85-1700 M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council /y.� CANARV - DEPARTMENT� Flle NO. v�!/�"' � BLUE - MAVOR � C cil Resolution Presente By Referred To �1 t��}h,.+�L-'="� Committee: Date �'��� '-' �����-��= Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Midway Chevrolet, a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas onnen Nays � r � �l-l-��. �-'°'""e �� [n Favor Masanz �Iif�M1 � 1.dJ�."'..t.�i��/iK� scneibei _ __ Against BY �l Tedesco Wilson � � . ,� �� Form prove by Ci tt ey Adopted by Council: Date c Certitied Pa s Council ret BY � By ,Appr by Mavor: Date dE� Z ? 1985 Appr by Mayor for Subm' io orCouncil B ,,. -T:. , ��g� �': . _.��:.� _ Po1 ice DEPARTMENT C'�'-- c�j��Dl� NO O2 Lt. Thomas L. Reding , . CONTACT � _._2��2, S�.no ^ . PHONE November 15. 1985 DATE �e�� ,, �i ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si n ture : 1 Department Director Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Director �-City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The St. Paul Police Department lease of unmarked �ehicles f1'an Mi.dway Chevrolet. RECEIVED N�V � � �;n5 COST/BENEFIT, BUOGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED; ��TY ATTO€�NEY $8.00 per day to a maximum of $248.00 per month per vehict_e. � ' �. .:_; � � ���� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under Funding Source: 19g5 General Fund Budget $10,00Q) Activity Number: 04307-283-082 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : ��C�IV`� 1 . Four (4) co ies of � reea�ent;_: -. :. P• 9 � NOV 2 0 i9g� 2. Resol ut i on. MAYGR'S OfFICE DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW � �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes X No Insurance Attached; (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 " \ . � �'�t--/76 G ., • • � . . � AGREEME � T THIS AGREEt�4EP;T, P�iade and entered into this _ � day af • � r� 1'U- �-G�f`'��ci'�— , 19�� by and bet:•:een ��/ u��}- f�-t'r`�:c�c�'T � hereinafter called "Supplier", and the CITY CF S,'�If�T PAUL, hereinafter called ��c;ty,.. . � , . 41IT,;�SStTH: • IT IS hiUTUALLY AGR�EO sY AP,D BE i W�cN I HE SJPPL:ER A":D TfiE CITY AS FOLLOWS: 1 . That at all times Supplier wi�-keep the terms and conditions of this Agreement confidentia1 and shall not disclose usaaes hereunder to inquiries of third parties without prior consultation with the City's liaison hereinafter naT�ed. 2. That automobiles furnished to the City by the Su�plier hereunder shall be for the excl usi ve use of the Ci ty's Pol i ce Depa rtment's S .I .U. and Ptarcoti cs Units, and no other divisions or units of the City's Palice Deot. shall make use of such vehicles. 3. That Supplier t�ill have available durinct re�?ular business haurs for the City's use, auto;�obiles which shall be of 1982; 1983 and 1�3� calendar-year r�an�fac�ure or another year of r�ake and r�del as ray be aqreed to b�• the part�es. 4. That in consideration o` the use of Sueplier's vef�icle(s) the City aqr�es to pay Supplier t!�e sum of eiert ��llars (�8.C^) per day, ner vehicle, to r;�ax�r:;ur^ of t��ro hundred rQT'�y-eiaht dollars (5-��.�0) Fer rcn�h, per vehicle. 5. That the �i�y ��re�s to save a�-:d hcld Supp1 ier har�;:less from any and all clai;�s arising out of the City's use of vehicles hereunder and shall , additionally, repair at its o�m expense ar,y da^aoe sustained by the vehicles durinq the course of City's use, normal wear and tear exc�pted. �• � - • �I=�{',�—f70 c� � �6. Th�` the Citv snal � ,�e responsible for su�nlYino each vehicle r_��ed he�eunder �•�it!- such ar.;ounts of casoline and oil as is reeded to rrake the vehicTe oo�rational , but no other naintenance obliaations shall be the res::onsibiTz�y of the City. 7. That the City �•:ill not use any venicl� for a �eriod ef rore than si xty (60) days ti•ri thout Suopl i er's consent, but the Ci t_y reser�res the rioht to request and receive fro,^ Supplier a replace�=nt v�hicle of a type and �:ake �s above-described at any time; ti,;;e being of the essence in fulfil7i�e r��ues�s - for replacement vehicles. 