84-901 M�H17F - CiTV CLERK PINK� - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT /� • BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ` ��+/ � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That' the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board o� Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted i�iinutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated June 12, 1984, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD 1�lINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 6-12-84 17-84-H 972 Ashland Ave. Marvin J. Kiffineyer BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance to allow for useof the stairway exit- ing outside in lieu of an escape window, on condition a closure be in- stalled on the door opening into the stairs. Property Description: Summit Park Addition Except east 10 ' of lot 13 and all of lot 14, block 29. 6-12-84 26-84-H 658 S. Cretin Ave. Olive Hobelsberger BOARD ACTIO�T: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 14, pertaining to light and ventilation, to allow continued use of living room in Apt. #7 with the present window area. Property Description: Saint Catherine Park, Second Addition Lots 14 and 15, block 2 . --------------------------------------- COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� __ Against BY TedesCo Wilson Form Approv City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CerEified Passed by Council Secretary BY C 2( � gy, Approved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY __—/ , � ��/- 9a/ 6�-12-84 27-84-H 1489-91 Sherburne Ave. Jeffrey Boston, President, Boston Health Care Systems BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance in St. Paul Legislative Code, per- taining o �eadbolt locks on bedroom doors. Property Descri�tion: Lyman D. Bairds Addition Lot 11, Block 1 6-12-84 28-84-H 464 N. Pierce St. Baptist Hospital Fund, Inc. , Vernon K. Lund BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 .14 , to allow for continued use of kitchen with present lighting, on condition mechanical ventilation be installed. Property Description� Homer H. Hoyt COS Addition Lot 13, Block 3 . 6-12-84 34-84-H 335 Summit Ave. Gary Thomas BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Sectiori 34 . 11, pertaining to basic facilities, to allow for continued use of second floor bathroom without a handsink, for a three year period. Property Description: Dayton & Irvines Addition Block 69 , 71 through 82 , 84, 85 and part of blocks 70, 83 and 87 . Southwesterly 40 ' of lot 8 and northeasterly 20 ' of lot 9, block 73 . , 6-12-84 35-84-H 1720 Ashland Ave. William Wolkowicz BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, �ection 34 . 14 , pertaining to light and ventilation in the basement sleeping room; granted a variance on bedroom size; and a variance in the len�th of the window well, which is 1.5 ' instead of the required 3 ' 6-12-84 33-84--H 1950 Nokomis Ave . Tim Sander 2` . � - . � ��' 9�' BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on improperly stored wood pile, on condition � app�llant does not get more wood after this is burned, or if he does, that it is stored properly. Property Description: Beaver Lake Heights Except southwesterly 25 ' lot 2 and all of Lot 1, block 21. 6-12-84 36-84-H 132 Granite St. Mrs . Charles Smith B(�ARD ACTION: Granted a variance to allow for an 8 ' high (from grade �ence to be installed. Property Description: Edmund Rice's Second Addition East 122 ' of Lot 5, and west 2 of Lot 4 , block 4 . 6-12-84 37-84-H 2102 Carter Ave. Earl N . Kline BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section�'3�".11, pertaining to basic facilities, to allow continued use of first floor bathroom sink which is not vented, for as long as the IClines live there. Property Description; St. Anthony Park North Lot 2, block 36 . 6-12•-84 39-84-H 888-902-934 Grand Ave. Jack A. Isaaman BOAt�D ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34. 14, pertaining to light and ventilation, in all three buildings; and gra��ed a variance in the smoke door at the top of the basement stairs . Property Description: 888 Grand Ave. - Summit Park Addition east 2 of lot 8 and all of lot 7, block 23. 902 Grand Ave . -• Summit Park Addition west � of lot 10, all of lot 11 and east 10 ' of lot 12, block 23 . 