85-1634 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council � y` CANARV � DEPARTMENT � FIIe NO. �� ` �v� BLUE -MAVOR C ncil esolution . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul desires to enter into a cooperative construction agreement (Agreement No. 85006) with Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, Ramsey County will construct the City of Saint Paul's portion of Hamline Avenue from Hoyt Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue; and WHEREAS, The cost of said portion of construction is estimated to be $80,000 financed from Municipal State Aid funds; and, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are authorized to sign the attached agreement. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Pub 1 t c Works Masanz �_ In Favor (DJD) 11-7-85 � Nicosia Scheibel �, � -evnei.w � Against BY Tedesco Wilson n Adopted by Council: Date DEC 1 � 198 Form Approved it torn Certified Pa.s Council Se�cretary � , � BY Bl, '`r�\. _��� � �,,�'js:7—c� � Appro Mavor: Date Appro by Mayor for Submis io t By B p�iR�t�►�ED �F C � 11985 Publ ic i�orks DEPARTMENT � �� -/�3'� N� 1093 . I�aniel J. Dunford CONTACT � 292-6750 PHONE Noven.t�er 7, 1985 DATE 1 ev� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : ���.,. r 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This Agreement (Agreement No. 85006) will allow Ramsey County to construct the City's portion of Hamline Avenue from Hoyt to Larpenteur. �, ����.�� RECEIVED �� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: NOV 2 f��985 RE�EIVED CITY ATTOr�NEY None. N�V �, `i 5�85 MAYOR'� QF�1�E FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) ' Funding Source: Municipal State Aid Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 .Construction agreement with Ramsey County (Agreement No. 85006) 2.Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . . (��.���� . � Agreement No. 85006 ' Hamline Avenue ' � Saint Paul M.S.A. 164-145-31 ' Ramsey County No. 132-01 AGRBEMENT THIS AGREEMENT by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the County of Ramsey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County"; WITNESSETH: WHEftEAS, the County and the City desire to construct and rebuild Hamline Avenue (County Road 132) from 200 feet south of Hoyt Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue; and WHEREAS, this portion of Hamline Avenue in the City has been designated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation as eligible for certain construction cost reimbursement from the municipal state aid highway funds; and WHEREAS, this portion of Hamline Avenue reconstruction has been designated as City Project M.S.A. 164-145-31; and � , W HEREAS, this portion of Hamline Avenue is a borderline street with the City of Falcon Heights and has been designated as City of -Falcon Heights M.S.A. Project - 124-106-01; and , � � WHEREAS, this portion of Hamline Avenue has been designated as County Project No. 132-01; and WHEftEAS, the project includes reconstruction of the alley in the City of F�lcon Heights from Albert Street to Hamline Avenue in the block between California Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue, which portion of the project has been des�gnated Non- . participating M.S.A. - Falcon Heights Alley; and WHEREAS, plans for Hamline Avenue Project M.S.A. 124-106-01, St. Paul M.S.A. Project 164-145-31, showing proposed alignment profiles, grades and cross sections for the improvement of County Road 132 within the limits of the City as a County road and municipal state aid highway project have been presented to the City; and WHEREAS, the plans make grading provisions behind the concrete curbs; and _ W HEREAS, the grading provisions require acquisition of certain right of way and temporary construction and slope easements prior to the construction; and WHEREAS, the plans make provisions for storm sewer .within tl�e roadwa� and the Minnesota Department of 'I�ansportation shall determine that portion of the storm sewer construction cost eligible for reimbursement from the municipal state aid highway funds. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications and proposals, tatce bids, and with concurrence of the City and the City of Falcon Heights award a Page 1 of 3 85006 , � � � Agreement No. 85006 ��,5-/�v.37 - Hamline Avenue • Saint Paul M.S.A. 164-145-31 � Ramsey County No. 132-01 contract for the construction of this project, M.S.A. 124-106-01, M.S.A. 164-145-31; the County shall perform the construction inspection. 2. All negotiated Hamline Avenue rights of way and temporary easements will be in the name of the County, and parking and other regulations will be controlled by the County. Any rights of way which cannot be negotiated will be acquired through eminent domain proceedings and thereafter assigned by the City to the County. 3. The City shall acquire and pay for all rights of way and easements required for the construction of the project within the City. 4. The County's participation in the storm sewer construction cost shall be as shown in Exhibit A and the City shall not assess the County for storm sewer improvements as a part of this project. . 5. Upon completion of the project the County shall own and maintain the storm sewer catch basins and leads and the City shall own and maintain the storm - sewer trunk lines and that portion of the storm sewer laterals directly servicing private property within the City. 6. The City of Falcon Heights shall pay to the County 1009�6 of the cost of the alley project designated Non-participating M.S.A. - Falcon Heights Alley. ?. The City shall pay to the County 100% of the cost of City utility extensions or improvements. 8. Any utilities or facilities modified or added to those provisions presently made in the plans and specifications may be incorporated in the construction contract by supplemental agreement and shall be paid for as specified in the supplemental agreement. 9. The City's M.S.A. fund based on 100% storm sewer participation, and the City of Falcon Heights' M.S.A. fund cost participation estimate are shown in Exhibit B. 10. The County's participation under County Road Project 132-01 shall be limited to the construction cost items in the center 24 feet of the roadway with the additional provision that the County pay #12,500 for construction costs of parking lanes in the City as shown in Exhibit A. Fachibit A identifies the line item participation by the County. The County's final costs shall be based on the actuel units of work constructed in the center 24 feet plus s12,500 and the unit price paid to the contractor. 10. 'I9ie City will pay ninety percent (90%) of its share of the eost as determined by the line item quantities and the contractor's unit prices to the 'IYeasurer of Ramsey County, Minnesota, after award of contract but prior to start of construction and the contractor shall then be paid by the County. All monies paid by the City and not expended on the project will be returned within a reasonable time, not to exceed two (2) years from deposit, or thirty (30) days from the time of final payment on the project, whichever shall ocreur first. � Page 2 of 3 - 85006 . � ' Agreement No. 85006 y-�J���0�y r • Hamline Avenue . "� Saint Paul M.S.A. 164-145-31 Ramsey County No. 132-01 11. The County shall furnish the City the abstract of bids and a copy of the contract awarded. The City shall claim all reimbursements due under its Project M.S.A. 164-145-31. Upon completion of the construction the County shall furnish to the City all final documentation required for reimbursement of eligible items from its M.S.A. account. 12. The City shall pay 8% of its share of the construction cost, as determined by the contract as awarded, to the County as a preliminary engineering fee. This fee shall be due upon award of the construction contract. 13. The City shall pay 5% of its share of the construction cost, as determined by the final contract amounts, to the County as a construction engineering fee. This fee shall be due upon notification to the City of the final amounts paid to the contractor. 14. Preliminary plans reviewed at the public hearing and final plans and specifications are hereby in all things approved. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed. � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA THE COUNT:Y 4F RAMSEY BY BY Chairman Its Board of County Commissioners By Attest Chief Clerk-County Board Its Date Date Approved: Assistant County Attorney Recommended for Approval: Director of Public Works and County Engineer Page 3 of 3 85006 � . . �-��_��.��1 EN6Is�EFRS ES?IMAiE PRDJECT Nt�. C0. PP.41. 13?-41 - EXHIHIT A___ PA6E i af ? Pk6Er �iAl1iINE At►E: HDYT �i�lE. TO LApPENTEU� AVE. -------------------------------- --- --- -----------=-------------------------------- M.S.A. 164-145-3! iST. PAl&) DA?E: 19 JJNE 145� ----------------------------------- ----------------- M.S.�+. 1?4-f4b-41 {Fs�LCDli HEI6NT51 ----------------------------------- � . CITY �G CDNTRACi UMiT TDiAL ESTIl4PiIED RAMSEY CDi1NTY CITY C�F 5i. PAElL FA�CQli !!E3fiHi5 I1E�i N�. .TiEM UNIT aRICE �llANTIT4' A!