85-1590 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��
CANARV - OEPARTMENT � Flle NO. �� ~ ���D
Return copy to: CO� il Res uGZ�I�
Valuations — Room 218
, �
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committe.e By Date
WHEREAS, �he Council of �he Ci�y of Sain1� Paul rezoned �he property
herein described on December 24, 1963, in Cour�cil File No. 215733, as.: amended
March 25, 1964 in Council File No. 216974, from "C" Residential to
Co�tmercial; and
Wf�.S, said rezoning was expressly vonditioned upon the limi�a�ion of
the uses to which said property cbuld be put by the applican�-owner and his
successors, arxl upon accep�ance of such aonditions by the ap�licant-owner;
Wf�RE'AS, applican�-owner's accep�ar�e was expressed in that certain Deed
of Negative Easement and Acxeptanoe of Ordinance dated April 23, 1964, filed
in the office of the County Recorder as Document No. 1616959; and
WHEREAS, �he property has subsequently been rezoned in the City
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as B-2, and the oorx�itions and res�ric�ions
of record are inconsisten� with such zoning, and hinder proper development
thereof; now 1�herefore, be it
RE50LVED, that the City of Saint Paul releases all interest in said Deed
of Negative Easement and the condi�ions, limitations and restrictions
imposed l� Council File Nos. 215733 and 216974; and be i�
FURTHER RESOLVED, �ha� the Council of the City of Sain� Paul hereby
authorizes and directs the proper City Officials �o oonvey by Quit C1aim
Deed �o the Housing and Redevelopment Au�hority of �he City of Saint Paul
the follawing described lar�c3:
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas p�� Nays
Masanz [n Favor
Scheibel r
Sonnen A gai n s t BY
Form Approved by y Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date • _
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � J
A►pproved by lVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor or u 'ssion to Council
Valuationsy—tRoom z�8 Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Lo� Sixteen (16) , except the West 3.5 feet of the South 60
fee� thereof; all of Lo� Seventeen (17) arra �he East 'I�ao-
thirds of Ip� Eighteen (18) in Block �e (1) Holvanbe's
Addition i:o Saint Paul aa:ording to the recorded plat
thereof an file and of record in i�he office of the
Register of Deeds in aryd for Ramsey County, Minneso�ka,
said lands being approximately 76.5 feet by 161.5 feet
in size o� the Northw�es� corner of Dayt.on Avenue and
Dale Street in S�. Paul, Minnesota.
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
�"Z In Favor
.sw�nerr __ Against BY irector
�EC 3 — �985 Form Ap oved by Cit Attor
Adopted by Council: Date .
Certified P� - ed by Council S ary By �, �b- os
gy, �,/i���-- •
�� - r
A►pp by AAavor: Da �' ����- - °T, ���i� Approved by Mayo f r Sub ' sion to Council
PUBl.iSNED D E C 1419$�
_ ._ f..
Finance & Mgmt. Services _ fl��E�� � � �
N°�,9 49
Dick McCann � � CONTACT ► ��"
298-5317 PHONE
Nov 6, 1985 DATE 1 Q,/�� �r �
ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) :
Department Director 2 Director of Management/Mayor
��Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk
Budget Director 3 Councilman Nicosia
�City Attorney
Rationale) :
xelease of the City's interest in a negative easement acquired over land
as described in document no. 1616959 attached hereto. Release of the easement
will permit full use of the land under present Zoning Classification of B-2.
c� � \�
ture not re-
Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under
Fur�ding Source:
N/A $1O,00Q)
Activity Number:
RE�E�vE� �
ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : ,,�. 19�5
1. xesolution `Z
2. copy of c.F. 215733 N�v 1 pIRE�TO��
3. Copy o f C.F. 2169 74 pF�ICE �F T�pF F1NAN
5. Mapy of document 1616959 Dp MANA�,E�11ENT.SERVICE�
x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Attached:
Revised 12/84
l---. �',,�- � /5 9 �
OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Ctty of Saint Paul to certatn utllity Djgstot cene�propert estli►the City�i
OF THE COUNC$. easements in vpcated public streets, Saint Paul, as amended, be and tk
alieya and grounds.
