85-1675 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council //�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT li�w // � iC� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 6 U� �� _Council Resolution Presente y �/i�''�'� Referred To �/ • Committee: Date �� �6-3 � gs Out of Committee By Date SHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 1Q.7.1 of the Char�r of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are. available for ap�ropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 Budget; a,nd WHEREAS, Council File No. 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Ma.yor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1985 Budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget 351 Perrie Jones Fund 33421 - 6905 Contributions & Don- $ 4,497.00 $4,4Q8 $8,905.00 ations-Outside 33421 k'und BaZance - 1,187 1,187.00 $ 4,497.00 $5 ,595 $10,092.00 SPENDING PLAN 351 Perrie Jones Fund 33421 Various codes $ 768.00 $ - $ 768.00 33421-121 Part time Certified 3,729.00 1,187 4,916.00 33421-252 Lodging-Meals etc. - 2,500 2,500.00 33421-299 Fees-Other Misc. Services - 1,908 1,908.00 $ 4,497.00 $:�,595 $10,092.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts the abo�re additions to the 1985 Budget. APPROVED _ � � ' � Budget Di ctor COUNCILMEN Yeas .SAt/.�iC� Nays Requested by Department of: `�°'�°` � Community Services �"i"° �� In Favor Masanz NiCOSia Scheibel _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson OEC � 9 '� Form Approved. City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_se y Council Sec ar BY ` By ( � E1ppr by iVlavor: te _ D � Appr e y M�ior for Su s Council sy _ — s �.��,,:�yo�� �,-� � �g �9g�- � / ,�: _:����.:� r� � � � Comraunity Services - Library `DE PARTMENT �"^/ 6 �Np ?�2 . • CONTACT ► 1 292-6211 PHONE 10/30/85 DATE �e�� ,, Qr • ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : �epartment Director Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk � --r� Budget Di rector �jA:� .�',,,v„��r/n G,�.y- ••,f-- Te��e,��,�,C�w City Attorney ;� � � WHAT WILL Bf ACHIEVED BY TA�CING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? Purpose/ Rationale) : Allow us to pay for part-time professionals while supervisors work on a special project�`for Administration. RECEIVED � � �� ��0.' .��� �d1.. �` � � NOV 1 ,CQ� L, .�.�� i985 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS A TICIPATED: CITY ATTQRNEY This fund balance was intended to cover staff costs to release Department Supervisors to work on special project. Brining it orward will allow us to complete project. . ` ��� �� RECEIVED � � �- FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- NOV 1 4 � ture not re- ��TY ATj��NFY Total Amount of Transaction: g�,5g5 quired if unde $10,00Q) Funding Source: 351-33421 Perrie Jones Fund Activity Number: 351-33421 �EC�/V EQ ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 'v0� 1 � fg85 Council Resolution ^�AYOR'S QFF/C £ ._ DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , - �,�� - /G `7� �„ . �''�. CITY OF S3I�TT PgUL "`'�� OF�'IC� OF' TFZF CZTY COU�T'CIL :!1'��:i: Committee Report ' F:L�.ance. Mana emenf�. � Personnel Committee. � ,. ,, December 12, 1985 ,` I. �n�roval of ;ainutes f�m meetin; heZd Decer�oer 5, 1°85. �i,Q�,r�G/� _ 2. Resolution(s) aaproving the financing ana spending plan for the c;,ty Hc�nan Serric°s Init_ative Program. (Community Se;-vices) (Laid -over fmm II�26/35.) ►+�a+��G+tTo Gau�Gt w�'Rto uT ����t�- 3. Letter. of AFSG�fE Coun�l No. 14 askin; for a revietia or the grane of the title Aninal Control �Officer. (Laid over from II/26/85.) 4. Resolution a�nroving I985-86�Maintenance La:DOx Agreement between ISD �625 and the Sheet Metal Workers International Assn. , Loca1 I0. (Pe-rsorcnel) �PPR�M'�� 5. _ Resolution amending the Sa1ary Plan and Rates o£ Comoensation Resolution by est�olishing the pay for the title of Data Cormmunication Technician in Grade 3�, Section IDc.��nn 6�u����w.�d,ir� �-�e I485 bzt��t �y ad�ir�� �"S�5�3�� � the F,� . �Si �;:��e Sn enaing'���r`������'��c�:��''"��'�'�ry'°��rice�`-�€�raxj* . i. Resolution amending the I98S budget by addi.a; �S,000 to the Finan�n; and Spending �,,�� PI�.n for SL. Paul Tenants Union Contract. (Housing Iniormation Ofrice/Mayor's OfL�ce�t�) 8_ Resolution amending the I985 bud�et by adding $3�,000 to the Financzn and Spending Plan for Cable TV - attorney's fees. (City Attorney's OfLice) AI���• 9. Resolution�amending the I985 bud;et by addin; $22,396.86 to the Financin� and Spe�ding Pian Library for tlids and Grants - Fees. Other Professional Se�,rices. (Comm. Serrices- Li�rary) P'�f�+�1t0. . IQ. Resolut=on amendiag the 1985 bud;et by adding �8,003 to the Financing and Spending PIan for Lii�rary Special Revenue Fund. (Co�imity Serv'ices-Library) AP�RO�•r•t�. II. Resolution estanl�shin� policy that alI City-owned vehicies, e:ccept those reauri.ed to be taicen home, are used for btisiness pux-�oses only. (Finance Dept.)�d OVl,�Q !wK. - 'r0 t.=.--t9-�lS I2. Resolut:on establishing policy that alI City-owned venicles cannot be used•.�for . pe_sonal, puraoses. (Finance Dept.) (/'�n� OVC� t �K. 7'b IZ-�9-$S _ _ I�. Resolui.ton approving proposed c.�an;es in the St. Paul Folice Relief Association's by-Iaws. (Finance Dept.) q�P�d4.a : I4. Ad�inistrative Or3ers: q/s A�o� ut.CLSSA�� D-7746 - Ap�roval of payment to Steve tYahman for physician servi.ces. D-7749 - Bud;et revision in cxecutive Administration. D-7752 - Anproval of payment to Special Project-S�port Se�rices Prograia. D-7753 - Approval vf payment to Model Citzes Health Clinic_ D-7758 - Budget revision in PED-Co�unity Development Bloc:�c Grant Divi.sion. IS. Resolution estahlishing sewer sez-vice rates for I986. (Puolic Norks)�vt,p g�t.�t 7s NoT dv P�fP,4�t� A6r.var�: � CwrGt �ul�' ��c�.+M zvo"•�na 16. Resolution approving the issuance of a tax exempt mortigage for $4IQ,000 to inance acquisition of land and construction of office and warehouse at 208 and 228 Arlington E. (iVilson Auto Salvage). (Port Autfiority) /�ppYeoV'P1�, CT! HALL . SEVEI�ITH FLOOR SAIl�IT PAUL,MINNESOT.ai 55IOZ �.,•