85-1632 WHITE - GTY CLERK . PINK - FINANC�E G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council f��, /��� - CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR O � File N 0. �� Council Resolution Presented By ���< Referred To �''� Committee: Date �'2/� �s T� Out of Committee By Date �IEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are avaialable for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 budgetf and �diF�EAS, The Mayor reconmends the following changes to the 1985 budget: Current �a� --Budget Changes Buclget FINANCING PLAN - �7�4 Public�Utilities Investigation -0200 Fund Balance 85,656 0 85,656 -7299 Transfer fr�n General Funci (09147) 45,000 +20,000 65,000 All Other Financing - - 110,000 0 110,000 240,656 +20,000 260,656 SPE�DING PLAN 724�Public Utilities Investigation 50200 iJtilities Rate Investigation Admini.stration 50200-21.9 Fees-Other Professional Serv.s 1,423 +20,000 21,423 50200- All� �her Spending - 144,233 0 144,233 All Other Fund S�ndirig 95,000 0 95,000 240,656 +20,000 260,656 �' � +20,000 RESOLVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1985 budget. . ro R+ec:omnended: �, -- Li�/� � .Budget ir tor ►�- COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz � In Favor � C-��ncil Nicosia Scheibel z,�,w,� � _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson DEC 1 2 t985 Form Approve y City At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•s e Council , reta� - BY By r Approv Mavor: Date y � 6 �5 Approved b ay fo u 'ssion to Council � By �� PU��I��?ED u�� � i. 1J�S Co�ncil Rweseasch DEPARTMENT (•/—�I�`��NO 3034 •.Tnhn W_ ('.nnnPll � � C�aTACT 298-4163 � PHONE November 18. 1985 DATE �Q/�� ,� Qi ASSI6N NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk i Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Spending plan. Allows City to participate in the intervention of NSP ' s current electricity rate-hike case . RE�tlVEL7 NOV 2 1 i987 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: MAYpR'S OF�ICE City will be able to participate in a consortium of 14 individual cities and the 37-city Suburban Rate Authority to intervene in the NSP electricity rate-increase case . Ultimate benefit to City and its rate-payers will be the possible reduction of a $129 million increase in utility costs . R E�����o oF. �`��� � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's slS����pF T�� 1985 ture nor'� ri�. Total_Amount of Transaction: $20,00o quired if ur��l�q E��F���FCTOR $10,00Q) NTS qN�� Funding Source: From Contingent Reserve Specified 09061-537 to ER�jces Public Utilities Investigation 09147-537 . Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Resolution detailing Financing & Spending plan . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient�? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � _... . _. . _ _ __ _ ,.. _ � _.... _ ..,_....._.�. �._...__.:J. -� .-..._. . , � • .. ' ,y�- `� ��.G ���'S`/�,%2 � �J � YJ f' .: �-•,, � CITY OF S3I17T P2�UL y�� .,::�� ; � �� :;�t�;:;.;�ti OF�'ZCF OF` THE CITY COLi�TCIL � �ammitte� R�g�rt ' F:�.an�a. 1�ana�ement,. � P�rsannel Committee. � v �� I. Aeuroval oi :ninuces fzom meecing helJ `fovemoer I4, I985. '` ` � ' . �V �� 2.�! ResaZution' amending C.1�. 25io2. to allou for the estaolish,;.e^t of designaced pay ; per od at annraoriate cimes to a.loc� �or t`e payrtent ai heslt4 oene:i.s ta occu: -' w�i/�hin a 55-uay pe:io:i s�c ��•`'St �[at�}Le. (Ris�,;l�e�c.) [aid ove_(�-o:a il/l- 3- Pr�sle cai on�c5f'Ramsi�• Cuu�• Taxlcia Onl1 I�VYt�{2Y(,O�11'?lf'�►�'�f"L�YVI CB�(�/, ��'.Ur �`'`'� , �S� asszssed Vai�tati�n"RFauc__on. t (Laid over =:om 12/1•1/85) � � � �res�i-�,�-�, 5��,,,���-�r f�.-��re- ���n • 4. ResoluLion(s) �nroving the finanr_ng ana soenaiag pian for the eity H�n Serv'ces Initia�ve ?rogram. (Coamusity Services}% �!l)� �ye� --r7\ f��z� �� � h-R � v � . S. Letter af ;�FSC•fE Ceunc:I No. I4 asiciag for a reviex of the grace of the ti:l� � Ani�al Control of�:ce:. (Re=er_ed to Finaztr_ Il/7/85) j v,�� �v,�n %� �L��Z��� �f7' �`, ' � �dj.,-:l��olutf�c�at auc«ta�s"i.zfm�.e exoendittuer:oi.�24,00 al�,�xit�'"tha ts:y to joizs with I � �=rc�._area aii�.e„g in prozestzng tlss` gitcz^c :ace in�ase. ' ' ��ifc?��t �� � �R .� e� M . , es I a uesLin �'°•. `�Y-'; � g $�O,OQb to allow che et.y to aart=��a�ce rriL� other citres � e . ' in �lec:�c ;ate case. � _ . . ; ��°,�°���!�� . ___ 8�: e 1 ion v�,ng 1 85-I986 agreemenL ber.reen the City ana the Inte�at.onal . . � Assn. of :Nac::iaiszs ' Aeras�ace Wor'ce� AF -Q . P onnel) . . . . ; �.��� � v�� �a ���s-1�� : � g• Resar utiait ap rovinq I485-I98 �lair.2enance LaI� Agreement bet�eea the 2ndenendent . � I �o�D� .�.� �6�and E3ect 'cal W1o�r1.ce-s, ocal 0. er : • V C� �� /e�'S ,���QO � sannei� !/ � I Resolutian aut or:i.ng issuance oi I 0 0 Port Auchor ry Aevenue gonns� ta £i,nance Ehe construcLion of an office aad distr_bution center for RRB Ass caces • : i.n Riverview Industrial ,+�rea WesL. (Pon �utaoriry) ,/ . - ' '! ' �Il ResoluLion auzhorizing the issuaace of 2 665 000 ���� v�� t 3 , , Port Author_ty Revenue Boads to fiaance the acauisiLion of buildi.n3s on the s.e. mraer of WesLarn aad Dayton , Avenuea for Catl:edral HiIL Associa=es. (port auchor_;y) _^�O 1l�--�`� ' - . 1r.� y 12. Resolution authari�inq n��e� �ty orf�ci,�s to nt� ee to owners of Burgiar Alarm �ysLems nai�pur�t�o� ���Z� the iegislativa Code. , � - V� `1-� � � ' � G- � 13 s 1 t an auc orizing zsswznce of $� , ,000 Porz ,�uthori�j Revenue bon¢s to fiZance the ac¢uisi='an and remodelin of C�itol Holiday Inn for HBS �ssociates. (Port auL.':ority) ����l/'�"' --_._ I4. Resolution auchori:.ing an agreement with the `Mt. Dent. oi Health to arovide a Rer.egee Health Progm.m in 2amsey Co. for OcLOber 1, 1985, throug' Senc. 30, 1987. (Community Services) l-f�it� 6 v�i'z- �-T'O ���1���-' _ 15. Resolut:on amending the hudget control systea estaolished for snee'taI fz:nds to provide a flexible budgeL mncral onL:on for proprietaxy funds bazec on projected and actual fiscal persora�ance. (p'��n�ce. �o=�o ��S`�� s 16. Resolution auchori,;�an a�re�ni ��+ith Whitzcker guick and :�et:o Porsch_auc�, Ine., for ttte lease of unmuiced Palice vehicies, alice Depr,.) l,/�D �V�12-- � f�/,:��s— - � NOT ON PREPARED AGEVDA: Resolution establishing the budget for the Certificate of Occ�ancy Program that has ��en transferred • to the De t. 're � Safet Services._ � � ,, . � � _ rdl1-�=-�.._ c.� xALa. ��/� SEVEI�ITfI FLOOR Sr1I1�1T PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 °�"6 li' i r Q �