8. That the City ackno:•r7edqes the rinht of the Su�F7ier to denand the return of the vehicle r�nted hereunder upon t�•�enty-four(24) hours' nctice to the City and upon such notice, the City u�lill return said auto�obile. 9. That the use of the vehicles rented hereunder are for the use of the City's Police Department and for the purpos2 of the ad�;�inis�ration of this a�reer�ent, Lieutenant Thomas Redino, 100 East Tenth Street, Saint Pau1 , Ptinn�sota, Phone No. 292-3501 , shall be its liaison. 10. That this Agreement shal] be for a period of one(1 ; year and sha11 automatically be er,tended far an, additional p�riod of one(1) year providing no written notice is submitted by either party of an intent to terr�nate this Agreement at least thirty (30) days orior to �ne expiration of the first year. Itr' l•1IT�;ESS HER�OF, The parties have set their har,ds the date first above �vritten. SU�PL:Ep .�`�/ ://�' �� v =T— �— SIGNATU � l ' � c,�:�`` , ��� -2- - • �' - - �F�.�/7�d . . , CITY OF SAIP�T PAUL Approved as to Form: gy t�1avor c � � gy �L�`�-t-��t,C7�� Assistant City Att ney \ Chief of Police Bv Director, Cepartr�ent of Finance and P•lanaeement Services _ f,_ f � -3- _. � � _ _ �' � - ....._.. . - • -�s �70�► ��. ��� CITY OF S�.I�T P�.UL - � :��� : ;,,—,L,i, OFFICF OF THF CI'�TY COUYCIL ... I Cammitte� Regort � Fi�.anc�, I�ana�ement�, & Persannel ��mmittee. �; � � 1. Approval os minutes from meeting held December 12, I985. �P�'R�V� 2. Resolution establishin� policy that aII City-owned vehicles, except those required to be taken home, are used for business purposes only. (Finance Dept.) (Laid over fxom 12/12/ss) R��u2S+- -Fv� u+i'},,.ara�,�c� -:�PPFCou�p 't� w c'rt��sZfiu.1 3. Resolution �estab�lishi�; policy that aIl City-owned vehicles cannot be used �or _p�ersonel purposes. (F,inance Dept.) (Laid over from I�12/85}.,<��u�5-�- � w �'Tt��-��o� wi�zsu,� 4. Resolution authorizing the financin; and construction of the publzc parking ra.nro on Bloc.k L in cvnnection with the KTCa development. (PED) �0 OV�R ! c.�K• ����s�s 5. Ordinance amending Section 38.06 of the Administrative Code pertaining to the conversion of sick leave credits to vacation Ieave. (Personnel) f�°pR°�� 6. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �5,070 to the Financin� and Spendi.ng Plan for the Dept. of Public Works. (Public jvorics) A-PPRev�v. 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �32,000 to the Financing and Spending Plan for Special Projects-General Govt.-Promoting St. Paul. (Exec. Administration) �P��v�D- 8. Resolution amending the I985 budget by adding $49,400 to the Financing and Spending Plan for Traffic Signal � Lighting Ma.intenance. (Public LVorics) A�OROU�j 9. Resolution amending the I985 budget by transferring $49 4�0 from Contingent Reserve to�- Traffic Operations and Maintenance. (Public worics) P�PpRO�rA 10. Resolution amending the I985 budget by transferring $47,564 from Contingent Reserve to Exe*trot Property Assessments (Street Mainte:�ance Assessme�ts-$46,846) and other Assessments ($718.00) . (General Govt.) �PPROUS.D. 11. Resolution authorizing approval to issuance of $6,000,000 Port Authority Revenue Bonds relating to Energy Park Land Acquisition F� Development Costs. (Port Authority)6�R��fO. I2. Resolution approvi.ng a Subordination �greement of Iand use restriction in favor of �Zts�� City in Ordway Theat=e site to the loan and security documents of a Port Authority Ordway Theatre refunding bond issue. (City At�orney) !�'PF'Rav�D. I3, � ��a,o�x,,,�t�!.�,z.in� an agreement with P�Sidway Chevralet for Iease of immarked vehicles. '�Police Dept.) A�PRduL� • 14. Resolution authorizing an agreement with LL�I. Dept. of Transportation for traffic contro' sie aI at SV. 7th Street and Tnmk Hwy. 149. (Public �Yorks-Traffic) �PP32���D 15. Resolution authorizing an agreement with the County of Ramsey and the St. Paul Urban Indian Health Clinic whereby the City and Cotmty provide funding to the Clinic in the amoimt of �27,562. (Co�nunity Servi.ces) {�pP�DJ rp CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 °�°s