3 . WMITE� - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ///�� C�NARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. y ��D/ � BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resol ion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Summit Park Addition _ west � of lot 3, and all of lot 4, block 26 . ---------------------------------------- 6-12-84 40-84-H 834 Armstrong Ave. Armstrong House/ Charles F. Wallraff BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of deadbolt locks on each of the rooming units. Property Description; Clarks Addition Lot 14, Block 6. --------------------------------------- 6-12-84 31-84-H 680 Greenbrier St. Eunice D. Legler BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of deadbolt locks on bedroom doors, for as long as Mrs. Legler owns the property. Property Description: Schurmeier and Evans Addition west 20 ' of lot 10 and all of lots 11 through lot 15, block 2. ----------------------------------------- and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. �4. COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � °f81nr [n Favor Masanz J Nicosia "Co Scheibel __ A gai n s t BY �edeses Wilson .�UL - 5 1984 Form Ap ov by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � c � � � � Certified P s u cil re BY sy 61 r v by �Navor: e ` ��f- —9 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY �����S�EU J U L 141�� . r �t; � � x `� ' � ' � ..� �, �XC�R P'f'S - l3 P, o F �J P P E r� c.s /�'1 C� � - �a - � . � � ��% 90/ 17-84-H 972 Ashland Ave. Marvin J. Kiffineyer APPEAR.ANCE: None SUBJECT: '2equest a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 13, �rtaining to escape windows , as there is a door leading to the outside steps and exiting at grade level available. PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani said the board received a letter from Mr. Kiffineyer which explained he had been before the board in April and was granted the same type of variance . Nr . Kiffineyer came be- fore the Board and requested that he be allowed to use the stairs to the outside in lieu of an escape window, on condition that he put a door closure on the door which ppens into the stairs . The unit he is now appealing has the same problem and he is requesting the same variance. Alice further stated she has no objection to this variance being granted. �BOARD ACTION: Ron Glassman moved to grant the variance to use the stair in lieu of an escape window, on condition a closure be in- stalled on the door opening into the stairs . THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 ----------------------------- 26-84-H 658 S . Cretin Ave. Olive Hobelsberger (10 units) APPEARANCE: Ken Gold , Contractor Olive Hobelsberger SUBJECT: Request a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code , Section 34 . 14 , pertaining to light and ventilation, in the livingroom of Apt. No. 7 , because of practical difficulty. PROCEEDINGS: Ms . Hobelsberqer explained they have taken care of all the orders issued to her except for this one problem. Mr. Gold stated there are three windows in the west room which are boxed in by 5 ' knee walls , a sloping ceiling, and a 7'� ' ceiling. Outside the windows is a shingled roof and the outside of the building is stucco . There is no way to enlarge those windows & a skylight would be very difficult because of the makeup of the walls , ceiling, roof and outside structure. Alice Bijjani said. a possibility fox better ventilation would be to put in a different type window in one of the ecisting windowswhich would open up more. bncause this is a livingroom and it is �not nece'ssary to have an escape window in the livingroom BOARD ACTION: Bill Tilton moved to grant the variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section34 . 14 , pertaining to light and ventila- tion , to allow continued use of livingroom in Apt. #7 . THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 ---------------------------- " � a _ (i��-�o/ r 27-84-H 1489/91 Sherburne Ave. Boston Health Care System:� , Inc . - Jeffrey Boston APPEARANCE: Jeffrey Boston SUBJECT: Request a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code pertainincr to deadbolt locks on bedroom doors . This is a Rule 36 treatment center for the mentally ill , and the locks would cause safety concerns for the tenants . PROCEEDINGS : Jeffrey Boston , President of Iloston Health Care Svstems , which own and operate group homes �for the mentally ill saici. �e felt by placing deadbolt loc)cs on the individal doors it woulcl cause concern for the safety of occupants . Ron Glassman read a letter from Don Miller, Division of Public Health, which stated he has no objection to the variance on dead- bolt locks being granted. BOARD ACTION: Lucille Collins moved the variance on the deadbolt locks be granted. Rudy Sawyer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED . THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 --------------------------- 28-84-H 464 N. Pierce St. Baptist Hospital Fund, Inc . (10 units) Vernon K. Lund APPEARANCE: Nr. Lund SUBJECT: Request a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code , Section 34 . 14 , pertaining to light and ventilation, because of practical difficulty. PROCEEDINGS: Alice Bijjani addressed the board with some back- ground information, stating the building was certified in June , 1982 . There was � a complete rehabilitation of the building done. The � Building Department received some complaints from the tenants and an inspection was done. At that tirne the hospital did not own the building .