85-1529 WHITE - CITV CLERK PJMK, o FINANCE 1 CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL C011AC11 A BLUE - -MAVOR File NO. �� /�/ � / rdin�nce Ordinance N�._J���� Presented By aD�' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.210 of the . Legislative Code, Space Center, Inc. (#9758) duly petitioned to rezone 1964 University Avenue located on the southwest corner of Prior and University from B-3 to I-1 for the purpose of avoiding a split zoning classification within a proposed subdivision the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on June 10, 1985, as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two- thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee on July 18, 1985, conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Comnission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on July 26, 1985, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 3, 1985, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In F'avor Masanz Nicosfa g scneibei Against y Tedesco Wflson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By .r— Approved by Mayor: Date Appro e Mayor for Submi n il By By �MHITE - CITV CLERK P1NK � F�NANCE COUI1C11 CANpRV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL ��{ BIUE. - MAVOR File NO. ��/ /��� • O� in�nce Ordinance N�. �/J�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council , having been conducted on August 15, 1985, where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 9, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: All of Lot 1, Block 1 Kosy's Corners be and is hereby rezoned from B-3 and I-1 to I-1 , and all of Lot 2, Block 1 Kosy's Corners be and is hereby rezoned from B-3 and I-1 to B-3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after is passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays �� nin nd Economic Development Drew In Favor , Masanz �j� � NlCOSIa �" $ ����iv����lA ' schetbe� Against Y Tedesco Wilson OEC 1 2 1985 Form Appr v by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s b Council ret BY F3y Approv y Mayor: Date DEC 16 1985 Approved May for 'ssion to Council < By PUBIISHEO D E C 211985 4 � �A �� ��t w 1 A 1�1, V aI �A�C� 4"C STATE OF riINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF S�I1vT PA'JL ) � I , , . . . , . . . Albert. B.. Olson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the � .� City of Saint Paul, riinnesota, do hereby certify that I have � `�" 85-1529 _` compar�d the attached copy of Council Fi1e �Io. . . . . . . . . . . . .. �-:� - as adopted by the City Council. . . . , , December. l2.. . _ , , . , . 19.85. . . , W and ap�roved by the Mayor. . , . . . . . . . . December, l6:. . , . . . . . .19.85 � . . . with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify� that �aid copy is a true and corr.ect capy of sa.id originaJ_ and the whole thereof. 4�'ITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Faul, Miitnesota this . . . . . . 24th_ . , , day of . . . . December_ . . . , ,A.D. 19.85. // �! /, . . . . Uc.�/����'-:�L. . . . �. . L.�r:t.xl�::��. . . . . . . . . , _ City Clerk. �`�, - �. 1� ';�: 3� �4 � . �� � � , . ' ��5� � { 0. f� --- �. ��� � :� . _ �, ., ._� n .._. ... _,yr.>.d.:B�... �{ C . . . � .vH:TE -- CITV CL6RK . � � - ^�vK. +�FINANCE G�TY OF S.�►INT PAUL Council � .=%.NARV - DEPARTMENT , File NO. ���I��� �:31.0 E - MA'i�: • , • _ . .� . ��GZ1ZLIrIZCP. Ordinance N O. ��,�3�� Yresented By ` .�'��c�, � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Pau1 and the zoning maps thereof. � WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.210 of the , C"; Legislative Code, Space Center, Inc. (#9758) duly petitioned to rezone 1964 `� University Avenue located on the southwest corner of Pribr and University from B-3 � to I-1 for the purpose of avoiding a split zoning classification within a proposed � subdivision the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on June 4'� 10, 1985, as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two- thirds of the awners of the property situated within 100 feet o� the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and . WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee on July 18, 1985, conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its reeommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Corr�nission considered the rezoning petition at its n�eeting held_on July 26, 1985, and recommended that the City Counci.l, approve the _ petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 3, 1985, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department ofc Fletcher o.eW In Favor Mssanz Nicosia A a1RSt BY Scheibel g Tedesco W ilson _ Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By �� Approved by Mayor Date Appro e Mayor for Submi n il By gy � � 'vr+ITE �- C�TY CLERK ' , � � =:,vK . FIMANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �.a7dARY —DEPARTMENT � - Flle NO.- �� /v �� �.�_UE —MAy'GF1 • ^ ' . � Urdin�nce ordinance N 0. ���/!� Presented By Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a public hearing befiore the City Council , having been conducted on August 15, 1985, where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; - now, � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: .�,.� �,7 ' Secti on 1. �7 ;1 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 9, as incorporated by � reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: All of Lot l, Block 1 Kosy' s Corners'be and is hereby rezoned from B-3 and I-1 to I-1, and all of Lot 2, Block 1 Kosy's Corners be and is hereby rezoned from B-3 and I-1 to B-3. . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after__is passage, approval and publication. , _ TM __.__ COUNCILMFN Yeas ��„�.. Nays Requested by Department of: �+� � nd mi _ Drew In Favor Maaanz Nicosis �' B , . Scheibel A gai n st Y Tedeaco Wilson nE�+ 1 Z ��05 �'� �� Form Appr v by City Att ey Rdopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s b Council ret By F3y App*ov y Mayor: Date DEC 16 1985 Approved May for 'ssion to Council � By Ql;�l��l��� D t C 2 i iy$a � �s � � D p s _-c ^ S': � � � � � ;. A � r U� N ;"' ' • - . . . . . � p� ra m �: • : . �"�.� r--� �L � Cp �p � ' �� � „J �.: ..) (� '� y r7 .V�3 . ,.� +�� v � I� �p n :� :� . -"' � .y... : � � -� fD f:i 1!:� '� `r'.. � N � ,,� +�1 .� �. �, �. ,a��« 1 + fp , ti) � � �t�; � :} a � n `�' � d r t. Cy 'V G � , � "'�� ° Z a ��' Q �� � � tfi � � I C i_ � C' Q O� :� » ,S °�� � 7 � �� � � � n � � � ' t �� �*.,. .N� r� � � �.�e � � � � �` �,=� �y ; , � �' /� L' !• �7 � �'�� � �> �=�� P� � � � �� "� � � ' � ��. ' `" � �,' � ._.� � �.m � : �. . c�'n ` �� � �f � �- � .-� i , � . �� ��„ � U; -� ' �1 �;: �c .. � i��:�, ,, ,• � � � � ` � �" �: �;, � CG• 9 e�+ &�..�..-. ; �..� � O� �p ' �; , " � o �IV �J � w � � � 2J CD Z °' � � Cd z � C'I �,j � �° m � -ms G� � � x�.—`�'i � � � -s o � `,j� � v � . a d� cb . � '' � . . � �{� � � N �C' � � � tND OND �D . � 3 � f�D f�D � � N � � H � � Z _ .. ..... _.__.,. „ _ �"f._--�"1 =_ ^' -- — _ -- �p_-_ �D �r � ----�-- — . — _ '� ',rtC �, � � � � � \ � N F�Q-� 1�-� . -� C31 �l �P W . � C � W � a �• � � , -i c � n � �"�'S �1 N � f�.,. j. � . � � N c'� o , � c � v � m =: � . � , • Y �„� 2 � , C O � O0 C � fD ' N � � � 1� � . �� j 1 �! N �l 6 �'�,� ` ���� Planning & �conomic Development DEPARTMENT �� �'��� No 2 6 6 Chuck McGuire, Planning Division CONTACT � 292-7494, ext. 313 /��j� PHONE � �� November l, 1985 DATE � e Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 5 Cit lerk � Budget Director eggv Reichert. Denutv Di or Ping. � City Attorney 4 Councilperson W. Wilson WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? �,Purpose/ Rationale) : The zoning boundaries will be corrected to be consistent with