85-1723 WHITE - GITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCIl � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� /�� � BLUE - MAYOR o� cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does aertify that there are available Por appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 budget; and WHEREAS, Counail File 277510, Adopted Oetober 1 , 1981 , did establish eertain Special Fund Polieies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor reeommends that the following additions be made to the 1985 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budaet Chanaes Budaet 161 City Hall Annex Remodeling 30506-0200 Fund Balanee -0- 14 ,781 . 19 14, 781 . 19 ---------- --------- ---------- Net Change -0- 14 ,781 . 19 14 ,781 . 19 SPENDING PLAN 161 City Hall Annex Remodeling 30506-818 Other Furniture -0- 8,838.94 8, 838.9� 30506-898 Building Improvements -0- 2 ,205 . 87 2,205 . 87 30506-537 Operating TransPer Out -0- 3 ,73b .38 3,73b . 38 Net Change -0- 14 ,781 . 19 14,781 . 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED, that the City Couneil adopts the above additions to the 1985 Budget. App d as u ing: Approval Reeommended: ( � Direetor of Finanee and �� ,, Budget etor Managemen Serviees `�`'O�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas pr� Nays Masanz �_ (n Favor Nicosia Scheibel �' Sonnen _ A gainst BY Tedesco W i Ison Adopted by Council: Date DEC 3 1 1985 Form Approve y C' y Attorney Certified Pas ounc.ii Se ary BY By tApprove Ylavor: Date Approve Ma or f r ission to Council � By PU�IISHED J A fJ 1 1 1986 , ., • �,��,�`-/7�3 , (�OLIINCIL ADOP'i'ID 1985 BIIDGEP .. � SPECIFIID CONTINGENr RESERVE (09061-53?) as of December 19, 1985 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted 1985 Counci.l Buclget File Date Amount , Available Salary Reserve (coaitracts and year-end accruals; includes Council's new positions� 3,033,319 85-1026 08/06 (2,724,389) May�r's Administration—Nlgmt. S�pport 85-586 04/25 (45,642) Human Rights Director Recruitment 85-1137 08/22 (30,000) City Attorney's Office Automation 85-1345 10/03 (20,000) Stiirety Bond Premium 85-1407 10/17 (965) . Library Buildinc� Repair 85-1457 10/31 (20,000) Parks & Recreata.on Building Maintenance 85-1268 09/19 (17,486} �loyee Parking: Official Busaness 85 1459 10/31 (12,100� Plannfng & Econ. Dev. �elephone System 85 1501 11/07 (7,235} Juclgaient & Co�npromise 85-1558 11/2I (50,000) Police Pltunbing Expense penaling-11/15 (10,000) Traffic Signing Materials pending-11/15 (49,400) PW 1984 Services to Emergency Preparedness pencling—Il/15 (10,101) S�urban Rate Consortium pendinc�-11/15 (20,000) Hiunan Services Coordinator pending--ll/15 (16,001) 0 Employees' Sealth Insurance Pr�n.ium (See Fund Reserv�e Balance) 0 0 R�etiree Insurance l�eserve (See Funcl �:.^^e) 0 0 Workers' Co�ensation: A) Dependency Benefits 230,000 Public Financing Co�nitte Staff 85-88 O1/17 (20,000) Human Services Coordinator pending—I1/15 (13,999) Certificate of Occupancy . 85.1614--12/05 (87,419) Exempt Property Assessments pending—].1/27 (47,564) Directors Selection Process pending 12/11 (42,634� Folice Insurance Premium pending-12/16 (7,400) 10,984 B) Disability Reserve 0 0 0 Early Retirement Incentive Program 0 0 0 Telephone Rate Increase 15$ I�eserve 75,000 . Thomas Dale Comnunity Center pending-12/16 (13,140) � 61,860 Public Safety Building Remodeling Non-CIB (use 1984 Reserve) 0 0 0 Deputy Director of Personnel (SeF i'und ($49,451, includes fringes) Balance) 0 0 < � y � OOUNCIL ADOPTID 1985 BUDGE'r � �,S"�/7-Z 3 - � � " ` SPE�CIFIID CONrINGENP RESERVE (09061-537) as of December 19, 1985 � } (Continuecl) Council C�anges/Transfers Adopted 1985 Council Budget File Date Amount Available Personnel Assistant III-Affirmative (See Fund Action Recruiting Balance) 0 0 ($33,200, includes fringes) Dispute Resolution Center (pending identification of other financing) 25,000 85-21 O1/03 (25,000) 0 St. Paul Intervention Program (penc7ing identification of other financing) 20,000 85-1211 09/05 (20,000) 0 City Hall & Court House (p�ding maintenaru�,e standards, floor space ' moves and long-range space use plan) 50,000 85-337 03/07 (50,000) 0 Selping Hand Clinic (l�e�din9 managen�it reorganization) 64,809 85-56 O1/10 (64,809) 0 Risic �'.:riagement Staff Increase (See Fund ($138,023, pending perforn�ance) Balance) 0 0 Contract Con�liance in Human Rights (See Fund ($29,751, with fringes) Balance) 0 0 �otal 3,498,128 (3,425,284) 72,844 pending - Pending action by the Finance Comenittee or identified but not y�et submitted by tne aep�,rtmerit, recoa�m, - R,ecam�ended by the Finance Conmittee for approval. O1�.S/tedesco/davies 511/RESCRV85 12,/19/85 �Finan e & Mgmnt Serv DEPARTMENT ����°Z3 NO 1420 •l�il�� McGinley L���- �` NTACT 292-7011 PHONE ���� �� 12/13/85 DATE ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORflER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : �'J Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director b City Clerk � Budget Dit"eCto1" 5 Chair, Finance, Mgmnt & Personnel Comm. � City Attorney 7 City Council 8 Chief Accountant, Finance & Mgmnt Serv WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : To establish a budget to cover identified City Hall Annex remodeling needs and to close out the unused balance to the Ann�x operating fund. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEO: Energy Q�A� on 2nd floor. Panels needed due to a change in tenants on 13th floor. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- � ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: 514,781.19 quired if under $10 000) Funding Source• Fund Balance of Code 30506 City Hall Ennex Remode�ing Activity Number: Code 30506 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? x Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No N/A Yes No Insurance Attached: N/A (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 '� . �:�'_,r'�7�3 M, �: CITY OF SAINT P�.UL .�-"'-�-- . : `;"'-:`��`' OFFICF OT� THF CITY COII�TCIL ;���;�:tm Con�rnitte� Report � �':i�an�¢, 1�ana�em�nt� & Persannel �ommittee. 5 1 . Approval of minutes from meeting held Oecember 19, 1985. 2. Resoiution autharizing the financing and construction of the public parking ramp on Btock L in connection with th_e �jTC�A development. ( 1 a i d over from 12/19 meet i ng) , •'�+'""��-� �,�t.°-�+t, -�""' - - . �i" - 3. Resolution approving amendments to District Heating agreements and . _ consent i ng to add i t i ona 1 bonds. (1 a i d�"ver from 12/19 meet i ng) G�t�'2�c-u'e� 4. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $49,896 to the Financing _ Jf Plan and to the Spending Plan for Police Special Projects. G���?�--��d�_ . 5. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $656,000 to the Financing� Plan and to the Spending Plan for P. I .R.-Finance Department. GI� 6. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $273,622 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending P1� fo Genu r�al nd-Risk Management General Government Accounts. Q.- 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $10,000 from Conti���� n gent Reserve to Police-Office of the Chief (plumbing repairs) . c�i� ,-r`J/ ��. 8. Resotution amending the 1985 budget by adding $73,520 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Job Trainin Partnership - 87. Educa- tion Coordination Program. Q� '--� 9. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $28,5Q0 from Specified Conting�cy-Securing Bids to Arts 8 Sciences Center roof. Gi� f 10. Resolution authorizing issuance of dupiicate registered bon to replace M i nnesota Trunk H i ghway Bonds sto 1 en. G,., _�,.�or� �.. C.'TY HALL . SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,biINNESOTr1 SS10Z �) °�'s6 � �'_ COMMI TEE REPORT ��I-� �7�3 f FiNANCE MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE--December 26, �gg� r NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: 11. Re�olution amending the 1985 budget by adding $14 , 781. 19 � to the financing plan and to the spending plan for City � Hall ,:;�,r�t��x remodeling. (Purchase of st rm windo and partit:ions for City Hall Annex) � 12. Resolution approving Galtier Plaza; Mears Park East, West and Central assessment agreements, UDAG ],oan certi- ficates and mortgage subordination agreements.z� � �� �" � ��-°~. ���: - r! / , P age 2