85-1630 WHITE - CITV GLERK .
Co ncil Resolution
Presented By � � ��
_ 1�_ y �
Referred To 1-1 1��l�l� Committee: Date � ���
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized
and directed to execute an agreement with the Minnesota Department
of Health, said agreement providing for the City' s Division of
Public Health to provide a Refugee Health Program in Ramsey County
for the period of October l, 1985 through September 30, 1987,
subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of
which is to be kept on file, and of record, in the Department of
Finance and Management Services .
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas .`,����.�--�lays /
Drew � In Favor Community Services
sche�bel _ Against By Qo o�,� �
W ilson
Adopted by Council: Date DEC 1 � �9 Form Ap roved b City t c y
� C
Certified Pas �,�Council S etar BY
sy .�'�V =,
Appro d avor. Date ���' ; ^ '¢QQ� Approv b Mayor for Submissio nci�
B By
QlJB�lSHED D E C � 1 1985
Community .Services DEPARTMENT ��S-�lo✓'� NO 31��
Colleen Geary Ca�te1^ CONTACT
292-7724 PHONE
Octaber 24, 1985 DATE �ej�� ` e�
ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature :
Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor
4 Finance and Management Services Director 5 City Clerk
Budget Director
C�City Attorney �p� ��
Rationale) : .
Resolution aut�torizing a contract between the M�nnesota Department of Health and the City of
Saint Pau1 througR jts Division of Public Health to provide a refugee health program in Ramsey
County for the time period Octo6er 1 , 1985 through September 30, 1987. This also includes
adc�ional funds to support acti"vitjes relative to hepatitis B virus screening and vaccination
services for pregnant women, other refugee women of child-bearing age and household contacts
to carrier females.
Funding wi11 be received from the Minnesota Department of Health for the basic refugee health
program in the amount of $19,514 for the first year and $19,514 for the second year; $6000 for
hepatitis B outreach and $800.00 for hepatitis B vaccine for the first year, The second year
funds for outreach and hapatitis B vaccine has not been determined.
ture not re- RECEIVED
Total Amount of Transaction; $42,828 quired if under
Funding Source: Minnesota Department of Hea1th N�� � j�
Activity Number: 33244 CITY ATTO�NC1
ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) :
1. Speci al i nstructi ons for si gnatures and i ni ti al s NOV � ��5 RECEIVED
2. Agreement - original and four (4) copies r,�pYOR'S OFFICE
3. Resol uti on N�� s•1�
Yes o Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No��
Yes No Insurance Attached:
Revised 12/84
�;; - : . : : : .: _ � .
. � 3 � �s
• , �`,:.�"'A - , .. . STATE OF MINNESOTA . --- �j-'l�.
. CONTRACTUAL (non-state ,em
_.. . , • •
- � ployee) SERVICES . : `°.`. � . _
� Trn.No. Account I.D. Oiganization F.Y. Requisition No. ` Vendor Numb�r T . CD.1 �'
yps Terms :es*C�Ce 5 ,CQ.?i c�_...,.r
A� 395053 i25o0 6 88442 0��305003 V . - �
�c;:�e 4 Amount Suffix Object
26.314.o0 0� 742 gEni�
� A40 p A4, _1 a a3� 02�0�� Entered by /j�C
Oate Number
❑.A44 ❑ A45 ❑ A46 Entered by �: �
Date Number
NOTIGE TO CONTRACTOR: You are required by Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supplement, Section 270.66 to provide your wcia�security
number or Minnesota tax identification number if you do business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the
enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in action to require you to file state tax returns artd
pay delinquent state tax liabilities. This contract will not be approved unless these numbers are provided. These numbers will be available
to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations.
THIS CONTRACT, whieh shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, beiween the State of Minnesota, acting
through its Department of Health
(hereinafter STATE) and the St. Paul Division of Public Health
address 555 Cedar Street, Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55101
Soa Sec.or MN Tax I.D.No. � Federal Employer I.D.No.(if applicable) ,
(hereinafter CONTRACTOR►,witnesseth ihat:
WHEREAS,the ST T�, �rsuant to Minn pta tatutes 144.05 Sections (b and (f) 1977
is empowered to �ict ��t���, ��iar��n���td�� t n r t e, z d 1 0 � �
services to nrotect the vublic health. ,and
WHEREAS, Coneress has appropriated funds to assist states and localities in meeting the public
health needs of their refu�ee population. , ,and
WHEREAS,CONTRACTOR represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set farth hereirt,
NOW,THEREFORE,it is agreed: /
1. CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES (Attach additional page if necessary�. CONTRACTOR,who is not a state employee,shalt:
A. Administer a refugee health program within Ra.msey Countq in an efficient and effective
manner pursuant to the procedures as outlined herein.