� The inspection found some of trie work had � been done incorrectly and orders were issued. The hospital in- heirited those problems . Alice further explained the room that is being appealed is a kitchen located inside masonry wall that abuts the interior set of si:airs -- all the walls in the kitchen are interior and the back wall is masonry -- it would be difficult to correct the window with that situation, Alice stated. � - 3 �- �y-Qa i � Mr. Lund said the building was given to them with these problems . They have corrected virtually all of them, but he feels in this one issue, there are no walls in �-�hich they can put any windows . He is , therefore, requesting they be allowed to install mechanical ventilation as an alter.native. BOARD ACTION: Rudy Sawyer moved to grant the variance for light and ventilation on condition mechanical ventilation be installed. Lucille Collins seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED . THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 -------------------------- 34-84-H 335 Summit Avenue Gary Thomas (5 units) APPEARANCE: Gary Thomas SUBJECT: Request variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 11 , pertaining to basic facilities , to allow for continued use of bathroom in Apt. #5 with the sink directly adjacent to the bath- room and located in the kitchen , because of unfeasibility. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Thomas said they are requesting a variance on the handsink requirement in the bathroom of the second floor apartment, because of the layout of the apartment, there is not room to install a sink in the bathroom. This is an efficiency apartment usually rented �c students . It is a peculiar apart- ment as vou enter it riaht into the bathroom. Alice Biiiani stated the apartment, basically, just has two rooms and a little "nook" inside the entrance hallway which has the shower and toilet. Alice felt the whole arranaement is pretty poor. Bill Tilton c{uestioned , if the arranaement is so poor , why must they have 5 units. He also cruestioned Mr. Thomas as to what his plans are for this unit and when he can do somethina to remedy it. Mr. Thomas answered that the two rooms are c�uite larc�e , that it is a nice apartment other than the bathroom situation. BOARD ACTION: Lucille Collins moved to c�rant a variance on the handsink for a three year period. Ron Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE: Ayes 3 Nays 2 (Tilton & Gausman) , Abstentions 0 ---------------------------- . , _ y - � ��/-Q°� 35-84-H 1720 Ashland Ave. William Wolkowicz (13 units) APPEARANCE: Joe Wolkowicz (Wm. ' s son) SUBJECT: Request variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 14 , pertaining to light and ventilation; code pertaining to bedroom size; and code pertaining to escape windows , because of practical difficulty. PROCEEDINGS : Mr . Wolkowicz was present on behalf of his father who owns the property. He explained he put in an escape caindow in the garden level apartment and did a number of other things to the unit. He is seeking a variance on the room size because the room was reduced when a wall was put in for access from one bedroom to another and into the bathroom, on orders by the city . Mr. Wolkowicz also feels the window well , which is 1 . 5 ' on either side of the window, cannot be changed as� if it were expanded to 3 � it would conflict with the drainage pipe. Alice Bijjani was concerned because the window well is so close to the house. However, she indicated this would not be a problem with her as it is so shallow. BOARD ACTION: Bill Tilton moved to grant a variance on the light and �entilation in the basement sleeping room; a variance on the bedroom size which is 8 sq. ft. under code; and a variance in the length of the window well , which is 1 . 5 ' instead of the required 3 ' . Lucille Collins seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED . THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 33-84-H 1950 Nokomis Ave. Tim Sander APPEARANCE: Tim Sander SUBJECT: R'equest a variance of code relating to wood pile to be � properly stored (12" off the ground) . - PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Sander explained he has about a cord of wood piled in his backyard. It is up on pallets off of the ground . He stated he has two children and would rather not have it 12" from the ground as he f eels it is dangerous if the children should crawl under it. Frank Staffenson stated he is in violation of the code which states 18" off the ground - it is a rat control program. BOARD ACTION: Rudy Sawyer moved that we grant the variance until the end of November, on condition Mr. Sander does not get more wood , or if he does that he store it properly. Lucille Collins seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED, THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstentions 1 (Bill Tilton) � _ 5 _ ���Qo� 36-84-H 132 Granite Street Mrs. Charles Smith APPEARANCE: Mrs . Smith SUBJECT: Request variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 33 . 