same is hereby further amended :
as to rezone the following describe
OADINANCES The Council of the City of Saint Paul property irom "C" Residence Distri
Does Ordain: to Commercial District, to�wtt:
SECTION 1 Lot Sixteen (18), except the �Vest
Councll File No. 215S49—Ordinance No. 3.5 feet of the South 80 feet thereof;
12822—By James.J. Dalglish— That provisions o!Chapter 228 ot the all oi Lot Seventeen (17) and the
St. Paul Legislattve Code oi the Cit East two-Lhirds ot Lot Eighteen
An ordinance amending Section 228.02 of Saint Paul, whlch is Ord(nance No (16) In Bloak One (l) Holcombe's
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code en- 3394, aa amended, 1s hereby further Additlon to Saint E+aul, accordtng
acted December 18, 1flST, as amended. amended ln Sectlon 228.OS thereof, to to the pIst thereoi on Rle and oi
read as tollows by the addition of the record 1n the o@ice ot the Register
The Council oi the City of Saint Paul foAowine paragraph: of Deeda in and for Ramsey County,
Does Ordain: 'The terms and conditiona as spec- Minnesota, heing located on the
iRed in this Chapter may be watved northweet corner ot Dayton Ave-
3ECTION 1 �� by resolution of the Council of the nue and Dale Street in St. Paul,
That Sectlon 228.02 ot the Saint Paul City of Saint Paul, said resolutlon to Minnesota•
be adopted and approved by no less subject to the toliowing express e
Legislative Code, enacted December }�an five votes of the Council Mem- ceptions and conditions:
18, 195T, as amended, be and the same bers present and voting, and sald 1. That, subject to any furth
hereby is further amended in the fol- resolution to recite therein that the reclassification oL the hereinabo
lowing parttculara. That said Section City of Saint Paul, for itseli and for described real estate by virtue
228.02 reading as follows:
"228.02 PublicatIon E ense. At ot those persons for whom it has re- proceedings therefor hereafter i
� served easements, rights and other stituted, conducted and complet
before the time ol filing a petitton claims in said vacated property ior according to appllcable provisio
for the vacation of any street, the the installatlon, maintenance and op- of aaid Zoning Code as amend�
petitioner shall deposit with the City eratton of any sewer, water, gas or and appllcabl� prov�sions of t
Clerk the sum of Flve Dollars ($5.00) electrical main, pipe or conduit ot ' statutes o1 the State of Minneao
to cover the expenses oi publication. pubtic instrumental►ty, and upon re- hereby, the employment o1 aaid ri
Any unexpended portion of said sum celpt in writing ot certificates of in- estate henceforth is restricted a
will be returned to the depositor." tended nonuse of reserved rights, limited to the iollowIng speci8
hereby is amended to read as tollows: easements and other claims by the uses, to-wit: (a) Reaidentlal DIstr
"228.02 Pttition and Procedural affected City department or publtc uses permitted by trie regulata
service cor oration, shall, as to said provisions o1 the said Zontng Coi
Expense. A petition ior the vacation vacated property, waive said re- as amended, in 'A" Residence D
ot any public ground, public street, tained rights, easements, and other trict, B" Restdence District, a
alley or high�vay shall be addressed claims." C" Residence Distrlct, thereby �
to the Council of the City of Saint tabl�shed, and (b) Commercial U;
Paul, ftied with the City Clerk and SECT'ION 2 which shall include-no more th
drafted, sIgned and veriRed accord- the establishment, maintenance a
ing to the applicable provlsions of This Ordinance shall take eRect 30 conduct of a gasoline ftlling stati
the Charter of said City.qt or before days from and after its final approval, business, subfect to all applica'
the tlme of the flling oi each such adoption, and publication. "
petitl�n for vacation, the statutes, ordinances, rules and r
petitioner ulations prescribed nnd promuiga�
or petit[oners sha11 pay to the City Passed by the Council December 20, by governmental agenciea havi
Clerk the sum of Thirty-[ive Dollars 1963. cognizance, and without the use
(S3S.00) as and for the hereby pre- Yeas — Councilmen Holland, Loss, employment oE anq advertising si
scribed 81ing fee therelor and cov- Rosen, Mr. President (Vavoulis)--4, or placard Dertaining to the aar
erage o! the City's publicatlon, filing Nay�p, a. That the owner ot aafd real
and other procedural costs connected Approved December 20, 1963. tate, within the period oi 60 d�
therewith:' next succeeding the publication
SECTION 2 GEORGE J.VAVOULIS, this ordinance, ahall file with t
Mayor, Clty Clerk, in two fully exccu
This ordinance shall take eRect and qttest: counterparts, said owner's writ
be in force thlrty days after fts pass- AGNES H. O'CONNELL, ' acceptance o! this ordinance, inc
age, approval and publication. City Clerk. porating, among other things, s
owner'a grant unto aaid City of Sa
Passed by Lhe Council December 20, (December 28, 1�J83) Paul of a negative easement affect
1963. said real estate, Sor the impositi
Yeas — Councilmen Holland, Loss, maintenance and enforcement of
Rosen, Mr. President (Vavoulis)-4. Council File No. 215733—Ordinance N� aforesaid restrictions and limitaXi
Nays-0. 42624—By F7rank L. Loss— upon the employment and use
Approved December 20, 1963. the hereinabove described real
An Ordinance amending the 2oning tate, approved as to form and
GEORGE J.VAVOULIS, Code. Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, ot ecution by the Corporation Cour
Mayor, the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- and recordable in the office of
Attest• taining to Use Districts, Height Dis- Registar of Deeds. That said o�vn
AGNES H. O'CONNELL, �'�ets and Rezoning of Certain Proper- written acceptance by apt provtst
City Clerk. ties in the City of Saint Paul, as further shall oblipate sald ow
amended. This is an Emergency Or- and the assigns o� said ou-ner
(December 28, 1963) , dinance rendered necessary for the regard to said real estate, to ePl
preservation of the publlc peace,health, tively consent to the rezoning oi�
and safety. real estate to "C" Residence Dist=
Councll Flle No. 215702—Ordinance No. upon the zesolution o[ said Cou�,
12623—By Mllton Rosen— The Council of the City o!Saint Paul requesttna the same, !n the e�en1
Does Ordain: the cessation tor a conttnuous pe:
An ordinance amending Chapter 228 oL twelve months, ot the use of ;
oL the Saint Paul Legislative Code of SECTION 1 premises for said permitted sir
, the City of Saint Paul, also known as That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 commercial purpose.
Ordinance No. 3394, as prevSously to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul uirementa theretorj aaid written
amended, reTating to retention by the Legislative Code, pertaining to Use a
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OF THE CJ,TY OF SAINT PAUL, 1963 1291 ::
Districts, Height Districts, and Rezon- strument of acceptance shall incor- �'
�' ing of certain proPerties in the City of porate a certified copy of this or- ;
I Saint Paul, as amended, be and the dinance, and immediately upon the
ieame is hereby further amended so aforesaid fillng of the same the { !I �
' as to rezone the following described City Clerk shall cuuse one of such / ��
property from "C" Aesidence Dtstrict =�o=arpnrthe office ot the Rlegister '' '
' to Commercial District, to-wit: of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, i' �
Lot Sixteen (16), except the West Minnesota. '
3.5 feet of the South 60 feet thereof; i���
all of I.ot Seventeen (17) and the SECTION 2 �I I
" East two-thirds of Lot Eighteen � ;
(18) in Block One (1) Holcombe's This ordinance is hereby declared to I
Addition to Saint Paul. according be an emergency ordinance rendered `� I
to the plat thereof on file and of necessary for the preservatton of the �II Ii
record in the otfice of thei Register public peace, health and safety. ��;I
of Deeds in and for Ramsey Coun t y, � i'!
Minnesota, being located on the SECTION 3 ���
northwest corner of Dayton A�e- This ordinance shall take effect and
nue and Dale Street in 5t. Paui, be in force upon its passage, approvai ; I ;
subject to the following express ex- and publicatlon. , i ;
ceptions and conditions:
1. That, subject to any further Passed by the Council December 24, ; �
reclassiRcation oi the hereinabove ig63, �
descrlbed real estate by virtue of yeas—Counciimen Dalgllsh,,-Holland, '
proceedings therePor hereafter in- Loss, NLortinson, Peterson, Rosen, Mr. I i
stltuted, conducted and completed president (Vavoulis)-7. I I
accordtng to applicable provlsions i ;
of said Zoning Code, as amended, Nays--0. � .i ;
and appllcable provisions af the ppproved December 24, 1963. ��
statutes of the State of Minnesota, ;�;
hereby, the employment of said real GEORGE J. VAVOULIS. �'
estate henceforth is restricted and Mayor.
limited to the following specified Attest: j;�I
uses, to-wit: (a) Residential District
uses p e r m i t t e d b y thc re guletory AGNES H. O'CONNELL,
provis ions of the said Zoning Code, City Cler k. �
as amended, in "A" Residence Dis- (December 28, 1963)
trfet, "B" Residence District, and �
'C" Residence Dlstrict, thereby es-
tablishect and (b) Commerciai Uses Cauncil File No. 215330—Ordtnance No. -
which shall include no more than 1282�—By Milton Rosen— ,
� the establtshment, maintenance and 'I
conduct oi a gasoline filling station An Ordinance amending Sectfon '
business, subject to all applicable 228.04 of Saint Paul Legislative Code
statutes, ordinances, rules and reB- enacted December 18,1f157,as amended. ` i'(
ulations prescribed and promulgated
py governmental agencies having The Council of the City of Saint Paul
cognizance, and without the use or Dces Ordain: `
employment of any advertis[ng sign �� j I�
or placard pertaining to the same. SECTION 1 �,'I I
2. That the owner of said real es-
netxt succeeding he�publicattonaof I.eg IativecCode,2enac e dfD cember 181 ,i
this ordinance, shall file with t h e 195T, as amended, be and the same i i
City Clerk, in two fully executed hereby is further amended in the fol-
counterparts, said o�vner's written lOwing particulars: That the first par-
acceptance of this ordlnance, incor- agraph of Subd. (c) of the same read-
porating, among other things, said ing as follows:
owner's grant unto sa�d City of Saint ��(�) The City shall reserve and
Paul of a negative easement affecting hereby does reserve to and for itself ,
said real estate, for the imposition, and to and for any person or cor-
maintenance and enforcement of the porations having public instrumental- !�
aforesaid restrictions and limitations ities in the vacated property, the
upon the employment and use of right to install, maintain and operate
the hereinabove de�cribed rea] es- any se�ver, water, gas or electrlc
tate, approved as to form and ex- main, plpe or conduit, or any other ,
gcution by the Corporatton Counset public instrumentality in or upon
and recordable in the office of the the vacated property and to enter
Register of Deeds. That said owner's upon such property or any portion
written acceptance by apt provisions thereoE at any time and from time
further shall obligate said owner to time for the purpose .of recon-
and the assigns of said owner in structing, inspecting, maintaining or
regard to said real estate, to effec- �pairing same:' � ;
tively consent to the rezoning of said hereby is amended to read as follows:
real e�tate to "C" Residence District, ;
upon the resolution of said Council "(c) The City shall reserve and ' ,
requesting the same, in the event ot hereby does reserve to and for itself (
the cessation for a continuous period and to and for any persons or cor-
of twelve months, of the use of said pt`r�atiin g t e.iva p tedic p p�Y.n the
premises 'for said permitted single i ca
commercial purpose. right to install, maintain and operate
3, That, in addttion to other re- any sewer, water, Qas or electric �
quirements tfierefor, said wrltten in- matn, plpe or conduit, or any other
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� Council File No. 216�J74—Ordlnance No. SECTION 3 they appe�r in Sectlon
12683--By Frank L. Loss— That the following quoted language headIng 'Skilled Labor".
contatned in Section 3 of satd Amenda-
An ordinance amending ttie Zoning tory Ordinance and thereby inserted SECTIO�1 2
Code, Chapters 60 to 61, inclusive, of ln satd Zoning Code: That aatd ordinance, as
the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- �•That in addition to other req.uire- a n d the aame is ha
taining to Use Districts. Helght Dis- ments therefor, said written instru- amended by inaerting i�
tricts and Rezoning of certatn proper- ment of acceptance shall incorporate in their proper at�habetIc
ties in the City of Saint Paul, as a certifled copy of this ordinance, der the heading Skilled
' amended. This is an emergency ordi- and immediately upon the aforesaid following tttles•
nance rendered necessary ior the pres- filing of the same the City Clerk '
ervation of the public peace, health shall cause one of such counterparts Heating Equi�ment Ser
and safety. thereof to be filed of record 1n the Heatin�, Piping and
office of the Register of Deeds in and Inspector
The Councll ot the Ci�y of Saint Paul for Ramsey County, Minnesota;• M e c h a n i c Foreman
Does Ordain: hereby is amended to read as follows: Garage
SECTIJN 1 "That, in addition to other require- SECTIO�T 3
ments therefor, said written instcu- That said ordinance, as
That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 ment of acceptance shall incorporate and t h e same is he�
to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul a certifled copy of Ordinance PTo. amended by striking o
Legislative Code, pertaining to Use 12624, approved December 24, 1963, appears in Section 7 und
� Districta,Seight Dlstricts and Rezoning and a certlfted copy ot this Ordi- 1ng "Skilled I.abor" th4
of certain propertiea in the City of nance, and immediately upon the Lamp Worker", and by� si
Saint Paul, as amended, be and the aPoresaid fil[ng of the same the City lfeu thereof the tltle '.
same is hereby furLher amended 1n the Clerk shall cause one of auch pairman Eielper".
followln� Darti�ulara to-wlt: counterparta thereof to be flled ot ,
(a) That the following q�wted recotd in the offlce of the Reglster SECTIO�i 4
language, restrictive of the use of the of Deeda in and tor Ramsey County,
real estate therein described and Minnesota:' That aald ordinance, as
' thereby provided to be zoned, under and the same !s he�
Amendatory Ordinance No. 12624, ap- SECTION 4 amended by atriking o
proved December 28, 1�J63, from "C" This ordinance is hereby declared to appeara In Sectton 8,in G.
Residence District to Commercial Dis- be an emergency ordinance rendered the headtng Attendance
trlet under said Zoning Code, and neecssa for the preservatton of the ttonal", the title Super
• thereby inserted in said Zontng Code, public peace, heaith and safety. Audttorium and Stadia";
to-wit: aerting in aaid Sectton
SECTION S under the heading "Pro
"and without the use or employment Subprotesstonal" the title
pf any advertistng sign or placard This ordtnance shall take ePPect and Auditorium and Stadta".
, pertaining to the same;" be in Sorce upon its passage, approval
hereby is strlcken thereErom and re- and publication. ' - -- SECT'IOV 5
pealed; and passed by the Council March 25, This ordinance shall ta'
' (b) that the following quoted 19� be in force on the first
language contained in said Amendatory first payroll period foll
Ordinance and thereby inserted in aeid Yeas—Councilmen Dalglish, Holland, days after !ts passage, �
Zoning Code, in connection with auch Loss. Morttnson; Peterson, Rosen, Mr.' publicatfon.
sezoning ot sald real estate, to-wit: president (Vavoulis)-7.
"that the owner oi said reai estate, NaY�' Passed by the Counc;
within the period of 80 days next Approved March 25, 1964. 1964.
succeeding the publication of this Yeas—CouncUmen Dalg
ordinance, shall file with the Ctty GEORGE J. VAVOULIS, Mortinwn,Peterson,blr.�
Clerk, in two fully executed counter- Mayor. (Rosen)—S.
parts, the owner's written acceptance Attest: Nays-0.
of this ordinance;" HAROLD J. RIOADAN, Approved March 26. 19!
hereby !s amended to read as iollows: City Clerk.
"That the owner of said real estate, (March 28, 1984) GEORGE J. V
on or before the first day ot May,
1�J64, shall file with the City Clerk, Attest:
in two fully executed counterparts, Council File No. 217010—Ord[nance No. HAROLD J. RIORDAh',
said owner's written acceptance oi 12686—By Bernard T. Holland— City Cle
said Amendatory Ordinance, as
heraby amended, and said Zoning An ordinance amending Ordinance (March 28, 196
Codt, as hereby amended, in respect No. 3250, entitled•
of such rezoning of said reai estate •
and the provisions of the same there- "An administrative ordinance relat- Council File No,21i011—C
with connected." ing to the Civil Servlce Bureau of 12687—By Bernard T. F.
the City of Saint Paul, approving and
SECTION 2 adoPting rules and regulations there- An ordlnance amendtr
That hereby said Srst above quoted for, No. 6448, entitled:
provisions of said Amendatory Ordi- approved August 20, 1914, as amended. "An administrative ord
nance thereby inserted in said 2oning the compensation rates o1
Code, in connectton with such rezoning The Council of the Ctty oi Satnt Paul positions and emplo}•mei
of said.real estate and In the nature of Does Ordain: approved January 23, 192a
restrictions against the use or em- SECTION 1
ployment thereon of any advertising The Courtcil of the City
sign or plasard are repealed and That Ordinance No. 3230, approved Does Ordain:
nullified with the same intent> purpose August 20, 1�J14, as amended, be and
and effect as if said first above quoted the same is hereby further amended SECTIO�i 1
restrictive provisions had never been by inserting an asterisk (•) before the That Ordinance No. 6�
inserted in either said Amendatory ttttes "Gas Burner Inspector" a n d January 23, 1925, as ame
Ordinance or in said Zoning Code. . "Heating and Piping Inspector" where the same is hereby furthei
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Attached is a copy of a "Deed of Negative Easement and Acceptance of
Ordin ance by the City of St. Paul, Document No. 161959 , dated April 23,
1964, filed April 29, 1964. This Negative Easement restricts the property
to "C" Residential, and Commercial, only for use as a gas station.
