D001004NO. D 11lS I l�l.t Date: O � �� '�_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TFiE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDSR for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Indian Mounds Park Imorovements known as Contract 15337 , City Project No. L94-00-12 , Hoffman & McNamara Co. , Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 • 14 Delete Alternate C: Timber Walls. Delete 217 L.F. of railings as per 8/11. Delete 380 L.F. of silt fence. Delete clearing area north of parking lot. Delete stone monuments and one concrete bollard. Delete six lights and rock excavation for footings. Delete Canterbury fountain and replace with NIDF fountain. Add 250 S.Y. of sod and 20 C.Y. of topsoil for berm. Add Alternate B: Drinking Fountain. Add seeding. Add stone monument repair and stone contract correction. Add 520 L.F. of chain post/mowing strip 10/14. Add bench relocation and concrete pads. Add catch basin, concrete rubble removal and tree removal Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct Add Add Add Add Add Add Add $ 4,800.00 11,718.00 570.00 1,800.00 740.00 25,500.00 2,235.00 862.50 12,SOO.oO 990.00 2,175.00 11,440.00 1,580.00 2,450.00 TOTAL�DEDUCT $15,365.50 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, througk its Mayor, approves the foregoing deduction made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $15.365.50 , saici amount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 15337 , and which amount is to be credited to: Original Contract Sum $391,627.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Chanae - 15.365.50 New Contract� $376,261.50 ED AS TO , O / a�� ' � �'-�. ��9 g� Chief Engineer Director of - � � "�� 19� Parks & Recreation •cc: City Clerk Finance Department DepartmenC Accounting Project Man.ager Contractor Inspector C96-3D015-0882-4163 Hoffman & McNamara Co. Contractor By letter dated June 17. 1996 l/�� V �L�7�l.w- �.l `vvstSH' \ Director of Fina ce & Management Sezvices / r' � �� Administrative Assistant to the Mayor Office Copy Contract File Copy � S� ��01(�J� ��4�� Parks and Recreation Martinez 266-6424 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 8/2/96 FOP GREEN SHEET N �� p � DEPARiMEMDIRECfOR � CRYCAUNCIL CT'ATTORNEY � CfiY CLERK BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. MAYOR(ORASSISTANn � P�y'�(S Re RPCI'Pa'F'lOfl (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Contract Change Agreement Indian Mounds Park Improvements MMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING f.OMMI$SION __, CNII SERVICE COMMISSION LYB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ DISTfliCTCOURT __ )RTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE AOLLOWIF�'i'Ut�IE$7�lS: 1. Has this persontfirm ever worked untler a cortract for fhis department? YES NO A�� 12 1996 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm pos5ess a skill not normally possessetl bKa��"}{�c��e{np�e? YES NO Explain al1 yes answers on separate sheat and attach to green sheet rvl l lnf INt9 Yf W W,tM, ISSUE, OPPpHTUNITY (Wlw. Wbet, WhO�, Whe2, Why): Revisions made in the field reduce quantities of certain sitework items which will allow for installation of a drinking fountain and other necessary site amenities. Erosion of the bluffs will be reduced, vistas of downtown and the river valley will be enhanced, seating areas for viewing vistas and a drinking fountain will improve visitor enjoyment, a dangerous eyesore will be removed, and a less costly and more aesthetically pleasing railing wiil be installed. RECEiVEC3 None IF NOT APPqOVED: AUG 2 21996 Ci7Y CLERK 3r ,. 4' j �� , � .. , ���. � The bluff will continue to erode, water will not be available for visitors or for garden maintenance, opportunities to enhance views will be reduced, areas for seating will not be available and areas of native grasses and wild flowers will not be protected by chain post/ mowing strip. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 15 ,365.50 (deduct) FUNDIW6 SOURCE � fINANG1Al INFORM"ATION: (EXPIAfN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO ncnvirvNUMSea C96-3D015-0882-34 3 t.k �y1 f � DATE: JUNE 17,199B TO: JODY MARTINEZ FROM: LINDA LiG}i760LiRN . � 1�� �y _�� ^ n � \ 1G � _ ^ ] '�I i i� �� Y� -�Ul� f . HOFFMAN &McNAMA�tA :vURSERY AND IAr.nDSC.�PE 2607 Glendale Road •(iastingq Minnnco�a 55033 Phnnn (672) 63Z9q63 FOLLOWING A42E TtiE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CONTF2ACT PER YOUR DISCUSSIONS YN'iN DENNY AND ME: py'r R NA�S ALTERNATE t�B: ADD DRINKING FOUNTAIN ALTERNAT� #C: DELETE TIMBER WALLS. PLACE ANO COhM1PACT FILUlNSTALL TURF REINEORCEMENT MAT IN LIEU OF WALLS UNIT PRI �;E..@IAS {� � INSTAII BERM � ¢ iNSTAtL BERM i TO CORRECTCONTRAC7DEQUC7 DD SEED EAST OF W1ISHIRE i� TO CORRECT CONTRACT DEDUC7 �� RAiLING BE7WEEN,GUARDRAILS �q RELOCATE BENGHES �t, NO.OF pARKIN(3 tOT �- .�.5GNA1N 4o5t�N.owl►lbS�tWP 250 SY 20 CY 120D SY 1000 SY 9 SP 217 LF 20D SF 380 LF Sto 1,f SOD TOPSOIL SEED M1X "A" SEED h41X "A" STONE Vti'ALL RAIUNG PER 8/1 i COhCRETE � S4LT FENCE C4as�uJ Ws"t' PER- lo�l� 2.25 t 5.00 U.45 0.45 150.00 Sd.00 z.so 1.5D zz.ov ADQITIOMAL CF{Ar(�E,� El(MINATE CLEARING AREA "A" NO.OF PARKlNG lOT RELOCATESBENCHES DEDUCT TWO MONUMEN7S AND ONE BOLLARD DELETE SiX LtGHTS RND ROCK EXCAVATiON FOR FQOT(NGS INSTALI CATCH BAS)N AND ?iPE JACKHAMMER CONGRETE RUBBL�. "{'REE REMoVAL � CHANGE FOUNTA!N FROM CANTERHllRY so MDF sTouE. hw�I.uttECJf� R�aa�tz- "'izs�'l�l� DEou�t' � �:_...��'� . . �_�� � ��� 12,500.00 - (d,80D.00) . 562.50 - 300.00 ' 540.00 � 450.00 ' 1,350.00 • (,tt� 580.00 • {570.00) • (1�4K0A0 •, (1.800.OQ) •~ ti,000.00 � (740.00). (25,500.�Oj - 2,000.00 250.00 Z00-0o (2,235.60} . 8 aS:oo � l� 4S� 3i�. so \-------------