85-1645 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council � CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � _ �� �� � .Co n il Resolution Presented By � ' Refe To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: 1. On October 31, 1985, the Port Authority of the Ci.ty of Sai�nt Paul adopted Resolut�.on No. 2558 gi.vi:ng prel�.minary approval to the �ssuance of a tax exempt mortgage i.n the in3tyal pr�.ncipal amount of $410,000 to f�.nance the acqu�.sit�on of land and construction of a 1600 Sq. Ft. office and warehouse bui,ld3.ng at 208 and 228 East Arl�.ngton Avenue �.n St. Paul, Mi.nnesota for Cl�:fford and Georgeanne Wilson dba Wi:lson Auto Salvage. The Wi.lson"s operate W�lson Auto Salvage which is relocati.ng from 118 Blai.r Avenue i,n Empyre Builder Industrial Park to the above si.te. 2. Laws of Mi.nnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any tax exempt mortgage author3:zed by the Port Author�ty of the C�ty of Sa�nt Paul, shall be issued only wi.th the consent of the Ci.ty Counci.l of the City of Sai.nt Paul, by resolut�.on adopted �n accordance with law; 3. The Port Authori�ty of the Ci:ty of Sai.nt Paul has requested that the Ci:ty Counc�l give its requi.site consent pursuant to said law to facili:tate the assuance of said tax exempt mortgage by the Port Authority of the City of Sai,nt Paul, subject to final approval of the details of sai.d issue by the Port Authora.ty of the City of Saint Paul. RESOLVED, by the C�,ty Council of the Ci.ty of Saint Paul, that �.n accordance wi.th Laws of M�nnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the C�.ty Council hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesa�.d tax exempt mortgage for the purposes described �n the aforesai.d Port Authority Resolut�on No. 2558 the exact detaa�ls of wh�.ch, 3.ncludi.ng, but not l�.mited to, provi�si�ons relat�,ng to maturities, interest rates, di�scount, redempta.on, and for the i.ssuance of addi.ti.onal bonds are to be determa,ned by the Port Author�.ty y pursuant to resoluti.on adopted by the Port Authori.ty, and the Ci.ty Counc�.l hereby authorizes the i�ssuance of any additi�onal bonds (i.ncluding refundi:ng bonds) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authori�ty to be necessary for carryi.ng out the purposes for which the aforesa�.d bonds are issued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested b ep ent of: Drew � Masanz In Favor Nicos�a scheibe� _ � __ Against BY Sonnen Ted96Co ���� DEC 17 1.985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ,�� Certified Pa s d ouncil Se tar� ' B �'� " � I �{�:,_'�`� �'.'�c,�4� By 0 1985 `� l�pprove y 1+lavor. Date uC� � App by Mayor for Submi ion t Council By - — B � PUBLISHED D E C ? 81985 St. Paul Port Authority -� DEPARTMENT ���l�v�,S Np 3 D. G. Dunshee or E. A. Kraut CONTACT (612)224-5686 PHONE October 31, 1985 DATE 1 �/Qi� � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Siqnature) : I.�Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Dlt^eCt01^ Clifford and Georgeanne Wilson 2 City Attorney 0, ax emv v��rtg�e_ WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ The purpose of the bond issue is to finance the acquisition o�" lanad�a�ii construction of a 1600 Sq. Ft. office and warehouse building at 208 and 228 East Arlington Avenue in St. Paul, Minnesota for Clifford and Georgeanne Wilson dba Wilson Auto Salvage. The Wilson's operate Wilson Auto Salvage which is relocating from 118 Blair Avenue in Empire Builder Industrial Park to the above site. �� �� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � �- The amount of the Tax Exempt Mortgage is $410,000 and it will be for a term of 20 years. They presently have ten employees who would be transferring to the site but the� would not be adding any new employment. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: I�F� E#UEd ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : �Fe 4 Staff Memorandum �9�5 Draft City Council Resolution �Y�R�$4�' Port Authority Resolution No. 2558 �CE DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? x Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? X Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 P O R T �%�' �'�- /� �s� AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Memorandum TO: Board of Commissioners DATEpct. 31 , 1985 � �f' --R FROM: E, r����� � � SUBJECTv�LIMINARY APPROVAL — $410,000 REVENUE BOND ISSUE CLIFFORD WILSON AND GEORGEANNE WILSON (WILSON AUTO SALVAGE) RESOLUTION N0. 2558 When the Port Authority acquired Wilson Auto Salvage for the Empire Builder Industrial Park the Commission approved a loan agreement in the amount of $385,000 for the acquisition and improvement of the site at 208 E. Arlington formerly owned by Norman Horton. At the time this loan agreement was approved, we indicated that in the event we could find a private placement on a tax exempt basis we would do so. We are, therefore, requesting that the Commission adopt Resolution No. 2558 granting preliminary approval to the issuance of a private placement in the amount of $410�,000 which will cover the existing loan and acquisition of an adjoining building costing $75,000. The effect of this would be to recover the Port Authority's loan funds and transfer them in a private placement to a local financial institution. Since a public hearing is required , this action is preliminary only and a hearing will be held at a future Commission meeting. EAK:j mo l ' � ` �,� P�5 -/�ys.� Resolution No. =,�.� `� ��Y RESOLUTION OF THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL WHEREAS, on May 21, 1985 , pursuant to Resolution No. 2473 , the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, (the "Authority" ) approved a loan to Wilson Auto Salvage in the approximate amount of $245 , 000, at the rate of 9� for approximately 25 years to facilitate the relocation of Wilson Auto Salvage �rom the Jackson Shops Industrial Development District to property located at 208 East Arlington, which property Wilson Auto Salvage has agreed to purchase from the Trustee in bankruptcy for Norms Auto Parts ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 2502 adopted on July 30 , 1985, the Authority agreed to increase this loan to $310, 000, on the same terms and conditions , because of improvements and rehabilitation needed at the new site; and WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of Resolution No. 2473 , the Commissioners of the Authority were advised that staff would endeavor to place this loan. as a tax exempt mortgage note; and WHEREAS, staff has now advised the Commissioners that the size of this n�te will be approximately $410, 000 to accommodate additional costs of the relocation, and that it is necessary for the Commissioners to specifically identify their intention to issue tax exempt revenue bonds for this project on or before December 31, 1985 , to enable this project to be funded from funds available within the City of Saint Paul ' s 1985 entitlement allocation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul that the staff of the Port Authority be authorized to continue negotations with Wilson Auto Salvage and possible purchasers of the tax exempt revenue note for this project with the intention that this note be issued on or before December 31, 1985 in the approximate amount of $410 , 000 to finance all costs of the acquisition of property at 208 East Arlington and other financeable relocation costs . f� ' • ! . . ��_/��s_ The staff of the Port Authority is further authorized to take such othe.r actions as might be necessary to the further consideration of this project, including publishing notices for the public hearings required by state and federal law. Adopted: October 31, 1985 PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA L � . �. ��� . B � `� l '�,... !`— It -Pre ident A EST: i �ti� ���� � - ::�-, Secretary .--. _ �� �_�` . ���� /� � ��- K � � PORT AU7HORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE(800) 328-8417 2.5 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST, PAUL, MINN. 55102 • PHONE (612,1 224-5686 October 31 , 19$5 Mr. James Be1Zus , Director Planning and Economic llevelopment Department City of �t. Paul 14th Floor, City Hall Annex St. Paulr Minnesota 55102 SUBJECT: Clifford and Georgeanne Wilson dba Wilson Auto Salvage $410 ,000 Tax Exempt Mortgage Dear Jim: Lde submit herewith for your review and referral to the of.fice of the Mayor, City Council and City Attorney"s office details pertainin� to the is�uance af a $410,,U00 tax exempt mortgage for Clifford and Georgeanne Wilson dba Wilson Auto Salvage to finance the acquisition of land and construction of a 1600 Sq. Ft. office and warehouse building at 208 and 228 East Arlington Avenue in St. Paul , Minnesota. The Port Authority staff has conducted a thorough evaluation of the firms and/or individuals that are involved in this project or in which the principals have an interest. This investigation has included detailed credit analysis,, Dun and Bradstreet reports, direct communication with representatives of financial institutions with whom the participants have done business and data base checks to determine if anj� principal(s) have been in any way involved in legal proceedings as a result of securities fraud, extortion, embezzlement or financial misrepresentation. In addition to the staff inemorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City Council resolution and a copy of Port Authority Resolution No. 2558 which authorized the sale of the tax exempt mortgage in the amount of $410,,000. Your expeditious handling of this matter will be appreciated. ,.,Yours truly, �•. � `�.,�_._. Eugene A. Kraut Executive Vice President EAK:DGD:sjs EUGENE A.KRAUT,C.I.