In talking to Chuck McGuire in P.E.D. Zoning, he tells me the property ,
� under the new zoning. laws, 3s B-2. The two (2) uses "are inconsistent.
He s aid current zoning prevails, but th at it is necessary to file of
record a release of this Negative Easement , either by separate instrument
or by City Council Resolution.
HRA is in the process of marketir�g this property under the B-2 zoning. In
order not to hinder marketing efforts , we would appreciate this matter
being resolved as quickly as possible.
If you iieed further information, or documentation, call me at Ext. 7494,
(230) .
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;; `�'"�jr� � ; '� Thie indonture tr�.zde ar►d executed this �„ day of ppril, 1964,
.X` d#,��'w` � u, _
� , ap b�� ar.d between Laurie Gas Inc., a Minnesota corporation. hereinafter
''+ .�pF�y��t , '
`� ;;Z��� � ,�; � de.ic:.ated First Party and the City of Satnt Paul, a Municipal corporatio�,
, �_.;:.� '�ax; r�,,, :, � ! .�
• �t ; � -� hereinafter called Second Party, '• .
.�,�:. , f, .
��"'�f�' -.. WITNE3SETH:
� .Y"' � .. •
:t, .,
;�•`' ' �- ' ' • •
�.� ,, � •� i ; WHEREAS, First Pariy is the owner in fee aimple of all ef ths
' Sf,,y, �; � ':; � ,� fc!lowin�describad real estate aituate in tlie City of Saint Paul, County ,
�. . . � .
. , r.. i.`.
,,y *'1�'. {ftt'. -. ; o:Ramsey. State of Minnesota, to-wit '
r'.�,.�r,,'�',�1���; `Y� � � v y � . ' ,
' �~ �� �';�t;� `► �. � � < < Lot Sixteen (16), except the West 3.5 feet of the_Sopth 60
�`� ��,r��� �,y,� y . ' W ,.� c� feet thareof; all of Lot Seventeen (1?) and tlre East Two-
�, ,,xK�+�,i(�,�'�ar `. � r� thirds of Lot�ighteen �18) in Block one (1) Iiolcombe's •
''� 1•'y�1�•� � , � � L i Addition to Saint PaulBCCOrding to the recorded plat '
`,;;� �i'�� : ry�y f.► M�} �} r ^ •<�� ' � thereof on fila and ot record in Uie office of tha Register , �
�:� r" � ��r ���. ' � � � � �, � ••• �� ot Detds in and for Ra_^.�sey Co�nty, Minnesota, caid �ands '+"i
k. �, a e } ,,, ,, is ,�e-„ .� ; 1 �, � 'J. being appraximately 76.S feet by 161,S feet in si�e on the . �^ri�
,.,; �. t �
,,, �'E�""�ti . ��k , .���.q��'_' - : ` W �,�y ie� Northweat corner of Dayton Avenue and Dale Str�et in . �<�,ii
"r � •�+ �Y' 1` a-r�,�, 'U ,• i .- ';� y St. Paul, Minnesota. . ��i
�� �r; '�.� �'��t 4� ir�;:i� � t�: � u�i W a .
y� rkti�;������-0'�+v?�t'llp�,y��t`x``. �'•
k• �. �'��s�R, ad' .
:, . � �, •�+,�.� f �R.j;,L;�a� �: �� • WHEREAS, said real estate for many years haq been zoned aad �'
. i'�j'. L,,`���# �"1� E4H � � 'i � .. . • • . .
.: � �.�y' ��.�:� ,�'�`,�,.�i�` ' clasRified in"C"resident dtatrict under and by virtue of the City of Saint ��'
ti t •a5;�� "• ���p�r J� I ' �
•.t �,,r.; � S Pau�.Building Zone Ordinance Chapters 60 to 64 inclusiv� of the Saint Paul
i• ,;�f� �� � � �.�,',ti�:
-" . '• '" �''' � � . . ' Legialarive Code psrtaining to use districts,hel�rts dietriets and razoain� ���i
r '',
1. � ' ' ,,�` � . f w �
� j ,�; • I ' • of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul; and
+" � , � + •
�; ,
� ��� � �,�� t � • W H E R E A S, pursuan t to t be pe t i tron o f F irs t Party'a pre dec�asor;
�;a �� y4 ���{�'��r' .� • .
.� �,� ti, , �� ..,• i in interest ihe CoUncil of Second Pa•rty according to Lhe provisions of aafd , � �
" �.r�{'� �SS �Y��'.'r�r..��. ' ' �e.,Y
'F : ,fi ��;,�}� ; �,� � : I . buildin� zono ordinance and sonin�code and the Statute� of the State of ; ��
� [ .T" �!f -y' � Y f �: � �' C'�
* ,��. �' y.�y� i �'� biinnasota in such case� made and providad, with the written acquiescenc� ��;�
, y�'�;�{3ir �, .� � , t ki�
• �.+ � ,y�. � of the owners of two-thirds of the reveral d�scriptions o!real esWte situated �'•;
r�4�+a� � � ,,. , - i . . • , �t1G:
S:�1j����`�.�'�'ay � t ! within 100 fost of oaid aub�ect real eat�te abov� deacribed; duly enaeted. ;"�;�
•� � ,l�r��'{'h �Ir '++r i i . . . . • � . � �- �
'r �.+,J.a,� +4����� R;I � �i �; ' . . . ' ' _ ' : . . . �.
:� �,;q+ FN��j�1 �a�� � � � ..1 . ., .. ,.- . . • • . .• ' . i,
i ti4 T� � . ' . �,
�7 1Y ��"+��'5`� � \
,h{ ♦ 'yf,'i*�R�e�y! ����y,�`r)k�.�� �' � . • , _ �. . .� , � . . �
_ ��.1 i s ��. 1. . A
;1 y,�' .`.r�f..`�'7_,� � . . .. .. . . . ' � ' � . . , � � ��t�
:I; Y t x'�`�fy.,l. �::� � , '
}`�Y � t�C ��� } � � . . . . .\ . . . , �t.��
`�� f ', ,,�r,i "'�:; "f:'+ � R F'r�
1 s .'�r � .h` - , � �
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..� + - ' 1 �. �. "�x "X'i'�`^'°""'+'•,«f'YT'x^ .'^.�+,+w'—n+ •^'�.,,..��+., . ����rt1'ss�YYY!� r '+9i
' / '� 1 I�i G� )��( ��„M+� "'�, � i s� ��` _�I�t
' t . �:.t R `b�;{ �, ti :(. y i� � 1 . 'v+.?.4 r'N'� ,.�.1�'�1 t�?l`�v 1�� r .�.Y • � �j.�':
f"' � �� � 2•I e' Y�`t'.k�� �y1,` �
�, ' �1 [ , � ; . ' � `,x q'�' ��'��W4 P *k�t,�-�y >,�,
. . . . . . � i- � " .�... ' ��C,�7 �,�' }{' ��
. . . . + • . t: �'Sik!' �yr}� �"��t � w!
w+� � _ .�'s+���.�€'�+� „ "�t�'
�', " , 7 �s + r r
' , . , . . ' _. 4 . �A. � �r� t
.. - • � -.' . . � , . . . � . ;. q ... . `7 S l> `�'„'t s.�,w'1 a< � r}A,i
_ � . ' . ' . � . .. . � . ' - �� + � � �;��w � •�,��..�;���f R`{ n ,s,n',
� . .. � . . . .. � . � .. {�.
Y '•:'rY�r.,. '�; (�. . . .. , . . . . r:..+� ti��r•>�r�uLltk�A(3��':.t'��;`..G4N � .�F?�'�e1��'aj✓Y'7'.',Y(F'lt�+A�jM`��I$'�lY��"`�'���;�i�' 'T i
� ..l• . . , .49'f . , -��
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I 'o i .. .. .. _.. ----... _. ._... .. .. . _ . .. .. . . . . ._i_
I � � '
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' p .
� � . .
� � { • .
. - � 4 � , •
i . � ' • '
� . City of Saint Paul Ordin�nce No. 12624 approved Dacea�ber Z4, 1963
i .
! and published i�an of:icial oewapaper on Decembar 31. 1988• an�as
� amendad by City of St. Paul Ordinance.No. 12685 approved Marcb 2S, 1964.
� ' and publiehed in an otficial newspaper on March 90, 1964, duly ames�dia�
� � the applicable zonin�oi the subject property so aa W chanre said ProPa�'
F�' � from a class"C" reaideat distriet to a commercisl district, sub�eet to
� �' � special conditiona in the nature of restrictioas upon the use of ths wa�e
'r . `
-•-•- — , wbereby the use aad en�ployinent of the subject property was restricted
� . . . ,
�, to the following specified user, to'wit
' ` (a) Itesiszntial District uses permitted by the re�ulatory provisiona
� ' ot tlie said Zo:�ing Code� as �mended, in "A" Residencs District, B Red'
dmr.ce Diatrict, aad C Aebidenee District, thereby eatablisbed, s=►d .
•`•.� (b) Commorcial Usee which stu�ll include no more than the eetab•
;� lishment, maintenanee and conduct of a gasoline fillin� station businoss.
,; • subject to all aj�plicable statntes, ordinancea, rulas and ra�ulzti°ns prs- �
� • scribed and promulgated by governmental agencies ha�in�co�nisa:►ce-
i � •yyt;gg�pg, the first party, tor itself, its sueeeesors, aru:assig�:.
.-- .I ' .
intends hereby to accept said Ordinances Nos. 12624 and 12685 aad to pro'
�•:.'� • �. .
, ¢ • vide tor the imposition. munten�n�e, �+d enforceaoeni ot auch speaial rss-
k,�' ;
itrictioae upon the nse of said hereinabove deecribed real ea:ste to run w�th
:I the 7and and to grant unto the second party, i:►further compliance with tD°
;: conditioas of said Ordinance Nos. 12624 and�12685, a ne�stive e.asement the
,i .
, for. . •
�,, ; . NOW, THEREFOAE; tbe first party, as owner of aaid bereinabav�
� descr3bed real estate, for itself,.it successora ar�d assi�s, does bereb�
i .i ' covenaat aad bind itself. its successors and assi�+a u�►Lo•th� �ec°�d P�
z• � that, ia accordance with said 9ui1din8 Zone Ordina:►c�aAd sald Z°ni�C°�
�. , .
� '. • `, p:.rticulsrly az the same tssa been amended by ��d Ordisumes Noa. 11534
� � and 32685, said real eetate has been effective�y reatricted and limitad.isi
'�4 �,ry respeci of ita ut4 and employement and shall henceforth be r�tiricted and
; ' ' limited in such p�cu�rs as followa, to-wib •
' ' -2-. .
: ' • . ' .
; ' •
' � �-. ..._ .,r�_...�-.�,-..-4.,y,---- s..;'*�'r'�.'n ,rq yf,�#h� ��iy�; _f t�r��•r--±+ZQ1"�.Tss
. . . . . . � .�� .r' t. r i .h'`��' �t��t�ii�..1� y�"����.��1 �rSs� � '�
,G y; �,,, „y,�,_ �?�"��tY '�-( t`� r r ��s
. . . . . � . . � A .4�'�1 ' _Y'.i(. T
� '��.r i� .J ' �
. . .' . •il ^��FVQ�7�;y•'�Y§�+•� � �. S
y i1 �'����� u� t-�i3" N�.i
♦ f � I
• -,�t i..� * Yy�, u• : .
�.. .f.
- � � � . fx������f ; �1
r a� r
. . � � � . . . . ,� � . .. . M�.�• NS ; r :1, �' � ��s c� f�l.1 6� i t,(�;'� ��4�
' � '. . . ��� � J r'Y" . `• < �. '.
.. � � . � . ' ... ' ..n.. � �i!.:. �-. -.
M i.:.y<�. ,..�+.;, r�t:+'��i,<%�+..,,.GYt.".,1',v y�`.v"+?,:s�'�'Eof�"F�►�'..��1"��.�1�A.�f,u�t�v4'C��'r?;Ab'���:�..fi�.�r
�( ' � � � . ��__ �� �
�a s,�,�• � � . �, . . 0 � �
' �tt�J��,�� .y��. � �t if�� �.. ' � . . . . . . � . � Y�
/"'� 1ya k{" . ' .�-----+...���_...� ._.�-�-..�^ --� --"�_... - _ .. �;
. �r' � > $.i� �', � `. . ..._. � • � '1� �
� , ���'k'•' �' ,�p' � ' . .. . • • . . . �� . . � �. �
a,� � ' • . . , . f�
. c ,�� <rF .,+ � `4 h
, ��,:,�a �'��,�� ..., .'.�f {�'a
�. �.,`�� �� 1! • Y _: _.__, . ... ... ..._ —.._. . ...--•....____ ..... . . .. __.__._---- !
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b��.. W . . . . 1
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, ,-,► � � • °r
r �.�.++gp ,� ` `
� '``� % �+�rr F ' ' .
� +��`'�� � � "That, suUject to any further reclassification ;
'i' - "'..��,� �
-':►���,��.��, of the hereinubove descriUed real estaie by virtuo of �;
� ; :,��;�;K����r+ , proccedings there[or hereatter instituted, conducted and ��
;,a � :;�a�t�n�• ,� eompleted aceording to applicablo provi6lons �f sald Zos►-
• + ���'� �' ing Code, as amended, and applic'able provisions ot the
. � *'r���. ' �' �' statutes ot the State of :Viinnesota, hereby, the employment:
' 1;�� ' of said real astate hencetorth is re�tricted and limited to
`.`� i�' h ~ i I the follo�vin� specified uses. to•wit .
�� :��A ;h-, �' _ . � . . .
t ','e �. �' "(a) Resideniial District uaes permitted by the .
't��. , i. . reguL�tor�provisions o:the Baid Zo:ting Code, as amend- '
` , � �s _.,� j; ed, �n �A Aesidence District, II Itesidence District, . ,
,„ � ; i? and C Residence Dis'rict thareby establiched, and • �, i
; �.t , , � . • ! ' .
.=r'���'�� t "(b) Commercial Uses which shall include no more
' _ ;x, ' ��'� ^ ~ ! ' than the establishme.�t, maintenance and conduct of a gaso- �
� r'�' �.�::-. . , � . .
