85-1738 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council. CANARV - OEPARTMENT Flle NO. �� / • �� BLUE - MAVOR Co ncil esolution Prese ed By ,lC� Referred To ^�1 (����C.._1�- Committee: Date 1�"� 1 �"" �� Out of Committee By Date i�HEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does recomrmend the following transfers for the 1985- General Fund Budget: TRAI�SE'ER F1�N1: General- Government Accounts � dorrtirx�ent Reserve S�ecifiec7 , 09061-537 Operating� Transfer Out 10,000 Current �� ��J� �9� Budget 7.RiANS�'ER T0: Poiice 04000 Office of the Chief 04000-537 Operating Transfer Out 27,604 +10,000 37,604 04000- Al1 Other Sper�dinq 1,195,634 0 1,195,634 1,223,238 +10,000 1,233,238 � � 0 RE90LV�, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1985 budget. Financing is Available: Approval R+ec�rmended: Director of Fin ce �gS Budget 'r r - ►t-Y . COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas ��� Nays � Masanz PO�.1C2 [n Favor Nicosia � i Scheibel 1 • sonnen _ Against By L{ Tedesco �YIFi1� Adopted by Council: Date DEC 3 1 1985 Form Approv d y City Attorney Certified Y _ e Council retar BY gy, t�ppr by Mavor: Date _ Approv�'d ayor for Submissi to dncil By BY PU�l1�HED �!�,�`� 1 1 1986 Po i ce� �, . DE PARTMENT �N� 16 0 5 �1i-11 iam Carrol l CONTACT I �/ �& 292-3544 PHONE November 21 , 1985 DATE 1 e�/� ,, �i ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Lncations for � n u e : Department Director 3 Di ector of Management/Mayor �Finance and Management Services Director ty Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ ----. Rationale) : To pay for plumbing repairs at the lice te�. location of 450. N. Syridicate St. ��.-�v_`� RECEIVED DEC 2 1985 NOV 2 5 .19� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL I�I�`d�$�qt�j IPATED: CITY ATTORNEY ��c��v�� RECEIVED S�o,000.00 - �� ���2 6198� �.�� YoR,S �'01/ 2 7 1985 OFFIC,�FFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF F�iVANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CNARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $10,000.00 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: From 09061 to 04000-537 Activity Number: 04000-537 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , . ���,�`;`�� 7.3� � , - t , j � F _. � � ( L WH�TE - CITY tLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council . CANARV - DEPARTMENT - BL.UE -MAYOR � Flle NO. _ Council .�Zesolution Presented By , Referced To Committee: Dat -- Out of Committee By Date - ��Sr T� l�yOr� pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does reco�nercd the followir� transfers for the 1985- General Func3 Budget: �� 2'RAI�SFER FRQM: � General- Governn�ent Accounts � Cantingent R�eserve S'pecifiec7 09061 537 �erating-Transfer Out 10,Q00 Current Amenc3�d Buaget Changes Budqet M �� �� � Poiice - 04000 Off ice of tY:e Chief 04000-537 Operating Transfer Out 27,604 +10,000 37,50-� 04000- All. .Other Sperxling - 1,195,634 0 1,195,63�R 1,223,238 +10,000 1,233,23� � � 0 RF'.SaLVED, That the City Coancil ap�roves these changes to the 1985 budget. Financinq is Available: Ap�roval R,ec�mended: Dire�tor of F' ce «10'�g� Buc�et 'r r • - - ,ti_� _ COUNCILMEN Requested by Depactment of: Yeas D� Nays Masanz POI].C@ N��a in Favor - scheibet 'rl�!!�(.1� Sonnen Against BY � - Tedeseo Wilson Adopted by Council• Date Form Approv d y City Attorn�ey Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY __.._ �. By ,,,,__,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,�_, �„�e ' Approv�d . ayor for Submissiq�to Q�uncil � � i . . � . '•� .. �" � �� � �OS - � . ` ' � � ✓ L �... �:•� ��s�7� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ` T0: Greg Blees, Budget Director • ° FROM: Deputy Chief Sturner _ ' SUBJ: Transfer of Funds - DATE: October 25, 1985 As we discussed in our conversation yesterday, we have several matters which need quick attention. First, we wish to pay the plumbing costs associated with 450 N. Syndicate as quickly as possible inasmuch as that work was done in August. To accomplish that, we would like to have $10,000.00 transferred into special account 64Q07. We have notified Spriggs that we are working on this and they seem to be satisfied. The second matter is the substantial and unexpected increase in our building insurance premiums. We have a shortage of $7,400.00. That amount should be transferred into account 4300-261-073. Dave Nelson has indicated that these bills should be paid as soon as possible. �?� Based on our conversation it was m understandin that ` n��` � y g $18,000.00 will �t� be transferred into account 4340-377-089, which is the amount that has n. p.�__ been agreed upon to satisiy all charges for access to the hot water district �`�`M� �,',",',���y3� heating system for the building at 101 E. Tenth Street in 1985. ����-", If any of these items present a problem, please get back to me at your � -' convenience. Thank you for your considerat�on and cooperation. � JS/laf cc: Acting Deputy Chief Buhl � Acting Captain McCabe Barb Renshaw Bill Carroll a ��� � ' �J ��)�'/7�J �;�, ' '� CITY OF SAINT P.�UL _':�s�;;� ' OF'FIC� OF TF�F CITY COUNCIL Comrnittee �e ort � F �':i�an�A. Mana�em�nt. � Persannel Committee. ` , , 1 . Approval of minutes from meet1ing held December 19, 1985. 2. Resolution authorizing the financing and construction of the public parking ramp on Block L in connection witfi the TCA d velopment. (l a i d over from 12/19 meet i n9) �' �-��` � _ ,�..__ _ �4 , 3. Resolution approving amendments to District Heating agreements and � consenting to additional bonds. (laid�over from 12/19 meeting� 4. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $49,896 to the Financing _ /f P 1 an and to the Spend i ng P 1 an for Po l i ce Spec i a 1 Pro j ects. GZ���'�--�°-�'-�dL.. . 5. Resolutian amending the 1985 budget by adding $656,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for P. I .R.-Finance Department. GI��� 6. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $273,622 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan f�o� General ; nd-Risk Management General Government Accounts. «�/�`�—�"` �\� 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $30,000 from Con in- gent R�er+re to Police-Office of the Chief (plumbing repairs) . �Z _ tr� t/ 8. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $73,520 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Job Trainin Partnership - 8% Educa- tion Coordination Program. Q,r � 9. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $28,500 from Specified Conting cy-Securing Bids to Arts 8� Sciences Center roof. ..��t., � 10. Resolution authorizing issuance of duplicate registered bon to replace M i nnesota Trunk N i ghway Bonds sto 1 en. �,,,i�L, _��''f""�_ d � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 5510? �� .�sa