1. Far each refugee whose initial U.S. resettlement is in Ramsey County after October
1, 1�85 and for whom no previous screening services have been provided in this state,
• . the-�followino dut�e� sha�l be undertaken: . - _ _ _ _
a,� ; Coatact the refugee-:or the_sponsor of t�e��refugee in order. that a :r�ferra3 mi.ght
;, b:e .mad�. `for_ a general health assessment, . • . � - . - :
� b. Refer/a11 refugees for a general health assessment, _eva�uation, and .treatment
or encourage the sponsor to make such referral.
2. Provide follow-up within 30 days to all refugees who were referred for a general
health assessment to ascertain if the assessment was completed and if acute disease
nrnl,�n�ne nennaeit�tino .fnllnr�—�m _tsera ir1E+nYifiaA_
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Ado� ��oM Aaua6y— uaa�� � b Ado� esuadsng Aaua6y— �u!d
' luaiii3�edea uo�is�u�u�wpy— uow�e5 Q O �ol�e�iuo� —.Lreue� � �w"„�,.
i!un 6ununoa�y AauaSy— an�g � � luaw3�edaa a�ueu�� — a�ir/M
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�`��toon af�e STATE, as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized'agent, and in accord with al! applicable fedec �stat��!
ar -cal la�, ordinances, rules and regulations. CONTRAGTOR sh�ll not receive payment for work found by the ST�►TE`to be�� ;-
�� u�:� - _..,,. �r perfqrmed in.,vialation of federalf state or local faw,ordinance,rule or re�ulation. _ � ,� $ • :�� � _, #
� �-
� �1. i`R"-1 ��^!��IT"�-.^,� This contract shall`be effective on--Octo�2r �., , • ' .. � fg` S , oa uponsuch ,.�'
, _ _.,�—.. , _
° .., � ,,s it u �:ecuted as �,. <^•4.'`•��nce 6y ihe-Commissio�e�-o��inance, whichever occurs iaier,.and shal4rernain irr effect e�ntil -
. . SP tamh�t° 30 _ -�- -,_ ..T�. _. -,..�� •i:,r ;�•., .
�.;, � ---— ----- , .��.., rn�►iom n:i fvrtrt srr t�sis c::::-rratC-,-� � or,��?tlsfactc+�� .
whichever ocairs firsL .;, _
V. CANCELLATtON. This contract'may ba cancell� by the Si"ATE or CONTRACTOR at any time, with or without cause, upor► �
thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation CONTRACTOR shal{ be entitled to
�•��,,._ ,* �rmined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed, �_
�'1. STATE'S :.:���'.�1RIZED AGENT. The STATE'S authorized agent for the purposes of administration of this contract is
Dzane C. s�te�son
Such agerr3 shall have fina3 a�thority for acceptance of CONTRACTOR'S services and if such services are accepted as sati5factory,
shall so certify on each invoice submi�ie� �ursuant to Clause I1, paragraph B.
`JI I. ASSIGNMENT. CONTRACTOR shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this contract without the prior
written co�nsent of the STATE.
V!II. AMENDM�t�lTS. Any amendments to this contract shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed
the originaf contract, or their successors in office.
IX. LIA81L1'fY. CONTRACTOR agress to indemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents and employees harmless from any and
all claims or causes of action arising from the performance of this contract by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTQR'S agents or
employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies CONTRACTQR may have for the STATE'S failure to
fulfiU its obligations pursuant to this contract. _ .�: • ' ' • - - �
X. STATE AUQITS.:-The books; records,:documentr, ;and�aecounting procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR retevant to
this contract shall be subject to examination by the contracting department and the legislative auditor.
