85-1515 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ���yyy CANARV - DEPARTMENT ���/�/� � BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. Co nc ' R o 'o Presented By _ � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED; Th�tt th� application for licenses by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the sam� are hereby granted: City View Motel 1660 Hudson Rd. Hote1-+27 rocaros 16033 Country Club Market, Inc #13 522 So. Snellir�g Ave. Off Sale Malt �6624 Mr. K's Food Stores 230 Kellogg Squa�e Off Sale Malt �8938 Quality Metals, Inc. 2575 Doswell Ave. Scrap Met. Proc. �9036 James L. Ulrich 430 Hatch Ave. Firearms 19041 Gr. West. Iron & Metal Co. 521 Concord St. Scrap Metal Proc. 19122 Gladstone Used Cars 845 S. Robert St. 2nd Hd Dlr-Mtr Veh. 1.9366 Road King, Inc. 1951 University Ave. 2nd Hd Dlr�itr Veh. 19390 Midwest �59 Caano Ave. Motorcycle Dlr 19397 Holiday Station Stores� Inc. 1429 W. 7th St. Firearms 19405 " " Off Sale Malt " The Gun Works 857 Chero�ee Ave. Firearms 19466 The Hitching Post, Inc. 1800 University Ave. Motorcycle Dlr 19481 Lester C. Johnson 366 E. Larpenteur .Ave. Firearms z95o9 The Dairy Store 1090 Earl St. Off Sale Ma lt 19�'j�2 Royal Oldsmobile 1850 University Ave. New Mtr Veh Dlr 1.9586 t� " 2nd Hd Dlr Mtr Veh " Superamerica Statio�ts, Inc. 390 E. 1Karyland Ave. Off Sale Malt 19607 #1038 Superameriea Stations, Ine. 1146 Payne Ave. Off Sa1e Malt 19608 #4039 Payne Ave. Our Own Hdwe 1200 Payne Ave. Firearms 19648 Truck Center, Inc. 789 Rice St. 2nd Hd Dlr-�Ktr Veh 19649 Roger's Auto Pa�rts 645 s. Bar�e Ch. Rd. Mtr Veh Slvg D1r 19653 Inge's Cycle Repair 910 Payne Ave. Motorcycle Dlr 19686 Dunbar Motors� Inc. 301 Uaiversity Ave. 2nd Hd Dlr-Mtr Veh 00016 Service Loan Co. 67� University Ave. Firearms OOOeS Griggs-d++Iid. Mgemt Co. 1821 University Ave. Pking Lot�+150c F Op0e7 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Drew Masanz In Favor �� Scheibel � Sonnen _ A gBinSt BY T�sde�e�s- W i Ison Adopted by Council: Date N�V E ! t985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P•s Council S reta BY By tApp by iVlavor: Date �`�'�.:v` i •'; it �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By IL, _ . __ _ - _ / �;