84-404 CITY OF ST.PAUL COLINCIL FII,E NO. - �y �� FINAL ORDER ��-;�� • BY File No. ��l—�52 �n the Matter of �x�#S �= 8� �Z"tf!'P �'xcw Merrdc►t� Strast tc+ Johnsor Psrlcwy by rssnrfR�ias Mith a bi�wiiaaias wt�eri�l, �+�►atruetia� a�r�te carb Mb�rr� aecl�x�r, rsie4nstzuctia� +a�tch b�sins •s�d dxive� Mhsrs . a�e��sa , r��ctiastrnatin� c�crts� M�lic� �t int�ratetioaa �htrf aea��sar�� `� sad ca�t iag bu� p�ds a c the �: a top�. .._ ... under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order �? °r�� approved a ��—�� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date MAR � 7 ��4� Yeas Nays , _ ,� � Certifie sse by Counci ecre � ��'Lt�'�er In Favor B �'."�S3nZ � �','�Cas�a Against Mayor �� MAR 2 9 1984 Tedesco Ih'ilsor� ?us�isHED qp� i 1984 ST. PA► UL C � T1� COUNCIL �'F�/��` PU � Lf C � E � RYNG N �TICE � PR�OVE�MENT C4N�STRtJCT14N PUBLlC IM City Council District 4�4 District Planning Council 4�6 Dear Property Owner: File No. 84-P-0952 To decide on whether to proceed wi,th i�Proving EAST SEVENTH P U R P O S E STREET from Mendota Street to Johnson Parkway by resurfacing with a bituminous material, constructing concxete curb where A N� necessary, reconstructing catch basins and drives where necessary, reconstructing concrete walks at intersections � O c a T i 0 N Where necessary, and constructing bus pads at the bus stops. � Tuesday, �rch 27, 1984, 10:00 A.M. �'�'E.A R � N G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House If the Council approves this project, the estimated construc- tion costs and financing for this project are as follows: FINANCING • ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $386,000 INRORMATION ESTIMATED FINANCING: NO: ASSESSMENTS 1984 Public Improvement Aid S 23,000 1984 Municipal State Aid 363,0�0 TOTAL ESTIMATED FTNANCING . $386,000 Construction: 292-b277 (,�=U...� S-r � Q N CJ Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questians on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30- 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. � A P Area to be improved —� �J ^�.�J l,_J I i ' �C, _,/�''- � �IIV . J �IM �_�VE.— I / 'r L � � �� �]✓ /..--� � - -wva j �u" r-+vc.�`e.r' '� l_..,.,_- i��� '~/� 7 T ^,� � �� � � ' _ — r _� _ Notice sent M�rch 9, 1984, . � � _. < (�'�'�,�–�--� --�`�,I.�,� . v.� •� ��J'", �" ,�c -':I �s� � [:.�U �� by the Valuations and 1LwNlr - '.'��i�:n�ii �vE Assessment Division, � � NN � �te7 Department of Finance � . � �:}—�� `�� �«�� N .�i.i.., �Sf. and' Management Services �— �.a �, .�,..� ��' � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � w�X1:JNf��,� ;� -��--��r—`�r•�� . :� :! 7 Y " ���y- ���/ . . : . � . _ � 5 . 3/27/84 FINAL ORDER : To decide or. improvir.g WESTERN AVENUE from Corr Avenue to I-9�! by ' placir.g a bitumir.ous overlay, cor.structir.g � orr.amer.tal lightir.g system ar.d recor.structir.� drives ar. cor.crete sidewalks at ir.tersectior.s where r.ecessary. Recommer.ded approval . . 6 . 3/27/84 FINAL ORDER : To decide or. improvir.g E.SEVENTH STREET fro Mer.dota Street to Johr.sor. Parkway by resurfacir.g with bitumir.ous material , cor. structir. g cor.crete curb wher r.ecessary , recor.structir.g catch basins ar.d drives wher � r.ecessary, recor.structir.g cor.erete walks at ir.tersectior.s wher r.ecessary ar.d cor_structir.g bus pads at bus stops. Recommer.ded approval . ' . 7 . RESOLUTIONS: Bar.r.ir.g parkir.g or. west side of Fairview Aver.0 from Highlar.d Parkway to Rar.dolph Aver.ue ( laid over from las meetir.g) . . Requested Resolutior. be withdrawr. . $. RESOLUTION: Requestir.g adoptior. of two proposed amer.dmer.ts t the 1984- 1988 Program for Capital Improvemer. ts : 1 Shepard/Chestr.ut Ir.terchar.ge ar.d 2) East CBD Bypass. Recommer.ded approval but requested that staff examir.e ever aver.ue for other mor.ies that might be used for these projects. . �F ������ :�_.,�►�r�� . . _ ; Coundl lYle No.84�lSl—By ChrL^Nk�..r m tee wtc�or i�-r.as�r sEV�rx s�rxE�r �►.�naos.:�.ec�;� -. Pwdcwey�7�?�f 9�8 h►t� ��.�qostry�gtiag.coaernle Rurh w��R e.om.�T..�oo�pt«l��.A+qps.nrf'�' dlirn,:�eiere u�F�y�7. rep�f�Cfi,i�{..� coo�cate walke at iatersectioas 7p�ere. nu�ecsaly end coq�t�in6 b�?ac�p�{A��h�}S:. °�- - . s , '�e�ciiot.:4w.�►4���M�. �!�, : raet�w�d t�e r�pvrt o(�e�f the : , abbw�mpsOve�nQ awi�M1v�Q� ; edd�i��eb5 rao1�..,�rc i 3r:- -. 1.T'hat the aid:'rePot#aad���tlM!!�is heoabi.apy�a�rq�d;.nrjt4 uo;a1t�r9Nl�t.aad t6aE-i�s:esNmatsd�wst thereq�-11 �� finanoed b� Public.Improvemmt Aiy�;��4,, i4SA6Q and.ILuaicipal.3tate Ald 19A�i," i�Y00.. ., _ . . �.:1'hat a Dnh�ic.;hgarin8:t�r 1+Pd.�w sai�� im�parovem�t.oa t2�Ytch d oi�s 19 , Rt-i0:90'e'ckoclta�u::.iet, eCeu�f1 '. m. , ' oi ths Cii�,Sall and C.a�YRtzHawe Build�q{qg�a r tl��ltg aL$aintPaul . R�, { 9.That notice td sRi�,pn11l�:k�rL4 1ie ' given f6 the persoar am#;s4►t��OOa�'. ; prdaided bY the Charta�steNn8.Eb4t�.�'' plaae•-�o!<heariag. the.attate>of�;,tAe, , improvaneat'a+i�the.lotal twst 1de�Af:fc:, . estimated. :� F11aiQo.Ai-Fi0Q6F�::" .*._ ,- } �.,�Y: Adopted by the�Coyqdi F��.1,Yl�l, . APPmred Mueh 2,1QM., ; f (Manh 70.T9B4),= ' !