�4UNT �UAliiITV AMOUNT QUANTIT� ANQUNT B�!A�t?J?Y A!!�L4's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2�'�Zi.S:�! 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L.F. ?.i�G� 5$1 ?16?.�?� �bl 7??.0� �?t? 44r,,{;q i361.5�8 iifRkIN6 CQ�dRSE MIk?!lF;G TflN 15.Ufl 464 6900.00 3�96 4540.�f,� 90 12�4.th:� 76 3i::�.i>{ Z's57.5��? BIiilMINOt15 !!�FEPI�! F�R TACs: rOf�I fiAl 1.�5 8?5 3!lB.:S 549 635.C�{! ?OI ?53.?5 !86 23:.�C ?36?.5U4 �S�HALT EE!!EMT TDN 19n.C�� 32 6�39U.44 Z1 399r.��0 6 11�0.00 5 �fS�,l.r,�t :5��3.541 15' A.C. PIFE SEYER, DES. 3��C�6 Ci.. V l.f. 24.54 i5b 1852?,��c� 155 3i?7.Sa 344' 3�SO.Sn 45? IIC�?4,+;�; �5�5.5n4 C�h4STFllCi CATCN BRSIN, �ES. SPECIRL EACH lI�?�.04 lo I76Qi!.00 b c544.�J l0 114?��%.�3C: ?5��.5L9 CQ?l5TRUCi MANH�LE A DR F EAEH I40:r.U�9 3 3QO�.U� 1 ts�!�4.�J0 � Z ?u�3G.�.i�) ?545.511 P.EC�Ii5TP.��7 lf�NNflLE L.F. 165.OU 24 ?9o0.n4 F`s.4 254I.44 8.6 F4l�.��� ZSI�C.{�� iNSTHII CkSTINfi ���� �!'s.fSl b ���3'�.Lfi 3' SiS.n� J Sa�.V� 25�:r6.�22 �UJLST f�:kME �:!!D kiNE EA5?FNG EfiCh Fi5.�0 T6 3l5�.00� 11 24?`s.04 1 175.t��� 5 1�`s�;,�.4i,� 2�i1.54I �" CQttCREiE iiAit: S.F. 1.5i� 446� 744r.t?{� ?041 :4b1.5tr i324 ;t4%B.`t �`s:1.60� �P.MCUI CaHCGETE 6f�ilt; L.G. i.��:� 313 b2?.�0 2?4 258.�� F82 ab4.i.�r Z5�1.542 �{1NCGETE CURB FsNI� 6!liTfR DES. Bc?� L.�. �.e5 4107 232Ci4.55 234i 13232.3�� 2765 4a?�.25 i5�l.5G? b° CON�RETE DRIVENAY PFtiE!!E!!? S.Y. 14.�J4 58Q F3141.0� !@6 . 35'a4.��� 4�J3 ic`7,nn 257!.SfrZ F. ANB P. MHIiE ASH 2-li?° B � B Gi�CH 140.�U 3 34Q.�J4 T, ?�.t'1£� '� � IQ{�,L�O 2571.54? F. Sr P. CLEVE!A!{D NOF.ftP.Y 41RPLE E�iCH 100.0�J � 40�.00 2' ?4�.�JC� - 2 ?O�;i.�0 2-lr?° CAt. B. & b. 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DATEc i9 JUNE ?9S5 --------=-------------------------- -----_------------ M.S.tt. 124-lOc-C�1 iFALCON NEIGl�:TS2 tt�tir�tr�ssatx�t�ttxtitutttt�tttt�►��t�t�tttt�tt� 1 ti�H-PRR?Ii.?FATItt6 Ml.S.�. 4fAiCQN HEi6NT"s KiLEY} t tttttiittttltittftttfilttit#ltlNttlti#11tt1�ttitli CQ?dTRAC? 4!t{li TOT+�i ESTIMkTt� IT�N tt4. ITE14 !!Ni? :?RIC: BUANTITY liMt�UMi -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---- 21�4.5�f R�!4Dt�E PIFE S:iiER L.F. 4.?5 1�Jv �?5.fr0 �?�a�.50g GEM�VE CAiC!1 BA�Iw EACN Y�4.Ofi i F5��.0�� ?1U5.5C�1 C�M!lQ�i EX�AvRTl4H C.Y. �. �.85 :79 516.15 2?I1.5c1� H56RE6A?E BA�E. CL�r55 6 TGN � �b..5 34t1 :125.�i! 2331.5C��i 5Ir!iMINOJS !!ATEP,IA± F�u MI�iLPE T�li 144.u� 4 i71U.00 2:31.��36 itEARI@!6 i.?URSE MI�TIlRE ION � 25.F�r• ?8 145u.Z�? i�31.�i�J BIML�ER �L���kSE lf:�TURE T�� 4.a5 78 77E.if� �357.5�� 5iT!l�.tiQuS MATERIRL F+7r TA�P; �e1�1? 6y1. 2.?5 48 bry.�r:+ . ?5r�3.�4I i5° P..r. t'IPE 5�ki�� D�5. 34C�6 C�.�i t.F. 2�.5{� 319 4?85.5�J ?5��c.5�!o rGFiST�flCT �ilP�AE� URAiN. DES. A aR F EACH 214L.u� ? 2Z04.�JC� --=----====----=-==-==-------^------- --------------------------------------------------- NOk-P�'r"TICIPA.I{i� aUBiOi�L ## lo�0;.;5 tttttit!#t3#itt#IIl1#tdttiitlttttiittt#tttttttt#tt#tftllt#It#!t#tt1Ut#ti�t#ttltlklYttit E C4S? 5r'iI?5iTAT�Lfi t tlltltlt!!#!lltttt�t#ttt#tl�tlitti#t#t3ttlttttt�lYt!#ltttt3�t11tttlklt�lt�lttt�ttXtt#ttt cyGi?CIPRT?N5 �UB?aTFI - i ?64C��i8.40 NDR-PAP.?IGIP�FiNS 5U&30Tfi�L _� I4?91.75 oR�1JECT TL+T�± f ?83246.15 P.AMSEY C+JtlkTY iCQIlNIY PR�JJECT ND. f3�-iil? S $it�38.8{ P,Al4SE� CD�!N7Y Pi�F.Itr;pATIOk IN PAR�.iN6 LANES * ?54�JO.�JG � ------------ FHMSEY CDL+NIy TnT�L . s, i 1F2038.flS CITY D� 5i. �kB! t�.S.tl. ND. 164-145-31? i 8{�436.40 LE55 CQJtlTt FAP.?ICIGHTIaN IN FAPis?NE ±ANE� - i?SrJ�J.M 01430.4� ENEiN:Euzyr ;ar pgc�IMINi�A,Y + 5X ��NS?f?tlCTiD!ii + 883I.8CF CT:* �3� S'. PRU� T�iRL f ?b?o6.:� CIiY Qf FA:CQN NEIENTS tM.S.A. NU. 3?4=14b-01� f 4b5i2.b5 NOli-PkPTICIPr�TIfl� iM.S.A. �ID. 124 -iQb-�►.l + 19147.75 115770.40 !ES5 COUNTY �FiRTICiPA7i�t# tN PAP,l�IN6 L�iNES ` - t254G.Q4 1U�27�7.4� . mm . EN6INEEPINfi t8� PREII}llMkkY t 5I CUN5fRi1Ci�Qli) + 13425.15 CITY OF �A�C�N HEI6HT5 ifl1R1 �``� ` f 116695.55 � . * � � ��5�-/(�3� { EN6INrtRS EGTIMfif� PFcadECt NQ. CD. PR�J. 132-v"1 - EX4tI9Ii B FkSE ! Gr � P�5ES FlAM�IN� 'r.VE; !?O1`? A�E. TD iARPENTEtlr �VE. --------------------------------- --- --- -----------=-------------------------------- lI.S.A. 164-145-31 tST. PAI�..? DATE: 24 J!!kE �4�5 --------------------------�------ • ----------------- M.S.�4. 124-IOb-Ut 4fA!CQN HE!fiu:51 CI+t' �� CQNIRACT UHI1 10TR� ESTIl�ATEQ CIIY D� ST. PAUL ��iLC�J�! �!Fi5H?S ITEM N�?. I�tK JNi? PRiCE �1lKNT?iY t�!�CUNT E�HNTITY RM3UNT �tiANiITY A!!L��sl�' -------------------------------------------------===------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2��i1.5'vl tlOB!LiZRTIDk ?.,,. ??vG��.UG 1 f23l�:�.i►C� .S 6250.Of� .5 615i�.�vi� 2141.5G3Z rLEAR1N�3 EACN 1�J;,i.�1�i 5 5��4.40 2 200.��J 3 3�Jr�.��i� i10?.5��: fiR>?E9i�iE EACH i5.4U 1 5?5.��� 4 3Q4.00 3 :25.i►:� 2t44.5i�1 �!E!1�Jk: P!i'E �EitER L.F, 4.5C� 946 �157.��r ibi 724.5�J iB5 3�:?,SC� 21t�4.5�? REM�JVE flIT. CURE L.F. 1.GG i:5 .7i5.:�C� 3tl4 384.4ii �91 392.i�u ?�U4.��J! 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L�DP DE?E�iL�R ?-c'Z!!�' EACH 66Q.44 ! 600.4C� 1 640.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRD1ECi 5UB107R! f 2e4�?R8.40 � � � � ��5'1��� r � ElfnINEER� ESillIAiE PRQJ�rT N�. CL�. PRaJ. NL�. 23:-01 P�6E ? Df ? PA6cfi HkMIIN� AV�.; NDYT AVE. 7� LAP.pENTE'st� AUE. --------------------------------- --- --- -------------------------------------------- M.S.A. Ib�-S4�-JS tSI. PAUi} E�ATE: 14 J�±N: 148� ;: --------------------------------- --=-------------- M.S.A. 124-if+o-03 {FHLCDN t?EIG�TS! tlititllttttlttt#!tlttttt!#!itlttk�tttlYtllt#ttfiit! t NQN-PRRTiCdFA?IN6 M.5.f�. !FA�r�N HEI6!iTS t1LLEYl t illtYlitttittitt#tlttt!l�i1t#4ttlttt3Y!#lt3ttkt#itt CON7R►?CT UNIT tDTAI ES?IMYTE� ITfM NC. iTEN RJNII PP,iCE 9URNiITY A!lQLNT ----------=--==--=------------ --------------- --------- --------- ---------------------------------- :'s04.5Qi ii"c!iD:�� P1�E SEM�R s F 4.2`s I00 4��.nq il��d.5�q arM0+1E s".r�FCH BASi�i �ACH 35!?.00 1 :5i;.0�a 21Q�.5i�? CDMML�N E�►`�?`di,TI�F! C.�. I.95 ?79 516.15 d i�f:.