84-436 �� a� CITY OF ST.PAUL COLJNCIL FI ,E NO. �� FI NAL ORDER ,, � � ' BY File No. �•r���•s In the Mat er of ���p� �� � �� ����i AM� tO 1C. A��� ��aw wtdsr cb� �,a�siasatiai �r:+a�t l+r� !n� (�.�.p.t.) b� rt�r+sdiu�, snrts�ia;, aoas�rnatis� �ratr c�erb s� �t��rz, sad dxir�a �+er� n�a�sa��y a� o�ui►tnaet� aa a��sl Ii�,htl�� s�►st�s �t�t� lro�*at 84-�i7liit�. ♦ awi sta� sswr (��a� Grsoll �r�� ta =t. �tha�� Awaw) �rill be sa�sts�etiN Mith tb� f+e�ia� �ro��tt. .;;�,,: � � ,. � .._ _. , under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order ��^`� ��' approved ��� ��� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and ` WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. APR — 3 1984 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Drew Certified sed Council S ret Fietcher �In Favor M�sanz �/ Against NIC0�1� Ap� _ 4 �98� Mayor �C�?^'��° Te�'e�,�.v PUStiSHfD APR 14198� �'�:':��on couNCi � � ST PAU � CIT1l ����� � �� � � Pv��. � C � E ARING NOT I C�. � PUBLIC IMPR4VEMEhIT CONSTRUCTIaN � City Council District 4�4 „ ' Dear Property Owner: District Planning Council 4�1 File No. 84-P-0954E P�!R P o S E To decide on whether to proceed with improving WILDER STREET from Marshall Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue under the Residential � - Street Paving Program by regrading, surfacing, constructing ' concrete curb and gutter, drives where necessary and constructin A N C, an ornamental lighting system. A new storm sewer (Carroll Ave- nue to St. Anthony Avenue) will be constructed with the paving pro�ect. NOTE: The proposed storm sewer is a small part of a larger storm sewer system, and we will consider assessments for this L 0 C A T I 0 N sewer construction at the time of completion of the whole system which may be several years away. :� Tuesday, April 3, 1984, 10:00 A.M. H E A R I N G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floo�` City Hall - Court House � If the Council approves this pro�ect, the estimated construction F f N A N C I N G ` costs and financing for this pro�ect are as follows: I N F O R M A T I O N TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $238,600.00 ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1984 Capital Improvement Budget $238,600.00 NO ASSESSMENTS i . . . . . . . .. . . . p: .. � Construction: 292-6277 Q U E 5 T I 0 N S Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30-10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. • M A P Area to be improved � � • _ - - _ ; ;, __ i ::• e :. , Notice sent March 16, 1984, � x $ � � ' a •� � • ��, a � by the Valuations and ' _ � _ . . . , . ,,'_ � y� ; � � j . . " 1 � , � � Assessment Division, w,��� ' r---=- Department of Finance • ; , _ , � ,'�_ and Management Services . ; .� w �-; ' � . . " ; St. Paul,� Minnesota 55102 ' ; "''" � � j�' •1 � "Y �t ���- ; � � � i 3 .� , t _ :�� . - � „ ., S "� ; � �i , •• . .. . �i ��. � ... � i • •a�:�l i' '� i �� � � ` t�}%-_-�•.� ';. i � - i� �c �.''~st►�+-.�_ ��..i r=�i; 1 Q,�=� ,* ` � � ��,= ,�'"�-� �`�7a Y rnac�eex�o�i ';'' ' Councll File No.8l-S18—HT'Ch*ie�Nkosia— � In the Matter af..iqtprqxrip�. WIj.DER, 3TRTrET trom Msishall Avmue to St. i�i-'` thdny Aveeye uu�er�he�edtfst'i§tielee' pavms i'soara�m CR:a.i�.P°i D�'��psaf,K,ai1� tac3i�,constnuslisg ctp�e�teiriltfrl�dgutEE�r• and.,�ti�e�Vdhere t�ecessd�YYY�ddtonetructia�: an orri�mentel 1ighHnjr fysideli'`tCit7.F4oj2tK 84-V0710�7.A new storm sewer(from C''rtroll" AVenix tti St.A�r AVeitwT�lYl Le.�a, strueP�eid iN�U�e De��Pm� The Council of the Cify isf Saint Paul haviQg received the"1epa�rt of tke Afdyo!updn't4K : abovE�mprovemebt,-ead}ue11�8�B�dafd said'Fepartr���Y Y�oloes:- �. .. � 1.Tliat the seid'Tepott an7i 4hr S6'afie'Is t hereby approved witG no alte�natives,and ' that-the�e9tif�wtaid ewt,t6sr6bt<:I'e�OOB finaa�Pd by I9s#Gapi�i�p�bvttaent Heirct Funds:. � , 2. That a Dntrlfc Ke�t1�be tted on s's9�iII!- prove�+it on the 3rd�'ot APrtk t9�:<at _1_0�:00�o'clock a.�k•,m QS e Citt�y Fiall and CouR,Hot�$uilding in t6e City of 3alnf Paul. ` 3.That notice'of said puDIfc hearing be giv�W the per�apa and i1s;t6a met�werprovid- ed by,the�harter.stating t}u,tirice snif place' of heating;Uie nature M t6e�l'qioveinmM�aud the totAi'cosL t6ereof as ee��meted. t:,- . File No;84.P-09S4-E . _ R�4�d bY�+4 Crnu�eii�Caee4 8,198{, . i4�MsR9f 1.t�t4: (11atd�'i7,'�9b41'