85-1677 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council p�.,� /�.7� BLUERY - MAVORTMEN7 � File N 0. Coun il Resolution Presente y Referred To � � �� � �3—8S Committee: Date Out of Committee$y Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Seation 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does aertify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in exeess of those estimated in the 1985 budget; and WHEREAS, CounQil File 277510, Adopted Oetober 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Speeial Fund Policsies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1985 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budaet Chanaes Budaet 166 Cable TV Cab1e TV Attorneys' Fees 31122-6999 Reimbursement for - Attorney Fees 100,000 .00 33 ,000.00 133 ,000 .00 31122- All Other Finaneing �10 , 887 . 00 - 40 , 887 . 00 Net Change 140 , 887 .00 33 , 000.00 173 , 887 .00 SPENDING PLAN 166 Cabie TV Cable TV Attorneys' Fees 31122-218 Attorneys Fees 100,000.00 33 , 000. 00 133 ,000.00 31122- All Other Spending �0, 887 . 00 - �+0 , 887 .00 ---------- --------- ---------- Net Change 140 , 887 . 00 33 , 000 . 00 173,887 .00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Couneil adopts the above additions to the 1985 Budget. Appr as to di g: Approval Recommended:� Direotor of nanee and � Budget r tor Management Services COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �J Drew f// n�asanZ [n Favor Nicosia � Scheibel Sonnen Against BY Tedesco W i Ison Adopted by Council: Date �CC � 9 � Form Approve y ty At ey Certified P-_s d Council S retar BY By / � A►pprov 17avor: Date , � 3 1985 Appro e y a r for Subm' ion o Council B Pt;�°��":-��� �'L C `� u 1�85 Cit Attorne 's Office � - , �S"/�`l Y Y DE PARTMENT ���� � N� 14 5 0 ,.Tane'.I�Peak � CONTACT 5121 PHONE 11/04/85 DATE �e�� e e f' ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Cli All Locations for Si n ture : Department Director Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director �ity Clerk � Budget Director cha3.r, Finance, Mgmnt & Pers Co�n � City Attorney � C ief Accountant, F & MS WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : RECEIVED Increased outside legal fees will be reflected in the Budget for Cable TV - Attorneys' Fees, \�� �G�N�O NOV 8 1Q85 �,�.�`� '� � ��� ����5 CITY ATTG No� aNEY ��A�OR,s�FF\CE _ �cCF��/ COST/BENEFIT BUOGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ED � None - N�V 6 1985 OFFICE OF THE pIRECTpR ,AND Pjy�qN,q�ME F F �1ANCE NT SERy/CES FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ' ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction; $33,000.00 quired if under $10,00Q) � Funding Source: Reimbursement from Continental Cablevision Activity Number: 31122 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? x Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes NO N/A Yes No Insurance Attached: N�A (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � �� i� � � ,..�, �����, CITY OF S�I1TT PAUL •';r`•`'J-i� } OFr.F'ICT OF THF CZTY COU�TCIL =-'" ,r��i • .s;c, �an�mitte� R�part ' F:i�ance, l�ana�emenfi,, & Persannel Cammittee. � December 12, I985 � . \ 1. :�*��roval of minutes from meetin; held DeceMOer 5, I985. �1,Q��� 2. Resolution(s) a�proving the financ:.ng and spending plari for the �ty Hcanan Serricss Init=ative Program. (Community Sez-vices) (Lai.d over from II/26/S5.} �liA'$PLiCTO ��JGL ' w��'tta�r�► +"�,t,o�+ Tta�+- 3. Letter. of AFSG�IE Counc:.I No. I4 askin� for a review of the grade of the t_tIe Ani.nal Control �Officer. (Laid over from II/26/85.) 4. Resolution approving I985-86'Maintenarcce Labor Agresment between ISD �625 and the Sheet Meta1 Workers International Assn. , Locai I0. (Personnel) �R�� 5. Resolution amezding the Salary Plan and Rates of Coraoensation Resolution by est�olishing the pay for the title of Data Co�imication Technician in Grade 36, Section IDZ.��nn 6. Resolution amending the I985 budget by addin� �5,595 to the Financing Plan and to the Soending Plan for Perrie Jones Ftmd. (Co�uni�y Services-Library)P��. i. Resolution amending the I985 budget by adding �5,000 to the Financ�r.; and Spending Plan for St. Paul Tenants Union Contzact. (Housing Information Of��cs/Mayor's Ofy�ce) <.��.���"� .,. . . � :I9��•��r'�"'� � '��{,t#�'��'����'�� � �Sp�:�d"ing P��n�� °. ��3-,. . �'�`=�. a�orney�s gee�. {��tj���"ori'l�y���:�3iu�ce��� ��Id�t�� 9. Resolution�amending the I985 bud;et by addin; �22,396.8b to the Financ+rt� and Spending Plan Library for Aids and Grants - Fees. Other Professional Ser•rices. (�omn. S'�rvices- Library) P'�PP�VLO. . � I0. Resolut=on amending the I°85 budget by adding $8,003 to the Financing and Snending PIan for Liorary Soecial Revenue Fund. (Coffintmity Se�-v'ices-Librazy) �P�ACN�A. � Ii. Resolution estanl�s�iing policy that aiI City-owned vehicles, except those reouried to be taken home, are used for business pur�oses only. (Fin�ce Dept.)�1fl �Vf,.4 t wlt. '� tL-t9-�`1S IZ. Resolution esta.i�Iishing policy that aIl City-owned vehicles cannot be used�for . personal puraoses. (Finance Dept.) (,,fnD OVt� t �1K. '1'b IL-i9-$S 1�. Resoluiton .approving proposed chan;es in the St. Paul Police Re?ief Associa�.ion's by-iaws. (Finance Dent.) q�P��4A : I4. A�inist:ative Orde:s: Ne �e� ,����y � . D-7746 - Anproval of payment to Steve 4Vahman for physician services. D-i749 - Bud;et revision in �xecutive Adninistration. D-7752 - Annroval of payment to Special Project-Suoport Serrices Program. D-7753 - Approvai of payment to Model Cities Health Clinic. D-7758 - Budget re�,rision in PED-Co��ity Development Bloc:e Grant Division. 15. Resolution estaolishing sewer sez-vice rates for I.986. (Puolic iVarks)Mavt;p $�,t�[ 7s ^lor av P�EP�to A6:.va�: � G�rtrc w�7�v� �1COM�twIQq11 p: 16. Resolution appraving the issuance of a tax exempt mortgage for $4I0,000 to inance acquisition of land and construction of office and warehouse at 2d8 a�d 228 Arlingtc3r� �. (Wilson Auto Salvage). (Port Authority) /�pR�v�O, CZIY HAI-I. . SEVENTH FLOOR Sr1INT PAUL,;v1INNFSOTA 55202 �.�: