85-1717 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �j CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��_ // // BLUE - MAVOR 1 ou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To ��N��L� Committee: Date 1 a ' 1�1 "7�� Out of Committee By Date CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1985 PARKING & TRANSIT FUND BUDGET TO PROVIDE $400,000 FOR OPERATING AND DEBT SERVICE RESERVE FOR BLOCK L PARKING RAMP CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor, that the 1985 Parking and Transit Fund Budget as heretofore adopted by the Council and thereafter amended, is hereby amended as under: Current Amended Budget Change Budget PARKING & TRANSIT FUND FINANCING PLAN 36100-0200 Use of Unreserved Undesignated Fund Balance -0- 400,000 400,000 Net Increase 400,000 SPENDING PLAN 36100 739 000 Operating and Debt Service Reserve -0- 400,000 400,000 -0- 400,000 400,000 Net Increase 400,000 � ��-� � �� COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Si`�/�y� Nays J M11ii" � Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosla scheibe� __ A gai ns t BY Tedesco Wilson DEC � � 1985 Form Approved by City Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date f Certified Pa-- b Cou cil retary By v By t�ppro y Mavor. Date ^ EC J � 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By 7��'�` ''�� '� � P��l+��sE� J�;i��l 1 119$6 ' i _ � • � �"s �7/� ��-• �'� CITY OF SAINT P�.UL .�� : • i�i;i:`,�siii OFFICE QF TI3F CITY COUNCZL �ommitte� Re ort ' F F:i�.an�e. Mana�em�nt, � Persannel Cammittee. 5 1 . Approval of minutes from meeting held December 19, 1985. 2. Resoiution authorizing the ficzancing and construction af the gublic parking r�p on�B�ocfc L in connection with the T� glo ta�. � t l a i d over fram 12/19 meet i ng) �' . -% �.-�"� � ' `" 3. Resolution approving amendments to District Heating agreements and consenting to additional bonds. (laid over from 12/19 meeting) Gt�f? 4. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $49,896 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending P)an for Potice Special Projects. G� " . 5. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $656,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for P. I .R.-Finance Department. Gi��-cr�,�- 6. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �273,622 to the Financing Plan and to the Spendingc� f/�neral �Lnd-Risk Management Generai Government Accounts. 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $10,000 from Con in- gent Reserve to Police-Office of the Chief (plumbing repairs} . 1„1�-t�� 8. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $73,520 to the FinanciRg Plan and to the Spending Plan for Job Trainin Partnership - 87. Educa- t i on Coord i nat i on Program. Q,���'�r��--� % 9. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement 8udget by transferring $28,5�0 from Specified Conting cy-Securing Bids to Arts 8 Sciences Center roof. �, f� 10. Resolution authorizing issuance of dup) icate registered bon to repiace Minnesota Trunk Highway Bonds stolen. � �..e_�� C.'TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,�IINNESOTA SSI02 �� �as