85-1574 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L COUI1C11 �� ���� . CANARV - DEP TMENT BLUE - MAV File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referr d To Committee: Date Out of o mittee By Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council , Mayor and city a�ninistration have shown a continuing compassion for those in need, particularly those who lack the basics of food and shelter; and WHEREAS, there is a strong and clear-cut evidence of current extra need at this time of the year for foodstuffs to fill almost-empty local food bank sheives; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paui City Council and Mayor feel that cooperatively we can all help those in need by donating foodstuffs; now, therefore, be it RE50LVE0, That we, the Council and entire City of Saint Paul staff, give our wholehearted support to a 7-VOTING DISTRICT F000 DRIVE CHALLENGE. This emergency food drive will be staged on one day, January 23, 1986. On this day, each of the seven voting districts wiil set up, supervise, and collect canned goods and other surplus imperishable food items for the needy, all to be delivered shortiy thereafter to the Greater Saint Paul Cortimunity Food Bank. Each council person chalienges his associates to surpass the other voting districts in poundage of foodstuffs raised. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �rp�, Nays � nnasa�,� [n Favor I�Yicos�a � scheibe� _ __ Against BY Sonnen TedeSCO W�lson NOV 2� 19$5 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas�e uncil , re BY gS, Appro d y i�lavor: Date N � � �90� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY PUBLISHED U E C 7 - 1985