Xi. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other documents prepared by CONTRACTOR
in the performance of its obligations under this contract sha�l be the exclusive property of the STATE and aH such materials shall
be remitted to the STATE•by CONTRACTOR upon completion,,termination or canceltation of this contract.CONTRACTOR shall
- not_use,,w+llingly allow,�qr-_ caLae to have:such;mate�ials usecl.�fpr..any.purpose oth.er th,an•performanceofCONTRACTOR'Sobli-
gations unde�this contract without the prior written consent of the STATE. - ' � - - � ' � � "
XII. AFFIRMATlVE ACTION. (When applicable) CONTRACTOR certifies tFiat`it has received a cert�ficafe o�" compliance�from the
' Commissioner"of Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 19�31 Suppfement, Section 363:073.' '�
XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. In accordance with the provisions of'Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supptement;`Secfion 176.182,the
STATE affirms that CONTRACTOR has provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers' compensation insurance
coverage requirement of Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supplement, Seciion 176.181, Subdivision 2.
XI\�. ANTITRUST. CONTRACTOR hereby assigns to the State,of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/or
_ _ -... _ .. _ _ ._ . . .. .: . , . .. . :
'services provided �in�connection with this cohiract're3Llting�from antittust violations which arise under-the`antitrust lawS of the
_ ,. _ . . , _ _ _ . _.. _ .
United States and the antitrust laws of the'State�'of Minnesota. '" ' - ' '-� ' - -' ��` -'" '
. � -- . . _ _. :: . _ – -
h�'. O7H�R PROVISION$: (Attach additional page if necessery): ' ° `-`- � `- �
-,— , . . - _ - - - _
. . .. _; .. L :_
� . . . .
: _,
. ,_... .. . . __ ._ . - - - _ . .... . _ _ �. .<._ � - _ .
For gurposes of administration of this con�Cract, the�terin "refugee"-has �Che meaning as define
3n� Section 101(a)(42)• of the I�aigration=�nd Nationa]:ity �Act, and=with �ttie exception of
Soviet Je,wish refugees, any such person receiving �this alien clas"sificatian, regardless of
. - -: -
�national origin; is -eligib�e"for-services under this" program. ��
_._. _. . . -. ._ _, --
, . . : ; 1 .;. - .
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.. . _. .
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!i� WtTNESS WH�REOF,the,parties.have caused ihis contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. _
F�PPR�VED -�-r�!: NOTEs Remore carboni be#ote obtaining signatures. , - . - `
�. .. _ : .. .
. _ __ _ . .. - � . ;.
__ _ 3 ATTQ R
_ . _. .
• , _,.. _ _ As to form and.execution by the. �
� ..-
(If a corporation,two corporate officers must execute.) f.,, y�
sy . � � sy
__� . _. __ - ; :o . � ' _ _. . --
- {, �, - -
l'itle Q Date
Mayor ___. __� �` �
Date �
T^'3 •rri,
'� W V . . � � � ' .
� . . . � . . .. .. . _. •.. . .. .
BY � � By(authorizW signatusa)
Qi Q '
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Title -. . . . � �•: . : . ._ . pat� _
..�i..�i�� T___' —_. /�e___ _ _ __ ___i � _ .". • _
��' _ , C!��.?—/l�:c1 U
, ' � • , • , Rttached hereto and made a part
� hereof. Signer' s initial
� '�-d-11-j-�'�""'
£.:hi�i� A
___- �r'_r.c ze��aL.�`is B ��irus CH3�r) 1IIYE'�'=:.on �r�n an :B�i �arz-zer
- -�I_?lt� �:i T�1�3 SSfltt� i102]�E?�"lt7it� OY' 'rilr'tltl��i1 '1,?r:.?"1�L3; E:Y�OSL`Y'h3.