�L� 1i�fiRE�tiiE BASE, CIf�S� 0 T�N C.i� 'J'�:i ?.i`r'.'Jl! ?:3?.5:}? Ri?!4M?NDJS K�:TER?N� ���; M?r;JR� ?�3N �9n.U�� g ;,�n.O+J ?::1.5'vE klcyRI�iS �'�l3�c� M�kiU'St T�N 25.�i! i8 295it.�:�it �3�f.�.C� �?N�J=� rn�i��� KI�Tl1RE - ?�5�+ 4.4° iB 7?b.2C{ i��7.5�a�: �!i iti!?iM�+US i!�+icRiH! f�R Tt�CF; C�sT @A!. i._5 48 6C�.i�u ?5G3..7�iS � �Je R.C. FIPE SEtlER L�E5. ���v6��CL.i�1 : � ?4.53 3?4 �285.5r� ?5�}6.5�?? Ci�NSTR�J�T 5L�%AC� BRkiti, L�ES.. � QR F ::'�::H 2140.u�3 _ 220fr.��0 ____________________________ -------- ------------------------------------------------------------ N�k-FAR�ICIFATIN6 SUR7�??�r! ' ## 152G:.7� tlttttitXlttittftlEt#itttf!!ttlittt�ttttt!ltttlt##iYttlttlll�8lYtt1ltt#ttittttlttlltlttt E C��gT cp?;T5iTL�Tt��S 1 ttttttlttt!!;ltltlittltttitttltttlittltttit#t!tl8k#!!!qltttl!lllittttlltttltitltltlttit! PAR??CI�AT?NE 5UPT0T�� g 2b4048.4!? N4N-PAR?i�IP�TiN6 SL�ET�?AL 14197.75 . ------------ PR�JEC? TOTAi ff 28324c.l5 � Ci?Y nF �?. PRLL (N.S.�. N0. �i-1�5-�?� S :?6?+J�.88 EN�iNEERFNE t5? PkElIaINr1�:Y + SX CQN5TRtlC?IDN) + 164�7c.�3 CI?Y L+r' Si. ��il� i�JTA! % �f !415?F.5! � F rITY rG Fi:iCTr u�iENi5 {N.�.A.•:kD. 1?�§-?�c-ir?? # F37$4v 5' F�ICINEE!!;�E {�� ,'rN�l T�9)i�!?RY + �37 CDNS?�tL+CTI�s'Nf f �'l�lf�l.'J5 �rsEi�7A� iPNisiICii'A?iN� M.S.�.) f 155;53.�8 lit�k�-?AKTIC?PAiIH6 {N.S.A. Ni?. 1?� -lC��-�1't 1�1�:.%5 ENE?N�cRtNE {5i PRELjkINfi�{T + 5X GDNSTG?li,TI�JM: + 24?5.72 SI18iQ'sAl sNDti-PAkTICS?RIIN6 N.S.P..) S 2164s.46 -� C?TY Qf FALCON HEI6Hi5 ?DTAL if F7;456.64 � . � � �� (;- ��r.s/��`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ■�eeravae OIr'FICI� OF THE CITY COIINCIL r�aueu�a�e y, ':�-� - �8 Ddte ; November 27 , 1985 COMM (TTEE RE PORT � TO = Saint Pau I City Council FROM � Committee oh PUBLIC WORKS Ck� AiR, CHRIS NICOSIA ��� The Public Works Committee at its meeting of November 27, 1985 took the � following action: Hearinq Date l. 12/3/85 FINAL ORDER: Grading, paving and slope construction necessary for the improvement of the east-west alley in Block 28, Syndicate No. 5 Addition between Pascal and Albert (bounded by Sherburne, Charles, Pascal and Albert) . . � Recor�xnended approva 1 . 2. 12/17/85 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For improving both sides of Selby Avenue between Arundel Street and Virginia Street; East side of Arundel Street between Selby Avenue and 190 feet south to alley and both sides of Western Avenue from Dayton Avenue south to approximately 130 feet south of Selby Avenue. Recommended approval . 3. 12/19/85 VACATION: Petition of Northern States Power Company for the vacation of Smith Avenue between Shepard Road and Hill Stree�t concerning the construction of the new High Bridge. Recommended approval . 4. COORER"�►T I 0�1 AGRE£hff NT: - be�ti�:th��.C i'�y o� '�. �'A�„�I 4 t., Ramse�r� �unty -r�gard i ng i�#am i i�e Avenue �rt�tn ' ��>.�o � Larpenteur. � i "�- 9� � Recanmended approvai . 5. CLAIM for damages to property of John Mattson caused by Payne Avenue Bridge construction. Recommended approval .