07 , pertaining to height of fences , to allow erection of an 8 ' redwood fence , because of destruction in the neighborhood. PROCEEDINGS : Mrs . Smith explained she would like to have an 8 ' red- wood or red cedar fence put up in the back of her yard on the east and west side. She has neicthbors who come into her vard and dis�turb her dogs for their safety as well as her state of mind . She does not want to be responsible for these children. BOARD ACTION: Ron Glassman moved to grant the variance to allow an 8 ' fence �(from grade) to be installed . Lucille Collins seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED . THE VOTE: Ayes 5 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 --------------------------------_ 37-84-H 2102 Carter Ave. Earl N. Kline APPEARANCE: Mrs . Earl Kline SUBJECT: Request variance of St. Paul Legislative Code., Section 34 .11 pertaining of basic facilities , because of financial hardship. Alice Bijjani stated she was at the premises yesterday. She said the Klines are working very hard to bring the building up to code. Two of the t3aings they are anpealing , Alice feels, are not problems : On the sink. that doesn ' t have a trap on the third floor, the , Klines 'indicated_ to l�er .yesterday' tfiat they will take that out. The other referred to a kitchen sink that was not properly vented and that did not syphon. We had told them that fhey' would have to properly vent it at a time when they would either replace the sink or the piping to it. The one thing that it leaves is the Klines bathroom sink which is not vented and does syphon . Alice stated she did not notice any sewer gas when she was there yesterday . Mrs . Kline stated she has had a contractor come out and it would cost $3 , 000 to vent their bathroom sink. They would have to come all the way up to the third floor which would mean tearing out walls , etc. and then having a carpenter come to fix the walls. She further stated they have lived there 30 years and have never had a problem. BOARD ACTION: Bill Tilton moved to grant a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, section 34 . 11 , pertaining to basic facilities , to allow the use of third floor bathroom as it is , for as long as the Klines live there. Ron Glassr�an seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE: Ayes 3 Nays 0 Abstentions 1 (Rudy Sawyer) Lucille Collins was excused at this time for a doctor appointment. -------------------------------- 39-84-H 888/902/934 G : ,��d Ave Jack A. Isaaman ���/—�4� APPEARANCE: Jack A. Isaaman SUBJECT: Request a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 13 , pertaining to escape windows and a variance of code re- quiring smoke doors in the stair enclosures . PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani addressed this case stating the situation is one that is becoming quite comr�!on. Because escape windows had to be installed to meet code, it resulted in a 50 light and 5� ventilation situation. 'The 5� is more than what code requires for ventilation , but is not enough for light. It would �be cb-f.ficult tt� cut through brick and correct this ,, Alice said. BOARD ACTION: Ron Glassman movecl to grant the variance in light in all three buildings . Rudy Sawyer seconded the motion. MOZ'ION CARRIED. THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays D Abstentions 0 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS : Alice state� the other issue N!;�. Isaaman is appealing is the stairwell door= at the top of the baseraent stairs . In all cases , she stated, these stair wells are enclosed . They are enclosed at the basement level by a partition fire door at the bottom. There is a frame for a door at the top of the stairs and the reason for that door is not as part of the enclosure but to prevent travel into the basement in case of a fire. The code that requires this , Alice said, is specific -- that is , that it is a barrier and it is intended to keep people from going into the basement in case of fire. Alice explained that the front doors are largely glass and for people coming down those stairs it is clear to them that that is the exit. The Fire Department also feels the same way, that with this type of building it is pretty obvious that is the exit, Alice said . BOARD ACTION: Ron Glassman moved to grant the variance of the door at the top of the basement stai 'rs.