85-1587 �NN17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council p�, /�„�� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � ^ BLUE - MAVOR � Counci Resolution , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date LTLr�� . 1. On November 12, 1985, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Resoluton No. 2569 giving preliminary approval to the issuance of tax increment bonds in the initial principal amount of $30,250,000 to refund the existing Energy Park $25,000,000 issue and to take the bonds long term in accordance with the Tax Increment Agreement and the approved Tax Increment budget. The bonds will be underwritten by Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. 2. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, shall be issued only with the consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution adopted in accordance with law; 3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of said revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, sub�ect to final approval of the details of said issue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul. RESOLVED, by the Citq Council of the City of Saint Paul, that in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority Resolution No. 2569 the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemption, and for the issuance of additional bonds are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds (including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued. C�U�+�� Reque ed by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � °feN' In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel �__ Against BY Tedesco =lAFiFseer- DE _ '198� Form Ap ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _--�_ Certified �ssed by Council Secretary � B��� By� � � t#pprov iNavor. Date DEC � — ��t��J Approved by a Subm' s' n to Council gy /�/h/�_�-" By -���-�t� P��'�v��� D�C 14198a Port Authority " DEPARTMENT - g� �0 8�2250 � E. A: Kraut CONTACT �-� � 224-5686 PHONE Nov. 13, 1985 DATE �e�� Q e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � 1 Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director $30,250,000 ENERGY PARK TAX 2 City Attorney INCREMENT BOND ISSUE WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : The purpose of the bond issue is to issue $30,250,000 in tax increment bonds to refund the existing $25,000,000 Energy Park bonds and to take the bonds long term in accordance with the � Tax Increment Agreement and the appro�ved tax increment budget. The Reserve Fund has been built into this bond issue to hedge against the lower floater rate and w�ll be available at the end to help retire the outstanding principal balance. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CNARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction; $30,250,000 quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 . Staff Memorandum 2. Draft City Council Resolution 3. Port Authority Resolution No. 2569 cc: R. Thorpe DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? �Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �s--- �„� G� 577E Resolution No. 2569 RESOLUTIO�1 OF THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAII�TT PAUL WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 2345, adopted on September 18, 1984, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") , approved the issuance of $25,000,000 Short Term Energy Park Floating Rate Revenue Bonds, Series 1984-3 (the "Short Term Bonds") ; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to refund the Short Term Bonds by the issuance of approximately $30,250,000 Energy Park Tax Increment Bonds af 1985 (the "Bonds" ) ; WHEREAS, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, 1976, Chapter 234, the Port Authority must obtain the consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul to the issuance of the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1. T'ne Executive Vice President of the Port Authority is hereby authorized and directed to request the City Council of the City of Saint Paul to consent to the issuance of the Bonds. 2. The Executive Vice President of the Port Authority is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the � City Council copies �f this resolution and copies of any other information the City Council may request. Adopted: November 12, 1985 . PORT AUTHO �Y THF CITY OF SAINT AUL � , Attest: �`�B � ' " � � � � .Y es ' t . ��%��� - e etary , P � R T. � � �5=�s� AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Memorandum TO: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE: (Special Neeting November 12, 1985) No�t�. 12, 1985 ,.� ; FROM: E• ��:� u t . � �:. SUBJECT: RES. N0. 2569 — ISSL'ANCE OF $30,250,000 F.NERGY PARK TAX INCREMENT BOND The Port Authority currently has outstanding a 525,000,000 letter ef credit issue to First National Bank of t�iinn.eapolis. G�en this issue was last refunded, City Council resolution required that when the bonds were issued on a permanent tax increment basis that City Council approval be requi?-ed. Use of the proceeds is as follows: Ref unding $25,000,000 Recapture and other expenditures 1,500,000 Reserve 3,500,000 Expenses of issuance 98,750 Underwriter's discount 151,250 Staff recommends approval of Resol.ution No. 2569, referring this issue to the City Council for approval. The actual tax increment budget approved earlier this year by the City Council authorized a tax increment budget including interest of $34,972,158. The actual tax increment portion of this issue when the $3,500,000 reserve fund is deducted is $26,750,000. EAK:j ed 3 • � . . �'�-- ��� � � . � �j ;OT ON PREPARED AGNEDA: Resa:��xt�o�� �ppr v�:ing �-30,250,000 for Energy �Park Refunding. (Port Authority� ��=',���-�=� ��es lution approv ng $2,750,000 for Amhoist Acquisition Bonds. (Port Authority) ,�ro��� �esolution approving $800,000 for McColl Co letion Bonds /���G'�°C� �P . (Port Authority) . Reso ution approving $2,500,000 for Lowertown V. (Port Authority) /���'bL���' , �'�'��� �`� ; ,�.., , CITY �F S�I1TT P�..UL � .;�T;..�:iii f OF�'ICE OF TST CITY COI7WCIL .�.�, ... i COnlmltte° Re�art ' F:i��n.�n. �ana�emenfi,. � Persannel Cammi��f,°°. �' v V 1. Anproval oi :ninuces trom meecing hetd `lovemoer I4, I485. ,/1'P r,� �� J't.��� � ,/ 2. ResoluL:on amending C.l�. 35io== to nllou for t::e esLabZ:sh^eat az desi�aLe�± pay � pe^od aL abnronr�ate cimes to allou :or t`e gayrter.c oi he�1.4 oene::.s .a occu: vi hin a 35-�iay perio:l ��c by St �tatyce. (P.is� �tgr�L_) Iaid ove. �a I'_/!� � ��, I-���D ave�Z, l t�e�k �nd►r��I,tiri f�n Q�t n t�l-IcTGY►�I Ci"� �'��- 3.� Pr-sencaLZOn r Ramser uunt� 'fsx c•on an t� Assessed Val acian eeuc::on. t , � � (Laid over _rom 11/1•t/85)������'rGLTW"l� ���L['��� �� �C.' �� • � ft�t Yt('i(., • �4. ResaluLion(s) anproving the £inancng and soencing plaa fer L'�e cLy Y�asat Serv'cc� InitiaLive ?rogram. (Ca�munity Servicesj�� Q Ye� --�7\ f��,�/��.�" , • � � J � 5. LetLer ax aFSC•tE Counc:I No. I4 asking for a review os the �de oi :he title ( AniIIal ConLrol of::ce:. (Reie::ed to Financa LI/7/85) J „�� �v�� � /5j �Z/12/d� � �K � . � �� Resolucioa authori,zin g the exnenciLUre oi $20,00 allo w i�g *:te ct 7 to lo i n w ith � ot metro area �alities in procestia3 the �S? eiecL:ic rate i.nc-ase. ' ����Q��� • �1 es 1 �! eauesting $20,000 to allow the city ta nartici�ate xit.'t other cities in �lec:�c rate case. ? • . : � �������� 8: e Z zan roving 1 85-:986 agreement ber.reea the City and the Inie_.zat:onal � � i Assn. o= :4ac^.izists an' �eros�ace iYoricers AF�.-CI . (P onnei) ' ` i /� � � ,/ �J �/ /� � /i `� . � �. � S. Resdlutz�o�s �lSrOV��g 1485-I987 .lj�taz'nzenan�-Lash �grtemenz bez�een ttte T_ndeoendeat , I �'soo�Dist:�c� �62�and Ele��cal 1jo�e�s, acal U. (Personnei) . . T/! t� � !/ � � 3 �7��Q� , � J�� Resolut�on auLnor_zing e issciance of I, 0,0 PorL Aucher_ry Revea� 3anas ; to fiaance Ehe construc:ion o� aa office and distr_ouzion cenzer 'er RRB Associates , ; ia Riverriew InduszriaS a.rea WesL. (Pon Auchorityj f)�I ;.��� ���.,f% • ' � ��' • ' �7f r �i�.,__ ' � ' .11: Resolution auLhorizing the issuance af $2,665,000 For. Aut�.or_ty Revenue donds to . ? fiaance ��e acauisiLion of bvi?dings on the s.e. mrner af Western and Daycon Avenues :ar Car.t:edxa.l Hill�rlssociaLes. (Parc auchorryj y�,,.�o j!�_.1/`_ . . . v 13. Resolution authorizing proner eity offieials to retur.t ee to orrteen of Burglar Alara SysLems Paid ur z o te �2 the i.egislaz:ve Cone. . � �,(�'� �`-��� � V� �� I�Z�S��� , s 1 t on aut orizi.n issvaace of � , ,000 ParL �uthor_. Revenue boncs to finance the acauisi 'on and remodelin o= Canitol Holiday Inn °or c:BS :.ssociates. (Port auLhariLyl I��rO ,)t�`--- 14. Resolution auchori:.�ng an agre/menL with the '.�flV. Deac. oi Health to nrovide a Rezugee Health Progr:m in Raa►sey Co. for Octaoer l, I985, thmug' SeaL. 30, 1987. (Community Services)��� � �e/� .-'j"O ������.�/ ' / J ' 15. ResoluEion amending the budget control system established far snecal �:nds to provide a flexible b�uigeL mn�rol onc=on for proprzetary funds based on pm}ected : and actual fiscal periormj�e, (F�ance De�t� �..� /S �� � (� �� Q �� / � i 16. Resolution aucharizi.ng an agrer�►tnt with Whitacker 8uic�C and Wer_�o Ponch-�udi, Inc., for the lea.�e af unmariced Police vehicles. Police �eoL.) / - Lf�?D �V��-- �� /�,!,�/�'S - • NOT ON PREPARED AGEVDA: Resolution establishin� the bud�et for the � Cestificate of Occtmancy Program that has b en transfe�ed • to the De�t. of__ Fire!F� Safet Services. � . . .�;-�.�. �������j2�j/ CTTy HALL SEVE�ii 'TIi FLOOR SAL�iT PAUL,MINNESOT�+.55102 �.s � �r ��, ._—�—�_.�___—