85-1575 WNITE - CtTV CLERK • � PINK L�FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council f.1NARV�� Q�PARTMENT (��_��jr� BI.UE - MAVOR ., Flle NO. Q � KS�- 12/9/85 ouncil Resolution Presented By • • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Satnt Paui C1ty Caunc# i passed a Civii Service reform resolution, known as C.F: No. 85-1575, on November 26, 1985; Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, pursuant to the City Charter; the Sai�t Paul City Councii does hereby reco�sider and repass the foilowing resolution: Amenc�nents to Civil Service Ruies pertaining to Announcements of Positions Availabie, Application Requirements, Examination Procedures, Eligibie Lists a�d Filling Vacancies. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF POSITIONS AVAILABIE Announcements of ex�nination for positions shali be posted for at least th;rtv �en caiendar days and shall indicate the foilowing: 1. The kinds of tests and examinations included in the examination, and the relative weight assigned to each. 2. Those tests which are cort�etitive, and those which are qualifying. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen A gainst BY Tedesco W i Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by �Navor: Date Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Council By By - �� � : , � �,`-�=,s� Page 2 of 10 5. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 5.A FILING APPLICATIONS Applicants must compiete appiications furnished by the Personnei Office. No applications shatl be accepted after the deadline specified in the officiai announcement; however, incomplete applications may be amended. Applicants, eligibles and er�loyees must notify the office of changes in address. Applicants must comply with all laws and ordinances in any way affecting employment in the positions for which they appiy. The Personnel Office may require the presentation of certificate of competency, licenses, or other evidence of special qualifications. 5.8 AGE Except as otherwise provided by State Law, the E�v+� Se�°v+es Eemm#���eR Personnel Director may, at +�9 his or her discretion, fix any reasonable age limit as a requirement for entrance to examinations. Such age limits shall be published in the official notice of examinations. No person shall be kept on an eifgibie register whose age does not conform to the age requirements. 5.0 EDUCATION In any examination in which the applicant intends to fulfill the minimum requirements with an academic degree, applicants may be admitted to the examination if they are in their last school year prior to graduation at the required level in the required field; however, any such candidates who attain places on the resulting eligible list shail not be certified to any vacancy until they have graduated. 5.D RES�BENEE S+Aee ernp�eyees �n �he F��e 6redp end �he Pe�#ee 6+°edp at�e sdb�ee� �e reea�� #n er�e�gene#e9 and �nd��; �#�erefere; be readfi�y eva#�ab�e; sdep emp�eyees she�� be bene f#ele �°e9#den�9 ef aR er�ea whi�eh ahe+� #ne�dde �he fe+�eM�Rg: ,. .' . , . , ' /���'�-/.5_7�, U' Page 3 of 10 �R MfiRRC'9e�� Re�+aey EedR�y; W8919�R��6R Eedn�y; ARel�a Eedfl�y: 9eke�a Eeen�Y; �ae� per� ef Henneptn Eedn�y Nq�eFi �#e� eaa� ef HtgpHay �8�; �ha� per� ef Ehtsege 6een�y wh#eh �#es �ed�h ef H#ghNey 95� end �he� pe�°� ef 6ea�� 6edR�y KH�eh ��Fes ees� ef EedA�ry Reed �� f�p�#r�g �el�e Reedi eRel ne��h ef EedR�y RoaeJ ��.- �-n W#seen�+n S�.- 6�°e+x 6adR�y; �he� pe�°� ef Pa�{t Eedn�y Nh#eM �+e9 9ed�h ef H.-S.- HfghNey 8 end Ne'� af Hfigpaey 46; end �het par� ef P#e�ee Eadr��y wh+eh +te9 Ne9� ef d:S.- H#ghNey 63.- Errery e�essfiffied en�p�eyee tn �he Ftre 6�°edp and �he Pa��ee 6�adp Khe �fi+des ad�9fide ef �ae e�°eas eJesertbed fin �he preeed�ng peregreph� e� �he ��me ef eppetn�men� mds� beeeme a bane f�de resteJen� ef �he preser�bed e�°ees w��h�n s-�x rnen�hs ef �be ee��e�#en ef hf9tper prebe�ter�e�°y pe�°�ed.- Applicants for original entry to a posit{on in the ciassified service of the City of Saint Paul who have been a resident of the City of Saint Paul for at least one year immediately prior to the date of the examination for said position shaii receive an additional five points on their examination score, provided that the applicant must attain a passing grade before the additional five points are added. �n emp�eyee fe��fiRg �e mee� �Fie res#deney �eqd�remeR� sbe�� be deemeeJ �e be #nsdbardfine�e anel gd+��y ef rn#'eandne� and �ha�� be 9db�ee� �e ed�emat+e fe�fefi�d�e ef ernp�eymen�.- An e��eyee �e�n�fina�eel fe� fe#�ere �e mee� �he �es�deney �eqefiremen�s s�+e�� have �he ��ga� �e e hee�°�flg �e de�erm�ne Nhe�he�° �he re�#deney reqd��en+en� Ne9 me�.- Fe�° �ae pd�pa9e ef �Mfis See�fian; e �empe�°e�°y �emn+er re9�denee ed�afide �pe 6+�y er� ebeve elesertbed a�ee be�Neen �pe de�e9 af Mey +5 and �ep�er+�er �5 ef eny yee� N+�� Ae� be eer►$#de�ed a� be�ng nen-�°ea#eleney.- 5.E CHARACTER AND FITNESS Character of eligibies shali be investigated and references verified in advance of certification. Such investigation shall be made with respect to the activity of the list, and the inquiry shall be periodically updated. �' � ' . �. . � � �,�--�s=,�s�.s- Page 4 of 10 No eligible shall be removed from any etigible register for insufficient references or because of unsatisfactory references or personal quatifications, except upon recommendation of an advisory reference committee canposed of five persons to be selected pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter. Eligibles previously discharged from the City service shall be called to the Personnel Office to make expianation. In defauit of such appearance or in case of unsatisfactory explanation, their names shall be excluded from the eligible list. No person who has been separated from the public service because of fault or delinquency on his/her part shall be a�nitted to any examination or certified to any position for at least one year after such separation. 5.F FALSE STATEMENTS Any false statement made with the intent to cortmit fraud, any fraudulent conduct, or any attempted deception by an applicant or eligible, or by others with his/her connivance, in any appiication, paper or document submitted to the Personnel Office, or in any examination, shall bar such appticant or eligible from further examinations for at least two years; and, in addition, if such person has his/her name enrolled on any eligible or promotion or reinstatement register, such person shall forfeit his/her rights in any and all registers on which his/her name may appear, provided that the name of no person shail be removed from a register without first having an opportunity to be heard on his/her own behalf. In the case of connivance, all parties thereto shall be deemed equally guilty under this Section. 5.G PENSIONERS No person receiving a pension, other than a disability or survivor's pension, from any pension fund toward which the City of Saint Paul contributes shail be eligible for empioyment, or for reinstatement, or r�eemployment as a regular empioyee while receiving such pension benefits; nor shali such empioyee become eligible for reinstatement or reemployment if he/she has received such pension benefits by waivi�g such benefit rights. `' ' � �. �� , �.i=�5=�s�s� Page 5 of 10 5.H MEDICAL The 6#vt� �erv�ee EOfIMN�S9�9R Personnel Director may establish medicai standards but only for the purpose of determining the applicant's ability to perform the essential job functions of the position for which he or she is applying. 6. EXAMINATION PROCEDURES 6.A CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR EXAMINATION An applicant may be conditionally permitted to complete an examination. if such conditional acceptance is for the purpose of enabling him/her to submit additional proof of his/her ability to meet quatifying requirements which are of a non-co�etitive nature and not part of the direct examination used to determine the relative standings on the eligible list. No person whose name is on any eligible list conditionally shall be certified until that person has complied with all requirements. 