4, ,.,�y��a�, ,i line tilling station businesa, subject to all applicable sta-
;.� .�;� . � ' tutes, ordinancea, rules and regulationa prescribed and •
;�,�'` r`.t� � i' promul�•ated by governmental agencies havinQ co�nizsnc�. �
��� xf • �.: f �'
�} Lr�+'��� � j "That the owner of said real egtate, within the . �y��
,�x�y ~��� � period of 60 days next succeeding the publicati'on of this �,,r��
,{ ,f,y.��.4� p '" ,� � � ordinance, shall filc with the City Clerk, in two tully exe- fi j j±
��A �N 1 .1Z i�Y •� ��`�;"
�� -�w. �*�� ` cutad counterparis, s:►id owner's written acceptance of �t +Y,
�� �` ; :� , " ' tl�la urdinance, incorporatina, airaoag other things, said -�
± �s���,�^�+��� �y��� � owner'9 grant unto said City of S�int Paul of a negativo . �i.��fi;
� �,ti � ; . J' . easement aftecting Baid real esiate, for the impoaition, t , � �
� maintenance and en:urcement ot the atoresaid r�atrictionr
iy1J itt± �i� �1�'���`� r �+ v� ; , and limitations upon the employment and use of'the hereia- �e�-�
, A>'Qa � �°;��C
,�,' f� � '�• '����":ti�, '- � :►bove dc,�cribed real ee�t��ta, s;:provud as to form and nx' , "+ ".r�
` � ` � �,°/`�'�.""� � �' ' ecution by the Corporation Counecl und recordab�a in the ti,� *
y �b��
l ��' y L f J� � � •
��f ,- k„�aT� .rj f. { � , oiiice ot tl�e Re�ister of Decds. That said o�vner s written
� . e x 4. 5? ���� ;,� • 1
acceptaitice by apt provisiona further shail oblig3te said owner � ,X*��
• r t ; and tlie assigns of said owner in regard to s;.id real estate, �r �i�
' ` r { .��'�� T � to effectively consent to tha rezoning ot said real estnte
' s' ''+ ti'�Z ` i to "C" Residence District, upon the resolution ot said Coun- . ���k
� ` '� '��'��"b��'� � cil requesting the same, in the e�ent of the cessation for �! `T��
.� 1 .�G� � r�.;T 3 t'i•t;1��•i
�, ,�n�� ��� ,� a conlinuous period of twelve months, of th� use of said �� �'� ' �
;, ` ..,a �,�,1.:#�s�: • • , premiaes for said permitted single commercial purpose. � ���
� �4�o- i -V.,ir 7�ylMa, SK � .
�5. � }r����r� , ;.�Mf:,� . � % °3��'"
,♦ SG y , � � �� � , ' t
`w. �:'��. ' and the said firat party, its�lf, its successora and saaiena hereby¢rants, �r r "
r� �-,-yL+ '� ._ . ' . ��. . .
.� �, n � .- . ! � . �N
�^ �= �,,, i eonveys and warrants unto th• •econd pa;ty, said City ot Saint P�u , aa • �
`�� �` `�'�', : I
, / :u.� } t{��r,:� t auch municipal corporption, in trust tor�the benefit of the publiC, s perpeLual i���
! . ,fi
`� ' ��«r ' t
„ , + ,`� �,�<<T ' �f� f ' ! aegative easement in and to said herninabova deecribed real estat�and sll ����fi`�
.1' i i< < , ,.� ,w � � •
!� + �-. � :? �' �y;,.�
' ` 'h�''tf a ,..`^��y" � thereof, for the Smposition, maintenance, and entores�eat by the �econd , ��
t. � A'������.�.1,�. �.l1 i � /ti�'t 1'y'.
, t+ ��?�� �'�;� 7� � ,,- � party, as such municipal corporatior►, of the afor�eaid r�ctricttons and +
� Y�1�
., ; ���'�,�;�j+,. ' y�'�
, �; ,�t�"F`� ��i �� 'r � � linitations upon the urs and employment of eaid hereinabove deccribad rsal
, � �1�, _� t . � «�r
� i,��,�"ti�:in F,t ti � � � . . '`��,y�?
r a�l� �a t��''S � I . , �S' ` . ���;�'�i
,� , � . y�.,
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thu reccipt and cufficiency whereof by the tIrst parly hereby zr� ack-
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:� ',��� Y#r'T. I� FURTHER. the first party makes ref
: r ,�;�"s'} i.y � , erence to said City of 3ai�t
` � )� �
Paul Building Zone Ordinance Chapters 60 W 64 ine]uc;vt as a�a�e�,
� ���• � ' .and by reterence.incorporatea the same herein, as part hereof, with tht
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y � - _� � ! same intent, purpose, ansi effect as if raid Building Za�e prd�nance and .�, .
�-, � aaid 'Go:�in g C o d e, w e r e l l�i l y se t for t h herein; attd a�akea further refarenc� Y����
. �t„' ' ��.._, keas�
+ Y'��' ' :;• to said amendato �
•,r � y, � � ry Ordin�nces Nos. 12624 aru! 126 8 b, a n d t o t�e d y l y cer t i- �••r
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r'�,�ti �� � ' fi���� ' � hereof by its duly authorlaed otficerc. ,
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.:a , �>. +�y On thi�.��•O�ay of April 1964 be[o e mo a Notar �x?r
+ �� Tr�s '`r`{, BPPeared D. urie `'' `.� ; • Y�1ic ' tt�
• r � -;x 1�a and �v, �, . persorsal�jr �r�.L�t
�•? *^e�1+ ��,�,'�:.� , being eac.y by me duly sworn,�d'i` ra ' a`��"�' � me perso:iaUy knoNr, who, '+. �
' !, � �,fi ',� �,� , and the .X, .,. , . ,_ � Y ey are, respecrively� the Pseetdstst '��.l�4:'
`•'► =:.�'� Z' �:�' r"•' Laurie Gaa Inc:, the cor�orat:oa r�a�a3 ia • ,i{,�r��
�. ,, � �",��E ,� ,�i I the loreyoing 3nstrument; t a he �eal affixed to said instru�e.�t is tha corporat� r;Ld
� � ' ' ^ .d",j ., t ' seal of aaid corporafion; that �aid instrument,wao si
:' �, ������i�.�.,�� F,� satd�pr�a`a Jon by suthority of ita Board of Directo�e a d said Da k/.b���of Y� �� �':
' +t+� «'�`z'�t � �nd °�.�. � �'• �� acknowled ed said inatr ment to bs ih6 free act and
•.1 Laurie �a�'��.
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