84-388 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council J CANARV - DEPARTMENT C1[,���(J OLUE - MAVOR File NO. d+� d � Council Resolution Presented By ✓ Referred To �'1 1���'� �i� Committee: Date ' � � Out of Committee By Date An admin3strative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding Building Inspectors' salary steps. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Ra.tes of Compensation Resolution be ameaded in Section I (one) thereof, so that a new Subsection, immediately following Subsection I HOLIDAYS, subsection 7, shall read as follows: "J BUILDING INSPECTOR SALARY RATES--The salary for the position of Building Iaspector shall be in three steps. The first shall be the eatry level step. The second step shall be paid to those who successfully perform for at least one year at the entry level aad successfully complete 9 credits in Building Inspection Technology as provided at an accredited community college or vocational school or to those who have been certified as a Class I Buildiag Official by the State of Minnesota. The third step shall be paid to those who successfully perform for at least two years at the secondary level, successfully complete 24 credits ia Building Inspectioa Technology as provided at an accredited community college or vocational school and attaia Class II building Official Certification. All entraats, including those who are City employees working as Carpenters, shall start at the entry rate unless he/she meets the certification requirements for the second step. �� COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays � Drew PERSO OFFIC Masanz [n Favor Nicosia �he� � _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date P'�R 2 0 198� Form pproved�by Attorney l Certified •s e ou . S et BY gy, l A► by IVlavor: Dat � 2 � 19�� Approve Mayor for Su ission t Council `BY BY � G PUBLIS�IED MaR 31 1984 ' � ��iT=_ - -� � , CLcRK a,vrc �•.4�.Ce COt1RC11 �/ �°•'°R� _ �==q�7MENT GITY OF SAINT �ALTL File N0. �����d a:.u� _ •��'oR Councal Resolution CITY CLERK Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � � An administrative Resolution ameading the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding Building Inspectors' salary steps. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section I (one) thereof, so that a new Subsection, i�ediately following Subsectioa I HOLIDAYS, subsection 7, shall read as follows: • "J BUII,DING INSPECTOR SALARY RATES--The salary for the position of Building Inspector sha11 be in three steps. The first shall be the entry level step. The second step shall be paid to those who successfully perform for at least one year at the entry level and sticcessfully complete 9 credits in Buildiag Inspectioa Technology as provided at an aceredited community college or vocational school or to those who have been certified as a Class I Building Official by the State of Minnesota. The third step shall be paid to those who successfully perform for at lea.st two years at the secondary level, successfully complete 24 credits in Building Inspection Technology as provided at an accredited co�.unity college or vocational school aad attain Class II building Official Certification. All entrants, including those who are City employees workiag as Carpenters, shall start at the entry rate unless he/she meets the certificatioa requirements for the second step. �� C0�ti CILME[�t Requested by Department of: Y eas Nays Fietcher . PERSO�TNEL OFFICE °feV" [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibet Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorrtey Adoptec 5�: Council: Date Certif;ed P�ssed by Counc.il Secretary BY B: Appro��ed b� titavor: Date /kpproved by Mayor for Submission to Council B�• By � . , � �� �y�� Personnel Office DEPARI`t�1E�IT � ,�eanet Soh ,,; �ONTACT 298-4221 PHONE � Fg�ruarv 21� 1984 DATE �v�� � . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip Al1 Locations for Mayoral Signature): ' �1'�� Department Di rector � � y ttorney -Mana en a�yor . RECEIVED Finance and. Management Services Director FEB 2 31984 City Clerk 8udget Di rector MAYOR'S OFFICE What Will be Achieved � Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale�: This Resolution adds a new subsection J to Sectioa I of the Salary Rates and Compeasation Resolution. This section will provide salarq steps to: Buiidin�g l�nspectors who attaia certaia levels of experience, education aad certification. The actual rates shall be set forth ia the bargaining uait contract. At this time, the three steps shall be those curreatly paid to Carpeater, Carpeater Foremaa and Buildiag Iaspector, respectively. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None. ' Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged�or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachrr�nts�: 1. Resolutioa � 2. Copy for City Clerk. :�:-,; �"^ ;>-� - DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�1 Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes� No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? _, Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (�Pe RPVP1^SP Sidp f�r 'Instructions) WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT f y/py� /yy BIUE - MAVOR Flle NO• O ��O � � C �n il Resolution Presented By / � ✓ Referred To�� ��NL-� Committee: Date �^ � � Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution ameadiag the Salary Plaa and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding premium pay for steaographic work. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan aad Rates of Compensation Resolution be ameaded in Section I (one) thereof, so that a new Subsectioa, immediately following Subsection J, BUILDING INSPECTOR SALARY RATES, shall read as follows: "K STENOGRAPHIC PREMIUM--The City may grant a premium of 2 grades to persons holding the clerical titles of Clerk IV or Clerical Supervisor who are able to take and transcribe steaographic notes at the level currently prescribed to pass the Clerk-Stenographer III examiaation and who are required to do so as part of their job duties. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ' �—rFsleMr � PE Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia � --s�hs� � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 � �9� Form A� rov�d by C' Attocney Certified s Coun ' ,e r BY r B� t�►pp v y 14 v : Date R 2 0 19�4 Approved ayor for Submi ion to Cou cil � By — BY � � PUBLISHED MAR 31 1984 