6.B EXAMINATION CONTENTS The examinations shail contain only those tests and evaluations, which in the judgment of the Director, according to merit principles, will fairly test the relative ability of the applicants to properiy perform the duties of the position. Al1 examinations shall be competitive. Examinations may contain sub3ective, ob,�ective, written. oral tests; oral interviews; practical or demonstration tests; physical tests; or evaluations of the applicant's fitness, past training, or experience to perform the duties of the position. The total number of points possible in any examination shall be one hundred. �r►d�v�elda� �e9�s dsed es a pe�°� ef en exem#ne�feR may be e��he� eernpe�#�#ve er qtle��fy�ng.- Notwithstanding � provision of these rules to the contrarv, ail entry level and promotionat examinations for positions in the Department of Fire and Safety Services which are to be filled � sworn personnei shall be competitive in nature. The weight of any oral test shaii not exceed 30� of the examination, however, this restriction shali not apply in examinations for any position listed under the Professional/A�ninistrative Non-Supervisors, the Professional/ Administrative Supervisors, or the Technical Groups. ►• • - � � _ � �� ��-i�-�s- Page 6 of 10 Oral tests may be of the question and answer type used to test the candidates' knowledge of the duties of the position in question, or may be of the interview type used to test the candidates' personal fitness for the position in question. When oral tests are used, they shall be rated, whenever practicable, at the discretion of the Director, by the use of and in accordance with standardized rating procedures especially designed for such purpose. In addition to the tests used for original entrants, or in lieu of some of those tests, ratings of service and seniority may be used for prom�tion candidates, and these may be assigned such weights as the Oirector may judge proper. 6.0 EXAMINATION ADMINISTRATION All examinations shall be prepared and held under the direction of the Director, who may designate City ert�ployees or empioy persons from outside the City as special examiners to assist with the preparation, conduct, or grading of any examination. Records shall be kept for one year of examinations, questions, and applicants' answers. In the case of oral tests, records also shall be made, so far as practicable, of all conversation and discussion between applicants and examiners. 6.D EXAMINATION RA��N6 SCORING All applicants whose genere� average ratfings scores are less than 75 percent correct in the examination taken as a whole, or in any test or evaluation which is part of the examination if so published in the official announcement, shall have failed in the examination, and their names shall not be disclosed. +n en exaini�ne�#an for wp�eh en e�°e� �n�e�v�eN �Fs e �db�eets �he 6+vt� Serv�ee Eenrn��sfian n+ey p�°ev�de �he� en�y a de9fgne�ed n�er ef eene!#ela�es hev#ng �he p#ghe�� ave�°age re��ng ef �5 e�° n+o�°e fn �be o�he� sdb�ee� e�° sdb�ee�s ef �be @fl8M�R8��9R; �pe�-F be e�4gfb+e �a pat���efipa�e +n �he ere+ tf1�C1'V�CF/# I%P9d��JCEI'4 hevredew� �he� adeh Ae9+gne�ed ndmber �he�+ be ptl���91,eP� �R �he eff�e+e� annedneemen� ef �he exer�+na�#an.- Both promotion and original entrance examinations, including any oral test or evaluation, shall be marked according to the same standards. �� - � � .� . � �'.s-��-��_ Page 7 of 10 in the case of all competitive examinations i9 ve� pursuant to these rules, all tests shall be rg aded on the basis of the correct answers iq ven � the applicant. In no such cases shall such test scores be ad9usted, upwards or downwards. in order to arrive at a final test score. When two or more examiners rate answers or tests independently. the final rating for each answer or test shall be an average of the individual ratings. Questions found by examiners to be unfair, misleading, or in the nature of catch questions, shall be eliminated and the average rating determined on the remainder of the test. The current standards for evaluating applicants; ,�ob-related training and experience, and fulfiliment of minimum requirements, shall be kept on file as pubtic records. Ailowance shall not be made to an applicant for time lost by him/her in an examination. In any examination for Fire positions in which the sub3ect of service is used for promotional candidates, the following standards for conversion of Performance Appraisal Ratings to Service Credits shall be used. � Service � Performance Appraisal Rating Credits /� Err�loyees whose work has exceeded to an ,/ unusual degree the average performance of all � empioyees doing the same kind of work. 10 ? i Employees whose work has exceeded to a , � considerable degree the average performance of ' all employees doing the same kind of work. 8 -` �''`�, �,`�` �, Employee whose work has met the standard of +` � work expected. 6 ,, Ernployees whose work has been somewhat below � the average performance of all employees doing the same kind of work. 4 ��' Ert�ployees whose work has been distinctiy below � the average performance of all employees doing the same kind of work. 0 � � . , . _ � /a�'��/�7`S._ �r Page 8 of 10 In addition, there may be intermediate ratings used. An average of the latest two annaul ratings will be used in determining the average rating. These ratings will be converted to a numerical score based on standards maintained in the Personnel Office. ,1�6.E EXAMINATION INSPECTION BY APPLICANTS Every appiicant shall be given an opportunity to inspect the scoring of his or her papers, and any "short answer" questions and answers used in the examination -- except where standardized, copyrighted tests have been used and the inspection is prohibited as a requirement of the person(s) , business, or agency which obtains the copyright on the test. 6.F EXAMINATION POSTPONEMENT OR CANCELl.AT10N The Personnel Office shall notify applicants of any postponement or cancellation in any examination. 7. ELIGIBLE LISTS The names of all applicants who pass the examination shali be placed on an eligible list in the order of their examination re�#ng9 scores, and shall rematn on the list until they are hired or until the list expires. If any applicant's scores are equal to the scores of anyone certified under Section 8.A of these Rules, their names shail also be certified. ln the case of an open continuous examination, all applicants who pass the examination can be certified in accordance with Section 8 of these Rules as if there was a new examination for such title each day. The names of those not immediately employed shall be placed on an eligible register in the order of their scores. If any applicant is a Veteran, additional points shall be added to his/her score, in accordance with State Law: �� : , . . ��f"S-_>�7�., Page 9 of 10 (a) Five points for the first promotional examination taken by a disabled veteran who has a permanent service- connected disability of 50� or more. (b) Five points for original entrance examinations, if not disabled. (c) Ten points for original entrance examinations taken by veterans with service-connected disabilities. lf two eligible lists for the same position are in force, the second list shail be treated as a continuation of the first list. Eligible lists shall expire one year from the date of their establishment. However, the Civil Service Commission, by written order filed with the City Clerk, may extend an eligible list for such period, not exceeding one year, as may be advisable for the best interests of the City. Such order shall designate the reason for such extension. When an examination is scheduled for both promotion and original entrance, the names of eltgibles shall be entered on separate eligible lists; those who have promotional rights shall have their names entered on a list called the "Promotion List", and all other eligibles shalt be entered on the list known as the "Original Entrance List". The names of persons eligible for reinstatement after resignation shall be considered as the highest names on the Original Entrance List. Any person who resigns from the City Service shall not, during such separation, be certified from any eligibie list as a promotion eligible but may, if such separation is without fault or delinquency on his/her part, be granted the rights of an original entrant on such list. WHITE � - CITV CLERK � PINK -- FINANCE CO�1flC11 I B�VER�- MAVORTMEN7 GITY OF SAINT PALTL , File N 0. ��!� �� � Council Resol tion Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 10 of t0 Employees on leaves of absence shall not be inciuded on any certifications unless they request in writing that their names be included. lf an applicant is included on more than one eligible list, and has been appointed from o�e list, the applicant shall be removed from all other lists for equivalent positions, but shall continue to be included on lists for higher-paying positions. Vetoed by the Mayor and readopted by the City Council on December 31, 1985. . Yeas �ofeW Nays --Masanz r In Favor —�Pi�cos+a �hQ1���' ,2 Against '�or��er► �fedeot`•o 1NNaop � COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ,��eW Nays ` �11Aasanz j�� `Nicosia �•�� [n Favor Scheibelr'� �onnen A gai n s t BY �Tedesco Wilso�� Adopted by Council: Date DEC 1 7 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas e b u cil Sec ry BY By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY PURLI�HED �a�v i 11986 � . • . . . . . . Page 2 of 9 ��.s�,�'7s' S.B GE Ex pt as otherwise provided by State Law, the E-d �e���ee Ee��ss�e� Personnel Directar may, at ita ' s discretion, fix any reasonable age limit as a xeq ' rement for entrance tc examinations . Such . age li ' ts shall be published in the official notice examinations . No person shall be kept on an eligi e register whose age does not conEorm to the age r uirements. • , S.0 EDUCATION ' ' In any examin tion in which the applicant intends to fulfill the minimum requirements with an academic degree applicants may be admitted to the examination if t ey are in .their last school year prior to graduati n at t�re required level in the required field; h wever, any such candidates who attain piaces on t e resulting elf.gible list shall not be certified to any vacancy until. they have graduated. 5:B AF6�B6?IEa S}�ee-e�ap�e�ees-��-�}�e-.� e-6�e��-a�d-ti�e-�e�-�ce 6�e�t�-a�e-s�#��ee�-te-�ee�a �--�n-eme�ger��ciea-and fat�s�T-��e�e�e�e�-�e-read�� -at�a3�a��e;-aac� e�g�e�*ee9-9�e��-�e-�ar��-f�id -rea�identa-nf-an=area W��e�-s�ia��-��e��de-t�e-fe�� ��r�g- _ �r�-M�n�e�et� , • Ra�ase�-Cea�a��T_Was�a}�g�e�-�e�i�� T-A�e�a-�e�x���� �aieetia-�ount�►;-ti�at-part-�--H�enn pin-£nnnty-arhic�h ��es-east-ef-�I3g�xep-�9�;-t��t-p t-ef-t�h�sage Eat�ntp-W��e�-��es-98ttt�-bf-�i-�g}��,a -��r,-s�d-ti�at pa�t-ef-Seett-�aa�t�►-x{�3e;°i-�3es-ea t-�f-EB��t�-�e�ad ��-f8g�r�s�g-�a�e-�ea�-�-���-�e�t�k-e�- et��t�--Rea�-��: ��-�l�see+�9�t� S�:-6�e��c-Ee����T-�?�a�-�a��-e€-�e��-Ea �-��►-�a�-�e� �}es-se���-e=-�T:�:-��g�i�a�-S-at��-��s�- -�Hi����a�+ �gT-a�d-��a�-ga��-s�-�}e�ee-Ee�fl��►-�r�►�e ��es-�es� e€-B�S�-��g��a�r-b�-. ��e�r�-e�a9s���ee1-emp�e�ee-�fl-t�ie-�-��e-6�e��-a�$-.��e �e��ee-S�e+�g-w�e-���es-e���s��e-e�€-��e-a�eas dese��bed-��-�ke-��eeed��g-�a�ag�a��is-a�-��e--���ae e€-ap�e����e�►�-�aas�-�ees�xe-a-�aaa-�-�de-��s�de��-a€ ��e-g�ese�;be�-a�eas-w���}�-���-�e�.�}�s-e€-��e ee�np�e��eA-e�-��s f�ie�-�e�a��e�a��►-�e�=e�� ' - � - . ' � . . . Page 3 of 9 ' �,��('..S�.r7� Applicants for original entry to a position in the c assified service of the City of St. Paul who have � bee a resident of the City of St. Paul for at ; least ne year immediately prior to the date of the jexamina �on for said position shall receive an additiona five points on thelr examination score, provided th t the applicant must attain a passing grade before he additional five points are added. AR-e���e�ree-= ��}��-�e-�►ee�-�.�e-�es-�de�e� �eqt���e�e��-3�i ��-�be-��ee�te�-�fl--�e-3�s��d�t�a�e-a�x� g+�}���-e€-�+�see d�e�-at�d-s�a��-�e-s��ee�--�e a��e�aa��e-€e�€e� �e-e€-e�a�►�e��-.--�A�-��e��e �e�r���a�ed-ze�-€a ��e-�a-�ee�-��e-�es��e�e� �eQ�}�e�e��-s�a��- �e-��e-��g��-�e-a-��a-�-��g-�e �e�e�R►��e-w�e��e�--� -�es��e�e�-���-��e��-�aas �e�: . �e�-��ie-�t���ese-e€-��i-� -�ee��e�►�-a-�e��a��►-���raae� �e9�e�eflee-ettt9�e�e-e�-t� E�-��-e�-��ie�ve-�ese���ed nren-�etweeri-the-date9-e -�la�r-��5-a�d-f>epte�e-�-�� e€-at��-ye�a�r-�r���-t�et-�e--� ��e�ed-as-��g non-*reaidcnc�. S.E CHARACTER AND FITNESS . Character of eligibles shall b investigated and references verified in advance f certification. Such investigation shall be mad with respect to the activity of the list, and th inquiry shall be periodically updated. . No eligible shall be removed from ny eligible register for insufficient reference or because of unsatisfactory references or persona qualifications, except upon recommen ation of an advisory reference committee composed of five persons to be selected pursuant to th provisions of the City Charter. Eligibles previously discharged from th City service shall be called to the Personnel Office to make explanation. In default of such app arance or in case of unsatisfactory explanation, th ' r names shall be excluded from the eligible list. No person who has been separated from the public service because of fault or delinquency on his/her part shail be admitted to any examination or certified to any position for at least one year after such separation. . � � � � � � - • Page 4 of 9 ' �C�S-�57� S.F FALSE STATEMENTS Any false statement made with the int2nt to commit fraud, any fraudulent conduct, or any attempted deception by ar► applicant or eligible, or by others with his/her connivance , in any applicaton, paper or �document submitted to the Personnel Office , or in a� examination, shall bar such applicant or eligi e from further examinations for at least two years ; nd, in addition, if such person has his/her name enr led on any eligible or promotion or reinstatem nt register, such person shall forteit hi,s/her rig ts in any and all registers on which his/her name ay appear, provided that the name of � no person shal be removed from a register without first having an opportunity to be heard on his/her own behalf . . In the case of con ' vance',' all parties thereto shall be deemed equ lly guilty under this Section. 5.G PENS IOI3ERS No person receiving a p sion, other than a disability or survivor' s ension, from any pension -- fund toward which the City of Saint Paul° - . contributes shall be eligib e for employment, or for reinstatement, or reempl yment as a regular employee while receiving suGh pensian benefits ; nor shall such employee become eli ible for reinstatement or reemployment f he/she has received such pension benefits waiving such - benefit rights . 5.H MEDICAL The C�u�.� Se�u�es CA�ua�.ss�oa Per�on el Director may establish medical standards but only for the purpose of determining the applicant' ability to perform the essential job functions o the position for which he or she is applying . 6. EXAMINATION PROCEDURES 6 .A CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR EXAMINATION An applicant may be conditionally permitte to complete an examination, if such conditiona acceptance is for the purpose of enabling hi /her to submit additional proof of his/her abilit�i to meet qualifying requirements which are of a , non-competitive nature and not part of the direct examination used to determine the relative standings on the eligible list. No person whose name is on any eligible list conditionally shall be certified until that person has complied with all requirements . � � � � � . • . _ . Page 5 of 9 ' �,,G�.S-i�7� 6.B EXAMINATION CONTENTS The examinations shall contain only those tests and evaluations , which in the judgment of the Director, a�.cording to merit principles, will fairly test the re� tive ability of the applicants to properly perf�rm the duties of the position. All exa inations shall be competitive. � Examinati ns may contain subjective, objective , written, o al tests ; oral interviews ; practical or demonstrati tests ; physical tests ; or evaluations of the aopli nt' s fitness, past training , or experience to erform the duties of the position. The total numbe of points possible in any examination