85-1696 � ' v M�NITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF � SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � // BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � `�'�� Co ncil Resolution Presented y r- -�, .�-, Referred To �) ���:�� �— Committee: Date ��`��'`r?� �` Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursua�rt to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there aze avaial�le for appropriation� revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 budget; arHd �EAS, The Mayor reco�mends the following changes to the 1985 budget: Current p,nnended �a9� Chan9es Budget FII�NCING PLAN 240 TraffiC Signal and Lighting Mtce. i7299 Transfer fro�n General Furx7 (02281) 0 +49,400 49,400 All Other Financing � - 1,207,320 0 1,207,320 1,207,320 +49,400 1,256,720 SPEDDING PLAN _ 240�Traf€ic Signal ar�d 7,:ighting Mtce. i2005 Traffic Mtce. Projects 12005-�37 Signing Materials 32,700 +49,400 82,100 12005- Al1� Other Spending 157,865 0 157,865 A7.1 Other Fund Spending 1,016,755 � 0 1,016,755 1,207,320 +49,400 1,256,720 � � +49,400 RESOLV�, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1985 budget. Approval R�comn�ended: Budget 'r r COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Masanz PUb11C WOX�SS N�c��a [n Favor s�he�bei �_ v Sonnen � A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson DEC 2 6 1985 Form Approved City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass uncil Se ary BY By� A►ppr ve y iNavor: Date EC 2 7 1985 Appr d b yor for Subm' ion .otouncil By B �ueus�� �aN 4�9� Public Works DEPARTMENT , � Np 17 �7ra�r►es W:. Stahnke__ _ _ _` CONTACT ��.5 � 293'-'6292 PHONE � Oc�ober 30 . 1985 DATE 1 „��� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature� : r ,�4�Director of Management/Mayor 'L�_ Finance and Management Services Di�ector 6 City Clerk � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ The att�hed Ccxmcil Resolutirn transfers $49 ,400 fran C-�er�eral Rationale) : Gavernmerit A,ccamts Crntingent I�serve to Public Works Traffic C�eraticns (12005-337) . Sin� tlye 1985 budget was �proved, a decisic� has been made to use a mc�re expensive but better perfaYmi.ng material for street signs:� This $49,400 is needed to suppl�rrt th,e 1985 budget far� hicJher material aa�d labc>r o�sts to ina�:ufacture amd refurbish signs. NCJI'E: Zhis Camci l Resoluti ca� was f irst drafted in �ri l, 19 85. ,P�p arently, the p�erwork ,� was lost arcid it was never passed. This is a re-sul�iittal for the s�ne request. � ��.� n�� � `� 1��. ,�,. !9�y -- C�; S�{- J 7 Z 2 COS /BENEFIT, BUDGETARY A D PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: P�prc�ima�tely $50 ,000 additirnal will be required in eac� of the rie� six years to canpl,ete the progzan of ccnverting St. Paou1's signs to high-iritensity material. AS well as better perfonnance, this material wi11 last lmger. �hen , a net reductica� in labor a�d mat�erial costs wi11 occur due to inc�ased useful sign life. ��,,,,,,Q„_ - •-�--- �'s v � RECEIV �\��1 � ED FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHAR�ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ��V 2 5 .� ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: �.q,� quired if under CITY ATTORNEY $10,000) Funding Source: Con�i►v�uti�- Keser�� Sp�u�cd SEE .�TA.CfIl�I'.0 (F�solutic.�) Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : t! r.-•.r�\r�'D N ����f}�3.:� � _J � camcil Resolutirn c2) �. �9 � 1N0�/G �; ��,.,� ,:�;",,:t" F, : 1985 ��'�� "� r�-� �� p°" '�YSG-°'-�d f`' 's.: : OF 1 HE DIRECTOR MAYOR's OFFICE Coc,�nc..i I F1 �� 8�- - t-7 z..Z � '�'=��'.��'�'IENT OF F('IVANCE Aivu MANAGENIENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � . ,,� ��-����, �,J ,r, ��} CITY OF S�..INT PAUL ;'„i�;:� z OFFZCF, OF TI3FL CITY COTT'iYCIL .... I Cammittee Regort � F:i�.ancet�yen�ent� � Persannel �ommittee. 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held Dece�er 12, I985. �E'�'R��� 2. Resolution establishin� policy that aIl City-owned vehicles, except those required to be taken home, are used for business purnoses only. (Finance Dept.) (Laid over fxom 12/12/85) R��i��S+� -�� w��},�aYn�c� -�PP+gov� -rn wr��{zt� 3. Resolution �estab�Iishirtg policy that all City-owned vehicles cannot b� �Rf�o�r �p�ersonel purooses. (�.i.nance Dept.) (Laid over from I2/1Z/85) -•=±�£�u�ST � Fcie, w�rt��� 4. Resolution authorizing the financing and construction of the public parking ra.am on Block L in connection with the KTC� development. (PED) �fl �U+� � wK. n'R��9s 5. Ordinance amendin� Section 38.06 of the Administrative Code pertaining to the conversion of sick leave credits to vacation Ieave. (Personnel) �°PRouf.� 6. Resolution amendin; the 1985 bud;et by adding $5,070 to the Financin; and Spendi.ng Plan for th.e Dept. of Public Works. (Public �vorics) F3�PPRov�. 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �32,000 to the Financing and Spend�o P� for Special Projects-General Govt.-Promoting St. Paul. (Exec. Administration) � g. Raesc�lution:��ending the 1985 bud�t h� adding $49,4d0 to the �in�cing a�td Spendzng Pla� for Traf£ic Signal � Lighting Mai:atenance. (Fubiic Wo�tks) A'1�P��� 9. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $49 400 from Contingent Reserve to�- Traffic Opezations and Maintenance. (Public woTks� ��RO��A 10. Resolution amending the I985 budget by transferring �47,564 from Contingent Reserve to Exe:trot Property Assessments (Street Maintenance Assessments-$46,846� and other Assessments ($7I8.00) . (General Govt.) P!'PPROUf.D. 11. Resolution authorizing approval to issuance of $6,000,000 Port Authority Revenue Bonds relatin� to Ener� Park Land Acquisition �, Developmen-C Costs. (Port Authority)a�R���. 12. Resolution anproving a Subordination Agreement of Iand use restriction in favor of 1tLS�� City in Ordway Theatre site to the loan and security do�Rov�.of a Fort Authority Ordway Theatre refunding bond issue. (City Attorney) !°n° I3. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Midway Chevralet for Iease of unmarked vehicles. (Police Dept.) �'APRbu�� - 14. Resolution authorizing an agreement with MN. Dept. of Transportation for traffic contro" sianal at �4. 7th Street and Trimk Hwy. I49. (Public �Yorks-Traffic) ��R���S� 15. Resolution authorizing an agreement with the County of Ramsey and the St. Paul Urban Indian Health Clinic whereby the City and Cotmty prvvide funding to the Clinic in the a.molmt of $27,5b2. (Co�nunity Services) �PPfZD�%O CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 ��a _ . __ .,_ _ ___,.._._m,...��._ _.�_._ .___---_____ , _.,..______..._. ._._...._ -�_ __ __ ,.,. ...._�..,_...... _..��..__...�_,.....,�...,.......,.�� .�.s,.�,a--__