85-1557 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT F��C NO. ��~/��� BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil Resolution Presented y '���?�� r �-_ Referred To .��'1 l�/ �/ (�:_ Commi ttee: Date ,L.-�'Sf��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10. 07. 1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, Adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1985 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget -------------- ----------- -------- ----------- 724 Utilities Rate Investigation Administration 50250 - Cable TV - Legislative 50250 - 0200 Fund Balance 85, 656. 00 ( 154. 00) 85, 502. 00 50250 - 4099 Fees 30, 000. 00 31 ,163. 00 61 ,163. 00 50250 - 6917 Refunds -0- 11,906. 00 11 ,906. 00 All other financing 125, 000. 00 -0- 125, 000. 00 Net Change 240, 656. 00 42,915. 00 283, 571. 00 SPENDING PLAN 724 Utilities Rate Investigation Administration 50250-114 Full Time Appointed 32, 505. 00 (14, 500. 00) 18 , 005. 00 50250-219 Fees-Other Prof. Serv. 13,890. 00 16, 311 . 00 30, 201 . 00 50250-368 Office Supplies 500. 00 850. 00 1 ,350. 00 50250-439 Fringe Benefits 13, 233 . 00 2, 800. 00 16 ,033. 00 50250-814 Other Office Equipment -0- 37, 454 . 00 37, 454. 00 All other spending 180, 528 . 00 -0- 180,528 .00 Net Change 240, 656. 00 42,915.00 283, 571 . 00 NOW, THEREFORE, B IT RE E , Tha e City Council adopts the above additions to the 1 ud et ��� � _ � _ � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew n�asanz In Favor s��i�i � 9 Sonnen A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson NOV � ! �qp5 Form Approved by Ci Attor y � Adopted by Council: Date ..D Certified Y ss d by cil S ar BY By , Approved by 1Aavor: D e � c�i-- —.- � Approve by May r 'ssion to Council . By � ��lfSHEO IV��V 3 � �985 IL DEPARTMENT � ��`�'�0 1448 �� JOH ONNELLY' � CONTACT 298-4163 PHONE 9-20-85 DATE 1 � e ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : �Department Director �Director of Management/Mayor �! Finance and Management Services Director ? City Clerk ' g ' � b Chair, Finance Mgmt & Personnel City Attorney � � y ounci �' , WHAT WILL BE QCHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Salary, fringe benefits and fee budgets will reflect the cost of City employees and of Contractual Services. The Office supplies and offi�� equipment budgets will be increased to cover anticipated needs. ��V�� C �L� �� ��� � °�T 16� CI � COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: RF(`F�\/F� ATTORNEY Greater efficiency `��� O�T � �9�i� ��,G�' OFFtCE OF TH; (?�-;��_�-�� ��J DEPARTMENT Cf� F',;•,�,�;,���r� OC� 1� \GE ANQ MANAGEMENT SF-R�1�� M�`IOR�S�FF FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $4 2,9 15 quired if under $10,000) Funding SourCe: Utility Regulatory Fees and Refunds Activity Number: 50250 Cable TV - Legislative ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : � . Council Resolution , � �� � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No N/A Yes No Insurance Attached: N/A (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 t .�. . . ����-�S7 h���.*. ,. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES + ��i=�in� o ,. ,. �°m,��,.,. LIN DA J.CAMP GEORGE LATIMER Office of Cable Communications MAYOR 901 Commerce Building 8 East 4th Street Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)298-5095 TO: Peter Hames Executive Assistant � t� ' \� �L, FROM: Linda J. Camp �a� mm nications fficer � Cable Co u O DATE: October 24, 1985 RE: Council Video Equipment Purchase Dan and I have reviewed the attached list of equipment. From the list and other conversations with Council Research staff, we understand that John is intending to set up a small studio on the seventh floor. The list of equipment is appropriate for this purpose, and the City does not currently own such a facility (except at the Police Department). From this perspective the purchase makes sense. Since John has not shared his programming plans with me, it is difficult to assess whether this is justified from a "needs" standpoint. The City will have access to Continental's studios at Union Depot beginning around April 1986 . I would have advised the City Council to get some experience before making a purchase of this kind. However, even if John's plans fall through, I believe we could use the equipment elsewhere in the City. Thus, I give you a guarded recommendation to sign off on the resolution. . � �. - � ���iss� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;,�°��1° CTTY COUNCIL INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH CENTER M E M O R A N D U M TO: Peter Hames FROM: John W. Connelly , � � DATE: October 22, 1985 SUBJECT: Phone Request per Linda Camp on Wednesday, October 16, 1985, for Listing of Equipment in Budget Trans- fer Request for $37,454. Attached is a list of the equipment in reference to the budget transfer. I hope this answers your questions and you will expedite this matter as soon as possible, so that this can stay on a schedule that is starting to slip. Please call me as soon as this resolution is signed so it can be placed on next week's Council Agenda. Thank you. JWC:nla Attachment cc: Linda Camp James Scheibel Bill Wilson 706 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4163 a�p46 • � -. , .. . �� d"�,-��.