shal be one hundred. �r�d���daa�-�esds tsaee�-as-a-�a��-a� a�-e�ca���a��e�-�a�-�e-a3�be� eompetrtiae-er-e��a ���}�gz Notwithstandin anv or vision of these rules to the � contrar , all entr lev 1 and romot,onal examinations for oositiv s in the De�artment of Fire and Safet Services hich are to be filled bv sworn ersonnel shail be c moetitive in nature. The weight of any oral test hall not exceed 30$ of - the examination, however, thi restriction shall not apply in examinations for ny position listed under the Professional/Administ ative Non-Supervisors , the Professiona /Administrative Supervisors, or the Technical Gro ps . Oral tests may be of the question a d answer type used to test the candidates' knowled e of the duties of the position in question, o may be of the interview type used to test the ca didates' personal fitness for the position in qu stion. When oral tests are used, they shall be ated, whenever practicable, at the discretion o the Director, by the use of and in accordance ith standardized rating procedures especially signed for such purpose . • In addition to the tests used for original entrants, or in lieu of some of those tests, ratings of service and seniority may be used fo promotion candidates , and these may be assigned such weights as the Director may judge proper. � � ' • '.. . � � Page6of9 ' (,� �5 �.��.s 6,C EXAMII3ATION ADMINISTRATION All examinations shall be prepared and held under the direction of the Director, who may designate City employ�es or employ persons from outside the City as special examiners to assist with the preparation, conduct, or grading of any examination. Records shall be kept for one year of examinations, questions ;, and applicants' answers . In the case of , oral tests, , records also shall be made, so far as practicable;,of all conversation and discussion between appli ants and examiners. 6.D EXAMZNATION RA� ?i� SCORING All applicants wh se gcn�a� average �a��flgs scores are less than 75 rcent correct in the examination taken as a whole, o in any test or evaluation which is part of the examination' if so published in the official announce ent, shall have failed in the examination, and their names shall not be disclosed. In-aA_Qxamix�atioa_,e�r-W�ias -aa-s�a�-���e���e�--�s-a -- . sa�a�es�-.-��e-�i���-Se��r3ee- +�n�ss�s�n-map-p�bq�id�e ��a�-e���-a-�es}g�a�ed-�t���e -e�£-eane3#e��tea-?�abing �#�e-��g#�es�-a�e�age-�a����- ��-e�-t�ne�re-3�-t�e e�be�-s��a�es�-a�-s���ee�s-e€- �e-e�a�n�r�at�e�n;-s�ta�� �ae-e3�����a-�e-�a���e��a�e-��- �e-e�a�-��nte�y�ea; . @�e��ded-,-�ewe�e�T-�}�a�-s�e�-de �g�ate�-r�nm»er sba��-�e_����}s�ed-}�-��e-e�€�e� �-���e��eeme�t-ef �he-e�a���a��er�t Both promotion and original �ntran e examinations, including any oral test or evaluati n, shall be marked according to the same standar s . In the case of all comaetitive examin tions iven ursuant to these rules , all tests sha 1 be raded on the basis of the correct answers iv n bv the a olicant. In no such cases shall such est scores be ad 'usted, upwards or downwards , in or r to arrive at a final test score. When two or more examiners rate answers or sts independently, the final rating for each ans r or test shall be an average of the individual ra ' ngs. Questions found by examiners to be unfair, misleading, or in the nature of catch questions, shall be eliminated and the average rating determined on the remainder of the test. . � - • '. ' �.. . Page 7 of 9 ���.�`'-/.�?� The current standards for evaluating applican�s ; job-related training and experience, and fulfillment of minimum requirements, shall be kept on file as public records. Allowance shall not be made to an applicant for time lost by him/her in an examination. ��►-a��-e�ca��fla��e�-€s�-�}�e-�es���e�s-��-�a�i-�s�-��a � s�tb;eet-e€-�e��-�ee-�s-t�sed-=e�-�e�e��et�a� , saad}�a�es-,- � e-�e��ew��ag-��,a�da��s-�e-�-eeaauexs.�ex� e€-�e�£e��a�se ����a-�sa�-�ta���gs-:�e-�e�N�se-��.s�l��s s#�a��-�e-�sed; ' �eY=a��a es-A�s�a�sa�i�ta��� Se���se � ��ed��s ��p�ayees-��iese- e��C-�as-e�ceeeded-�e-a� c�r�t�s��a�-�e��ee-�� -a�*e�age-�e�=a��a�ee ef-a��-e�e�►ees-d '�g--��e-sa�e-����-e€ Ne��t: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �8 ��n��e±rees-��ese-�e��C- as-e;ceee�e�-�:a-a � eeri��de����e-�eg�ee-t}� -a�ve��ge-�e�ze�- �aaaee-e�-a�3�-ezac�e�COas- iag-�k�o-s�zae k�ad-e€-we��T - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 ��ag�e�ees-K�ese-we��-�ias-� �-��e-s�a��a�d e€-we��-e�t�ee�edT - - - - - - - - -__ ,_ � .___ ��p�e�ees-w}�ese-we�k-�as-�ee se�aew�a� - �e�ew-��ie-a�se�age-�e��e�aat�se �-a�� e�ag�e�ees-de}wg-��e-sa�a-k��d- €-�ae��c� 4 ��ng�e�ees-W�ese-�e��-�as-�ee�-d� �;�e��y �e?ew-�}�e-a�e�age-�e�-a��a�ee-s€ a�� . e���a�*ees-de}�g-�}�e-sa�e-����=a€- e��-. 0 �n-$�el�t�en7-t�e�e-x►a�-�e-��►�e��ed�a� -�a���gs aaed:--r�n-n�re�sge-ef-t�ie-�}a�es�-��e-a� ���-�a���gs Mi��-i�e-t�'ed-tn-elet�r:����ng-ti�e-a�re��g ��a��t�g. �i�ese-�rsting9-a��?�-�e-ee�+�e��e�-be-a-� e��es1 acore-bsaeel-an-9tan�srds-r�$�r��a�r�e�-��-t e �er�enne�-9ff�ea: '�� �, 6.E EXAMINATION INSPECTTON BY APPLICANTS `, , \ Every applicant shall be given an opportuni y to . inspect the scoring of his or her papers, a d any "short answer" questions and answers used in the examination -- except where standardized, copyrighted tests have been used and the inspection is prohibited as a requirement of the person(s) , business, or agency which obta�ns the copyright on the test. •� , . � • � • Page 8 of 9 , � �-�s���s 6 .E EX,P,MINATION POSTPONEMENT OR CANCELLATION The Personnel Office shall notify applicants of any postponement or cancellation in any examination. 7. ELIGIBLE LISTS The names of all applicants who pass the � examinat�ion shall be placed or► an eligible list in the orde� of their examination rat}ngs scores , and � shall rema' n on the list until they are hired or until the li t expires . � If any applicant' s scores are equal to he scores of anyone certified under Seetion 8 .A of these Rules, their names shall also be certifi.ed. the case of an open continuous examination, all pplicants who pass the examination can be certified in accordance with Section 8 of these ules as if there was a new examination for such tit�..e' each day. The names of those not immediately employed shall be placed on an eligible register i the order of their scores . If any applicant is a Vet ran, additional points - shall be added to his/her core, in accordance with State Law: -- (a) Five points for the f st gromotional -" examination taken by a disabled veteran who has a permanent service connected - disability of 50$ or mor . (b) F_ive points for original e trance examinations, if not disabl d. (c) Ten points for original entra ce examinations taken by veteran with service-connected disabilities If two eligible lists for the same posi ' on are in force, the second list shall be treated s a continuation of the first list. Eligible lists shall expire one year from the date of the ' r establishment. However, the Civi1 Service Commission, by written order filed with the City Clerk, may extend an eligible list for such eriod, not exceeding one year, as may be advisable r the best interests of the City. Such order shall designate the reason for such extension. When an examination is scheduled for both promotion and original entrance , the names of eligibles sha11 be entered on separate eligible lists ; those wha have promotional rights shall have their names entered on a list called the "Promotion List" , and all other eligibles shall be entered on the list known as the "Original Entrance List" . . � , �� � . ���)� �� ,,�tT*o. GITY OF SAINT PAUL ;R o �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � i�i i 1�u s' e a� ^c t�s� 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 C� MAYOR n �. i rr�' ''i. ��_c �� December 23, 1985 :';��� � :; �-�� � �' Victor Tedesco '`''' `��, -, :-:. City Council President ~�.