_ . ����ylG= 3 CrE'X'SOI1S.: i7?8��}l r'E?COY'd •`_C' ?3Ct1 r@*IiQEL--' Wi0 receives .
a :��t�'�.h asses.�ment at �he S�. r`�aul Biv:�s�vr o� �ublic H$alth
�..`i::_'�1 St13ii COT1�8?:1� d� a ?ninimurn� Lr1E L'�SLl�±S pT ti1?1r S�ZiSl L�S�
a:�=_/��r c,�.st ..-ray C if administered? for �ubercu3osis, th� resu�ts
o� _:ea_±- s�rolagic �cr�enin� for suscenti;.�iiity =o hNp�3titis B
v�ru.s CH�,V? ir.�ection, and the da±e.s af ali ir+emunizations
_ . �dentify individua�s who are nousehola `on�.acts <�pouses,
_.___�r-�,,, and 0�.;1�?T'3) to carrier zpmal�s of c����d-���ar�ng are and
_�_ev�c�: educa�ionai messages to LZO�e so i�en�if:Ad �'r,+�ut the
_. �o�-�ance �� receiving hzn3titis ° vacc�.na;��n.
� . �:f�r hepa�iti.� B vaccina�ian to those =nuividua?s ic:en'�ifie�
�c be 3t ri��c as d�scribed in i}em 5.
7 . ��v�ic.,p and impletnent a trac:cing systeT =o insT��� thr�t thosz
_ _�>�n an initial dose o� H3V �raccine �re of�?rec _�e _er:iaining
i��s�s in �he series at th� ap�ro�riat? �imes.
.. . C���1ec} and recurd in£orma�ian �ahich doc�i:�ents t_<ie r�su2ts of
-_��<� rFi,.�gee�:.� zeait,h assessnzr.t on �`he a R��ugee �i�.si��i "Screenir.g- _ _
_.. .. �o'1ow-Lp In���rmatior.�� forr, �wizic:� c�r, �� f�?ur�•� as �xi-ii�it B
.a>�_�.:. i�� attac;�ed and mad� a p3rt he.�eof) �o-r a�i r�fuc�ees whase
_i:�_=•�_ YE?S@t.L°.@;1F?rit 18 1?7 ��P.lSE-}r �4L1T7'�.j7 3i�.!?Y' L�rtO�F?Y` 1 � 39�5.
.,•`.i'?:=�= �`N� SGr'Ttt3 �?^i312. }�0 SL11�fli1L�2Ct t0 �f10 ��@`? within '�J Ci3�/S C7Y
_��� �-t-���g�e's arrivai i!i Rams�y County .
'� . ?ravici� �the nam�e� �f ail reiugees whc� d=sco:�tinup �rescribc�3
��rev�:�'�.i�ac �her�;�y for tuberculosis a1on;; wich i:�� given r�as�n
_ ..r s�sc:: discon��nuation to t:�e State ;�i�hin s"iv� CS) days o� ti-:e
�_�r-�v�r,, i�y the C�n-�rac�or o� suc� �'iscontinua�ic�n .
_ � . ^=CIV�..[.;� �F0�.�3D�10I2t3 ].ri�G�Y'S�T'?���,2�;.?i7 L3 a07I �'•v��LiBSt 0= �:!@ �r.3LC:
:C'� ._ _� �Qt���• ',r7�1C�Sf' 1:iJ..�J.�� Y'B$A'�,��P_T1�T?t i:: ::inn�so-_:.. i3 U'..ItS.sC� Cf
- -.,-_;�?}t� ;;:�nnepin, !]Y' t.�ilmsted C.��Jii�'r@�:..
_ � . Ji:.�^..i!?1�. I'1c3T'.:3r 3.�!@ Z"?t�OI't5 L+'� '�}2? St•3�,° Wl�17 ��� C3�3 ,3�'��•Y' t�lc''
==Y'.= GS �?dCil C�132 t2Y 4Jai�C:1 Si��.�.1 3��T'�S3 �T'Cs:'tT'�33 :7c'12:Q TilB��e'? lil
-.-•-_��•��n•� *:.,roQram o���ec*_ives, �rob��ms wzicnvZav? bF_�n �;c���cztc�red
�i.�_ :�==iiLQS L`SP_C� UZ' cnanges 7?lYlc3 TilclG�Z �.O 2'E.'SO�:V� vr'��:�Ti3� 21F?EQ
::iG i l;=�L i{?C3�iOtl fQ2' 3IL.ZY'1I1CS L.�'.l� targets 4� 3I7}' ��Jl•?CL_ Vr: 311c�
-3_^..� ���ha_r in�'�r;nation w�ich m�y ne use�ui to ±c,e Sta_� , tc�e ��iu�
i{:��;i�n�� �f£ice, ihz Csn�ers ��r �isease C:ortroi , Ur �ne ��.•`ice o�
���u��ee R�setclemen�.
}:� • Attached hereto and made a part
, ' • ' �ibi� A - 2 . hereof. Signer's initial
�yI�° .r-.i-Y�� • � �/�_ l(�.31�
-"?, ul�ii�a �ur:c;� o� u� '��� ;or'�y--,�ive �c.:-:cas<.;��� `w�nty-�iy-:,�
�,:�'_;ars provi�ed tu tr�e S�a�_e �o si!ppnx: sta.£� whose
__ ?SL.�C1Ii°uaDi.�.it..l@S W 1» ��?13�t"' LG �i..�ili�i .. =.ilY'i3LiC:�"t �_ .
� '. '." �_��e sunds af up �o tWgh'� ����n_'.re::�. d��� _yrs i�.8�?7) to
'.�a���it:�i� :.i1� CC7S'�'..S Of R�D�t.:cl 1S Li �'c'iI_;C_'.ZI? t�IVCn `.n _-_`i�75� ';"�iLlf'PQ$
_C:F?:i��l���C.� �Q }.7�? at i 1SK Q� t3C:.'!?:iY'1I1Cj "���' �I]i�CL�O�t �S G�"@SCTiD��3
=I7 _=��it � 3Ii� iOT' 4JilOTR .'_il`r�' C�J�.�i'=` K:1f gl���}i ya3CC1::34: r:i1 3i�_' YlOt.
=tii;:t��'Y'Se3Di� ei:D�11t�2.�t1Y'E'� und�r +�iti�zr ane L1:18CCQ;l'�3C31ed Pi3.C1�T'
_�C':_..'!21� i:l? M?d1C8!L: J�?I�1C1P_� OY' t%7�? �2i tj'7c� iiF3�2•^_.�s. Ff55:.3=$P.C?
_��•='�i��ra o*" �:7e S�a:.� ;e�'ugee progra;� bad�e� .
:.� . ��_urn �o �he StaL� a�i un�-::��nde�:? ��?r.l'�'Y'�:. fund� upon
::OF,iT_r.��?:.lOtl Of '�.t'i@ ,CQZl'��"'cCt. ��I'iOtr 310TtC itil�.:1 c"1 fit13_ E:i?�?17C11tL1Z2
_I a:A;�'S i.>;_'�'_��:�
�he "ir_neso�.� �epart�ent of Heaith w=li,irovide �� �ze ���ntractor
�:Y�? i�?ioW3._^.�j:
� . CGT'15�11Lc9'F 103'i �21Ct trainir.g OIl .L'?yU�@� E72•3?`i'? ;,ro�+le;�s and
rrc��mmEnea�i�ns .�or intervention .
3 . « <?eiug?e ri�a�lh Screen�ng and r'ol].ow-�.3p �rf��~����ion' tc=rms �or
cio��u;�ezt,ation oi i7�a3�h assessment inform3�ion.
,. . J�'L.t:!1T3T'� .T.�1P.C��.i13S oi daLcl SLii:Til1}:�-?:.: Gt�I ';.��r�� ;':3i31�:: •3�;�c`':ZC�aS
anci o�:�sr eoirie�niolagic finc�ings of re*_`u��e� �up=.��ati��:-�j in the
�'- . �� '�h�.blt B Attached hereto��d made�
'Rbtum completed �orrn to: � Minnesota Departirnent of Health Part hereof. Signer' s
Refugee Health Unit �n�,tial �� ) ,
797 Delaware Street SE ��_,`�:�
P.O. Box 9441 -
Minneapolis,MN 55440
(612) 296-5505
� Do not comp/ete more than one form per month for each refugee.
NAME(last,ii►st,miCdl�) �ATE OF BIRTH (month.day�y�ar)
Alien Registration�A (from ACVA form) -
•"If you have p�eviously completed this form for this refugee and have no additional information, please go directly
to item�f 7.
1. General Medical Screening Took Place on at:
2. Immunization Record:
DTP/Td _L_ / _ �_ �����
Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Y,+ -l0to.�r: .
Potio _L� __�__L_,� —.1_. ��, / *-
Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. �o• Y�•
Measles / Mumps _,�_ Rubella =/
Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr.
