85-1646 WHITE - CITV CIERK COUIICII / PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF� SA I NT PAU L ��— I�'�ir1� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council,Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Murray's Motorcar Co., a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNC[LMEN Yeas �S�O��� Nays Requested by Department of: a""""8 pR�kJ �_ [n Favor ��� Masanz NiCOSia ,�,/ J scne�bei _ `�+ __ Against BY —G '� � Tedesco / Wilson DEC 17 1985 Form Ap ved by ity r ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas-e b ouncil S eta ( BY �r', ? 1 B ' . . ��i��!�.� `l tappro y Mavor. Date _ � 1 � Approved by Mayor r Subm' sio to Council �,,. (/ r ..���X��� PUBUStiED D E C 2 81985_ Pol ice DEPARTMENT C��s���� No 1607 , Lt. Thomas L. Reding CONTACT ` � 292-3501 PHONE � December 3, 1�5 DATE 1 e� Qr � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : 1 Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor t� Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk �udget Director ity Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The St. Paul Police Department lease of unmarked vefi�cles from Murt'ay�s Motorcar Co. R�CEIV'E� �}�� 5 ti�5 RECEIVED M�YOR's o�FiG� DEC 5 198,5 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: CITY ATTORNEY $8.00 per day to a maximum of $248.00 per month per vehicle. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 19g� General Fund Budget Activity Number: 04307-283-082 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : n 1 . Four (4) Copies of Agreement 2. Council Resolution � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW /' X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? 1�Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No�,� Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . " . ' �����f�'��� _ - . � ' • . f � AGRFEME �; T � THIS AGRcEME��IT, t•tade and entered into this J� r day af � ���l-`;;����i�. , 19��t� by a n d bet:•,een ,t'�j�1��.��r �.�C���:.�.c �-� � � hereinafter called "Supplier", and the CITY QF S.4I�;T PAUL�, hereina`ter called „c;ty„. � � �'i1T1�iS5t�H. � • IT IS �iUTUALLY AGREEO 3Y A"�D BETWE"cN TNE SJPPIiER A";D ThE CITY AS FOLL01�'S: � 1 . That Gt all times Supplier will keep the terms and conditians of this Agreement confidential and shall not disc7ose usaees hereunder to inquiries of third parties arithout prior consultation wi�th the City's liaison hereinafter narred. 2. That autonobiles furnished to the City by the Supplier hereunder shall be for the excl usi ve use of the Ci ty's Poi i ce Depart�rent's S:I .U. and Piarcoti cs �S'C�4 Units, and no other divisions or urits of the City's Police Deot. shall r�ake use�'� of such vehicles. 3. That Supplier ��rill have available durina re�ular business haurs for the City's use, auto.:!obiles ��rhich sP�all be of 19°2; 2983 and 1:-3�calendar-year r�anufac��re or another year of *�.ake �nc -�de1 as r.ay �� aoreed tc by t!�e parties. 4. That in consideration or �he use ar' Su��lier's venicle(s) the City aqrees �0 Dd}' �;:L�;�� 1?1^ thE S�^ Ct E;C�';� �'���81"S ��$.��; per G�dy, rer YE�1�C�E, t� f1dXi.^.U:^ uf tt';0 . ,;*;r1-oG� ,`OY��-F1„r�t aollars ���'=,�.�i�� r?1' f::��`�.fl� Fer V�'11C1e. 5. Th,: _ �r.� _ . -_ a� �es �c sa�.�e z^d ho'c 5;:��� �er hGr�less src�- any and all clai,;:s aris-;r3 out of the City's use of vehicles F:ere�n�er and sha17 , additionzlly, repair at its c��m er.r�^se �ry Ca^aae sus�aireC by the ve�ic]es durinq th� co��r;e a` City's use, ncr--a1 �,•.�zr and tear ex�epted. . � . ' � � � �-F�S-/�4f� ` . 6. Thay �h�e City shaii �be resoonsiole ror su�nlyira eacn venicle re:^�ed he -_under ti:ith such amou�ts or Gasoline and oil as is needed to make the ve�fcie operational , but no other raintenance obliaat�ons shall be the responsibiii;,y of the City. 7. That the City 1•;ill rot use any vehicle for a �eriod ef rore than sizty (60) days �•rithout Suoplier's consent, 6ut the City reserves the riof�t to reauest and receive fron Supplier a repl�cer�ent v�hicle of a type and r,:ake as a���:�-des�r;5ed a� any time; ti�r:e beina of the essence in fulfillina reques�s - for repl;�ement vehicles. �. That the City ackno.•�ledaes the rioht of the Su�plier to demand the : - .. return of the vehicle rented hereunder upon tti•renty-four(24) hours' natice to the City and upon such notice, the City a 11 return said auto^�obile. 9. That the use of the vehicles rented hereunder 3re for the use of the City's Police Department and for the purpose of the adninistration of this anr�ement, Lieutenant Tnor�as Redino, 100 East Tenth Street, Saint Paul , Minresota, Phone ho. 292-3501 , shall be its liaison. 10. That this Agreement shall be for a Deriod of one(1} year and sha11 autcTatically be extended for an_ ac�ditional period of one(1) year providinq no wri�ten notice is submitted by either party of an intent to terminate this Agreenent at least thirty (30) days prior to tne expiration o{ the first year. Ih 41IT�;ESS HEREOF, The parties have set their hands the date first above ►•rritten. =�l � / � SJ�rLiER �j�� � � � � .t,.�Zt. S IGNATURE . f, �/�,( �cx'f` -2- _lf':.�� 1 ' • ., _ _ • C�"=�'7 `��' `��`� . , C:TY OF SYI�lT FAUL � - kpproved as to For��: �� , � "-"�,,r'�' x._ �� �:- � L�.� . hSavor {� � � I C `� By�l �i�� � .�7�,r�.�,-�, � �.�'-�� - Assis�ant City �t�c - ey � Chief of Police ' Bv Director, Cepartr:�ent of Finznce , and �•tanaeen2nt Servi ces 1