84-437 WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CAN,`RV -DEPARTMENT File NO. ��`�v � BLUE - MwtiOR • i dnce Ordinance N 0. /7/3 D Presented By � Referred To ����"� �-�= Committee: Date �" 3"�T Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to the employ- ment of apprentices in the building trades and requiring registration with the city; amendin� the St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 370. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1 . That Chapter 370 of the St . Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by adding a section to read as follows : 370. 17 . � ApPrentices ; registration; supervision. Subdivision 1. Definition, As used in this section a ren ice means a erson un erQoin trainin an instruc- tion t rou a ro ram reco nize t e state o innesota epartment o, a or an in ust�� ivision o aP�ren ices i�. Subd. 2. Re istration re uq ired: Every apprentice employed at a ui in tra e w`Fio wor es on an buildin or structure wit in t e cit o aint au s a e re istere wit the ivision o ousina an ui in co e en orcement o t e epar ment o communi� services o t e cit� o air�t _aul . Subd, 3. Sunervision. An a rentice shall work onl u�c�er t e irect su ervision o a master or ourne an cert� icate o com�etency o er. Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and :�;��er its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested b .Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher COIriIri Services o.ew In Favor Masanz scne�bei Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � f3y Approved by Mayor: Date Ap d y Mayor for Su s on to ouncil By By —��` WMITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE (jITy OF SAINT PAZTL Council GANMRV -OF�ARTMENT File NO. ����� � BLUE - MAtiOR � • O� in�nce Ordinance N 0. /�/3a Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the St. Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � Community Services Drew in Favor Masanz sc eibei � Against BY Tedesco Wilson M1��� � 8 19�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C ` Certified a by Counci ecr By' S By � Ap o� by Mayor: D e �9a�t Ap ov y Mayor.for S b ' sio t�Council By � By �UBLISHED M AY 19 198� 4 �, ` " . � * C� ����� COMMUN I TY S ERV I CES pgpaR7l�tENT `J/3-� GLENN A. ERICKSON r.ONTACT 298-4212 PHONE DECEMBER 19 1983 UATE �v�� �� � (Routing and Explanataon Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): R Fc��,�/�� Department Di rector ��� ��� �j� �� � Cit Attorne ' �'D Y Y � �C.��I��. o na t/Mayor i , �, ,; __ , � ��.T� �7�� , �•�Y a.,-,�i •��, 1 �e'�`�E`u Finance and Management ervices Director 4 City Clerk E�flAYO�� OF�=m�E Budget Director What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): To recognize the �act that appxentices a.re presently employed at the various buYld�ng trades on jobs w�,thin the City an�. to nrovide a definYtion o��purentice and esta.blish the necessity a journeyman or master to ervise the actions o� the apprentice. Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Irr�acts Anticipated: NONE Funding Source and Fund Activity Nwnber Charged or Credited: NONE Attachments (List and Number all Attachmentsl : DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW '' Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No f Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 ;, (See Reverse Side for Instructions) �� . . - =y `� �� �y- y.�7 �`.. =�'""``1,_°��` '�-�=���' O E�` ►�11I.i�,[` l '1117T�. ;..,f it -'' �7/ � ;• ��.`. '�.l,`�; . - p�.,�.�.[cl�, oi�• �1�Fri�: ci�i��� c:t�iT\C�tr. �� _�; -,�;.- - �' 1 i :�:� -__= '�:` C:� , Dnt� . A��ril 1�), 1�84 �` � /�� ;'.�.�.-!-�'i� . '�_ --.._,-_.._ ._- �'�����=t�11"�.i E E - - � R E P-4 R_-'��. :.r �' 0 = 5atn� Paui Ci�y Council - F P► O (1r1 � C o rn t7t I i fi�� o h FINA.'vc�:, ��:��AGC�fENT F, PI:FSON�EL C H A I R Jame��Scheibel . Approval of minutes from meeting held April 12, 1984;rpi��.� �.. 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 370 of tf�e I.egislati��e Code pertaining to the employment of apprentices in the building tr,ldes ancl re- � quiring registration�with the City.,�`��„Q��Q1.'L�; - � 3. Resolution r�commendinb the Charter Commission amend Cliapter 12.02 of the Charter so� as to increase the membership of the Civil � Servi ce Commission from three to five member�.t,�tD -Uc3��:2 -; w�_ � 4. Resolution recomiiuending the Charter Commission amend Section 2.02 - of the City Charter so as to extend the term of office of the hlayor from two to four years. ��oU� W�TN ��?p}L�;�. =,r � :�:,.,_..._.. ____. _ _ 5. Resolution recommending the Charter Commission amend Chapter 2 of the City Cha�ter so as to extend the term of office of the t•fayor and the City Council from two years to four years��PtR�Ug,p W 1'T�}I i�1�.iSc.U���y 6. Discussion of fire fighters' severance pa��{;,��, pyc�_ -3 w1CS. -� • ;:s.._.�..- .._ - _s NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA. Resolution approving inter�om fundin�f..�r Dis tite Resolution Center ($17, 185) (Referred to Finance Committee on ��.� 4/I7/84. Please put on agenda for Cit�ouncil no later than 4/26/S4.) . CITY NALL sEVENTH FLOOr � SA1NT PAUI., biI�INFSOTA 5510_ ��•