3. Tuberculosis Screening: Chest X-Ray: Chemotherapy and Chemoprophylaxis y
Tuberculin Skin Test (taken in U.S.I 1.O Infected without disease- prophylaxis prescribed
1.�PPD 0-4 mm 1.�Normal 2.O Infected without disease- no prophylaxis
2.0 PPD 5-9 mm 2.O Abnormal p�ri�
3 ❑PPDZ.10 mm 3.O Suspected tuberculosis disease-chemothera�py
4.O Tuberculosis disease-chemotherapy prescribed
4. Hepatitis B Screening .
1.O H BsAg negative
2.�H BsAg positive. �
3.0 Screening not done
5. Screened for parasites: 0 Yes ❑ N o
If positive, check parasite for which treatment was given: -
O Ascaris ❑Trichuris O Clonorchis OStrongyloides 0 Other;specify
0 Hookworm C7 Giardia 0 Paragonimus DRmoebic Dysentery �
6. '�
Distribuiion: Whirs—MDH Refw�s Hee/d►Unit
�'.anary—Lotal Hes/M Ageney N E-01196-01
� .
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'�'—�—L'+'!� OF�j'ZCE OF THE CITy COD'YCIL
C�n�utte� Repart . '
F:i�.an�e. i�ana�ement, � Personnel Carnmittee. - _
1 . Approval of minutes from meeting heid November 26, I985_ �?'PTtp�� � - `
2. Resot��tion amending C.F. 2672; to allow for the establishment or
designated pay period at appropriate times to allaw for the payment �
of health benefits to occur within a 35-day period set by State Statute.
(Personne 1 ) (La i d over from 1 1/26 meet i ng) C.,�c�D OV� t�tF i u t'�
3. Resolution approving 1985-1986 agreement between the City and the Inter-
national Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO.
(Personnel ) (Laid over from I1/26 meeting), �{X�tpJ�p
4. Resolution a �
pproving 1985-1987 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the
Independent School District #625 and Electricai Workers, Locai 1I0.
(Personnel ) (Laid over from 11/26 meeting) �Q�pv�Q
5. Resolution authorizing proper city officiais to return fees to owners of
Burglar Alarm Systems paid pursuant to Chapter 329 0� the Legislative
Code. (La i d over from 11/26 meet i ng) (,�� pV� ��D�i+� t'f�.
6. ����1 . , ,� -, � _ _.__
�'-,_ ; �reement with the::;�tN k�ep�ar� of t'�_to
y -,��,�"'�� - - �''E�t. r , [�[!tt�ber 1 �t�QQ� ��•,�.
l.h � "��R���� � ,�,F,� � f �,,.�T@+�i f V
����1� =�� 't.#"'9@'�. :tEG1�pt�r3���+�;ces)' �tLa►ic�=�-.'�,31/26) .
7. Resolution amending the budget control system estabiished for speciai
funds to provide� a flexible budget control option for proprietary funds
based on projected and actuai fiscal performance. (finance Dept.�
(Laid over from 11/26 meeting) ���V�.
8. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Whitaeker Buick and Metro
Porsch-Audi , Inc. , for the lease of unmarked Police vehicles.
(Police Oept.) (Laid over from 11/26 meeting) �Q4�pVYJ�,
9. Resolution amending Section I D 2 of the Salary Ptan and Rates of Com-
pensation Resoiution by changing the rate of pay for the tit�e of Fire
A i de I I. (Personne 1 ) �PRpVEC,D.
10. Resolution amending the 1985 budget and adding $27,22g� to the Financing
Plan and Spending Plan for City Hali Annex operating. (Finance Dept. ) ��V�.
11. Resolution preliminarily authorizing a bond sate and authorizing the
Director of Finance and Management Services to undertake action and
- document preparation appropriate to a bond offering sale. F�f�pV£L7
12. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $45,792 from the
Police-Technicai � Support Staff to Finance 8 htanagement Services -
C i tyw i de I nformat i orr Serv i ces. (Po i i ce 8 F i nance Dept.)�Pau OVF,tt TIL Ib` i�l�L�Ti a6 ��
13. Presentation by Greg Haupt on the Citywide Information Services Div.
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