�"�' � COUNCIL CABLE EQUIPMENT UNIT TOTAL N0. QTY• ITEM PRICE COST 1 1 JVC BY-110u Color Camera $3, 520 $3 , 520 2 1 JVC AC-C11U AC Adaptor/Battery 200 200 Charger for BY-110 3 1 JVC-512BU 10 ' 14-Pin Camera 115 115 to VCR Cable 4 1 JVC RS-110U Camera Remote Control 565 565 5 1 JVC VC-515U 65 ' Camera Remote 310 310 Cable 6 2 JVC VF-400 4" Studio Viewfinder 400 800 7 2 JVC HZ-ZS11U Remote Zoom Control 230 460 8 2 JVC HZ-FM110 Remote Focus Control 215 430 9 1 JVC KM-2000 Special Effects 4 , 360 4 , 360 Generator 10 2 Samson Quicrosel Fluid Head with 947 1 , 894 Tripod and Dolly 11 2 Electrovoice 635A Microphones 85 170 12 2 Sony ECM-30 Lape1 Microphones 100 200 13 1 Panasonic WV-5203B Triple 5" 675 675 Black and White Monitor 14 1 JVC TMR-9U 9" Color Program 575 575 Monitor 15 1 JVC CR-6650 3/4" Player/Recorder 3 ,290 3 , 290 16 3 Beyer DT-108 .4 Headsets for 130 390 Switcher and Cameras 17 2 Atlas Floor Microphone Stands 33 . 50 67 18 1 Atlas Table Microphone Stand 12. 50 12 . 50 19 1 Accuchart Test Chart Package 85 85 20 1 FOR-AVDA-103 Video Distribution Amp 187 . 50 187. 50 21 1 FOR-AADA-2PCA Audio Distribution Amp 220 220 22 2 Anvil Utility Cases (Depending on 195 390 Size) Approx. COUNCIL CABLE EQUIPMENT i 7 Pa e � � � '� ' ����/SS . g UNIT TOTAL N0. TY. ITEM PRICE COST EDITING 23 1 Winsted Cart (Depending on Con- 2 ,000 2,000 figuration Wanted) 24 1 Pair Frosted ��6301 Self Powered 225 225 Speakers 25 1 Panasonic TR-930 9" Black & White 180 180 Monitor for CG 26 Cabling: 200 Feet RG-59 Cable 38 38 27 Crimp Type BNC Connectors 2 . 50 2 . 50 28 XLR Audio Cables - 25 ' 15 . 50 15 . 50 29 XLR Audio Cables - 50 ' 23 . 50 23 . 50 30 1 4A FA400 Time Base Corrector 6 ,000 6 ,000 31 1 Lowell Ambi Kit 1 , 200 1 ,200 32 1 Tool Kit , Moody TKX11 50 50 33 1 1/2 Inch VCR BR1500 500 500 34 1 Encoder, Laird 1030 1 , 500 1 , 500 35 1 4A Color Encoder for Computer 2,000 2,000 Interface 36 1 Techtronic Combination Vector- 4 ,000 4,000 scope - Oscilloscope Model 1470 TOTAL $36,650. 50 $36, 650. 50 Contingency 803. 50 803 . 50 GRAND TOTAL $37 ,454 .00 $37,454 .00 . . . ��f.,l'/SS�7 , ;�, �' ... C�TY OF SA.INT P3UL -�`� ` OFFICE OF TH� CITY COITYCIL ,���`� Committe� Pepar� F:i�anc�, l�ana�ement, � Personnel �ammitte�._ _ � _ November 14, 1985 � _ 1. Approval of minutes from me�ting held November 7, I985. A��'QOV�D 2. An ordinance establishing the title of Administrative Asst. in the Fire Dept. u:�u::�:� the heading Professional Administrative Group in Grade 16 in the unclassified service. (Personnel) �F'�� 3. Resolution amending Section III, Subsection��of the Salary Plan F� Rates of Comnen- sation regarding Animal Control Officers and Animal��Control Supervisors �iform allowance. (Personnel) I°tPPRD�FD 4. Resolution approving amendments to the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Announce- ments of Positions Available, Application Requirements, Examination Prncedures, Eligible Lists and Filling Vacancies. (Personnel� R�FtRttA �uc rt' ���L �R�v Kf,wpA71a �R 11-•K- S.. Resolution amending Section II B of the Salary Plan and Rates of CompensatiQn g� Resolut=on by adjusting the pay for House Custodian I. (Personnel) �P�� 6. Resolution amending Section I D 3 of the Salary P1an and Rates of Corrmensation Resolution by establishing the pay for the title of Risk Analyst. (Persannel)���� 7. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by adding $64,282.00 to the Financing PIan and Spending Plan for regional parks. (Community Services) �PPKOV� ,._ � � � _ � �,. ;•,• ��,p�. ;: budget t�'�'�"�'�''^''��1( "° -_ . _. _ � ,. . . . - ��uttcz : � �tie #�l�w�r�� . . .. . 9. Resolution amending the 1985 budget by transferring $50,000 from Contingent Reserve to General Govt. Accounts-Judgment � Compromise. (City Attorney) �PROU4.� 10. Resolution authorizing an agreement with S4ilkins Leasing, Inc. for unmarked vehicles. (Police Dept.) PtPPR1►�tA 11. Resolution authorizing an a�reement with Dunbar Motors, Inc . for use of a motor vehicle in connection with Halloween Dungeon of Horrors. (Police Dept.) �P1�� 12, Resolution authorizing issuance of Port Atithority revenue bonds in the amount of. $7,220,000 to finance construction of a multi-tenant office/industrial/service building in Energy Park for Partnership Technologies II. (�Vinfield Development Inc.) (Port Authority) A PPKOt�A 13. Resolution amending CF 267621 to a11ow for the establishment of designated-pay period at appropriate times to allow for the payment of health benefits to occur within a 35-day period set by State Statute. (Risk Manaoement) �-+`}►p ���� ������BS. 14. Presentation of Ramsey County Taxation on the Asses.sed Valuation Reduction. , t.Ann ovt.,c T'o ��-ab-gs CTTy Yi�,i,i, SEVENTH FLOOR Sr1INT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 a�rs