property boundaries on Space Center property situated at the southwesterly corner of University and Prior Avenues. RECEIVED HOV 4 i985 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Not appl i cabl e G��tJ�� C�TY ATTQ�NEY �� 6 ,�gg5 N�� �S oE���E �na'�° FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: N/A quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: N/P ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : �raft Ordinance Zoning File #9758 DEPARTMENT REVIEW Ordinance CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council �Xi�i�(i Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: 1. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) l. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2.. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: l. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. 3 n:':� �I+'r, •r'T,.t _ ..' " a c '; '4 z " :;SaP� ,��-. i �� Si.sA�+,^�a��- ,� � �. ��, � �. F +�.,. �e� ' 'S �ii. t z'�� , � ��t-, '�- � r ,� n r �r_rst � :�.� � � ���,f� + � �.a� , ;�,-�r e 3 � �, :�2�,��n� : '��r,< '� �c'� � � r.c 3�. A1`.f.k� *�k�w��g: ���,s �7�'� F� { :�ya �' S;.w ,�+'v ��K.e�f S��f ���!K��, .:rv�'M6 Y ,Sn+i w� �.:2��'��#'•°�. 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ID ,��` ';, � � CITY OF SAI� PAUL ` ���;���� ro DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT v@ ho DIVISION OF PLANNiNG ,,,• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-282-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 31 , 1985 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall ` St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #9758 - Space Center, Inc. City Council Hearing: August 15, 1985 PURPOSE: To rezone a splitter portion of a new plat from general business (6-3) zoning classification to a light industry (I-1 ) zoning classification to allow access to the Space Center. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Approve (unanimous voice vote) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve SUPPORT: None OPPUSITION: None Dear Sir: On July 18, 1985, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a request to rezone a splitter parcel from general business (6-3) to light industry ( I-1 ) so that the parcel may be attached to abutting industrial property. Rezoning the narrow strip would provide improved access to the Space Center property. Planning staff recommended that the petition to rezone be approved. A motion finding the proposal consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommending the petition to rezone be approved passed on a 5 to 0 vote. On July 26, 1985, the Planning Commission unanimously sustained the Zoning Committee's action. This matter is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on August 15, 1985. Please notify me by August 14, if any member of the City Council wishes to have sli � of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerel � � , Fred S. Haider Zoning Section FSH:mb attachments �� . �. . �°�- � ��-. . p,��� zo ���%��9 ��,�x. I�iK��f// �°��- 9 ��,,�m� ,� �,3 PETITION TO AMEND ZONING CODE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ON�Y File # �1s� Application Fee $ S45o.00 Tentative Hearing Date � w�, Number of Lots or Size of Parce . TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE �y 16 19 85 c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of the Minnesota Statutes, �pa�ce Center znc. , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 1964 University Avenue Legal Description: from a B-3 / z-1 Zoning District to a z-1 / s-3 Zoning District for the purpose of � � $�.at�ing Subscribed and sworn to By: Thom s Morax before me thi s �'�'� da of rU�IA,G� 19� Ti tl e: Real Estate Manager p . ��.:�.�:..��,.. �'��� S�ACE CENTE'IZ =NC . 'l. 4, �y� P age 1 of /. .�:a.t�ar P ub�'c M I�Y `� ". ; ,�:- 4080 � , ''X°-�'^�.,e,,,-----� �.,..,..... ,., � 2/85 �� �y y �fY/���L'�J s `�t�'�'��c.�+ -. idOiA FG�IIC f�ltvr�E:Ji.a ���"� ��i "` r > 4�'�'�� U 1 �°: R.�M�EY CC'JivTY �� �����.'����^ G�a 4 ` � �� ,��:r My commission expires Vov. 13, 1990 ' - ��. ' - � � �.�' �f5"- �.sa`� - � � • �7�ib CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1 . A COpy of the Petition Of SPACE CENTER, TNC. name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections 60.540 through �0.622 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a �T�. PAUL District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition Of SPACE CENTER, INC. t0 a I-1 District. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE DATE ✓ ��" 5z0- '�/ Erwin Steffen �/�vU.ti--,✓� / ' �� � _2 `�-� -�� ✓ ��-3 520- 22-0/ ' � � ���` ��� Steve Tudisco L•PJ �� ,�/1-O 3/D— 80-2 ,� �/ - o '3 0 -- 330 - 5'� Dart Transit � y-,� - �� ✓ f/- 3 5520- a-O/ �/ 20- -o h� D �8S J W L Inc. '' �I� �s �/ //- 7 /00 - Oo- O/ �ICNi4�Pp ' �// 00 - -O � i�- 3 �oo - 680 -o a '2�MM6R� lVI�4 N ��' . � �� ` � ✓/l-� 3/0 - Zo-Z5 1�Q M,�,,, ��„s u,/,� G' , -•-t� � "� �S'S'i � � ,l- 0 33io z 90-25- 5A4�cE cEr�rT�+�2. �� ��- +� Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. of 4 ZC��S� �G FiLE .�17�"� . , � � . � ����aq � � /7,��d CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING � We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purc.hased, or sol:d by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1 . A COpy of the Petition Of SPACE CENTER, ING. name of petitioner ' 2. A copy of Sections 60.540 through �p.622 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a sT. PAUL District zoning classification and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition Of SPACE CENTER, INC. t0 a I-1 D1St1"1Ct. name of petitioner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SI�NATUR� DATE �/ il— 55 Zo—19/—o/ of�Do^/�NDcJ �����`'� �,/ ���,��-�,�� ✓ //- �S -/30-0/ .srRo�/f/�RGH � , �/ l�— S52o i/o — o / �, , • � ✓ Petitions shall not be considered. as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. P age 2 of 4 Z����� ���.� �Z.� � . , " . ���-�.sa9 _ - . ' ,, �1�3ia STATE OF MINNESOTA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Thomas Moran , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of 4 pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date of this petitiNA which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from petitioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1 ) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. 444 Lafayette Rd, St Paul 55101 Address 228- 4444 Telephone Number Subscribed and sworn to before ,r— me this �" day of , 19�J Notary Public . 6W'"'"� CHARLES E. AREND ��—�w' �IOTARY FUBLIC�-MINNESOTA 'y`"- RAMSEY COUNTY �Ay commission expires Nov.13,1990 ZC��1�iG f iLE �r�� Approved as to form - Feb. 85 Page � of 11 Planning Department _ , . , . , . � ,. . .. . ; . . . . . „ . - . . . : ' ` . - , ,; �. _ '. � � �` :j � ���.s'�,�a� - _ . . .. . ._ . . . ,�'���, . , . . , . , _ . � �NOTICE�"OF HEARING , - ' PETITION .TO REZONE _ , . _ . . , ; ... . -.. . , , ... � , ,.. . . . = _ . �:�.�, ' A`.petit'ion..having been filed -rec�uesting that the Zoning Ordinance of the . - � City pf St. Paul, be amended.so: as to rezone from General �Business (H-3) to:Light Industry (I-1) the property.at, 1964 University Avenue (south- `west corner of Prior and Uni�ersity). The Council of the City of St. Paul. - �;_ . � . �: has�f'ixed the .�3���=�.�l�c. in the Council , _ .. , . -� -- Chambers in the�City Hall.;of, said :City; -�and at said time and placer the ` Council will hear all persons and'all objections and recommendations � . � relative to the proposed amendment. ' - . . _,,�: . - ; , .. :� . � - ... , . ,�.. . �Dated July 30, T985 ` : _ . , .: ,, . . ,., , , - , . , . _ ; . . . , , . _ , .. .:,_ . .. .. c. n a _ � ._. ;. . . . , .�.r� � � `Albert B. Olson' � ` ` - City Clerk _ . , . , ,. , . ,.. _ ,,, ,;: . � �(August 3,� 1985�) _ � � � . � - - . . _, ,- � . : . _ , ; , . , . , - - - � - � > : , , . , . . , .. , . , . _ , , . :.: _ . . ,f . , . . ,: . ,. .,. •: ; ; . , . . ,. _ , . . . ;. ,.; . . .. _ . . , , , , , .. . ,_ , , :� . ,_ .. . . . : ,. : . . ,,:.. . ... � . , _ . . .: ,. ` _ . .___ , ,._ . � - � � � , .. . .. . . , : r ; . , ; . : , „ . . _ - ., - -.-�� . .. , .._ , .. ., , i . .. . . . . . ._.. . - ..�._..... . -�. _ . : .. . >_ . . . . .... ..• .. .� .�. . .. . ,. . - _ .. . � � . . .. . `-�.., ,... . _.:. �..-� . .. . ,.. . , . - � . � . -. . .- , . .. . . *. ,>. . ., . ., . . � . . , - .. . . . .� .. . . - - _ r_. .-.. ..: .- , .,-. . ,. . . ... � . .. . . . � . .. . . �� . ' . .. � �.� . .. � � . �'...., � �. � . . . ' . . . . � -.�". . . .. � �. . � , , . , . _ . � � :-� . . , -� ' . ._ .,. . �. - . . . ,., .. . . - _. �. .- . �: _:. .: - � . . � . -.;. . . , ... �: ,-..:. _ , ,. . ; : , � ,,.. :. .'. �� .� . ,. .. . .�..� . . � . � . . - . �. . , _. . . . . ,� � . � . . ` , .. . . . �. - �_. . :. � -i- ,. �.. - , . . . . . ,. � � . . � . .. � . . � . �. . �. .. . . . � . . � .. . _ . . : — .. . ... . • .. . . ' - .�� ,� ... �, , .. .- . .... ... ,.�„- . . ., . ... . ,. . , , . .:: ' , . . �_� . .. . .. -. ..,. .� . -� ..o- -� ... �- .�..,: . .. ��. . . � . ' : . . . . ., . . ... _. . . � . -�.: .. .�. : . f ... - ..:-� . .-. � ��. .. � ,. - . . . • - � • � '� .. _ '. ..., ..�._... �. - ., ., � �..... . � . . ' ' . �. , ., ���-. ., : , ..._. :, :� . .�_ . ��. . . .���� . . ^ ':: � l..:. . .. .. . . �_ �. -.. . ,.. : .`_ .I. •� ;�_��. ..-, '._. �:; , ... 5;�: - � - . -- ..�r.-. - . �. ."� ._ -=. . -. . „ � ... .. . � ' . � . _ ' 7 '�� } ,i -.-. ... ... - - , _� . . . � . _ . ....,. . .: ..� .. .. �. ._. . . . �_ - � . � ' • ��'�=�.s�� � ST. P�4UL CITY C4UNCIL '��`� PUB�IC HEARING NOTICE � ZONING --' FiCED Juz �� �± 2� �r� �8� CIT'I' �I � t:^r, Pro�erty Owners within 350 feet; �� " '' �� ' �u= Representatives of Planning Districts 11 & 13 (M) FtLE N�O. �9758 PAGE �� � -� � .z-� PU R PO SE To consi der rezoni ng porti ons of a 1 ot so that newly pl atted land will all be in one zoning classification. A portion of land is proposed to be rezoned from general business to light industry to provide access to Space Center property, LOCATtON 1964 University Avenue (Southwest corner Prior & University) PETITIONER SPACE CENTER, INC. - H E A R I N G �����,������:.:�:.��. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit,y Hall - Court House QUESTIOMS zoning 298-4154 (Fred Haider) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Notice aent 8/2/85 � �� . . • . ��,l=�:��"=/�" � • ,: _ , f J�,;�� _ ._ .. ._ . . ...�. _ � . ,....: . _ . _.. .�}��'r��°` .'�._�: . - .�r . . .. . PETlTtON TO 1�EZQ�L " ;,. , �, -, . , . A petiti�haviag beea filed seq � � bf St. Pstnl, be smended so as to ri���, .�tjard�nance of the City �Ys+om � Busineas EH-3) to I.i.ght Iadustry(I=1)tbe praperty at I66�!ihtfveisity�3�v�nne(southwest corner'ot Prior and University). The Cot�ncil o!tl�City oi St. Paul has'fiaed th th 0: A.�[ fn the Councik�rs 4�i f9�7e£it'�'�ii' : :�����1��'!i` °b�'� ' ��tio�s se3a#sv�,tp. �r��R�:���`._: �: � '� Ad�l������.1�88, ` _ �� �" B.OL.SON,ICity C1erY' ,� , . �- " • -(#�8, 298:f} - ; . . :_s.x� : _ _ ;-. . _- _ . . . . _ • _ _ __ /\Y' `Y ... ._ . . . ._.. . -.- , ' ' r:�,~ � j��.3/�'�� .�. � Ist /�`./�'—�j �-2n� �� /� � (� -":y�� , ` ���� 3 rd 7 . '% fi.--� 'i'.=-� /� ,�� `*�t����,; .�: - ��/.-.�- _�'--=r,�—• Adop ted ,i% :J �� i. , .. ,,.� �r- ��;�,,,., i� �� t_ ."� Yeas `� 4 '� . �...J Nays �� � '� . ��7 DRE[d �� � '- - _. � C`.� �- .�y ' � � , � -/.�-' , � �, i�sa�vz � � �i% ,- /7�i C) ��..��c: ��' NICOSIA SCHEIBEL �" WILSON . MR. PR�SIDENT TEDESCO ��-:r:— � � (� ��, ������ . -��� .).ti.;- ��� ��-��� .� . ,�= ������ : ��„� �_:....�:::;�-:-"