85-1633 WMITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. �/� /�•�/� BLUE - MAYOR , ouncil Resolution Presented B �� l.l�� Y Referred To � Committee: Date �'Z ��� �� Out of Committee By Date WHFRF'AS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does recomnend the following transfers for the 1985 General Funcl Budget: TRANS�'ER FROM: General� Government Accounts � Contingent Reserve Specified 09061-537 Operating Transfer Out -20,000 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER T0: Gene�al Government Accounts � 09147 Appeals Board & Special Servs 09147-537 Operating Transfer Out 57,000 +20,000 77,000 09147- All Other Spending 330,400 0 330,400 387,400 +20,000 407,400 N�'r C�11A1J� 0 RE90LVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1985 budget. Financing is Available: Approval Reoomr�nded: , Director of F' ce r�`�;��; Budget ir r ~ CQUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �rP� Clty C�UI1Cl�. Masanz In Favor �iicosia ��. ��.,-.QYX�1 scne�bei � __ Against BY — — . Sonnen Tedesco r. p Adopted by�Council: Date DEC � L �9(7 Form Approve by Ci ttorn , i Certified P�:se Cou cil reta�y BY By �- Approve y Mayor: Date — DEC � � t�pJ Approved ayor S issi n to Council By �' _ . ��a►a ..._a� I.����.v � __ ������ Counci�f Research DEPARTMENT � `��0�0 3033 ' � ' .7n+hn 3�_ Cn'nna11� � CONTACT 298-4163 PHONE � November 18. 1985 DATE �e� �e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Signature) : Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk � Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Transfers funds from Contingent Reserve Specified to Legislative Operating (Council Research) , to enable City to participate in intervention of NSP ' s current electricity rate-hike case . (For further detail , see funds transfer on Green Sheet ��3034) COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: RECt►v Ei.�►, NOU 2 � i�8� Funds will completely cover City `s share of costs for the rate-intervention case . MAYOR'S dfFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $20,0 00. quired if under �io,000) R�CEIVED Funding Source: cont . Res . Spec. - Activity Number: 0906 �-5s� ���?�! 2 � 1985 OFFICE OF TH� CI^„��-pR ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : DEPAR-fM ENT OF FiiVANCE AND MANAGENiENT SERVlCES Resolution transferring $20 , 000 from Contingent Reserve Specified to Public Utilities Investigation. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No °Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 _ � _ ... _. _ . -. � . ���%�- �;� � � �,�-�5 `/�.�� �� CITY OF S3I�TT P�iUL ,�. t , °i�i� { OF�'ICE OF T$F GZTY COU�TCIL i COIl1Initte° Rz��rt � F':�anca. 1�ana�ement. � P�rsannel C�m.mi�t�e. 1. Aanroval o= :ninuces lro�a meecing hcld `tovember I4, I985. � . �o� �� 2. ResoluL:on`ameading C.:�. ?5;0?: to allou ror the esLaol-shr,.e::t of designated oay per_od aL apnrooriace cime� to ailou ?or t`e �ayne^t of he�i=:� oene:L:s to occu: wi hin a 35-1ay per:u:i ��c by St- :tat te. - ` /��� Vv�� � � 'L',��C. �� 4 �Ris� tilgr�L. ta.id ove_ o:n lI/l� �: '• i/ t���" �t I c. nd,r���UY��n���n t ts�1.'��'�I Cc-� ;�.�- 3. Pr_senLazzon $i Ramse}• uuntr Tax c�an an t� Assessed Val atian �eauc::on. (Laid over ;:om Il/1•l/85) � � 4. Resoluzion(s) �proving the��a�ncinq'"anQ SDenaingW I�f ll'���'�(Jr �'��1i Oces���n�. . Initzative ?rogram. (Co�aunity Services)% /1 j� �Ye� �\ ���Z ��,.�. ' �.�.r r / C./ /// /�(''i , 5. Letter os e1FSC•tE Councii No. I4 asiciag for a reviea os the „ CJ . � Aaiaal Caatrol Of=ice:. (Rofs:-ee Lo Financs I1/7/85J �ae of the ti.2e . � ��� �v�� I V �L!�Z/�J� • � Resolution auchorizing the �:cnendi�ure of 520,00 aliowirtg *_he at� to join wit4 ! ot, r metro area �alities in protest:n the � -+ ' �'1��ife;6it i���- 3 �SP eiect._c :aLe incroase. (� e j eauestinq 520,�00 to �.Ilow the city to nartic�aaLe wi�'s other eities . . � in -€lec:^�ate��� a . _. . _..._ . � ���c- �j ,Q.'`.-�.-.�.�n:°'��.� ,. �ti..s-,.-�, $- e I Ian rovsng 1985-I986 agreemenL bet�(een the City azta the Intez-tationai � �n l� c� ,/��aeraso+a�Nor.ce���s QO,�onneij . ' . ' . ' � /� ,�i . , : 9. Re§dl.utzon ap�(revtnq I985-198� '4aintenance Lab�x�'pgreemenL betweea the IndenendenL . '• I L o��t:�ct �6�and Elec: cal Worxe-s, ocal 0. (Personnei) : • ! J�a.� Resolution aut�or zin"g c�i-e'issuance ����4pqp�� Au�aor_r� Revem:e 9onds to fiaance �he construc�ion of an otfsce anc dist-buLZOn center ior RRB Assa.ciates � ia Rivervi.ew Industrial �irea Wesc. (port puu�orit�,� , ��, ���� ��� ' ,II� Resalutinn auLhorizing the issuance of $2,665,000 Por: Author_ty Aevenue Bonds ta s fizance the acouisiLion o= buildi.ngs on the s.e. cortter oi Western and Daycon , Avenues :or Cathedxal HiI1�Associates. (port author_�y) . I3. Resolution auchorizing prone- eity oificials to rez� fee'� t$ ar,n��°f Bur� ' Alar.a Systems paid ur i o nLe- 32� the ;,egislati•re Code. � �-� ��� � �� r� i� s��� '� 1/�3�� �sOl'ut�a authorizing rssuance of S , ,000 Part Author_;y Revenue bonds to finance the acauisit'on and remode_lin,�)of Caaitol Holiday Inn :or e:gS .issociates. cpa� �uthar�zy� .��N/�rD ll-�t� 14. Resolution au�horizing an agree�rtenL with the bQV, Deat. of Health to nrovide a Rezugee Healtli Progr:m in Itamsey Co, for octooe: I, 1985, thxvug' Seot. 30, 198T. (Community Servicrs)��� � �e� �� /������ 15. Resolution amending the hudget cont:ol systea es=an1ishea for snecisl fi:zids to provide a flexible budgeL concrol ontion for proprieLZry �ds based on projected and actual fiscsl per:ormance, (Finaace Dent. . �-r� �V�/'Z_ �D 1�—/S/��` I6. Resolution authori:.ing an agre nc mith Whitacker Huick and Hetro Porsch-�ucii, Ine., fer the lease of unmariced Police vehictos. Police Dent.) Lf�'i� �V��-- �i f�,j�--�5--� . � NOT ON PREp,4RED AGEVDA: Resolution establishing the budget for the CeTtificate of Occuoancy Program that has �t�en transferred ' � to the De t_ o__'re �, Saret Services. � � � . • .3 y`��� . _ _ ' - �r��r � C��I-I- � S TH�FLOOR ~ Sr1I►�IT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 °�'°s /1� �� n n 3