unless there are fiu*,her questions or changes, is a motion to recoznmend the 2001 budget to the CiTy Council. Sincerely, �-�"'�<'/(• �.�:c,4%c-w' Bemie R. Bullert General Mar.ager BRB/jml SAINT PAUL REGIONAL WATER SERVICES Bernie R. Bullert, General Manager 8 4`� St E, Saint Paul MN 55 10 1-1 007 ♦ TTY: 651-266-6299 Saint Paul Regiorza[ Water Services provides qua[iry wazer services to the fo([awing cities: Arden Hills•FalconHeights•Lauderdale�Little Canada�Maptewood•Mendo�a•Mendota Aeighcs•Roseville•Saint Paul-Wesc St. Paut � II N N n ' N O O O 9 K z��a � �b�d' X' V� /��\ a� i IH� LI � � m m � � <' � � � � 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 est 2001 est � � . � '� � � � m� � _. � O o � � � c� � v� � � �D � � tD � _. n �D � � � �• � � � � I I I I I I I � I � I , % I � I a v N m n 0 � N 0 0 0 0 T m � 3 91 `< r z � n�itnn� �� �� � _ 7� .C1 V1N 3 O �� C. D� � Z�3'� a� �u�i � � � � �Qpp� �� v� v�e �^' � r o a� -'y�=o � '°oc�a�����a � ���o—mo��� ,� f�D ?Ct�A �� � y Of � y �p C� N y� 7 Sv�i � y+ _.. .. �X��x�C�iziD=O�oDZ�XXDDZDDxmD ��-! Actual Dollars � c� v � 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 � � O O � 00 O O � � O O . O � � N O O � � .p O O � � � O O c�D � � . — � _. O � � � � — O � � O � � co � � cD Q. � � � cD � . . C'� O � � � � — �- � � � . . . . . � � � �D � C/� �D � �.. C� �D � cs.� _ic��6' � :Z �Q����� . -' � .� ; �_." 0 : � =' � '�` '� '�' '� " X t�i f� �l" -#� C33 t� O � �- £3 C3 _� C� O C7 =;' � � -� ' � � : a ; ; � ��� � � � `_� '� ��'� . � �;,�� � � � � � -` ,� 1 ��2 ` � � . ..._ a o �8�� � � � ��� � � =1 �84 � �j' � � � � �. �, � m � °��,� � � ��8� �� ��� : � �� � � �- �...r ,:,.,, :� �tD �. — � � ��`�, , ':� � �� � � �����. N � � �.7 1 � �_ �•. � . � ��� , �.�19�3� � � 19�4. � � 19�►5 ° � 3 1996 �, 19�� o '1998 1999 � ,. � �� � s� � � , . � . �. . � �;, , �� .. , Main Replacement �inalysis Replacement cost of entire system: �559,825,225 Lnvescment nea3ed for: 100 year cycle: 125 ye2r cycie: i�0 year cycle: �5.60 million/year $-?.?8 millionlyear �3.73 million/year oa-���� Paving pro�aza benefit: 8" main can be replac�d for �50/foot rather than �85lfoot in non-paving azeas, a savin� of 41%. Another way to look at this is for each �1.00 spent now, �1.70 worth of funire main replacements aze done. Or, for our present spendin� af �I3 million for main replacamenis, we are doin� an equivalent of $2.21 million in funue main replacements. Replacement Scenar-ios: Scenario #1: Present case with�i��ess"� Pavin� program ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main repiacements afier 20 years. Years Investment 1-10 $13 M/year 10-20 $13 Mlyear 20 � $2.4 M/year E�c uivalent Investment $2.21 NUyear $13 M/yeaz $2.41b1/year This levei of investment wili maintain a cycle of 233 years. Entire svs#em renlaced in: 234�ear� Scenario �#2: Present case rvith��E�,_taec,ease� Paving program ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main replacements after 20 yeus. Years Investment Eauivalent Investment 1-10 $1.7 M/year $2.89 M/year 10-20 $1.7 M/year $1.7 Nf/year 20 � $2.8 M/year $2.8 N/year This levai of investrnen# will maintain a cycle of 200 years. Entsre svstem reQlaced in: A�Q4: Scenario #3: Presant case wi#h ��g,eLeas�e Paving pro�am ends in 10 years; money now spem on lead replaczments gozs to main :eplacaments after 20 years. Years Investment 1-10 �2.1 NUyear 10-20 $2.1 NS/year 20 � $3.2 �1/year E�c nivaleni Investment $�.5? M/year �2.1 M/year $3 3 M/year Ernire svstem revlacetl in: n���e_?i� TYus levei of investment will maintain a cycle of 175 years. oo- lo�b� Scenario =�: Present case with Fl�iucreas� Paving pro�am ends in 10 years; money now spent on lead replacements goes to main replacaments after 20 years. Years Invest�ne:rt Eauivalent Inv�eat 1-10 $2.5 �t/year $�25 11/year 10-ZO $2.5 tif/year 52.� �+f/y�ar ZO -�- $3.6 �ri(year �3.6 M/year This level of investaent will nzaintain a cycle of 156 years. Eatire svstem re�lacad in: ����� Scenario #5: Present case with 8¢.incteas� Paving progran ends in 10 years; mor.ey now spent on lead replacamen}s �oes to main replacem�#s a$er 20 years. Yzars Investment EGuivalem Inves�en# 1-IO $2.9 M/year $4.93 M/year IO-20 $2.9 M/year $2.9M/year 20 } $4.0 M/year $4.0 ��S1yeaz This levei of investment will maintain a cycle of I40 years. Scenario � 1 2 3 4 5 Unlined cast iron eone in: U 5 years 115 years 99 years 88 years 78 years Entire s s�em replaced in: -14Q.year� � ��:_, 5 b— f a�� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In accordance with the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 85 dealing with establishing the schedule of water rates, the Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing for the proposed water rate charges for tt�e yeaz 2001 on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 530 p.m. in Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House. Dated October 17, 2000 Shari Moore Depury City Clerk (November 2, 2000) ��:..;mg''s ,��,a�,.,.''�,`�; �a"t��' ��m �,..3 ;;, � z���