85-1533 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK '- FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARY�- DEPARTMENT File NO. �� /� � � QIUE - MAVOR � Counci Resolu 'on , � r e Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the plans, Special Provisions, and Specifications for the construction of the HIGH BRIDGE N0. 62090 and approach roadways for Trunk Highway Nos. 102 and 1 1 1 renumbered as Trunk Highway Nos. 5 and 149, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, from Cherokee Avenue to Fort Road (W. Seventh Street); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any grading or filling required by this project is deemed to be consistent with the requirements of the Interim Development Regulatior�s for the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area administered by the Minnesota Environmental �uality Board; and BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, That said plans and Special Provisions for the said Trunk Highway improvement are approved, inciuding the elevations and grades as shown, and consent is hereby given to any and ail changes in grade occasioned by said construction; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City does hereby agree to require the parking of all vehicles, if such parking is permitted within the corporate limits of said City, on said Trunk Highway, to be paraliel with the curb adjacent to the highway, and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on all public streets intersecting said Trunk Highway; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to sign a cooperative construction agreement for the construction of storm sewer in said Trunk Highway from Cliff St. to Fort Road. COUNCILMEfV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / �i4l�lt� Sonnen I,.. Public Works AW/10-31-85 Drew �� In Favor Masanz �� Nicosia � �` sa�e+bs� a __ Against BY Tedesco Donald E. Nygaard, Dir r Wllson Adopted by Council: Date ���+� � y 1g$5 Form Approved City Attorney Certified P�ss d ouncil et BY By t�pp by �Vlavor: at � �0� 2 � 19aJ Appro ayor for S m's io 6Council By PUBLISHED .1�''! 3 01985 P�ilil i r j�]Or]fs DE PARTMENT �.�(d�� iO r U`����''� 12 6 2 Arthur Werthauser CONTACT �-{ a 5 a 292-6320 . � �H�N E November 1�, 1985 DATE 1 Q,/�� ,, Q ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : or 4 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 5 City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney L WHAT WILL BE ACHIEUED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) • The Resolution will approve the construction plans and specifications for the construction of the HIGH BRIDGE N0. 62090 and grading, paving of approach roadway (Smith Avenue), lighting and north overlook. This Resolution wi$ also approve that the proper City officials are authorized to sign a Cooperative Agreement for the construction of storm sewer in Smith Avenue between Cliff St. and Fort itoad. This Resolution will allow the Commissioner of Transportation for Mn/DOT to schedule an early letting on December 6, 1985, and incorporate the storm sewer construction under above contract. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: This will be the second phase in the new High Bridge replacement and restore traffic on Smith Avenue as scheduled, and will allow Mn/DOT to include the storm sewer in their construction plans of referenced project. It is anticipated that the cost of the storm sewer will be 75% City's share and 25� Mn/DOT's. � e�� �b ���S) �� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- $154,000 City ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $ 46,000 rrn/DOT quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Water Pollution Abatement Bonds Activity Number: 12160 . � ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Proposed Resolution. 2. Copy of cover letter from Mn/DOT DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �� �\NNE�Tq ��✓ �J`�..J�3 �o yo Mii���c�tic�t<� D Q l )c�E>��rti>>c���t c�l "I'r��i�s�><>rt�itic>i� ' � � I )itii i�ic �I �) . ��,�'�OF7aa`'�� :3-�H�i I I�l(1��'�' ���'c'llu(' Nl)rtll� l-3(�X �J-050 NO1"I�1 �t . 1 c�U�, Nllllilt'�iO1il _�.�1O.� Tel ephone 779-I I7e October 28, 1985 Mr. Art Werthauser Bridge Engineer City of St. Paul Public Works City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55f02 Dear Mr. Werthauser: SUBJECT: S.P. 6201-60 (5=111] S.P. 6223-II [149=1021 CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIAL PROV1510NS ON T.H. 149 [Smith 5t.] FROM CHEROKEE AVENUE TO FORT ROAO IN ST. PAUL Grading. Paving. Bridge Approach, Lighting. Traffic Ccntrol Signal 5ystem, � Bridge No. 6209p over the Mississippi River Transmitted herewith are Construction Plans and Special Provisions, together with a recommended form of resolution. relating to the proposed location and construction of the above referenced project within the corporate limits of your City. Please review these plans and special provisions for presentation to and approval by the City Council. This project is scheduled for letting on December 6, 1985. Since State Statutes require City consent prior to opening of bids, it is requested that you place this matter on the agenda of your earliest Council meeting as soon as possible. If you find it necessary to have a representative from our Department in attendance at the Council meeting, please call our office and advise. The resolution should be executed, CERTIFIED, and returned to our office no later than November 27, 1985. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely. ' �����t,C� c c: Kermit K. McRae, P.E. Donald Nygaard - City of St. Paul Oistrict Engineer Enclosures Irt /�/uul!/p�ru�7ui�ill' /n�/r/u�y.i