84-449 WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � `�� �L/9 BLUERV - MAVORTMENT � , File N 0. 7 Council Resolution Presented B ������ Y �eferred To ��N�N�-� Committee: Date —�=a""�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul he reby approve s the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of 5aint Paul and the St. Paul Manual & Maintenance Supervisors Association regarding voluntary leave of absence without pay.. Approved: hai rman, C il Se rvi ce Commi s s on COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays �rew PERSO EL OFFICE In Favor Masanz _ NiCOSia Scheibet � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson APR -5 1984 Form ov by City tor Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Y _ Council cre BY B � , Approve y ;Navor: Da �p� � � 198�4 App v d by Mayor for Subm si t ouncil gy By Pt16LiSNED qpR 1 41984 � . . . �y. y�� , Personnel Office DEPARTI•1�NT ,iean tp 'S�hAn�x —�ONTACT 298-4221 PHONE � � � . . March 6, 1984 DATE ree . (Routing and Explanation Sheet� Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature�:_ ` i . Department Director � 2 City Attorney 3 Director of Management/Mayor , Finance and. Management Services Director City Clerk . Budget Di rector , � What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This resolution approves a 1984 Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the St. Paul Manual & Maintenance Supervisors Association xegarding voluntary leave of ab sence without pay. � Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None _ Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged�or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachments�: 1. Re s olution � 2. Copy for City Clerk 3. Agreement DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of Qctober, 1982 ISPP RPVPI^CP S1CIP for 'Instructions) , _ , � �`�' '7�`.�� . h - , _. , 1984 , MFI�IORANAUM OF AGREEMED'T -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- ST. PAUL MANUAL AND MAINTENANCE SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION , , . . . � . �%- �y� It is mutually agreed by and bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul and the �r p„ ., M„ ,,, s. M„ .,*„ „� G„�,,.�_ p�Gn_ that the voluntary leave cf absences during 1984 shall be governec� by the following; Voluntary Leave o:f Absence , A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary leave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1984. During such leave of absenee without pay, the employee sha11 continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibZity for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and �delfare � benefits, the employee shall be considered, for Health and �•Ielfare eligi- bility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. �iy leave o� absence granted un3ar this ar�icle is sutject to the approval o£ the Department Head. This Article sha11 not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1984. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1984. , City of Saint Paul � i ' ���- �' (�� t�%/ L or Rela ns Dir c or Dated this_�E�day of 198 . � . � _ • ���- �y �' wHITE - C�TV CIERK � P�NK - FIN4NCE � G I TY OF SA I NT -PAUL Councii CANARY - DEPARTMENT F1Ie NO. BIUE - MAVOR - � CITY CLERK Cou�zcil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED, that the Council of tlie City of Saint Paul hereby approves the atta che d Me mo randum of Ag re e ment be twe en the C i ty of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Manual & Maintenance Supervisors Association regarding voluntary lea�e of ab sence without pay. _ � Approved: Chai rman, Civil Se rvice Commi s sion COUNCILSSEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Drew in Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibe� Against By Tedesco Wilson rldopted h�� Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yassed b}� Council Secretary BY 8y� Appro�•ed by �tavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY . . .,.,L...-�.. . . ��= �;�� CITY OF SAIN'� P�1UL ��� ��9 �' ,�r u - �;M�' ��„� � � OI}'FICIr OF TFIF: CITY COIIICIL ��= �.,�,,, ,:.�f t:, '�3►.,�:,:::�. '� • �� . =�:�r,., D O t e • March 29, 1984 � ' ::a.. �._i f . . - � � . �, �r ��.�� COMM (TTEE RE PQRT TO = $qth� PAUI Clfi�l COUhCII � '. F R �M = C o m m i r t e e o h PINANCE, r�aNac�rrr � pExsoivivEL _ CHAlR James Scheibel � � Agproval of minutes from meeting held March 13, 1984. ��V40 � Request of;,Joe Scheuenemann f�or a discussion �of fire fighters' severance ay � �O"� ' . , �iFtN. �3 W+t� � Resolution approving Memorandum of Understanding applicable to the Confidential : • and/or Supervisoxy City Attorney. APPI�OVEp , � Resolution approving Memorandum of Understanding between the City of St. Paul and - ' the St. Paul Manual F Ma.intenance Supervisors Assn. regarding voluntary Ieave of absence without pay. �11P�2�1�1�'c.0 � � Resolution -approving Colle�tive Bargaining Agreements between ISD #625 and the PE�4, _ the Intein�tional Union of Operating Engineers, Locals 36 F� 967, St. Paul Manual � _ Maintenance Supervisors Assn� and the School Service Employees, Local #284. 1°t"P�1���D � Resolution amending the Salary Plan � Rates of Compensation Resolution so as �to insert a new subsection "�" entitled Court Reporter Premium. ArPPR�t�Ep � Resolution approving an agreement between the City of St. Paul and the City of Minneapolis for participation with the T�rin City Area Urban Corps Program.�4Pl�l�?d� � ,� Resolution approving an agreement between the City and the County of Ramsey for participation with the 'I�ain City Area Urban Corps Program. AcPPf'Zt�dta ,8r Resolution amending the 1984 budget and adding $23,705 to the Financing Plan�cj,to J� � the Spending Plan for PED. Administration for the New Works/St. Paul project. �o �. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $45,000 to •the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for PED Operations Fund - Homegrown Economy_ Proj ect. �P�Ut/EQ. . � Resolution approving an agreement with the State of Nlirmesota through its State Board of Vocational-Technical Education, whereby the Ci�y will receive monies for a special tra9.ning project for minorxty women. +°tPPRQ11£�p CITY HALL ° SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNFSOTh 55202 : �n ._ _..�y. - � .. - - -- .. -- . _ _-- . __�. __ . -�- - - . . . • .- --.. _._.,,.._..,-_ --�-.�+�_---.-: