85-1693 WHITE — GITY CLERK ' � �
' BLUE ar- MAVOR File NO. ° �`�'• �
Valuationsy—tRoom z�8 C ncil esolution �
Presented By
Referred To ���'��� Committee: Date �r ��'���
Out of Committee By Date
WI�RFAS, by Council l�esolution No. 281223, dated December 9, 1983, the
Council of the City of Saint Paul approved an agreement with Ramsey County
for the exchange of land and responsibility in Harr iet Island/Lilydale and
Battle Creek Regional Parks; and,
WHEREAS, in furtherance of such agreement and prior to the above
referenced exchange of land, it w�uld be mutually beneficial for the City of
Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Waste Gontrol Commission to enter into an
exchange of land located within the Pig's Eye Lake Area to provide the City
with access to land allocated for the Wild Life Sanctuary in the Pig's E�ie
Area and provide the Metropolitan Control Commission with a more uniform
bou►x7ary line for the property it ryaw o�wns adjacent to the sanctuary area;
NOW Zi�REE'ORE BE IT RESOLVID, that the proper City Officers are hereby
authorized and directed to convey by Quit Claim Deed to the Metropolitan
Waste Control Canmission the follawing described land;
Paroel 2
The East 1/2 of �he North 54.65 acres of the South 1/2 of the
Northw�est quarter of Section 10, Tawnship 28 North, Range 22 West
lying Easterly of the follawing described line: Beginning at a point
on the North line of the South 1/2 of the Northw�est quarter
distant 200 feet Easterly of the West line of the East 1/2 of
said Northw�est quarter, thence Southwesterly to a point on
the South line of the said North 54.65 acres distant 150 feet
East of the West line of the East 1/2 of said Northvaest quarter
said line also being the most Easterly line of Tract I Fbegistered
Land Survey No. 305, and lying Southvaesterly of a line described
as follaws: Beginning at a point on the most Easterly line of said
Tract I that is 657.16 feet Northerly of the Southeasterly corner of
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas p� Nays
Masanz In Favor
Sonnen _ Against BY
T��� Dixecto-;�_
Wilson V uJ�
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by C' y Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary gY �L.e��r!' �� �� ���
A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
PINK � - FINANCE (jITy OF SAINT PAUL Council �,�. /���
BsU�'�,.- MAVOR FIIC N�.
•Valuationsy—tRoom 218 �� ncil S��u�Z�/�
r ,
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
said Tract I; thence Southeasterly a distance of 830.70 feet to a
point on the Southerly line of said North 54.65 acres that is 545.10
feet Easterly of the Southeasterly oorner of said Tract I and there
termi.nating. Containing 4.1 acres.
Parcel 6
All that part of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the
Northvaest 1/4 of Sectiori 15, Tawnship 28 North, Range 22 West
that lies Northwesterly of a line described as follaws: Beginning at
a point � the East line of said Northeast 1/4 of Northwest
1/4 that is 100.00 feet Southerly of the Judicial Monimient at
the Northeast corner of said 1/4-1/4; thence Southwesterly to
a point on the West line of said 1/4-1/4 that is 194.20 feet
Northerly of the Judicial Monument at the Southwest corner
of said 1/4-1/4 and there terminating. Containing 3.32 acres.
Parcel 8
Al1 that p�art of Government Lot 2 of Section 15, Township 28 North,
Range 22 West that lies Northwesterly of a line ar�d its Southw�esterly
extension that is described as follows: Gamnencing at a point
on the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northvaest 1/4 of said
Section 15 that is 100.00 feet Southerly of the Judicial Monim�ent
at the Northeast corner of said 1/4-1/4; thence Southw�esterly
through a point on the West line of said 1/4 - 1/4 that is
194.20 feet Northerly of the Judicial Monument at the Southw�est
oorner of said 1/4 - 1/4 to a point on the North line of said
Goverrunent Lot 2 that is 250.00 feet Westerly of the Judicial
Mpnument at the Northeast aorner of said Government Lot 2
said poink being the point of beginning of the line to be
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Masanz Financ & a a em
N�cos�a [n Favor
Sonnen _ Against
Tedesco �r�ctor
W i Ison ��
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY—��■. C `�'`^� �f�g � �
Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
P NKE - FINA CERK ` . • ��
G I T Y O F s A I N T PA IT L Council �/ �j
' 9LUE y,- MAVOR
Return copy to: • .
Valuations — Room 218 CQU Zl Re lutZQn
Presented By ` ,
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
described in said Goverrunent Lot 2; thence vontinuing South-
w�esterly along the extensian of last described line to the
shoreline of the Mississippi River and there terminating.
Containing 5.8 acres more or less.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers are hereby
authorized ar�d directed to acxept by Quit Claim Deed from the Metropolitan
Waste Gontrol Ca�mission the follawing described proper�y;
Parcel 1
All that part of Tract I, R,egistered Iar�d Survey No. 305 that lies
Northeasterly of a line described as follaws: Beginning at a point
ari the most Easterly line of said Tract I that is 657.16 feet
Northerly of the Sou�heasterly corner of said Tract I; thence
Northwesterly a distance of 519.03 feet to a point �► the
Northerly line of said Tract I that is 131.42 feet Westerly of
the most Northeasterly oorner of said Tract I and there
terminating. Containing 0.84 acres. Said Parcel 1 subject
to an ingress-egress easement in favor of the Metropolitan
Waste Control Cainnission.
Parcel 3
That part of the Southeast 1/4 of the N�rthwest 1/4 of
Section 10, Zbwnship 28 North, Range 22 West that lies Southerly of
the Southerly line of the North 54.65 acres of the South
1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 10 and North-
easterly of a line described as follaws: Beginning at a
point on the Southerly line of said North 54.65 acres that
is 545.10 feet Easterly of the Southeasterly oorner of Tract I,
Registered Larid Survey No. 305; therx�e Southeasterly a distanoe of
516.54 feet to a point on the Northerly line of Tract E said
Registered Land Survey that is 305.15 feet Westerly of the Q
COUNC[Lll�taining 4.34 acres.
Yeas p�� Nays Requested by Department of:
Masanz In Favor Finance & Ma.nagement Services
Sonnen _ A gainst BY
Tedesco D rector
W i Ison
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date B ��^ .,��-J �3 � ��
Certified Passed by Council Secretary Y—�
blpproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .
By By
CANqRV -,DEPARTMENT ' Flle NO. v— �"���
Valuations - Room 218 CQ cil R �`u�Z�n
Presented By � °
Refecred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Parcel 4
That part of Tract E, Registered Iand Survey No. 305 that lies
Northeasterly of a line described as follaws: Beginning at a
point on the Northerly line of said Tract E �hat is 305.15
feet Westerly of the Northeast corner of said Tract E; thenoe
Southeasterly a distance of 499.91 feet to a point on the
Easterly line of said Tract E that is 395.00 feet Southerly
of the Northeast v�rner of said Tract E and there terminating.
Containing 1.38 acres.
Parcel 5
All that part of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the
Northwest 1/4 of Section 15, Zb�wnship 28 North, Range 22 West
that lies Southeasterly of a line described as follaws:
Beginning at a point � the East line of said Northeast
1/4 of Northwest 1/4 that is 100.00 feet Southerly of the
Judicial Montunent at the Northeast corner of said 1/4-1/4;
them;e Southwesterly to a point on the West lir� of said
1/4-1/4 that is 194.20 feet Northerly of the Jwdicial
Monument at the Southwest oorner of said 1/4-1/4 and there
terminating. Containing 4.58 acres.
Parcel 7
Al1 that part of Government Lot 1 of Section 15, 7.bwnship 28 North,
Range 22 West that lies Southeasterly of a line that is described
as follows: Conmencing at a point o� the East line of the
Northeast 1/4 of the Northw�est l/4 of said Section 15 that
is 100.00 feet Southerly of the Judicial Nlonument at the
Northeast corner of said 1/4-1/4; thence Southeasterly
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Masanz In Favor Finance & Manaf�ement Services
Sonnen Against BY
Tedesco Director
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
� � � ��
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By `��� ���� $S
Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
a . ,
. , . �
_ . .
,, r^.�...� J��.cti�-,_c�_�.�,�,T �
- ' . . ��.5=��0 �3
'. to a point on the west lin,e of said 1/4-1/4 that is 194.20
feet Northerly of the Judicial Monument at the Southwest �
� . corner of said 1/4-1/4 said point being the point of
beginning of the line to be described in said Government
Lot ��l ; thence continuing Southwesterly along the extension
� . of last described line to a point� on the South line of said
� Government Lot 1 that is 250. 00 feet Westerly of the Judicial
� Monument at the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 1 and
there terminating. Containing 0. 55 acres .
FURTNER RESOLVED, that, subject to the concurrence of the
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners as expressed by its reso-
lution, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve
and authorize the proper city officers to execute an easement
to the State of Minnesota over a portion of property located
within Pigs Eye Island and descri�bed as follows for the purpose
of protecting and perpetuating the heron rookery present on
the� .said premises :
That part of the I�orthwest Quarter of the Nor�h��est Quar�et o� Sec�i�oz
� 23 , Township 28 North, Range 22 Wes�, which lies westerly of the
followi�g describe�i lines ••
. Becinning at a point on ,the south line of said P�orthwes� Quarter
- of the rlorthwest Quarter that is 3�84 . 07 fee*_ East of the southwest
� corner; thence North 14° 42 ' Tr'est for 1370 .89 feet to a point
-� . - o-n the nor.th .1=i�ne of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest � � �
� Qua'rter that is �33 .14 feet East of the northwest corner and
t:�ere terminating. .
� � That ca_t o� Goverr_ment Lot 1 of �ectien 2 3 , Towns:�ip 28 Vorth, P.�r.ge
22 TCest, wh_ch lies caesterly of t::� fo11��YinS zescribec li:�e -
. Comr►encing at the northwest corner oi sain Gover:unent Lot 1;
thence Nort: 89° 43 ' East along the north line of said Governmen�
Lo� 1 for 730 . 3? fe_t to the point of beginning o= the Iir.e to be
describea; . ther.ce South 14° 42 ' East for 1323 .74 fe�t, more or less,
� to a point on the south line of said Government Lot 3 that is 230 . 32
feet VVest of t:�e southeast corner and the=e terninating.
That �art of the Southcaest c�uarter of the Northwest Quarte_ and
Gcve:^::�ent Lot 1 of �ecti�n 23 ; the Southc�es� Quarter of tY±e South��es� �
Quarter o� •5•ec�ion 1� ; that, part of the Sou�'�west Quarter �of the
•. SoLtheast Quarter lying southeas�erly or a l�ne beginning at the . -
� no�theas� corn�r oz said Southwes� Quar�er o� the� Southeas� Quarte=,
-- ther.ce south��es�erly to a pcint on the sou�: line o� said Sout:-�wes�
Ql1a.L'�E� Or t::e Southeas� Qlld��e� �tlz:. 15 ���Ci i2°� j4est Oi 1�S SOL�:�.'_S`
COr:':EZ' ar.d t�7C':? �E=II1171dt1:7Q and t�'i2 Southeas� QLl�C=�Er Of t:';E $OU�::@cS�
QuaL�er oL Sc-c�ion 15 ; and the Nor�neast Quar�er of the Nor�:east
Quar�_= ar.d Gove=nnent Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section 22 , Towns:Zip 28 No=�:,,
Rance 22 Hest, t:�a� is encer�passed by a lir.e describec as fol?cr�s : _
. �
• , : . - =- � � ��s-��y 3
,- , .
Corrsr,er_c_ng zt t?:e southeas� corne* of Government Lot 4 of Section
15 , Township 28 ?Jorth, Range 22 West; thence northwes�e=ly, for a
. distance o� 1200 . 0 feet, along a line tnat passes through the mid
point o= the south lot line oi Lot 10 , Block 3 , Riverside Par?� A83_
��on, �a a �oint herein to be referred to as Point "�" ; ther.c�
sout Ywesterly by a de:lection angle to �he left of 110° , fcr a
distance o= 800 feet more or less to t:�e easterly bank of the
riississippi Fiver , and also being the point. oi begizning of the
line to be cescribec: � •
The_^.ce AO?"�.^.EcS�e=iV re_rac=;1CJ ZzSt said COLl�Se �O said ?O?I;L ��P.��
. theace sout'r.easterly �to the sout'�east corr.er o� Gove=n�ent Lo� 4
• of Sec�_on 15 , Towr.ship 28 ?�o�*:�, Range 22 r:es�; t:�enc� sout:�ast-
erly to the inter�ection witn the we's�er].y e::tension 'o� t:�e sou�h
line of the Soutnwest �uarte= of the N01'�hwes� Quaz�er oz Sec�=on
' 23 , Township 28 North, Range 22 ��Tes�, at a point that is 470 . 0
feet wes� o= the wes� quarte= corr.er of said Section 2�; thence
cortir.uing sout:�eas�er?y, or. �he sout::eas�erly e:��ensioz oi ?as�
� said line for a distance of 800 . 00 feet; tnence to the left,
a?ong a curve w=t:� a radius of 450 feet to t'r.e inte^section
wit:� a line that is 400 feet southwes�erlv of, when measLred at
. r��t'1� d:�s�°_S t.0 tI7B describec LlilE ��ey�� ; the�ce hort�l 1�° �' 2 �
. west a?ong a line whicn is .400 fee*_ -wes�erly of and parallel with
" descri�ed line "e1" to an intersec�ion wit:z the west line og �the .
Southwest Quarter of Section 14 , Townshi� 28 North, Rance 22 �
West; thence. North.0° 38 ' 30" 4tes� alonc the west line of said
Soutr,:�est QLarter of Section 14 to t:�e interse�tion toit:i the
• --� � - • •• - southkes�erly e:{�ension of descri�e3 L� ::�. "I3" ; thence Vor�:� 75°
--�. :=�'. j" -•--=-i�� -�'a�t to the point of beginni::g o.�'.� L].*:e "B" ; thence along
descri�ed Line "B" to..its intersection with the right-o=-way
line of the Chicago , Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rai'_road;
t'�eace northwesterly alcng said rig:it-of-clay lir.e to its inte=-
section with the north line •of t::E So�:�h:oest Quar�er of said
. Sec��c:. 1;, Townslii.� 2B :�ort::, RaMGe 22 �•:es�; t::ence wes�er?v
alonc tze north line o= said Sou��west �uar.ter o' �ec�=on 14 ;
- thence a�ong"tl�� north 1_ne e= the Sout�east Quarter ar.� the
nor�h line of the P�ortheast Quarter ci t�e Southwest Quarter
, and along the north line of Gover�.ment Lo� 3 , all in Sec�ion 15 ,
Township 28 North, Itar.ge 22 �aest to t^e easter?y bank of tZe
' Mississippi Rive=; thence sou��e=11 a?ong sa=d easterl.� bank
_ of the Mississippi River to t?�P noint o� beginn�ng.
, ` � . •
For the ber.efit of the ai�ove desc�iDtion, said line "A" and "�" are
` desc_i:.eci as follows :
Cc.��E.^.c_r:g at the sou�:.• �quartz= cor::e_ o= Sec��on 23�, Tewns;zip 28
y0i�:':� �cI1C° 22 ti'�25i�i t`.i72:7C° i1Ci�:'i S9° 42 � �??S�� Z�OP.C> tL.::E
sou�h I_ne of Goverznent Lc� 2� o� said Sec�:on 23 , for a �_stance
o� �800 . 00 fee� to tne poin� o� beginr.iac o� L'_ne "P." ; t::�.^.ce
ho��h 14° 42 ' L�est, for a d�s�ance o� 5389 . 49 feet, more or
` e
WM.JTE — CITV CLERK . � , , .
.PINK — FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � �/��/
o :
� Council Resolution �
Presented By ,
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
� less , to a point on the north line of sa:d Section Z3 , nis�ar,t
4a8�. 1� feet eas�erly oi the nor��wes� corner ��ereof; �he.Rce
con�_nuing North 1�° 42 ' West �or a dis�ance oi 481.00 fest; thence
hTorth 34° 36 ' 3Q" Eas4 for a distance o= 6�9 . 47 fe�t; t�e�ce
North 14° �2 ' Wes� for a 'dis�ance of 5�0 . 00 ���t �o t�'�e teYminus
o= Line "A" and a2so �he poizt oT beginning o�: Line - pB"; thezce
Nor�h 75° 18 ' East� for a: distznce of 885 .OQ feet; thence South
14° ��2 ' East ior a distance of 381.00 fe�t; thence Nort�: 75°
18 ' Eas;. fcr a dis�a:�ce of 1063 .28 fent morn or less to �he
sou�nc•resterly right-of-way line of the C:�icago,Milc,raukee, St.
� P�ul and Paci�ic Rai?road and there ter�inating.
� . . . ; - _
� . ` �
, • • GOUIVCILMEN � � � Requested by Department of: - �"
Yeas Nays
D�ew �
�. Masanz Itl Favor
Scheibel O
" sonnen _ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date �EC 2 � j7u� Form Approved by City Attotney
Certified Pa. e b} Council ret BY
Appro y Navor: Date DEC 2 7 1�v� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
Pt��IfSHED J A N 4 198ft '
- - -
T - -
Valuationsy-tRoom 218 �DUnC • �esol tion
. �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
to a p�int on the w�est line f said 1/4-1/4 that is 194.20
feet Northerly of the Jud' ial Monument at the Southw�est
oorner of said 1/4-1/4 s d point being the point of
beginning of the line be described in said Goverr�ment
Lot l; thence contin 'ng Southvaesterly along the extension
of last described 1' to a point on the South line of said
Goverrunent Lot 1 at is 250.00 feet Westerly of t1�e Judicial
Moniunent at the utheas� corner of said Governmen� Lot 1 and
there terminati g. Containing 0.55 acres.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
� Finan e m
In Favor
_ � __ Against B
�' ctor
Form Approve by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified P�:s d y ouncil , e By C� � � ��-
sy �
Approved by i4layor: Date _ Approv by Mayor for Subm' io o uncil
By� - - — BY
Finance & Mgmt Services �, ^ DEPARTMENT _�b�N� 3064
298-5317 PHONE
Aug 9, 1985 DATE �e��
_ -- � - -
ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) :
Department Director 2 Director o Management/Mayor
•�'� Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk
Budget Director 3 Councilman N icosia
City Attorney
Adopt resolution suthorizing the conveyance of land (see attachec3a�e�o�u��dn)
by Quit Claim Deed between the City and the Metro Waste Control Commission.
/,i�i; "� ;; ��3�
nRi/(', �:l'��l•i . �
I.�.s:�.... _ �..ii ��.f .
N one
ture not re-
Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under
Funding Source: N/A f-,._ ,�_,
Activity Number: R���`���
�U� � 9
ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al l Attachments� : RECEIVED ,,,,� �7�?Y�,q'S �
1. Beaolution �F�`!l'`
2. Copy of resolution 281223 AU G 141985
3. Copy of tlWCC Reaolution 84-287
4. Copy of Agreement OF��CE OF THE DIRECTOR
�Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes �C No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes �No Insurance Attached:
Revised 12/84
l, to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures
2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval
3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if
required-, attachefl.
Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make
decisions on the do�uments and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. _
The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PExSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain
the cost/benefit'`�spects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City
budget (General Fund and�or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost
to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact
is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions.
�, .
If a CONTRACT amount is less. than $10,000., the,.Mayor's signature, is not required, .
if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the
outside agency before routing through City offices.
Below is the �referred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents:
CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists)
1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor
2. Initiat�.ng Department 5. Finance Director
3. City Attorney � 6. Finance Accounting
l. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department
2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney
3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk
5. City Clerk
6. Chief Accountant, F&MS
COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others)
1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department
2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney
3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk
5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council
6. City Clerk
7. City �Council
8. Chief Accountant, F&MS . c�.�.. .
SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attaC3zments. If the- .
Green Sheet is well done, r�o letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing .
such a letter is one of the requested actions) . . .
Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of
Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing.
Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include:
1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit.
2. Collective bargaining contracts.
3. Purchase, sale or lease of land.
4. Issuance of bonds by City.
5. Eminent domain.
6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification.
7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing
funding. �
8. Budget amendments.
.�, s�
�„���. �"�
. ��s-/�9�
Adopted by the Council December B,1983.
Approved December 9,1983. . Fund 2
(December 17,1983) 230
Net Ct
Council File No.281223—BY Bob Fletcher— 230
WHEREAS, Ramsey County and the City ot Saint Paul desire to enter into agreements
whereby the CitY would agree to assume responsibility for the maintenance and operatlon o[ Net Ct
Lllydale Regional Park,which presentlY is owned in paR both by the City and County,and
whereby the County would agree to assume responsibilily for the maintenance and operation of RF
Battle Creek Regional Park Complex(including Pigs Eye Lake section)which is pmsently owned
in part both by the City and County,including the provision for¢onveying title to the unit ot A�
government, respectively, which will be responsible for each of•the regional parks; now, A�
therefore,be it
RESOLVED,That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hcreby approve the agrecments
between the City and Ramsey County where6y the City would convey its title and.intemsts to
that portion of Battle Creek Park, including Pigs Eye Lake,to the county provided that thc
county agrees to assume the maintenance and operation of a regional park and open space
program known as the Sattle Creek Regional Park Complex consistent with the Metropolitun
Council's epproved plan for recreational developmenl of the area,and whereby the county would
convey to the City its title and interests to Lilydale Regional Park provided that the City agmes Counc
to assume the maintenance and operation ot a rnBlonal park and open space program mnsistent R'
wlth the Metropolitan Council's approved plan for recreational development of the area,and thc
proper City officen are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same agreements and City C
'. deeds of conveyance contemplated by said agreements, copies of said agreements to be FROr
# maintained on file in the office of the Department of Finance and Management Services. G�
� G
Adopted by the Council December 8,1983. �
� A,pproved December 9,1983. OS
(December 17,1983) '
3 � TO:
Council File No.281224—By James Scheibel— A
RESOLVED,That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 0[lhc
City Charter,there is hereby transferred the following in the 1983 General Fund Budget: q
General Government Accounts
Contingent Reserve Speci[ied
Operating Transfcr Out � a17�77
09061•537-000 --
TO: �
Public Works Coun
Recycling Program p
Operating Transfer Out 517.67T City
Adopted by the Council December S,1983. C
Approved December 9,1983. �
(December 17,1983) � �
` F
, �
Council File No:281225—BY James Scheibel— � �
WHEREAS.The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the ChaRer of the City oi Saint Paul, �
does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated
in the 1982 badget,and �
WHEREAS,Council File 277510,adopted October 1,1981,did establish certain Special Fund �
WHEREAS,The Mayor recommends the following additions be made to the 1983 budget:
. C� �=5-���3
. Planning
M E T R 0 P 0 L I T A N W A S T E C 0 N T R 0 L C O M M I S S I 0 N
350 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
WHER�AS, The Metropr�litan Waste Coritrol Carnnission staff requested on r�ril
18 , 1984 , that the City of St. Paul transfer land to the Carunission to �
provide access to maintain the Effluerit Channel at the lower end � the
Metropolitan Wastewater Treat�nt Plant; and
WHEREAS, The Commission and the City of St. Paul have agreed upon a land
transfer which will be �tually ber�eficial; and
WHEREAS, The Pig's �e Coalition is not opposed to the land trarsfer provided
potential eagle roosting trees are mt re�noved; and
WHEREAS, The Commission has no plan to ranave the potential eagle roosting
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Metropolitan Waste Control
C ommi s s i o n he r eby authori zes its Chaircnan and DEputy Chi ef Adnini strator to
execute the transfer of land with the City of St. Paul.
Adopted this 21st day of Angust, �1984
M E T R 0 P 0 L I T A N W A S T E C O N T R 0 L C 0 M M I S S I 0 N
. ,'
S2c� f T2t7 /f''��✓w / ��A�� �{`��u�/i/
yl r+l
Peter E. Meint Louis . Breimhurst
Chairn�an De�uty Chief Ac�ninistrator
' �-�5�-/69�
, ��. �' � �� .
. , • � •
: . - .
THIS ;+GREEMENT, Made and entered into this 3^'� day of
, 198� by and between the CITY Of SAINT PAUL,
a mun ipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called
"SAINT PAUL", and the COUNTY OF RAMSEY, a political subdivision of the
State of Minnesota, hereinafter called "RAMSEY";
WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized by law to acquire, maintain
and operate lands for park and apen space purposes; and
WHEREAS, the Parties fi ave authority, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes
� 471.59 to enter into agreements for the �oint or cooperative exercise of
any power comnon to them; and
WNEREAS, the Parties wish to enter intu a �oint exercise of powers
�agreement �o asto provide that SAINT PAUL shall be responsible for the develop-
ment, operation, maintenance and contro� of the Harriet Island-Lilydale
- Reg�onal Park Complex. nnd that RAMSEY shall be responsible for the develop-
ment, operation, maintenance and control of the Pigs Eye Lake, and aYl otfier
sectians of Battle Creek Regional Park. except the Fish Natchery Lake and
Indian Nbunds section of Battle Creek Regional Park which. SAINT PAllL shall
develop, vperate, maintain and contrfll.
� PART i ,
1, RA�iSEY Responsibilities for Harriet Isla�d-Lilydale Regional Park.
RAMSEY shall have the following responsibilities with� respect to Harciet
Island-Lilydale Regional Park:
a . RAMSfY shall within 90 days of the �ffettive date of this egreement,
� -1-
� . - . , �-�s-��9.�
convey by Quit Claim Deed to SAINT PAUL fee title to all lands rrhich
1t now owns r+ithin the Narriet Island-Lilydale Regional Park Complex,
,ns shoKn on the attached Exhfbit I. Conveyance of title by Rffi�tSEY
sha11 be conditioned on SAINT PAUL's maintenance of the property as
public park and open space use consistent with the Metropolitan
Councll 's approved plan for recreational use of the area.
b. RAMSEY shall act as the agent of SAINT PAUL and shall acquire in the
name of SAINT PAUL property Nithin the Harriet Island-Liiydale Reqional
Park Cornplex until all parce�s in the Park have been acquired as
inditated on the attached Exhibit �. The acquisition of these properties
shall take place in accordance r+ith the policies nnd procedures of
� RAMSEY at no expense to SAINT PAUL.
c. RAMSEY has entered into an agreement with Lilydale dated July 27, 1981
Khereby Lilydale provides police patrol and protection for that portlon
of the Harriet Island-Lilydale Reg:ional Park canplex� located withln
Lilydale and Dakota for t�e annual sum of �26,000.00• Contfngent an
this Agreemebt becoming effective. RAMSEY shall t�rminate its egreement
with tilydale for police patrol and protection service� effective
December 31 , 1983 and RAMSEY shall have no responsibility to provide
police patrol and protectiori services for Harriet Island-lilydale
Regiortal Park after Oecember 31 , 1983.
d. RAMSEY shall terminate its permit agreement with Nortfitrn Sky G1lders
Association, Inc. , dated May 23. 197�8 which is attached as Exhibit II.
- 2 - '
� .
� .
• , - � ��s-��93
ahich grants permission for the esta6lishment and operation and hang
gliding activities on a portion of the Harriet Island-Lilydale Regional
' Park no later than 90 days 'after the effective date of this agreement.
SAINT PAUL may, 1n its discretion enter into a similar permit agreement.
2. SAINT PAUL Responsibilities for Harriet Island Lilydale Reqional Park.
SAINT PAUL shall have the following responsibilities with respect to Harriet
Island-Lilydale Regional Park:
a. SAINT PAUL shall develop, operate, maintain and control the entire
Harriet Island-Lilydale Regional Park, as shown on the attached map
marked Exhibit I, as a public park and open space consfstent with the
Metropolitan Council 's approved plan for recreational use of the area. .
� b. 'SAINT PAUL shall develop, operate, maintain and control the entire
. ,
' Harriet I31and-Lilydale Regional Park, as shown on Lhe a�tached map
marke.d Exhibit I, as a public park and open space consiste�t with the
• terms of the Joint Exercise of Pcwers Agreement dated September 2�, �
1972 by and betwe�n RAMSEY, DAKOTA, and LIL'YDAtF, a copy of which is
attached as Exhibit iIi.
3. Termination of Existin� Aqreement between RAMSEY and SAINT PAUI.
RAMSEY and SAINT PAU! hereby mutually agree to termieate the previous agreement .
between SAINT PAUL end RAMSEY for Lilydale-Harriet Is1�nd-Nav�r Island Regional � �
Park complex, dated t�ctober 4, 1977, wfiich is attached hereto as Exhlbit IV,
upon the effective date of tfiis Agreement.
� .
1. RAMSEY Responsibilit�es for Battle Creek Reqional Park. RAMSEY shall
have the following responsibilities with respect to Bettle Creek Regionel Park:
, � . . , �..�s-���.�
. • a. RAMSEY shall develon� operate. �aintain and control the entire Battle
Creek Regional Park Ca;�plex, as shown on the attached map marked
. Exhibit V which is made a �part of this agreement. as nublic park and
open space consistent with the� Metropolitan Council 's approved plan
for recreational use of the area.
b. RAMSEY shall obtain in writing all approvals as required b Minn
y .
�Stat. Sec. 383A.07, Sub. 4 for the Battle Creek Reaional Park property
conveyed by SAINT PAUL to RRMSEY pursuant to this agreement.
. 2. SA1NT PAUL res onsibilities for Rattle Creek Reaional Park. SAINT
PAUL shall have the following responsibilities ►vith respect to Battle Creek
Regional Park:
a., • SAINT PAUL sha11 continue to own, operate and maintain the Indian
: Mounds Section and the Fish Hatchery Lake Section of Battie Creek
Regional Park, as shown on the attached map m.arked Exhibit V.
b. SAINT PAUL shall within 90 days of the effective date of this agree-
ment convey by Quit Claim deed to RAMSEY fee title to all lands yvhich �
� it now awns within the Pigs Eye� Lake Section and Battle Creek Sect�on
of the Battle Creek Regional Park, as shown on the attached Exhibit V.
Conveyance of title by SAINT PAUL shall be conditinrted on RAMSEY's
maintenance of the property as public park and open space use con-
sistent with the Metropolitan Council 's approved pian for recreation
use of the area.
3. Pa�ment of Special Benefit Assessments levied for storm Hater Improve
ments an Ba±tle Creek Reaional Park Pro ert . The Ramsey-Washingtan Metro
Watershed District has levied special benefit assessments a�ainst the property
described in Exhibit V of this aoreement for storm wa.ter ir�provements known
as "Lower Ravine Restoration" for Battle Creek Pro�ect No. 1 . RAMSEY shail
_d_ .�
, . F' �- ' � ,/C�',5-/lo�_3
. ' .
�nake application� to the Metropolitan Counc�l for the purpose of obtainino
. funding for the acquisitlon end development of the Battle Creek Regional
. Park complex� which application shall include a request for funds to be
used to pay the special benefit assessments levied against SAINT PAUL owned
� property described 1n Exhibi�t Y for Battle Creek Pro�ect No. 1 . The sum of
� the total estima�ed assessments levied against the property is 5404.994.00.
Upon the condition that the Metropolitan Council provides funds to RAMSEY
to pay these assessments, RAMSfY agrees to reimburse SaINT PAUL for all
previous and future payments made by SAINT PAUL on account of the special
assessments levied by the Ramsey-Wasfiington Metro Watershed District N0. 1.
. RAMSEY shall pay these assessments with Metropolitan Council funds made
available from the Council 's 1983-84 or subsequent Capi�tal Improvement Plans.
If the Metropolitan Courtcil does not provide RAMSEY witfi funds to pav the
speciel benefit assessments, SAINT PAUL hereby agrees to pay all special 'beriefit
nssessments heretofore levied and pending Dy tfie Remsey-Nashington Metro
MFatenhed District for siorm water improvements k�own as "Lower Ravine�
Restoration" for Battle Creek Pro�e+ct No. 9 against tfie properLy as sfiown
on Exhibit Y. RAMSf� ngree� to pay all assessments for� future improvements
not presently lev�ed and �ending again�t L�e property as shown on Exhibit Y
after the property is conveyed to RAMSfY pursuant to the tenr�s of this
agreement. SAINT PAUL agrees to pay a11 special benefit assessments levied
against the praperty as sfiawn in �xhibit V which is not conveyed to RAt�SEY.
1. Hold Harmless. SAINT PRUL and RAMSfY each agree to hold the other.
party harmless for any �nd all tlaims which ar#se out of eitfier SAINT PAUL's
or RAMSEY's acquisition, deve]opment, operation, or maintenance of tfie
_r_ '�:
, � � . ` ��'.s-/�93
. �. • , - .
. Lilydale Regional Park or Battle Creek Regional Park
2. Effective Date. This agreeme�� shall be effective on the date first .
above written and to be inserted by SA1NT PAUL's Director of Finance and
Management Services.
3. Completeness of AQreement. This agreement contains the complete
agreement of the parties hereto and may only be modified or amended by a
writing signed' by both parties. . • '
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands on the dates written
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0 a t e ; December 19, 1985
TO = SQ�nt PQUI City Councii
F R � M � C o m m it t e e O h ENERGY, UTILITIES F� F�WIRONMENT
C H A 1 R Coi.mcilmember Kiki Sonnen
Resol��-�on authorizing an exchanoe of land between the City` afld the
Metropolitan Waste Control C�renission wi�hin the Pig's Eye Lake.Area
. to provide tt�e,City with aceess to land allocated for the Wild Life
Sanetua.ry anc� to pr�vide the Metropolitan Waste �Control Co�nission
' w:ith a mare wiifonn boundary line for the property it now owns adjacent to
thE sanctua.ry area, and long-term easement of Pig's Eye Island No. 2
(heron rookery) to the Minnesota Departrient of Natural Resources as a
State Scientific and Natural Area.
' At its meeting of December 18, 1985, the Energy, Utilities
and Environment Co�mnittee recatluriended approval of the
above resolution as amended (amendment attached) .
W1i1TE � CITY GItRK � � • � � �� I
P�NK � FINANCE � � COII�Cll �� v
_ C4NARv ...CEP�,pTMENT �ITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �'�' /�P�/.�-
v��ionsy t�om zi$ . C ncil esolution . � � .
. ,
Presented By '
Referred To ��G 2�Y 8'� �7--�j
Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
W�'AS, by Council Resolution No. 281223, dated December 9, 1983, the
Council of the City of Saint Paul approved an agreement with Ramsey County
for the exchange of land and responsibility in Harriet Island/Lilydale and
Battle Creek Regional Parks; and,
Sn�HEREAS, in fur�herance of such agreement and prior to the above
referenced exchange of land, it w�uld be mutually beneficial for the City of
Saint Paul and the Nietropolitan Waste Control CAmmission to enter into an
exchange of land 2ocated within the Pig's Eye Lake Area to provide the City
with access to land allocated for the Wild Life Sanctuary in the Pig's Eye
Area and provide the Metropolitan Contxol Gommission with a more uniform
boundary line for the property it ryaw owns adjacent to the sanctuary area�
NOW �REE'ORE HE IT RESOLVID, that the proper City Officers are hereby
authorized and directed to convey by Quit Claim Deed to the Metropol.itan
Waste Cor.trol Comnission the follawing described land;
Parcel 2
The East 1/2 of the Nc�rth 54.65 acres of the South 1/2 of the
-�� -Northwest quarter of. Section 10, Township 28 North, Range 22 Wes� ---
lying Easterly of the follawing described line: Beginning at a point
on the North line of the South 1/2 of the Northwest quarter
distant 200 feet Easterly of the West line of the East 1/2 of
said Nortnwes� quarter, thenc� Southw�esterly to a point on
the South line of the said North 54.65 acres distant 150 feet
r'�ast of the West line of the East 1/2 of said Northvaest quarter
said line also being the most Easterly line of Tract I RQgistered
Land Survey No. 305, and lying Southwesterly of a line described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the most Easterly line of said
Tract I that is 657.16 feet Northerly of the Southeasterly corner of
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Masanz ' �
N��os�s In Favor —
Scheibel / / ,�v�/
Sonnen A gai n s t BY
Tedesco Directar
Wilson � � ;� "
Form Approved by C' y Attorney
Adopted by Councit: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By _s a\lL��C.���� �� l� �� S .
Approved by 18avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By _
� •• , '. �•,�.LRTMENT ` , • G I TY O F CONACIl -_��-i V� ��
iM��oR SAINT PAUL File NO. � �5 I��t�
-``urn �°Py t°: �ou il Re lution
' Valuations - Room 218 •
. , /
Presented By - ✓
Referred To Committee:. Date
Out of Committee By Date
described in said Goverr�ment Lot 2; thence co�tinuing South-
westerly along the extensi� of last described line to the
shoreline of the Mississippi River and there termi.nating.
Containing 5.8 acres more or less.
BE IT FURTF�R RESOLVED, that the proper City Officers are hereby
authorized and directed to accept by Quit Claim Deed from the Metropolitan
Waste Control Comnission the follawi.ng described property;
Parcel 1
All that part of Tract I, �egistered Land Survey No. 305 that lies
Northeasterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the irost Easterly line of said Tract I that is 657.16 feet
l�rtherly of the Southeasterly corner of said Tract I; thence
Northwesterly a distance of 519.03 feet to a point on the
Northerl� line of said Tract I that is 131.42 feet Westerly of
the most Northeasterly corner of said Tract I and there
terminating. Containing 0.84 acres. Said Parcel 1 subject
- -— to an ingress-egress easement in favor of the Metropolitan -
Waste Con�rol Canmission.
Parcel 3
That part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest ],/4 of
Section 10, Township 28 North, Range 22 West that lies Southerly of
the Southerly line of the North 54.65 acres of the South
1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 10 and North-
easterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the Southerly line of said North 54.65 acres that
is 545.10 feet Easterly of the Southeasterly corner of Tract I,
R,egistered Land Survey No. 305; thence Southeasterly a distance of
516.54 feet to a point on the Northerly line of Tract E said
Registered Lar�d Survey that is 305.15 feet Westerly of `khe
COUNCILN��ining 4.34 acres.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Masanz (n Favor Finance & ManaQem_ent Servi ces
Sonnen A gains t BY
Tedesco D ir ec to r
Adopted by Council: Date
Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By • �l�d �C :`'� �l �3 � `�
Approved by Ylavor• Date Approved by Mayor Eoc Submission to Council .
_. _
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��uc _ v _
Return to: !'�i�e _itQ .. ` -
•Valuations – Room 218 CQ Cll ,� Qlu�Z�n �
� � �
Presented By ' . _ / �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out.of Committee By Date
Parcel 4
That part of Tract E, Registered Land Survey No. 305 that lies
Northeasterly of a line described as follaws: Beginning at a
point on the Northerly line of said Tract E that is 305.15
feet Westerly of the Northeast corner of said Tract E; thence
� Southeasterly a distance of 499.91 feet to a point on the
Easterly line of said Tract E that is 395.00 feet Southerly
of the Northeast o�rner of said Tract E and there ternunating.
Containing 1.38 acres.
Parcel 5
All that part of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the
Northwest 1/4 of Secti� 15, Tawnship 28 North, Range 22 West
that lies Southeasterly of a line described as follows:
Beginning at a point � the Fast line of said Northeast
1/4 of Northwest 1/4 that is 100.00 feet Southerly of the
Judicial Monument at the Northeast corner of said 1/4-1/4;
�°�`- thence SoutYiwesterly to a point on the West line of said �-
1�4-1/4 that is 194.20 feet Northerly of the Judicial
I�nument at the Southwest corner of said 1/4-1/4 and there
terminating. Contai.ning 4.58 acres.
Parcel 7 `
All that part of Government Lot 1 of Section 15, Township 28 North,
Range 22 West that lies Soutlleasterly of a line that is described
as follows: C.o�nencing at a point on the East line of the
Northeast 1/4 of �he Northwest 1/4 of said Section 15 that
is 100.00 feet Southerly of the Judicial MonLm�ent at the
Northeast corner of said 1/4-1/4; thence Southeasterly
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N ays
D�ew •
Ma�"z - [n Favor Finance & Ma.naQement Services _
Sonnen Against BY
T�� Director
� Wiison
Adopted by Council- Date Form Approved by City Attorney
� ���.�� � �/i 3 ��S
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
Approved by 4lavor- Oate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY � BY —
..»-;- _::�_..�-E. �i I TY �� A
_�.�...._oE.......��T O F .SA I N T P Council
_.. .�..� _....o.. . � AUL
-• xetuiza copy to: File N 0.,_��-/�Cj?,
� va]:uations - Room 218 �Q nc�l soluti
Presented gy � �n � Q A
• � (��"4�
Referred To �
Out of Commitiee By Committee: Date
said Tract I; thence Southeasterly a distance of 830.70 feet to a
point on the Southerly line of said North 54.65 acres that is 545.10
feet Easterly of the Southeasterly aorner of said Tract I and there
terminating. Containing 4.1 acres.
Parcel 6
Northw�est�� °f �e South 1/2 of the Northeast ],/4 of the
1/4 of Section 15. �b�wry�hip 28 North. gange 22 West
that lies Northwesterly of a line described as foua,us.
a point on the East line of said Northeast 1/4 of Northwe�l�ing at
1/4 that is 100.00 feet Southerly of the Judicial Mon�m�ent at
the Northeast corner of said 1/4-1 4• thenae
a p�int on the y�Test line of said / � SO�i''�Sterly to
Northerly of the Judicial Nlpnument t the�Soauthw�St4corneret
of said 1/4-I/4 and t�ere tiernti.natinq. C�taining 3.32 acres.
Parcel 8
---- Al]- that:-Part of Goverr�nent Lot 2 of Section I5
Range 22 West that lies Northwesterly of a line�arid its1S�outhw�ester'ly
extension that is described as foua„is.
on the East line of the iJortheast ��cing at a point
Section 15 that is 100.00 feet Southerly of �er���ial M�num��a
at the Northeast corner of said 1/4-1/q; ther�� �u��sterly
through a point on the y�est line of said
194.20 feet Northerly of the Judicial Mon�nent at4�ea�u��st
aorner of said 1/4 - 1/4 to a point on the North line of said
Goverr�ment Lot 2 that is 250.00 feet Westerly of the Judicial
M°nument at the Northeast aorner of said Government I,�t 2
said point beinq the point of beginning of the line to be
Drew . Nays Requested by Department of:
nt�cosia �_ In Favor Financ -& a m • '
Sonnen �*/�� w -
-r.des�o ---- Against i' / `
. / D �--r
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary C � Q
B� _
BY �.."'� � 3 c�S—
Approved by 1+Iavor: Date
Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council
� '- • ' ---- __ ... _ __ _. . -- --_ __. -- ------ .. __ ._ --
^ . `�« _. .__- . _ Council �� �
. = ::�� �E GITY OF SAINT PALTL ��"`/(�� �
�-�' wv -Or.r�wrw�ENT File �O. .
i•:y6 �wi►row .
Valuationsy-tRoom 218 ��unC ' Resol tion
� � �j
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date ---�
to a p�int on the west line of said 1/4-1/4 that is 194.20
feet Northerly of the Judicial Monwnent at the Southwest
oorner of said 1/4-1/4 said point being the point of
beginning of the line to be described in said Goverr�ment
IAt 1; thence continuing Soukhwesterly along the extension
of last described line to a point on the South line of said
Government Lot 1 tha� is 250.00 feet Westerly of the Judicial
Monument at the Southeast corner of said Government IAt 1 and
there termi.nating. (bntaining 0.55 acres.
COUNCILI7EN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays ^
F' a e -
In Favor
�.r " ; 2�_/
Against B � D'�ector
�� �
Form Approve by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �-� � �r
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �
By. ; � �
Approv by Mayor for Subm� sio Co uncil
Approved by Vlavor: Date
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Adopted by the Council December 8,1983.
Approved December9,1983. . , Fui:c::
(December 17,1983) '-"`�
Councii File No.281223—By Bob Fletche� Z�p
WHEREAS, RamseY County and the City ot Saint Paul desire to enter into agrcemcnts
• whereby the City would agree to assume responsibility for the maintenanee and operation ot :�et C:-..
Lilydale Regional Park,which presently is owned in part both by thc City and County,and `c
whereby the County would agree to assumo responsibl��tY�or the maintenancc and operation ot 9_
Battie Cmk Regional Park Complex(ineluding PiQS Eye Lake section)which is pmsently own�d
- in paR both by the City and County,ineluding the provision for conveying title to the unit ot y;
governmmt, respeetively, which will be rosponsible for each ot'the regional parks: now, �.
��` ' therefore,be it
a�; RESOLVED.That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does heceby approve the agrecrtx�nts
- between the City and Ramsey County whereby the City would convey its title and intcrests tu
- that portion of Battle Cmk Park,including PiBs EYe Lake,to the county provided that thc
rnunty agrees to assume the maintenanee and operation o[a rngional park and open spacc
program known as the Battle Creek Regional Park Complex consistent with the Metropolit•rn
Council's approved plaa for rec�ational development of the ama,and whernby the county would
4' convey to the City ita title and interests to Lilydale Regional Park provided that the City agrccs
� _ Cour.c.
tb assume the maintenance and operation ot a mgional park and open space program consistent Ry
_- with the Metropolitan Council's approved plan for recreational development of the arca,�nd the Cit}�C:
-� - pmper Clty officezs are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same agreements and
- deeds of eonveyance contemplated by said agreements, copies of said agreements to be FRC:`•:
maintained on file in the office ot the Department of Finance and Management Services. G�
Adopted by the Council December 8,1983. '
- qpproved Decembes 9.1983. �;
(December 17,19831 •
'=� � • ' TO:
Council File No.281224—SY Jamez Scheibel—
RESOLVED.That upon recommendation ot the Mayor and pursuant to Seclion 10.07.4 ot the r,:
,:•`.;� City Charter,there is hereby transferred the following in the 1983 General Fund Budget:
- General Govemment Accounts
' Contingent Reserve Specified
Operating Trrnslet Out � S�7�77
09061-537-000 -
;:� TO: °
„�; Public Works Cou::.
-r,: Recycling Pro6ram �
;�:�, i �;
Operating Transfer Out 517.677 j Ci.y .
�-r 0200�•537-000
� F9G:
-`.: Adopted by the Council December 8,1983. �
��::s ppproved December 9.1983. "
�;a lDeccmbcr 17.t983) ,
- TO:
.'7. -
Council File No.281225—BY James Scheibel— �_
WHEREAS,The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the ChaAer ot the City of Saint Puul.
-ts� does certify that thereare available forappropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated
'` in the 1982 budget.nnd '
WHEREAS.Council File 277510,adopted October 1,1981,did establish certain Spcei•r1 Fund
~�.. Policies;and ,
g. WHEREAS,The Mayar rcrommends the following additions be made to the 1983 budgct:
_ . ' • �r:'.'�_�_;r-.n_r,y.-,...•.�_�.
., . . f .. ��S-/lo�
'. to a point on the west lir�e of said 1/4-1/4 that is 194.20
feet Northerly of the Judicial Monument at the Southwest •
� . corner of said 1/4-1/4 said point being the point of
beginning of the �ine to be described in said Government
Lot �1 ; thence continuing Southwesterly along the extension
• . of last described line to a point bn the South line of said
Government Lot 1 that is 250. 00 feet Westerly of the Judicial
� � Monument at the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 1 and
there terminating. Containing 0. 55 acres.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that, subject to the concurrence of the
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners as expressed by its reso-
l.ution, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby apprave
and authorize the proper city officers to execute an easement
to the State of Minnesota over � a portion of property located
within Pigs Eye Island and descri-bed as follows for the purpose
of protecting and perpetuating the heron rookery present on
the• said premises :
That part of tre t�orthwest Quarter of �he Nor�h��est Quar�er o� Sec;.ica
� 23 , Township 28 North, Range 22 4�est, which lies westerly of the
fo.i i owi:�g d�scribe�3 linei -
Becinning �� a point on ,the south line of said 2�ort::wes� Qua�te=
� • o� the r�orthwest Quarter that is 3'84 .07 feet East of tre southwes�
� . corner;..thence North 14° 42 ' �Yes� for 1370 .89 feet to a point .
—: . . � � on the . nor.th�.1-ine of the Northwes� Quarter of the- Nart?�west ' � �
Quar�er that is �33 .14 ieet East of the northwest corner and
. . t:�ere terminating. .
That par� o� Goverr_ment Lot 1 of Sectien 2 3 , Towns�_� 28 Vor��.h, P.ar.c�
22 �:es�, wh_cz lies �aesterly of t::e follocyins ��scri�ec l�ze:
. . Comne.^.cing zt the northwest corner o: sain Gover*iment Lot 1;
t..'�ence Nort.`. 89° 43 ' East along tne north line of said Gove�me��
Lo� 1 for 730 . 3? fe=t to the poin� of beginning o= the lir.e to be
descr=�ea; . t:�er.ce South 14° 42 ' Eas� for ?323 .74 feet, more or ?ess,
° to a point on the south line of said Gover:unent Lot ? that is 230 .32
feet Vdest of the soutneast corner and the=e te�inating.
That Dar� of the Southcaest Quarter of t:�e Northwe�st Quar�e= and
CCVE;::::iz:l� Z.O't 1 Oi �ec�ion 23; 'tY:E South�aes� Quarter Oi t�"?E $OIl�T'ltvE:S� '
�ua�te� o� -5'ec�ion 1� ; that. part o� the Sou�`�west Quarte=�of the
�. Sout'�east Quarter lying sout;zeasterly o= a line beg�nning at the . �
' I10��ti:2ZS�. CO�i12= OI Sc�.ld SOt1tY:W@S�. QIlZ_�°=. Oi ti7E' S011i.l72�S� QliZr�A_�
__ �;zr�Cg S01tti':'++eS�E:=Zi' �O z, CClA� OIl tt2e SOU�: '1?I1B O� S31t� SOL'��'1W@5:.
Qllc�`?� G� t::E Soutneas� �L12��@� �t1Z: 15 ���Ci i2°L j�e5�. Oa. ��S SOL'�i_��S�
CO�:':e= cl:a t:1C�_Q -E=�11:1zt1:1Q �riG� �ti'le $OLlt;le'�S� QL2�:�2_ O.T.^ �:;E_' SOL'�:��S_
Qua=�er o� SEC;.ion ?5; and t!:� Nor�neas� Quar�er of ��e Nor�:east
� Q�ar:.�= ard Gove_nnaaz Lots 1, 2 �nd 3 0� Sec�ioa 22 , Towaship 28 ?�o=ta,
Rznce 22 hes" t:^.at is e:�ces,�assea by a lir.e describec as fol:c•.�s : ._
• �
� . . (?�"�'s-/�9�
Co.;.,-r�er_c=ng at t'.:e southeast corner oi Governmer_� Lot a �z Section
15 , Township 28 ?�orth, Range 22 tdest; thence nor�nc•�es�e_?y, for a
. . distance o� 1200 .� �eet, along a line tnat passes througn ��e mid
point o= �::e south lo� line oi Lot 10, Bl.ock 3 , Riverside Park AS::_
t:on, ta a �oint here�.n to be :eferred to as Point "%•" ; �he�ce
sout:�:ester�y by a der�ection angle to `he le=t of 1?0° , fcr a
distance of 800 feet more or less to ttie easterly bank of the
Mississipni River, and also being the point o� beginn:ng of the
line to Ue desc�ibec: � � •
_ . The_^.ce I10==^Ec5�°=�v re_rac=;lc'j. 1.'c.5� Sd1C� COLl�52 �O said ?O.�.I;L °e'1.��
. � �he.^.ce SOLLL'.E'c.S�E��V t0 �i�'le S011t:12d5� COri E= Oi C-0Ve_z;,1er.� Z.O� i
� of Sect'_on l� , Towr.sh:p 28 ?3e:��, R�nge 2? �:es�; t:-�eTc� sout:e�st-
E=�_J t0 �he lI1Le:SE'.0�10ri W?t:1 t!1@ WE?5�c=�y 2::ter.sion �Oi t;E: 5::L'�t'1
line o� the Soutnwes� �uarter o= the Northwes� QuarLer o= Sec�_on
' 23 , Township 28 North, Range 22 West, at a point that is 470 .0
€eet Wes� o= the wes� quart�r corr.er o� sai� Sect�on 23; thencs
CO^t1P.L11I)S SOlitt'le'�S�2.''.�y� �OI: "1@ SOL�a.eZS�e=?y e=!�2T1S10:1 p� �ZS�
said line for a distance o= 801..00 feet; tnence to the leT�,
a?ong a cu=ve wit:� a radius of 450 ieet to the inte^szction
wi�h� a line that is 400 teet southwes�erlv o�, whe:� me�stred �at
. richt ang?;s to tne describec line "h" ; the�ce I�orth 1�° 42 '
. West along a line wnica is .400 feet �wes�erly of and parall�? with
" descri�ed line "A" to an intersec�ion wi�:z the west line o� �the .
. Southwest Quarte= of Section 14 , Townshi? 28 North, Rance 22 �
West; thence.�North.0° 38 ' 30 " 4�es� alonc the wes� line of said
Sout::�es� c�Larter of Section 14 to t:�e :nterse��ion ��it:i -��e
---. . .. -- - southkes�er?y e:��nsion of 3escri�c,�3 L, �� "}3" � �hence Voz�� 75°
--. :=�`. j" -•---i��� •�'��t t'o the point of beginniTg oT Line "3„ ; thence a?ong
desc�=Led Line "B" to. .its inte=sec�ion with the right-o�-way
line of the Chicaao , Milwauke�, S� . Paul and Pac�fic Rai?road;
t'�e�ce nor�rwes�e=1y zlong �aid r�gat-o�-w�y ?=r.e to its inte=-
szction with the north line •o� �`e SoL�h:Jes� Quar�e_ o� said
. Sect_c:. 1�, Townslii� 2B :1ort�:, RaYge 22 �•:es�; t::ence wes�e=?y
a?onc ��e north ?ine o: s�ic So�:�awes� Quar.;.er o•'_ Sec�_on 14 ;
. the:�ce a?ong"�h� nor�z line e_ the Sout:�e�st Quarte= a�� the
nor Lh line of t:�e P7ortheast c�u�r�e_ c� t;�e Southwes� Quarter
, and a?on5 the north lir.e of Gover.-•nent Lo� 3 , aTl in Sec:.ion 15 ,
Tow-aship 28 Nor=h, I'.ar.?e 22 �je5� to ti:e easter'_v b�nk of t:e
' Missis s ippi Rive_; thence soLt::e_11 a?ong sa_d eas�er?y b�ak
_ of the I�+ississippi River to �ze noint o� becinni�g.
. ' L • •
F0=" t:12 ber.efi� OZ tilE ai�ove .desc�=Ut=0I1� 5'�1d 11.Ae °A�� and "�" Q?'E:
' desc_i�ec? as �ollows :
Ce.;,.;.e.^.c_::g �t t:�e sou�:• •quar�2; cor::e= o= Sec�ion 23�, Towns:Zip 28
yo��::, Ranc� 22 �;es�; t:zenc� Nc_�:: 89° 42 ' �?es�, alor.g �:e
sou�z 1_ne oL Governnent Lc� 2� o� sain Sec�_on 23 , for a C_s�ance
O� $�� .�� i°�� i0 �tZe DO?��. O� beginr.l:1C O:. Z+�:12 „i1�� j �;���;C°
I�o��:� ?�° 42 ' wes�, for a c:stance oi 5329 . 49 feet, more o:
_ .. ___�__._. ___ _�.___�.._.
---.._. ._._.�.. _ _ .. . _._ . _...�_ �. .�.
- . --_. _..__..__.____._._...__ �.,
'���ITE: - C�TY CIERK ' '
l''�'YI( - FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT ��AZTI, Council �
..-.f:4R� - pEPARTM�NT y`� 3
..i...iE - NIAVOR File �O. �/. I f� �T
Raluationsy-tRoom 218 �Q�/tC ' Resol tion
:'resented By A
Referred To Committee: Date �
Out of Committee By Date
to a point an the west line of said 1/4-1/ at is 194.20
feet Northerly af the Judicial Monumen� the Southwest
corner of said 1/4-1/4 said point bei e point of
beginning of the line to be descri n said Goverrunent
Ipt 1; thence con�inuing Southvaeste y along �he extension
of last descrj.bed line to a point the South line of said
Goverrunent IAt 1 tha� is 250.00 eet Westerly of the Judicial
Mon�unent at the Southeas� cor r of said Goverrnnen� Lot 1 and
there terminating. Gontai ng 0.55 acres.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�_ In Favor Fi a ce
� _ Against B '" ' �'��
� etor
Fotm Approve b City Attorney
.ldopted by Council: Date C�
Certified P• ss d y ouncil , e BY � �r
B; �
i'lpproved by 1+layor. Date _ Approv by Mayor for Subm' to o uneil
C3;: � __ By