� � 720 City Hall ' c7 � Saint Paul, MN 55102 �T' Dear Council President Tedesco: As Mayor of the City of Saint Paul I cannot in good conscience approve the Council Resolution that has been authored by Councilperson Kiki Sonnen. This move to limit the testing and recruitment tools of the Personnel Office does not serve in the best interests of the citizens of our City. I am deeply concerned with the disregard of the operating agreement with Independent School District No. 625 that the City Council showed by passing these changes without their input. The City of Saint Paul is bound by this agreement to use its best efforts to advise and consult with the District Joint Personnel Committee before proposing any change in the Civil Service Rules affecting District employees. The proposed rule changes will adversely affect our Affirmative Action Program and hurt the efficient delivery of services by the Personnel Office. There are three areas of the resolution that are of great concern. Item l. Regarding the Time of Posting: Flexibility in posting time is needed because occasionally a shorter period is used in order to expedite the hiring process, to restrict the number of applicants for popular jobs and to target recruiting to protected class persons. Experience shows that we are more successful in recruiting protected class persons when we can target our recruitment specifically to these groups. Experience also shows that as the application period is extended, the proportion of protected class applicants drops. It is important to retain the flexibility to vary application periods to accent Affirmative Action recruiting for highly competitive positions. Item 2. Regarding Qualifying Examinations: . Competitive tests rank applicants by test scores. They assume that higher levels of performance on the test produce higher levels of performance on the job. Some jobs require a minimum level of knowledge or skill for successful performance on a job. The use of test scores to reward knowledge of skill beyond what is required by the job is • �4• . V` . . � �,�_,,s��� unnecessary and in some cases illegal. Ranking all candidates on each test does not ensure that the City of Saint Paul will hire the best person for the job. The City must retain the ability to select testing procedures which will minimize the chances of adverse impact. I might add, that contrary to assertions of the Fire Fighters' Union, we do not now, nor have we ever, simply given the job to the highest graded person. As a result of veterans preference most incumbent fire fighters were not in fact those who had received the highest test scores. Historically, we have added points to test scores in order to meet social policy goals. Notwithstanding this, the city has been able to build a highly skilled and professional force of fire fighters. Item 3. Regarding Flexible Passing Point: The ability to grade on a curve is important for validation purposes and thus proves useful when a test is more difficult than intended, and particularly when it adversely impacts specific applicant groups. A valid test does not necessarily mean that a score of 75 is needed. Abolishing the Flexible Passing Point is also contrary to the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures to which our City must conform. I fear that these changes will severely impede the services provided by the Personnel Office and negatively affect the Affirmative Action Program of the City of Saint Paul. For these reasons I must veto this resolution. I urge you to reconsider the negative ramifications that these rule changes will have on the citizens of Saint Paul and vote against the resolution. Very truly yours, � eorg Latime Mayor �° \ _ � � s' _ .. � ,� _, - � . � �� � �� I - r� i� �_ ab �� _ � t � r� 4� � � �� .*' . ti _ � � i� `n s ��� r e , _ ,'/ , f ��� h;i � . . � . . N � ` .. ��..- ' ` � �y � ` � � �� . � I � . ��;�� � ����, �^i \ . 't " . f ' !j n `.� ,� . 1 .�.I- . .. . . � . . � / � � � � .�>� - . ,�• 1� , � �r � f � � � � � � �1- i '� �' - �, l �.� � � q �� � � - _ ���� ��{ �+C � �el", Z:i L�!'� � �� ,, . Y 1 " i, . . � � _ � . �� � `. _ ,.1•" � ..�.. � . . . . . . . ' ' �t . , i . �' ��,�.. 9�1"Y��3�..:��l�$��l .�; ' — �� �; `� Z'b�'►�, CtL""p'.�� � , ,. , . , : ,�, ,�;�. - � - � � � ,� ��� , :; '-�as .tic►t�m#.ssto�;>�e�ss� �' � � � : - � r 1r-� .• _ � �. `� - Z"�r�;�3�� �iubaat� fQY yovr•�a�siid��t� '�t'��a�tA� �,rsal�i�� A� : •� ' '�3at�„�'kr� C��1����a'�cs Rul�� �a� �t� �i+�1�' ���b ���.; . , . t + { i C.F. $S��STS; ' �- � , � _ � � _ , ; �T�lyt',�L'I��.y �1"Ott�i* ` i f � , ., � , - . . . , , ,. � c , x, 4�? , �� r`; � i.�' I ._� ; �/ 'Y ` , , r � � y . ��� ���-11I,#��'7/!f�. � � { `d 1.. , C3,t� '�.1'ic " . ' �. ' ` � - �" ���r` ,� ,� , .,, �� �. � . ; � , � � � � � .t.� r G� '� � _ 1; � � ��.� , �l�W�� , ' � �� 'i ... :. : ,... � . . . . ��. . :. .. , . .. �. . -, � .' � ' -� .: �,� F.�.�: .�:. ... �," ' � � �M1 ` A�:��t: ,` _ ,{ � � t .�' � � '� �;,, ',• . - � � 1 . l ' 1� . i �, �1 _ . '� • ' � �: • �\ � \�' ./ � 4 1 ' _ l. ��_. , I ,F� / �` ',:'. _.. . _ � ; t ' , ' , � ' �h ` 4 t . � � J. ' rl ',; ' ' , , � ��t � , , , . � ; � �zr �� : �� � �" �� :, � . , , ., ; * � �.. ` , � � : 1 _ ,' ,: ` . . . : ; r � Y '�, - ' ,. . � -j , �f � . , .t. �� �G�— - �;��. . , , . .. . .: �: � . , . � . � �i � ��: � ..- ..: �� - �s. � /�. / 1 �k C ,\I ~ '. . - . . I � . I�. . .. . . { ' '4-. ti-��' , . �.�I \� � •. ' Ca � `.\ t� �•• {., , I�� /• , i#r � `s . . . .. _ . . ... . ..1 . . .. . .r . .. .. . �� .. .. , a . - . . .I �., WMITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA L / Council r}�_/�7� CANAR� - DEPARTMENT � , BLUE`�� - MAVOR FIIe NO• Council Resolution Page 1 of 9 Presente By FT. LTl°�l /�/��/IS . Garr1 T Referred To �—1 N/�-1�,(�l= Committee: Date ��`—���-� Out of Committee By Date Amenc�nents to Civil Service Rules pertaining to AnnoLmcements of Positions Available, Application Requirements, Examination Procedures, Eligible Lists and Filling Vacancies. 4. ANNOUNCEMIIVTS OF POSITIONS AVAILABLE Annoi.uicements of examination for positions shall be posted for at least thirtY �ex calendar days and shall indicate the following: 1. The kinds of tests and examinations included in the examination, and the relative weight assigned to each. 2. Those tests which are competitive, and those which are qualifying. 5. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 5.A FILING APPLICATIONS Applicants must complete applications furnished by the Personnel Office. No applications shall be accepted after the deadline specified in the official annoLmcement; however, incomplete applications may be amended. Applicants, eligibles and employees must notify the office of changes in address. Applicants must comply with all laws and ordinances in any way affecting employment in the positions for which they apply. The Personnel Office may require the presentation of certificate of competency, licenses, or other evidence of special c{ualifications. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen A gai ns t BY Tedesco W i Ison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY , � • . Pabe 2 of 9 � � �5-l S75 S.B AGE Except as othen�ise provided by State Law, the E���� �e�}Ee Ee��ss�e� Personnel Dir� e_ cT r may, at ��s his or her discretion, fix any reasona le age limit as a requirement �r entrance to examinations. Such age limits shall be published in the official notice of examinations. No person shall be kept on an eligible register whose age does not conform to the age requirements. S.C ED(JC?,TION In any examination in which the applicant intends to fulfill the minimum requirements with an academic degree , aoplicants may be admitted to the examination if they are in their last school year prior to graduation at the required level in the required field; however, any such candidates who at�ain places on the resulting eligible list sha3.I not be certified to any vacancy until they have graduated. S:� R68=�S�iE� 8��ee-e�s�e�ees-��-z�e-ti�.e-��sa�-a�d-t�e_�ei:ee 6�e�g-a�e-9t��eet-ta-xeea�1-�r�-�$rg�ze�ea-anc ��s��-��ex��s�e�-�e-read���-a�ra��a��e;-�aci er��?-e�ees-9�a�;-�e-�e�na-s_3e-rzaidenta-or-an-area W��eg-s�a��-��e�t�de-t?�s-f e��s�+3:�g.; . �r�-�l;;�neaeta • , , Ramsa�-Saa��u,._Was��ag�a�-Gea�a��T-�,��a-�a��z�-r �a ie a z a-�o�nt�;-t:�at-par:.-�-�:�i��nz�i n-£��nt�--�rn�c'.z ��e s-esst-ef-zi�gn�vap-�}S�;-t?��at-pg�y-��-ci�sa 7e Eat�r��1-w�:e?�-��es-9etet:i-ef-:i����e�-?�-srie-t�at P���-ef--��et=-=e�rst1-sr'ti;ei4-i:-r8-e°::t-�-c��:tt-;-�t3�$ �=-r�p�;flg-�a?�e-�ead�-a�e-�:e-�t�:-�-€-t�:�t�-���-1�; ��-�Iisee�*s=_� 6�--E=e��c-�at����T-�?�a�-�a��-a-€-�e�:�=�a����-;���e� ��e s-s ea��-e=-t3:s:-�I�g�t�aa�-3-a-r3�-�est-�-�-�7�-i�a� 4t T-aRd-z?�a�-�a�z-e€-�=e=ee-�a��t�y-«��ie?�-�;es-;�e�z e�-�3-s^o,r-�I=_��liJa�j-��-, �aeyp-e1a99��:e�-extp}a�*ee_-��n-t?�e-��Ye-S�ett�-��ea-��e �e==ee-�ea�-��ie-�i�es-e�z�sZ�e-e�-��e-a�e�s dese���e�-it�-��e-��eeed}�g-�a�3g�a��s-a�.-���-i-��e e€-ag�e����e:��-��st-�ees�e-a-�a-i��e-�2siaet�z-a� �l�e-��ese==�e�-a�eas-w�����-si�c-�a���s-•�-��e ee�p�e+�:efl-e�-�-�s f�eY-��a.�:e�a��-�e�=_ed� ..:�. .. . ......:.. .. . .. . .. . . ... . . . ... �.. ... .. .... . . - ..... ,-.�t _ .d-..�-�S. ,aa.v..+rr..�•Aw�rsr:,r-� .w,.....�_,_�..wa.e . . ,, . : , . - . .. . . ,� .�..�.:. ...� . �� . . . . Page 3 of 9 � � ��.S l.5'�� Applicants for original entry to a position in the classified service of the City of St. Paul who have been a resident of the City of St. Paul for at least one year iimnediately prior to the date of the examination for said position shall receive an additional five points on their examination score, provided that the applicant must attain a passing grade before the additional five points are added. AR-e���e�ee-€�����g-�e-�ee�-��e-�es�de�e� �eQ���e�xe��-s�►a��-�e-�ee�e�-�fl-�ie-��s����.�ta�e-a�� � g�����-e€-x��seet�d�e�-a��-s�ia��-�e-�a�-jee�--�o a��e�aa�-�e-€e��e-��a�2-e�-e�e�y�ae�a��--�-e�e�ee �e��}�a�ed-€e�-€a����e-�e-�ee�-��e-�es��e�e� �e q a��e�e��-s#�a��-�a�ve-��ie-�-�g�k�-�e-a-�ea���g-�a �e�e��n��e-K�ie��e�-��e-�es�de�e�-�e�a��e�e�a�-�as xie�: �e�-��e-�t���ese-e€-���s-See��e��-a-�e��a��-sa��e� �e s�e�e Ree-et�t9-�rie-e�-��e-�3��{-e�-��ie�ve-dese�-��ied eren-�etNeen-t�e-dates-ef-�la�r-��-$��-�e�te:n�e�-�� e�-aR�-�re�a�-�r���-�et-�e-eo�s�de�e�-as-��� non-resideney: S.E CHARACTER AND FITNESS � Character of eligibles shall be investigated and references verified in advance of certification. Such investigation shall be made with respect to • the activity of the list, and the inquiry shall be periodically updated. • No eligible shall be removed from any eligible register for insufficient references or because of unsatisfactory references or personal qualifications, except upon recommendation of an advisory reference committee composed of five persons to be selected pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter. Eligibles previously discharged from the City service shall be called to the Personnel Office to make explanation. In default of such appearance or in case of unsatisfactory explanation, their names shall be excluded from the eligible list�. No person who has been separated from the public service because of fault or delinquency on his/her part shall be admitted to any examination or certified to any position for at least one year after such separation. . . . . � � ' - Page4of9 �� (��s-�s�� S .F FALSE STATEMENTS Any false statement made with the intent to commit � fraud, any fraudulent conduct, or any attempted deception by an applicant or eligible, or by others with his/her connivance , in any applicaton, paper or document submitted to the Personnel Office , or in any examination, shall bar such applicant or eligible from further examinations for at least two years ; and, in addition, if such person has his/her name enrolled on any eligible or promotion or reinstatement register, such person shall forfeit his/her rights in any and all registers on which his/her name may appear, provided that the name of no person shall be removed from a register without first having an opportunity to be heard on his/her own behalf . In the case of connivance , all parties thereto shall be deemed equally guilty under this Section. 5.G PENSIONERS No person receiving a pension, other than a disability or survivor' s pension, from any pension fund toward which the City of Saint Paul contributes shall be eligible for employment, or for reinstatement, or reemployment as a regular employee while receiving such pension benefits ; nor shall such employee become eligible for reinstatement or reemployment if he/she has received such pension benefits by waiving such � benefit rights . S.H MEDICAL The C��s�� Se��3ee CeRUa�ss�oa Personnel Director may establish medical standards but only for the purpose of determining the applicant' s ability to perform the essential job functions of the position for which he or she is applying . 6. EXAMINATION PROCEDURES 6 .A CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR EXAMINATION An applicant may be conditionally permitted to complete an examination, if such conditional acceptance is for the purpose of enabling him/her to submit additional proof of his/her ability to meet qualifying requirements which are of a ; non-competitive nature and not part of the direct examination used to determine the relative standings on the eligible list. No person whose name is on any eligible list conditionally shall be certified until that person has complied with all requirements . .. ' . ;. , , . - _ ° :. . � . _ . Page S of 9 �� �,��'S-/.5�� 6.B EXAMINATION CONTENTS The examinations shall contain only those tests and evaluations , which in the judgment of the Director, according to merit principles , will fairly test the relative ability of the applicants to properly perform the duties of the position. All examinations shall be competitive. � Examinations may contain subjective , objective , written, oral tests ; oral interviews ; practical or demonstration tests ; physical tests ; or evaluations of the applicant' s fitness, past training, or experience to perform the duties of the position. The total number of points possible in any examination shall be one hundred. ��d����laa�-�es�s t�aee�-as-a-pa��-e€-a�-e�cax���a��ea-�aa}�-�ae-a3tk�e� eompetrtsee-er-��se���y��g= Notwithstandinq anv provision of these rules to the contrarv, all entry level and promotional examinations for ositions in the Deoartment of Fire and Safety Services which are to be filled by sworn personnel shall be comoetitive in nature. The weight of any oral test shall not exceed 30$ of � the examination , hawever, this restriction shall not apply in examinations for any position listed under the Professional/Administrative Non-Supervisors., the Professional/Administrative Supervisors , or the Technical Groups . Oral tests may be of the question and answer type used to test the candidates' knowledge of the duties of the position in question, or may be of the interview type used to test the candidates ' personal fitness for the position in question. When oral tests are used, they shall be rated, whenever practicable, at the discretion of the Director, by the use of and in accordance with standardized rating procedures especially designed for such purpose . � In addition to the tests used for original entrants , or in lieu of some of those tests , ratings of service and seniority may be used for promotion candidates , and these may be assigned such weights as the Director may judge proper. - _ ' . � . ',. .. • ' Page 6 of 9 �� @,,c �5 ���.�' 6.0 EXAMINATION ADMINISTRATION All examinations shall be prepared and held under the direction of the Director, who may designate City employees or employ persons from outside the City as special examiners to assist with the preparation, conduct, or grading of any examination. Records shall be kept for one year of examinations , questions , and applicants' answers . In the case of , oral tests , records also shall be made , so far as practicable, of all conversation and discussion between applicants and examiners . 6.D EXAMINATION �A�=�i6 SCORING All applicants whose genera� average �a���gs scores are less than 75 percent correct in the examination taken as a whole , or in any test or evaluation which is part of the examination` if so published in the official announcement, shall have failed in the examination, and their names shall not be disclosed. Ia_aa_o�amix��tiea_�er_W�h�sk�-aa-a�a�-��a�e���e�-�s-a s�a��ea�-,-��►e-E��►-��-8e���ee-�e�n�ss�er�-may-��robide ��a�-e���-a-des�g�a�ed-����e�-e�£-e$r�d�elatea-?�abing �k�e-�i�Q�►es�-a�*e�age-�a��fl�-e€-��-e�-�e�e-in-t�e e�he�-sab�ee�-e�-s���ee�s-e€-��ie-e�a��r�at3er�;-si���� ?ae-e��g���a-�e-�a��}e��a�e-��-��e-e�a�-��nte�y�ew; . p�eu��ed-,-�iewe�e�T-��a�-s�e�i-de9�g�ated-r�am�er staa��-�e-�a���s�e�-��►-��e-a€€�e�a�-a��ea�ieex�eflt-ef �he-s�a�a�aa�}s�T Both promotion and original entrance examinations, including any oral test or evaluation, shall be marked according to the same standards . In the case of all comaetitive examinations qiven pursuant to these rules , all tests shall be qraded on the basis of the correct answers qiven by the applicant . In no such cases shall such test scores be adjusted, upwards or downwards , in order to arrive at a final test score. When two or more examiners rate answers or tests independently, the final rating for each answer or test shall be an average of the individual ratings . Questions found by examiners to be unfair, misleading, or in the nature of catch questions , shall be eliminated and the average rating determined on the remainder of the test. . .. �,,. _ .. _.._ _ . _--- - - �__ �. ...�_. . ,...,....�.�....__.__� _ - - . _. — . _ _. . . ___ _.. - .. - - Page 7� of 9^� � -- -- (,��s'-/.S�S The current standards for evaluating applicants : job-related training and experience, and fulfillment of minimum requirements, shall be kept on file as public records. Ailowance shall not be made to an applicant for - time lost by him/her in an �examination. In any examination for Fire Positions in which the subject of service is used for promotional candidates, the following , standards for conversion of Performance Appraisal Ratings to Service Credits shall be used: Performance Appraisal Ratin� Service Credits Employees whose work has exceeded to an Lmusual degree the average perfonnance of all employees doing the same kind of work. 10 Employees whose work has exceeded to a considerable degree the average performance of all employees doing the same kind of work. 8 Employees whose work has met the standard of work expected. _ 6 __ Employees whose work has been.somewhat below the average performance of all employees doing the same kind of work. 4 Employees whose work has been distinctly below the average performance of all employees doin� the same kind of work. 0 In addition, there may be intern►ediate ratings used. An average of the latest two annua.l ratings will be � used in detennining the average rating. These ratings will be converted to a munerical score based on �tanda.rds maintained in the Personnel Office. 6.E EXAMINATIOV INSPECTION BY APPLICANTS Every applicant shall be given an opportunity to inspect the scoring of his or her paoers, and any "short answer" questions and answers used in the examination -- exceot where standardized, copyrighted tests have been used and the inspection is prohibited as a requirement of the person(s) , business, or agency which obtains the caoyright on the test. m ,,. __ ..->�t�.�-.. ,.... .,., .z.. ,z.� ,. .. . �.., ..,....: r _ _ . ,. , . . - . . .. . . -- , _ ' .� , , . .' Page 8 of: 9 � � ��.�/��S 6.F EXAMINATION POSTPONEMENT OR CANCELLATION The Personnel Office shall notify applicants of any postponement or cancellation in any examination. 7. ELIGIBLE LISTS The names of all applicants who pass the examination shall be placed on an eligible list in the order of their examination rat�ng9 scores , and � shall remain on the list until they are hired or until the list expires . � If any applicant' s scores are equal to the scores of anyone certified under Section 8 .A of these Rules , their names shall also be certified. In the case of an open continuous examination, all applicants who pass the examination can be certified in accordance with Section 8 of these Rules as if there was a new examination for such title each day. The names of those not immediately employed shall be placed on an eligible register in the order of their scores . If any applicant is a Veteran, additional points shall be added to his/her score, in accordance with State Law: (a) Five points for the first promotional examination taken by a disabled veteran who has a permanent service-connected disability of 50$ or more. (b} Five points for original entrance examinations, if not disabled. (c) Ten points for original entrance examinations taken by veterans with service-connected disabilities . If two eligible lists for the same position are in force , the second list shall be treated as a continuation of the first list . Eligible lists shall expire one year from the date of their establishment. However, the Civil Service Commission, by written order filed with the City Clerk, may extend an eligible list for such period, not exceeding one year, as may be advisable for the best interests of the City. Such order shall designate the reason for such extension. When an examination is scheduled for both promotion and original entrance , the names of eligibles shall be entered on separate eligible lists ; those who have promotional rights shall have their names entered on a list called the "Promotion List" , and all other eligibles shall be entered on the list known as the "Original Entrance List" . WH17E - CITV CLERK _ �/ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council .J CANA�V - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��- /��v � BLUE'� - MAVOR T � Council Resolution Page 9 of 9 Presented By �� � _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The names of persons eligible for reinstatement after resignation shall be considered as the highest names on the original entrance list. Any person who resigns fram the City Service shall not, during such separation, be certified from any eligible list as a promotion eligible but may, if such sepa�ation is without fault or delinc{uency on his/her part, be granted the rights of an original entrant on such list. Employees on leaves of absence shall not be included on any certifications t.m.less they rec{uest in writing that their names be included. If an applicant is included on more than one eligible list, and has been appointed from one 1ist, the applicant shall be removed fram all other lists fo� equivalent positions, but shall continue to be included on lists for higher-paying positions. COU[VCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas,�p�� Nays � �nasanz In Favor �111icosia ScheibeF"i �onnen � A gainst BY �Tedesco Wilsor��..� NOV 2� 1�p5 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa- c� b� Cou ci reta BY gy, A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . . . � ��j=����: • � ri� - ,:•���������o r"` CITY OF SAINT PAUL . _«�;��_= o,�, ;;; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � 'e '= :: :� ��� ��< <- ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ,,,, _ � ':,, ; a, �..• 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 "�+mn�.a..o°�`' 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR December 2, 1985 Civil Service Commission Room 265, City Hall Dear Commission Members: I herewith submit for your consideration the attached resolution amending the Civil Service Rules adopted at November 26th meeting. C.F. 85-1575 Very truly yours, '�'^ (� : �.�'..���. Albert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:la Attachment , , i�� /7,✓���..�-�!�✓`'/.�J�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �•'`'"°'; PERSONNEL OFFICE � _���� o RAFAEL A.VISCASILLAS, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR o• " 265 City Ha l l,Saint Pau l,Minnesota 55102 4`°'�",.•• 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR December 16, 1985 Victor Tedesco City Council President & Members of the City Council 719 City Hall & Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear President Tedesco & Members of the City Council: The Civil Service Commission for the City of Saint Paul met on Monday, December 16, 1985, to consider the attached Council Resolution, C. F. No. 85-1575 amending certain provisions of the Civil Service Rules for the City of Saint Paul. The Commission voted 2-1 to veto the proposed changes for the following reasons: 1. The Commission has accepted City staff and Zndependent School District No. 625's assertions that the amendments will interfere with and hinder both entities Affirmative Action programs. 2. The amendments were not referred or considered by the Joint City Council and School Board Personnel Committee pursuant to an informal agreement between the City and the District that Civil Service Rules affecting School District personnel would be so referred and considered. 3. The Commission did not hear any testimony which documented a need for the changes. Very truly yours, c� � � -=i n rn—c � _' � � ��E�t+l` �`'�n � Dr. George 0. Berry, Chair � . i � �'.`J�—/S75� December 17, 1985 The City Coi.mcil directs the City Clerk to check with the Ma.yor's Office on Tuesday, December 24, at 4:30 p.m. CST, to see if the said .resolution has been vetoed. If the resolution has been vetoed, the City Clerk sha.11 place the item on the agenda of the December 31st Co�cil meeti.ng. � , U`_ d%.�-/S 7�� December 17, 1985 The City Clerk is instructed by the City Cowlcil to deliver this resolution to the Mayor's Office immediately after the meeting and have it stamped in as of today's date. � ����s�s_ December 30, 1985 City Council Member Kiki Sonnen 7th Floor City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul,' Minnesota 55102 Dear Kiki, This letter is intended to make clear my disappointment in the changes you support to St. Paul Civil Service employment. By authoring and passing these amendments you are throwing out affirmative action in our city's hiring practices. These blatantly sexist and racist amendments are contrary to the recommendations of the Civil Service CoYmnission, a citizens' group which was careful and prudent in its deliberations and in its conclusions. I urge you to maintain a pass/fail standard for fire fighters; maintain the ability of the personnel office to target women and minorities for job openings; and to maintain a flexible curve for scoring tests to assure that skewed tests do not punish qualified job seekers. Eliminating these affirmative action provisions is a serious step backward for St. Paul. . Sincerely, � , Ernest Carls l► President, Midway Coalition-District 11 Midway Ministers' Association • cc: City Council Members Mayor Latimer � . - � ��-- �J i�� � ������^���o CITY OF SAINT PAUL =:%``lT' O'';�4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;� A; ;: ��m ,: ,,,�� ��� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK �`''c, �..• 386 City Hall,Saint Paul�Minnesota 55102 ��"imm.�...�`���``� 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER � MAYOR ,� \�� j `` �5� - �1 ��G���`�:� November 26, 1985 � � �10�/ � ���s� . � MAYOR'S p��ICE Honorable George Latimer � Mayor \�7 � Room 347, City Hall � Dear Sir: ��`\� I herewith submit for your approval the following attached Council Files that were adopted at today's City Council Meeting; C.F. 85-1570 thru C.F. 85-1575 Very truly yours, ��� � ��� Albert B. Olson � City Clerk ABO:th Attactunents ..,.:i.. v �. a ..:� .,. ��.�� ,i5+- ' :-.'i` - f . . r � �, •�e � � �- � � .Y �,/ l` ; . .. . � T }�i✓, i � � � . , � 1 � ' .a� f F � �� E tl r . Y /� �s4 a�� Y ' _ �*. . i .. �, �" ���������"���YK`i � a � i < r �� x �' � r,� Y � � p � ', I :' ,� 7 �� A'{ } ��. � . 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Y s, t � . _ , :�: A : 9 .l, 3' .�;. t�?' � a^ � _ .1 ,'] �. r } ��� �� t I � t�. �; .. x? , , . ,. �:�' .. ._ ,,. ....r .�/ .� h-. . .., f�.. ...�v,. . n T�':• ., � ._.,,.,f .a .��.i.� ... . ., r �,. . ... �' I ,. 3 . i..�' .� ... _,d.. .r..4 , a �r�i... � . , �� , (J� �'��,zs' , ,. �,,,-., ., CITY OF S,�I�TT P3UL ��-,y .� � ��i i���"�� OFFICE OF THF CITY COII�CIL ;,il;:;:;s;; Committe� Report F:i�a�.c�, Mana�ement� � Persannel Cammittee. : November 14, 1985 `� ' 1. Approval of mi.nutes from meeting held November 7, 1985. �PR�v� 2. An ordinance establishing the title of Administrative Asst. in the Fire Dept. u:�u�r the heading Pro£essional Administrative Group in Grade 16 in the unclassified service. (Personnel) �P�� 3. Resolution amending Section III, Subsection�E!of the Salary P1an F� Rates of Compen- sation regarding Animal Control Officers and Animal��Control Supervisors uniform allowance. (Personnel) 1°+�PPR��TrD 4. Resolution approving amendments to the Civil Service Rules pextaining �o Announce- ments of��Positions Available, Application Requirements, Exam'inata.on Procedures, Eli;ible Lists and Filling Va�ancies. (Persdnn�'1) t2�FE�ttb``8ac.tc � Co���l.�'��H d S. Resolution amending Section II B of the Salary PIan and Rates of Compensation �� ��� Resolution by adjusting the pay for House Custodian T. (Personnel) �P�� 6. Resolution amending Section I D 3 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Coirtpensation Resolution by establishing �the pay for the title of Risk Analyst. (Personnel)��'�Q� 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $64,282.00 to the Financing Plan and Spending Plan for regional parks. (Commvnity Services) A"��+��V� 8. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $42,915 to the Financing and Spending Plan for Utilities Rate Investigation Administration. (City Cotmcil) A'�°P�O�F•D 9. Resolution amending the 1985 bud�et by transferring $50,000 from Contingent Reserve to General Govt. Accounts-Judgment � Compromise. (City Attorney) ��°ROv4.t� 10. Resolution authorizing an agreement with �9ilkins Leasing, Inc. for unmarked vehicles. (Police Dept.} A'PPf�O�LD 11. Resolution authorizing an a�reement with Dunbar Motors, Inc . for use of a motor vehicle in connection with Halloween Dungeon of Horrors. (Police Dept.) �P�� 12. Resolution authorizing issuance of Port A�t.hority revenue bonds in the amount of $7,220,000 to finance construction of a multi-tenant office/industrial/service building in Energy Paxk for Partnership Technologies II. (�Vinfield Development Inc.) (Port Authority) A P��� 13. Resolution amending CF 267621 to allow for the establishment of designated pay period at appropriate times to allow for the payment of health benefits to occur within a 35-day period set by State Statute. (Risk Management) �-�►Q ���R T� '��a�IBS: 14. Presentation of Ramsey County Taxation on the Assessed Valuation Reduction. . l.�t v ovGc -re �t-�-85 CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,M .I'�iNESOTA 55102 ��A6 ��.� -/s'7.S' � �'�,c�;� r� � l " �� �� PDU�IDA'I10N OF�ID�IlVFSO�'A Lighting the way to understanding December 17, 1985 To: The St. Pau1 City Council From: Anne Barnwell, Advocacy Services Coordinator Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota 672 Transfer Read St. Pau1, MN 55114 (612) 646-8675 I am speaking to you today on behalf of the Epilepsy Foundation of ldinnesota, an organization which addresses the needs of the 100,000 persons with epilepsy and their families in this state. I understand that you are considering a resolution amending the Civil Service Rules which would hinder the city's affirmative action program. It is vital that you do not do so. The Epilepsy Foundation of America has addressed the problem of employment on a national Ievel and describes our concerns the folZowing wa�: "People with epilepsy frequently experience great difficulty obtaining and retaining employment. They are often denied jobs or not trained for work they would do we11 and safely because of an unreasoned fear of their seizures. Educating employers, co-workers, and the general public, and breaking down these barriers is the key to increased employment for people with epilepsy. This has proven to be a .Zong and difficult process. Until understanding and acceptance of people with epilepsy become more widespread, it is crucial that their emp7oyment riqhts and opportunities are protected br� effective, enforceable 1aws." Affirmative Action is the base from which we work to protect the right of disabled Minnesotan5 to be employed. In the light of the constant pressure to weaken affirmative action proqrams,your retention of a strong program in St. Paul is crucial . 672 TRANSFER RoAD ST.PA[71.,MN 55114 (612)646-8675 or toll free in Minnesota(800)292-7932