85-1729 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L � Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 4 BLUE -MAVOR F1Ie NO. - /�� � a� il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does reco�miend the following transfers for the 1985 General Fund Budget: TRAIISE'ER FROM: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve Specified 09061-537 Operating Transfer Out -7,400 Current Amended Budget Changes Budqet TRANSE'ER T0: Police 04300 Technical & Support Staff Units 04300-261 Insurance Premiums 3,300 +7,400 10,700 04300- All Other Spending 529,062 0 529,062 532,362 +7,400 539,762 � � 0 RE90LVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1985 budget. Financing is Available: Approval Recomnerided; _ ,� --� �� � Director of F' ance �Y ��,�S Budget r r COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz � POIlC@ Nicosia In Favor Scheibel sonnen � A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DEC 3 i 1985 Form Approved b ity Attorney Certified Pas e o il S ary BY By A►ppro Mavor: Date �.1AN 2 - 1986 Approved b yor miss to Council By �.�,,r,..... ,; , ., _�� .. _. , - . . ,..,.M (��`,5--����' , s�-� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: Greg Blees, Budget Director FROMs Deputy Chief Sturner SUBJ: Transfer of Funds - DATE: October 25, 1985 As we discussed in our conversation yesterday, we have several matters which need quick attention. First, we wish to pay the plumbing costs associated with 450 N. Syndicate as quickly as possible inasmuch as that work was done in August� To accomplish that, we would like to have $L0,000.00 transferred into special account 64007. We have notified Spriggs that we are working on this and they seem to be satisfied. The second matter is the substantial and unexpected increase in our building insurance premiums. We have a shortage of $7,400.00. That amount should be transferred into account 4300-261-073. Dave Nelson has indicated that these bills should be paid as soon as possible. �� Based on our conversation, it was my understanding that $18,000.00 will � be transferred into account 4340-377-089, which is `hP amount that has been agreed upon to satisfy all charges for access to the hot water district �� heating system for the building at 101 E. Tenth Street in 1985• �ly�'J " „ � �,�..,,C`r If any of these items present a problem, please get back to me at your �"'''1 convenience. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation. V JS/laf � cc: Acting Deputy Chief Buhl - Acting Captain McCabe Barb Renshaw Bill Carroll � � �f ` C70iJNCIL ADOPTID 1985 BU�GE,T C���-5��7"� J ' SPECIFIID CO�INGENP RESERVE (09061-537) ' as of December 19, 1985 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted 1985 Council � Budget File Date Amount . Available salary Reserve (contracts and year-end , accruals; includes Council's new positions) 3,033,319 85-I026 08/06 (2,724,389) May�or's Administration Mgmt. Support 85-586 04/25 (45,642) Human Rights Director R+ecruitment 85 1137 08/22 (30,000) City Attorney's Office Automation 85-1345 10/03 (20,000) S�rety Boncl Premium 85-1407 10/17 (965) Library Building �epair 85-1457 10/31 (20,000) � Parks & Recreation Building Maintenance 85-1268 09/19 (17,486) F�nployee Parking: Official Business 85-1459 10/31 (12,100) Planning & Econ. Dev. TelepYione S�istem 85-1501 11/07 (7,235) Judgment & Caanpromise 85-1558 11/21 (50,000) Folice Plumbing Expense pending-11/15 (10,000) Traffic Signing Materials pending--11/15 (49,400) PW 1984 Services to �nergency Preparedness penc�ing 11/15 (10,101) Suburban Rate Consortium pending--11/15 (20,000) Human Services Coordinator pending-11/15 (16,001) 0 Employees' Health Insurance Pr�.i.um (See Fund Reserve Balance) 0 0 Retiree Insurance Reserve (See Func1 Balance) 0 0 Workers' Com�ensation: A) Dependency Benefits 230,000 Public Financing Committe S'taff 85-88 O1/17 (20,000) Human Services Coordinator pending-11/15 (13,999) Certificate of Occupancy 85.1614--12/OS (87,419) F.�empt Property Assessments pending 11/27 (47,564) Directors Selection Process pending--12/11 (42,634) Police Insurance Premium pendang-12/16 (7,400) 10,984 B) Disability Reserve 0 0 0 Early Retirement Incentive Program 0 0 0 Telephoa�e Rate Increase 15� R,eserve 75,000 . Thomas Dale Comrnanity Center pending-12/16 � (13,140) 61,860 Public Safety Building Rsmodeling Non-CIB (use 1984 Reserve) 0 0 � 0 Deputy Director of Personnel (See Fund ($49,451, includes fringes) Balance) 0 0 e ,, . COtJNCIL ADOPTID 1985 BtIDC�r ���s,�a� - ' SPDCIFIID OONPIINGGENr RESEnVE (09061-537) - as of December 19, 1985 s (Continued) Council C�anges/Transfers A�dopted 1985 Counc.i]. Budget File Date Amount Available Personnel Assistant III-Affirn�ative (See Fund Action l�ecruiting Balance) 0 0 ($33,200, includes fringes� Dis�te Resolution Center (pending identification of other financing) 25,000 85-21 O1/03 (25,000) 0 St, Paul Intervention Program (pencling identification of other financing) 20,000 85-1211 09/05 (20,OOOj 0 City Hal]. & Court House (penciing maintez�ance standards, floor space ' mov�es and long-range space use plan) 50,000 85-337 03/07 (50,000) 0 Selping Hand Clinic (P��9 �9�t reorganization) 64,809 85-56 O1/10 (640809) Q Risk Management Staff Increase (See Fund ($138,023, pending performance) Balance) 0 U Contract Compliance in Human Rights (See Fund ($29,751, with fringes� Balance) 0 0 Total 3,498,128 (3,425,284) 72,84�� pending - Pending action by the Finance Caatmittee or iclentified but not yet sub�nitted by the clepartrnente reoanm. - 1�eca��ended by the Finance Comnittee for approval. dN1B.S,ltedesco/davies � 511/RESE17V85 12/19/85 Polic�e DEPARTMENT U` �'��7��jo 3036 .Wil'�iam Carroll CONTACT • 292-3541 PHONE December 19, 1985 ���� �� DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : Department Director �' Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk Budget Director - - __ _--- �°_ City Attorney 7— WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA�CING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The Police Department does not have sufficient funds budgeted to cover the increase in property insurance. This transfer will allow the Police Department to pay its insurance premiums. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Funds will be transferred from Contingent Reserve 5pecified. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $�.40o quired if under - $10,000} Funding Source: 09061 Contingent Reserve Specified Activity Number: Credit: 04300 Technical & Sup,port Staff Units ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Council Resolution Letter of request from Deputy Chief Sturner Contingent Reserve Specified status report DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes NA NO Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84