� $ill Tilton seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE• Ayes-4 Nays _ 0 Abstentions_o " 40-84-H 834 Armstrong Ave. Charles F . Wallraff Armstrong House APPEARANCE: Charles F. Wallraff SUBJECT: Request variance of code pertaining to dead bolt locks on each of the rooming units , as the front and back door have security type locks . PROCEEDINGS : Ron Glassman informed the board that the secretary had been in contact with Don Miller of the Health Department who said he has no objection to this variance being granted. BOARD PROCEEDINGS : Rudy Sawyer moved to grant the variance of dead bolt locks . Glenn Gausman seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE: Ayes 4 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 , � , ' ,, _. 7 � �D�T Q�/ 31-84-H 680 Greenbrier St. Eunice D. Legler (9 bedrooms) APPEARANCE : Eunice Legler SUBJECT: Request a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to deadbolt locks on bedroom doors , because of the nature of the tenants . PROCEEDINGS: Ms . Legler stated she owns and supervises this boarding house which has about 10 tenants . She has had as many as 12 . She has had it for twelve years and in that time there has never been a break...in occur. BOARD ACTION: Rudy Sawyer �moved to grant the variance of deadbolt locks for as long as Mrs . Legler owns the property. Ron Glassman seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED . THE VOTE: Ayes 4 � Nays 1 (Bill Tilton) Abstentions 0 ----------------------------- ♦>_;� ,_. . , ,.�. ��:,�a �� - - :nr :. � `'� � l '�I R� � � s" �, j�,.- �F'� "��+ r �:�• . � . .� � 1+- I . _ s� , , � ��� � � _ �� �� � � �� , } ' Y; � ' .. d � � 'S,�r' �L . ��l����� .. . E ��i i / { �Y �.i, 4 r } � c' v �,r _ R �:4.1 y t ;� � � �. t ` r � , }� ' � ,� � .`� � " •� � �: ,. • � : .�:' '.' v.:' �', ' :� • ' � n . ' ' 4 t ,t , � _ ,. .C. . , , . . :. ..i �\ � ��k �_ r L. �� .ae 5 i, j ' Jz7 r — ! ,,� �:'� , �k � , . 1 `, . `.� r r`t_. . (, ` Yi , � .:, i . � �� S -' , � - -r�� a ..r.- ' .'.,". ,., �(' `` F ( � '�� 3t�l�r�.�4,�.�1�� � ' r� f' � ;" , ` ` �. , ±t � 5`'`� � � i `J ' 7 � �'�� , ._,� + ` ' '/ � ` { � �.fi� �"o- � � � n '� h � .� !�� ,� x . �.�i�� ��ili$��� �i'Y�� r t �-��''� i � r , , .t� .q`%� @ i'�. � r �{ . , .� �.�:�..���!T,�� . . i� �y � �. ����'7��1�.�:.R�� 1 � r C� . . 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Olson I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have "_�. -� compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . ,84�901. . . . . . . . . . c� � as adopted by the City Council. . . . , July. S:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.84 r,� . . . �_,., .. and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . JulY. 9i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.84 . . . �� � with the original thereof on file in my office. � I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . , , , 30th . , . , , day of , . , , , ,Ju1�. , . , . , , ,A.D. 19.84 . , . City Clerk. • • � �:� � ��� ������ ��.. � � � � v�R , `� ; � yr I I�y�',l t�� ���� � ���� � - � , .*� r � ('. `� � �� . ... , ., � E �J . . �. V. , -. , .. : .. ... '"'" ' . ,. � ��� .....�_,,..., . N'NITF - CITV CL£HK � PINK � � FIN4�!�C�E (�jITY OF SAINT �AUL Council CANAq\�- DEPARTMENT� /o� � BL{,1(_ -� MAYOR � File �0• �,/ - 9ni 1 . Council Resolution Presented By \�������?�, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � BE IT RESOLVED, That' the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby m certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of o Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and l'� as shown by the Excerpted I�Iinutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, t� dated June 12, 1984, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and � made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD I�iINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 6-12-84 17-84-H 972 Ashland Ave. Marvin J. Kiffineyer BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance to allow for useof the stairway exit- ing outside in lieu of an escape window, on condition a closure be in- stalled on the door opening into the stairs. Property Description: Summit Park Addition Except east 10 ' of lot 13 and all of lot 14, block 29. 6-12-84 26-84-H 658 S. Cretin Ave. Olive Hobelsberger BOARD ACTIO�T: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 14, pertaining to light and ventilation, to allow continued use of living room in Apt. #7 with the present window area. Property Description: Saint Catherine Park, Second Addition Lots 14 and 15, block 2 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fietcher °feN' [n Favor Masan: Nicosia scne�bei _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approv City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C ' ' 2( � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By _ BY � ' . - . • ' , ` . (',�/---� �"/ 9�/ - � ,.� � � � 6--12-84 27-84-H 1489-91 Sherburne Ave . Jeffrey Boston, T A President, Boston m Health Care Systems � 1� BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance in St. Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to c�eadbolt locks on bedroom doors . Property Description: Lyman D. Bairds Addition Lot 11, Block 1 6-12-84 28-84-H 464 N. Pierce St. Baptist Hospital Fund, Inc. , Vernon K. Lund BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 .14 , to allow for continued use of kitchen with present lighting, on condition mechanical ventilation be installed. Property Description.� HomerH. Hoyt COS Addition Lot 13, Block 3. 6-12-84 34-84-H 335 Summit Ave. Gary Thomas BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 11, pertaining to basic facilities, to allow for continued use of second floor bathroom without a handsink, for a three year period. Property Description: Dayton & Irvines Ac�dition Block 69 , 71 through 82 , 84, 85 and part of blocks 70, 83 and 87 . Southwesterly 40 ' of lot 8 and northeasterly 20 ' of lot 9, block 73 . 6-12-84 35-84-H 1720 Ashland Ave. William Wolkowicz �� BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 14 , pertaining to light and ventilation in the basement sleeping room,• granted a variance on bedroom size; and a variance in the length of the window well, which is 1.5 ' instead of the required 3 ' 6-12-84 33-84-H 1950 Nokomis Ave . 7'im Sander � z . 3 - , . , ��- �� i�� ,, � � � ' m 4 � f� � BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on improperly stored wood pile, on condition � appellant does not get more wood after this is burned, or if he does, that it is stored properly. Property Description: Beaver Lake Heights Except southwesterly 25 ' lot 2 and all of Lot 1, block 21. 6-12-84 36-84-H 132 Granite St. Mrs . Charles Smith BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance to allow for an 8 ' high (from grade ence to be installed. Property Description: Edmund Rice 's Second Addition East 12� ' of Lot 5, and west � of , Lot 4, block 4 . C __---------•---•--------------------------- � . ; 6-12-84 37-84-H 2102 Carter Ave. Earl N . Kline � � BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, � Section 34 . 11, pertaining to basic facilities, to allow continued use ; of first floor bathroom sink which is not vented, for as long as the ( Klines live there. � Property Description: St. Anthony Park North ' Lot 2, block 36 . ' 6-12--84 39-84-H 888-902-934 Grand Ave. Jack A. Isaaman � BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34 . 14, pertaining to light and ventilation, in all three buildings; and granted a variance in the smoke door at the top of the basement stairs . ; Property Description: 888 Grand Ave. - Summit Park Addition ; east � of lot 8 and all of lot 7 , block 23. 902 Grand Ave . -• Summit Park Addition west � of lot 10, all of lot 11 and , east 10 ' of lot 12, block 23 . 3 . � w��iTt� - CITV CIERK �OUOCII /, piNK - FINAN!'�, G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L y- o •�LISER•��AY�ORTMENT � � File NO. �/ / �I � . Council Resol ion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � Summit Park Addition (�' _ west � of lot 3, and all of lot 4, � block 26 . � e� ---------------------------------------- 6-12-84 40-84-H 834 Armstrong Ave. Armstrong House/ Charles F. Wallraff BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of deadbolt locks on each of the rooming units. Property Description; Clarks Addition Lot 14, Block 6 . --------------------------------------- 6-12-84 31-84-H 680 Greenbrier St. Eunice D. Legler BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance of deadbolt locks on bedroom doors, for as long as Mrs. Legler owns the property. Property Description: Schurmeier and Evans Addition west 20 ' of lot 10 and all of lots 11 through lot 15, block 2. ----------------------------------------- and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. 4 . COUNC(LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � °fe1N [n Favor Masanz —/ Nicosia "aL scneinei _ Against BY �edesce Wilson .�U� - 5 1984 Form Ap�rov by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date \\ Certified P s-e� � u cil� re r-� BY � � � C�; t �c gy, \� ) �� A r v by Mavor: e ` ���- —9 �� Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By By �1�$LaS�1ED JUL 141��� �r , , . �* . .' • - .-�-_ ; .. . .�---- -- �' zr. ; ..;,�� � '<�,' C�� .T :'� � 2' ""� Q � � � U �� �� �_•; —'� � � � �n =� �' cn E; C") D .� � x G1 L� r-'' �,� . �' p C � , , _ _ �� , ">� <�. m .'°'r j � ` �����'- �i �. ,� O � �. � ��.: :� � � � � i ,; �_7 � M1 j —"O " � O � �J p� ?�� 0�7 � 'i �` �� T ��YC1 � ��, �� � � � ' •V �' • � � �''� :� ,�- .�'�s .. ��,�. � � � a' c� �o { >- � u� � � :,� � c�.. _, ;�' ro W S " '�QD ' � � � `< �O l r� � <' � �� �u '� � � D. .. .: ��' T �' rl � � ) _" O � D �. ' ` u►`' ' -°.. � r� C.I O � �; `_ �,' �� � ;'; . � � <� , ...... � , " '' � rv � �C7 L]. 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