�C� rjgyp�Q,f��i3j��D�NSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIF"rORD E.RAMSTED PERRY K.FEDERS EXECUTNE VICE PRESIDENT ASSL EXEC.ViCE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF fINANCE C.E.O. RICHARD A GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGIVERN � PROPERN MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER WILLIAM WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAVMOND E.LANGEVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WE� PRESIDENi VICE PRESIDENT SECREfARV TREASURER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONE C.I.D. Certified Industrial Developer PORT � �-����`�S' AUTHORfTY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Memorandum TO: Board of Commissioners DATEpct. 31 , 1985 � FROM: g. � �R t �� SUBJECT�g�LIMINARY APPROVAL — $410,U00 REVENUE BOND ISSUE CLIFFORD WILSON AND GEORGEANNE WILSON (WILSON AUTO SALVAGE) KESOLUTION N0. 2558 When the Port Authority acquired Wilson Auto Salvage for the Empire Builder Industrial Park the Commission approved a loan agreement in the amount of $385,000 for the acquisition and improvement of the site at 208 E. Arlington formerly owned by Pdorman Horton. At the time this loan agreement was approved, we indicated that in the event we could find a private placement on a tax exempt basis we would do so. We are, therefore, requesting that the Commission adopt Resolution No. 2558 granting preliminary approval to the issuance of a private placement in the amount of $410,000 which will cover the existing loan and acquisition of an adjoining building costing $75,000. The effect of this would be to recover the Port Authority's loan funds and transfer them in a private placement to a local financial institution. Since a public hearing is required, this action is preliminary only and a hearing will be held at a future Commission meetino. EAK:jmo � � Y .� ����� �� ,�.. �`� CITY OF S�.I�TT P�.UL .;,✓"� OF`B'IC� OF' THF CITY COU�7CIL :r:Lr�. _ �onlmitte� Rcpart ' Fi�ance. �iana�.ement� � Persannel Cammittee. � ,. December 12, 1985 1. Anprovai of minutes from meetin� he?d Decs:�ber 5, 1985. �1Q1��� 2. Resolution(s) anprovi.ng the financing and spendi,�g plan for the c'_t�f Human Services Init:ative Program. (Community Se�-vices) (Laid over frvm II/26/85.) ���+Cfo Gou+�G�- w�Teto� ���a�tk- 3. Letter. of AFSG�fE Covncil No. 14 asking for a re�riew of the grade of the title Aninal Control �Off�c�r. (Laid over from II/26/85.) . �,. 4. Resolution apnroving I985-86�Maintenartce Labor Agree:aent betwesa ISD �625 and the Shee�t Metal Workers International Assn., Local I0. (Personnel) APPR�n 5. Resolution amending the Salary PIan and Rates of Comnensatioa Resolution by es�ta�lishing the pay for the titl.e of Data Co�vnicatioa Technician in Grade 36, Section ID2.�j�$nn � 6. Resolution amendang the I985 budget hy addin; �5,595 to the Financing Plan and to the Spen�ing Plan for Perrie Jones Ftmd. (Community Services-Library��Vt1�. i. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding �S,000 to the Financ::_ng and Spendin.��� Plan for St. Paul Tenants Union Contract. (Housing Information Ofiice/Mayor' s Of��ce) 8. Resolution amending the I585 budge* by adding �53,000 to the Finan�c�ing�and Spena�ng P1a� for Cable TV - attorney's fess. (City Attorney's Of�ice) Af��'Rd!''w• 9. Resolution�amending the I985 bud;et by addin; $22,396.86 to the Financin; and Spending PZan Library for Aids and Grants - Fees. Other Protessional. Ser•rices. (Comm. Serrices- Liorary) P'�P��p•0. . � I0. Resolut�on amending the I°85 budget by adding �8,003 to the Financing and Spending Flan for Library Special Revenue Fund. (Commlmity Services-Library) PtPPRG1J�cQ. lI. Resolution esta:nl�shin� policy that aII City-owne3 vehicles, eYCept those reauried to be taicen home, are used for business puz�oses only. (Fin�ce Dept.)�� OvUQ twit. 't° 1z�y—�S 12. Resolution establishin; policf that aIl City-owned vehicles cannot be used�:for . personai puraoses. (Finance Dept.) (A�tD OVI.� t a1K. To 12.-�9-$S I.i. Resoluiton approving proposed chan;es in L'�e St. Paul Police Re?ie� rissoc�ation' s by-Iaws. (Finance Dept.) p�P�OV� : I4. Adai.nistrative Orders: Ne qe�o� '�GeLSyq�ty _ D-7746 - Anproval of payment to Steve LYahman for physician services. D-7749 - Bud;et revision in �:cecutive Adiainistration. D-7?52 - Anproval of .payment to Special Project=Suaport Se�ti.ces Program. D-7753 - Approval of payment to Modei Cities Health Clinic. ` D-7758 - Budget revision in PED-Co�nunity Development Blocic Grant Division. I5. Resolution estublishing sewer se�-vice rates for I986. (PuDlic �Vorks)yoy� g�� Ts NoT O,v P:2EPAtty A6r.vt�t• � �1 16. �1t�1�� �� the iS`���tC�`�of a td� , �� , '" +SaA7�b . . ,., �, �� ��w�'action af o�`fice ', ����"'� . ��1���,��i��g�'�, . , . ; . az�d �are�o�sa���t- Z08 a�d 22$ Arlin` �'n E. ( ' .� (�acqe�-�t�`) >`-�. : C:TY HALL . SEVE�ii TH FLOOR Sr1IN'r PAUI.,MINNESOTA SSIa2 �..s